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» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Jesus... people didn't know who Devo was? What is the world coming to... of course, one of the girls at Headstrong had never heard of Jim Morrison, OR the Doors... man.. in like.. 10 years.. people won't have any idea about what music was like in the 70s and 80s... I mean.. how much do most of us know about music in the 40s and 50s?
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:11pm. Posted in a delightful Evening of RISK..
Coolness: 75990
So dis is still happening? I'll call you guys in like... 45 minutes, an hour tops... still at work.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Although, it probably helps to have a nice tall man in an army suit to hold onto you.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 3:03pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Dude... that rules so much.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:52pm. Posted in Nigerians on ravewave?.
Coolness: 75990
Nope, but she's good with a hoe!
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:52pm. Posted in best halloween ever.
Coolness: 75990
Was that a problem? Or did you want a quiet 'ween?
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Go HABS Go.
Coolness: 75990
Well.. I'd guess that it'd have maximum effect come play-off time.. and that's months away. Still time to think about it...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:49pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
I never have, and never will, let a location make or break my night. Like I said, events at Gravity are not raves, silly to think of them as such. I know that going in the door. Its gonna be a different type of fun that I have then the fun I'll have at a rave. I prefer raves, but that doesn't mean I'll never go to Gravity.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:25pm. Posted in Go HABS Go.
Coolness: 75990
Why can't he just get his shit together... goddamnit.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:23pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
My advice is to not get into or create a situation that would cause the staff to do anything more then stand around all night. Believe me, that's really what they'd rather be doing. Half the time they don't even get a cut from the profit of the sale of confiscated drugs, its just their job to confiscate them. They get paid well sure, but they'd be getting paid just as well (maybe a fraction less) if they just sat around and did nothing.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:19pm. Posted in Nigerians on ravewave?.
Coolness: 75990
Heh heh... yeah.. I used to mIRC and because I don't have an obviously male or female nick some guys would just sort of assume... same shit. The worst was when I was away from the computer for about an hour when I came back was a whole string of messages which basically read like this: (I'm paraphrasing)

Guy: Hey are you m or f?
Guy: Ok, you are shy, I like that.
Guy: I start rubbing your shoulders.
*Guy reaches around infront of you and undoes your blouse, takes off your bra, fondels your tits*
Guy: You have a nice rack...
(Of course, this was in much more broken english and kept going on and on until...)
Guy: Oh yes oh yes... I want my cum in your mouth.
*Guy opens your mouth and shoves his cock into your mouth and unloads his sticky payload*
Guy: Thanks, that was great.

I was completely amazed.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:14pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Originally posted by MORPHINE...

you should have hidden it beforehand then....like i said i';m still not condoning that type of behaviour, but if some people would have told me to leave my bag and file out, i would have lost my fuckin mind......someone else posted in this thread and said you shouldnt have taken that type of shit and he's absolutely [ right.....com ] is the 1st step towards acceptance.
and as for the real raving spirit, tell the bitch to gimme a call if you find her, havent seen her in a while.

I completely disagree. Afterhours are hand in hand with organized crime. You punch a staffer, you might live to tell about, or find yourself in a state where you CAN'T tell anybody about it because you're brain dead. We're ravers, not gangsters. Losing some cash and drugs is not worth getting your legs busted. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't own a gun, or a knife that could be used for anything other then cutting a steak. These guys do, and have no problems using them if you piss them off. And oh yeah, they're all coked up just to increase the chance of them getting set off. I was once asked to become a promoter for Circus... I refused, because it meant aligning myself with a whole group of people I'd rather not even get to know. I've never had a fight with a staffer, and they've never had reason to want to start one. I know the score, and I know what I can and can't get away with.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:08pm. Posted in Nigerians on ravewave?.
Coolness: 75990
Imagine if people spoke like that to eachother at clubs and bars and stuff..

Guy: Hey, do you come here often?
Girl: I noticed you around, you are a good looking guy. I'm orignally from Poland, daddy paid for my schooling. Here is my phone number and address. I know father would approve of me seeing a boy like you, he could use a son-in-law to help him with carpentry back home. I can just tell by looking at you that we have lots in common and would be great friends and *wink* maybe more? Please reply.
Guy: Uhh...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:05pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 75990
Wait, is your word respect? Or is that out of the loop... I'm so confused...

To clarify...


(See the way I added the period)
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:04pm. Posted in halloweed iDJ - Saturday OCt 29.
Coolness: 75990
Ok.. I must NOT miss the next one.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 2:03pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Look, what happened sucks, but was well within rights. You were on THEIR property, your stuff, yes, disrespectful, yes, shitty, yes. Avoidable? Yes. Just be more aware, Gravity is not OUR place, its THEIRS, just remember to play by THEIR rules, and you can have alot of fun. Like I said, if you all left your shit in someones car, there'd be no problem. What if it was cops that decided it was time for a quick raid? You guys would've all landed in jail... drugs are illegal, and if you own/use them, you should always hide them. I mean guys, come on... Oz and his crew are not our friends, they just sell us a service. And they make the rules, learn how to live with those rules, or figure out how to break them.

