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» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 6:42pm. Posted in I don't take no shit.
Coolness: 93825
like "sheep-sheep A-luv" and "hari-mut Grenade"?

sweet golf club action... you think they have guest lists?

Ufot-don't taze me
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 6:40pm. Posted in GGGGGGRRRGGRGGGRGGGrRRRRrrRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?????.
Coolness: 93825
you guys know that in greek, a dog barking is "gaf-gaf"...

» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 6:33pm. Posted in I don't take no shit.
Coolness: 93825
maybe this should be in the girl on girl thread???

and ya, I bet women came up with this... then again, maybe they did, hell hath no furry like a ....

Ufot-im sorrY I left the seat up again, please do drive over any more of my gulf clubs
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 6:26pm. Posted in I don't take no shit.
Coolness: 93825
Ultimate surrender?? C'est quoi?

O my... well, aheh... never seen that before... interesting (makes new folder in favoris)

Ufot-starts googling...
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 6:17pm. Posted in I don't take no shit.
Coolness: 93825
ok ok ... wait./////

I found some gold here////

you thought those teenage annoyances were fuxored, check this shit out!!!!

ahem, for those who aren't members or logged in >>>> [ www.youtube.com ]

Ufot-sometimes, youtube leaves me speechless
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 6:11pm. Posted in I don't take no shit.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
Yo no matter what teenage girls do, I never take it seriously. Total bullshit video, I'll bet they were like "OMG LOLZ TRACEY I'm gonna punch you in teh cooch lolz" and Tracey's like (she has a retainer) "Thlike thyeah (enter giggle fit) and thlike (giggle giggle giggle snort) thyou could thlike puth ith in youthube". Fuck. Why do girls have to go through that phase?

bwahahahahahahhaa.... zomg... luke... amazing...lolololool... aheha... you totally captured that shit...heheheh..

Ufot-CANT stop NOW
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 5:49pm. Posted in I don't take no shit.
Coolness: 93825
apparently there is a lot of falcon punching going on these days...

Ufot - ouchie vagine
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 5:13pm. Posted in Toyota Tercel 1995 For Sell.
Coolness: 93825
Um, I smell a mission zero... me thinks its actually 235,000km

Ufot-cars, cars, cars, some are good, some are bad...
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 3:46pm. Posted in After you wipe do you look at it?.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By GLANDITH
Makes me wonder how many actually bleed from their anus...

thats wut I was wondering... kinda freakin me out....

Ufot-heavy metals can be found in most stool samples taken from city dwellers living above the 45th parallel
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 9:04pm. Posted in Live Act @ Explosive Kandyfest!.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By DEADFUNK

yeah i love fruity, i just fin the other daws too complicated for the same end result

i totally agree... why fix something that aint broken, besides, some huge names have done most of their work on fruity...

UFot-freedom for all, by all
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 8:57pm. Posted in inspirational vid.....
Coolness: 93825
and just when you've had enough of the rain, and thought you had it rough, inspiration can be as close as one click away...

UFot-dare yourself once a day for life
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 6:22pm. Posted in bad special effects.
Coolness: 93825

that fighting guy from the turkish star wars is freakin amazing"!!!! Hes got the moves and then some, at 3:30 when he pops a mummie montsers head off then uses it as a grenade to blow up the other mummie monster, pure gold!"!!!

Ufot-turkey is da bomb
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 6:12pm. Posted in Bioshock Logo = Goatse.
Coolness: 93825
no, I dont even know wut goatse is... nor do I spend time looking up assholes online... well at least not male ones anyways... or ones that look like that for that matter.... ugh....

Ufot=lets do the the straight way, who cares if thats in...
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 6:07pm. Posted in X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer Leaked.
Coolness: 93825

Ufot-may 1st 2009???
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 5:54pm. Posted in track i.d. help....
Coolness: 93825
that would be the eric prydz remix... I several copies georgie... I would be glad to trade it for a tune :D... pm me...

Ufot-online is ontime
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 5:24pm. Posted in Those new metro station ATM-like fare dispensers....
Coolness: 93825

Ufot-nope, just microshaft
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 5:18pm. Posted in Bioshock Logo = Goatse.
Coolness: 93825
Ian, your ass-obsessiveness is getting out of control... can you at least start posting some girl booty???

Ufot-anus is as anus does?
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 4:17pm. Posted in Live Act @ Explosive Kandyfest!.
Coolness: 93825
dope stuff man, big ups to that... and this discussion, this is great tips and talk... Personally, I`ve been using fruity for years now, I`ve taken the time to teach my self a lot of the features it offers, and upgraded a couple of times... I have ableton too, but I`ve tried a couple of tutorials and even vids, and I find it hard to understand, though I haven`t given up on it, but Im just so used to one type of interface that its hard to work with a different one... Anyways, I have yet to do alive set myself, so far Im just working on producing tunes, but that would be a definite bonus, cause live remixing is the bomb...

Ufot-chin up folks, the future is bright
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 1:41pm. Posted in "Experimental" Dj sued by client.
Coolness: 93825
girl talk is being sued because he did not register or file for any of his samples or snippets... course, I called that one about 2 years ago... wanker...

Ufot-stealing is a crime? no way...
» ufot replied on Fri Aug 15, 2008 @ 10:37am. Posted in Phat Dubstep Raev!.
Coolness: 93825
fakin wawesome kidz!!!!!bahahahahha....

Ufot-gimme dat hard core video remix bo-selectah!
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 6:53pm. Posted in Bernie Mac Died.
Coolness: 93825
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 6:44pm. Posted in Bernie Mac Died.
Coolness: 93825
heheheheh... picture fail!!!

Ufot- puter=1 me=1 ponchalice=0
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 93825
ya, I embeded when I shoulda just tagged... pretty gey, i know////

I think antimatter girl should drop her coat at the end and be neked!!! That would be some pretty hawt sciene right thur!

Ufot- puters=1 me=0
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 6:38pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 93825

I mean seriously, the only thing hotter than girls in labcoats is girls in labcoats gettin down and rappin!!!

ufot-round 2
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 6:35pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 93825

» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Bernie Mac Died.
Coolness: 93825
yar, dut 1 ees good...

Ufot-I feel sorry for people who don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, thats the best they will be all day...
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000.
Coolness: 93825
sp=sauce patate?

Ufot-mmmmmmmmm.... zoutine!
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Bernie Mac Died.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By V.2.0.MINUS.1
Originally Posted By ufot
Ufot-smoking crutches causes brain trouble

Spoken from experience ? LOL !

V2-1 - Climbing up ladders gets you high


Ufot-its hard to pick up chicks when they are heavy
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 4:41pm. Posted in Bernie Mac Died.
Coolness: 93825
um, I dont think you can get high off of smoking a papier mache crutch... unless you seal it with some kinda glue, maybe smoking the glue would get you high....

Ufot-smoking crutches causes brain trouble
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 1:55pm. Posted in Riot Riot Riot Riot.
Coolness: 93825
this was my response on the sound off section on the gazette website, there were some very interesting responses mixed into a lot drawl....

" I completely agree that the lack of facts and information in the case make it hard to side with any one side or formulate an informed opinion. However, having been a victim of police brutality, having first hand knowledge through forged reports of police corruption and warping of the actual facts and incidents, It is difficult to remain neutral in my opinion of what happened. I am not saying that all police in Montreal are corrupt, I am an eternal optimist and chose to try and believe there are good cops too. I believe that if an officer of the law is presented with a potentially volatile civil situation, being outnumbered should immediately implicate the need to call for backup. That being said, in my humble opinion, if a police officer is not able to diffuse a situation with their mind, their voice or their body when it involves unarmed teenage suspects, then perhaps they should not be police officers. To draw their gun in this type of situation and not even consider firing warning shots into the air is a disgrace. If the facts of this incident emerge and show that there was no direct violence or impending bodily harm towards either of the officers that would merit them using lethal force, I vote that both be kicked off of the force. We live in a time where there are far more options at the police forces disposal, and in these modern civilized times, lethal force should be the very last resort. As for the riot, it is a shame that there are so many opportunistic idiots that live in our city, but the reality is that this behaviour is mostly due to economic and social inequality perhaps meshed with some fear, anger and ignorance. The fact of the matter is simple, poorly trained cops do not save lives and abandoned children will always find ways to fill their days. The combination of the two can only ever offer the most relevant questions as per where we went wrong..."

Ufot-playing dice in park is apparently very dangerous
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 6:57pm. Posted in Riot Riot Riot Riot.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Everyone should cary around an MP3 player that can record audio, and when you speak to a cop, turn it on.

cant you get in trouble for an un-authorized recording of a cop? Or if not, would it be admissible? kinda like shooting vids at protests, I've seen people get arrested or tapes get smashed...

Ufot=curious citizens are enemies of the state
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 5:10pm. Posted in Riot Riot Riot Riot.
Coolness: 93825
my last discussion with a cop who happenned to be a women cop, was after I got pulled over from going through a yellow light. Im not color blind and I know that my gf isnt either... anyways, so I asked her why she was ticketing me and she it was because I ran a red. So I told her that I was pretty sure it was yellow, but that I either way, I would appreciate a warning, cause I needed to get my breaks checked in the first place, for which she replied : " si tu continue a me parler comme ca monsieur, on peut appeler un towing pour embarque ton chars! Fait que ferme ta geule et attends ton billet..."

Both me and my gf were stunned, it wasnt like I was being aggressive with her or condescending, anyways, I couldnt believe what a bitch she was, and she so could have let me off with a warning, cause I swear the light was fuckin yellow...

Ufot-towing cop cars, that would be kool
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 4:10pm. Posted in 64 bit XP.
Coolness: 93825

» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 4:04pm. Posted in 64 bit XP.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By NO_COMPLY
How about games?

good question... I wonder if steam provides updates... I`ve been too busy producing for games...

Ufot-obvious can be last, but vague is never first
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 3:24pm. Posted in Intense Nintendog action !.
Coolness: 93825

amazing, talk about getting owned in a doublemint way!!!

Ufot-double your pleasure, double your fun
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Electric Scooters!!.
Coolness: 93825
I took a piagio up to 70kmph and it started to wobble... needless to say, I slowed down and refrained from experimenting further...

Ufot-thank god for luck... wait a second...
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 3:03pm. Posted in what to do when?.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By RAWALI
meh... I like "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." better

thats pretty kool, ive never heard that one before...

Ufot-sometimes being the bigger person costs more
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 3:00pm. Posted in what to do when?.
Coolness: 93825
call him and ask to borrow something or equal or greater value... then disapear

Ufot-eye for an eye said the pirate
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Toronto goes BOOM!.
Coolness: 93825
Ya, Im not an urban planner or developer, but I do wonder when I hear about propane plants being built in neighbourhoods....

Ufot-propane is a helluva gas
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 2:56pm. Posted in 64 bit XP.
Coolness: 93825
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
i blame software companies for not upgrading... it's not like it's hard... they are just lazy...

So true, even though I was pretty sure that I couldnt use serato with my laptop, I bought it anyways figuring that the drivers would be released sooner than later... a couple of months later, Im starting to feel like a chump with a kickass laptop which will remain pretty useless for at least most of the rest of this year...

Ufot-he said boo-earns
ufot's Profile - Community Messages