When you get caught speeding on a highway, you say "Shit" and then you pay the fine. You don't blame the cops, you don't blame the road. You broke the rules, you got caught. I don't wanna sound like I'm defending Gravity, its just that you guys could've really avoided the whole thing if you were just a little more cautious about your illegal substances and cash.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:50pm. Posted in Go HABS Go.
Coolness: 75990
Man... someone should spin the hockey night in canada theme into a set... *looks at Thierry*
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:49pm. Posted in Nigerians on ravewave?.
Coolness: 75990
That made... umm... no sense.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Seriously... like I said... I wouldn't leave my bags and shit unattended at foufs, or blue dog, or any bar, or even a house party if I didn't know everyone there... just because you might consider yourself "plur" doesn't mean that everyone else is. Even at a safe, friendly, underground rave, what's to stop some jackass from wearing fuzzy pants, sucking on pacifier and then going through your bags that are piled up in the corner? Nothing. And nobody would stop him since they'd assume it was his bag... just because you're a hippy who loves everyone doesn't mean everyone loves you. Don't be naive, don't get abused. Trust is something that should be earned, not handed out freely.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:36pm. Posted in best halloween ever.
Coolness: 75990
I felt like I missed alot of cool shit, but at the same time, I did alot of cool shit.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:35pm. Posted in Twisted domain names....
Coolness: 75990
I need a place where I can feel safe leaving my baby...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:34pm. Posted in lift pour N.Y.C. ..............
Coolness: 75990
PS: I won't be able to help you out afterall... way to cramped for time and stuff... I hope you get help from someone.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Go HABS Go.
Coolness: 75990
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Nigerians on ravewave?.
Coolness: 75990
That's the Harvey's MAN.. he looks pretty buff though.. I think he'd take the hamburgler in a fight. And yeah... spam on ravewave... wierd...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Free.Sex.Tities !!!coolest Shit Ever!!!.
Coolness: 75990
Mmm... ASCII pr0n.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 1:28pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
(This is the same thing I posted as a response to Hunab Ku's article)

I read this yesterday, and have now re-read it and read all the comments. I want some clarity though. I mean, taking your drugs is one thing, I've had many a long conversation with club security and staff. Afterhours, clubs, and promoters need to be able to tell police that they did "everything they could" to keep drugs out of the venue. That's why even underground rave flyers say "no drugs", because they can't legally endorse it. Case and point, I dropped my baggy full of pills at Aria last night and a bouncer smiled at me, shook his head, and asked me to hand it over, I shrugged and complied. He just sorta looked at it, said "this is just for you, right?" and I said "yeah", he gave it back no problem. He was concerned I might be dealing, which in an afterhours is a no-no. Of course, he could've just taken it. But I digress... what worries me is that they apparently took your cash too. The lure of Gravity is obvious, good bathroom facilities, built-in security, no fire-hazard or sound issues, lots of concerns when organizing an event just disappear if you hold it at Gravity. At the same time, I don't think of an event at Gravity as a "rave" it's somewhere in the middle, half rave, half afterhours. With that in mind, I act accordingly. I take efforts to conceal my drugs the same way I would an afterhours, I don't let my guard down the way I would at a rave, and I don't offer my trust to anyone I don't know personally, especially when it comes to drugs, my stuff, or my cash. Your situation sucks, but I can see why it happened. I'd like to know the full story, even though that'd probably be impossible. The involvement of cops, the promotors, the organizers, the staff, the owner... a million things might've gone on behind the scenes and lead up to the end result. I feel for you man, but I mean, if everyone just left their shit in a car or something, you wouldn't have a complaint and still had a great night. Shitty situation, but not unforseeable.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 75990
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Lost.
Coolness: 75990
Millenium? I thought they cancelled that show years ago? Maybe this is another show and I'm completely in the dark about it... hrmm...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 75990
No problem.

My name is trashandsuicide.
I help people. :)

Like I said, don't let yourself get involved with anything that you're not comfortable with, the headaches and heartaches will tear you apart. :(
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:52pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 75990
Ok, I know a lot of people who've been in open relationships, players with 2-3 girls on the side, swingers, etc etc. Some people can do it, some people can't. And if you can't do it, you can't "learn how" or "understand" we're different people, and some of us NEED to know we're the only ones for our s/os, because they're the only one for us. Also, in any poly-amorous situation the number of volatile factors increase the more people involved, so when something does go wrong, it goes wrong BIG. Personally, I think that spreading yourself out over more then one person (socially, mentally, romantically, physically), is spreading yourself too thin to really be a great partner.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:48pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 75990
Headstrong on Friday, chilled out with Ottawa ravers Saturday morning, piknic saturday afternoon, chill out/costume construction evening, annual house-party Saturday night, then Aria Sunday morning (wanting to keep dancing, but cost becoming a very serious issue for our next destination, and free for women), and finally, chilling out in a park on possibly our last nice sunny day of the year.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Lost.
Coolness: 75990
That's the fun of the show.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:41pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 75990
My only advice is to not give in... if he's not willing to be solely commited to you, you need to re-assess what exactly you want from the relationship. Too many times a partner pushes for an open relationship, and the other agrees, afraid to lose their significant other. But then, one goes off and has his/her "fun", and the other stays loyal, sitting at home, waiting for their return, because even though you agree, you still keep your values. In the end, the partner sitting at home will feel cheap and spineless. He needs to love you for who you are, and if you are person who wants a commited, exclusive relationship, he can either take it or leave it.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 75990
Waking up on Friday afternoon, and then not sleeping until Sunday at midnight... with the whole time span in between being amazing. Boom!
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:36pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 75990
Oh bubbles... that is BAD news... I hope it works out... :(
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 12:06pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 75990
Sometimes... I don't even care why the horror is happening.. just watching a normal movie, then WHAM! Zombies... who needs a reason?
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:54am. Posted in a delightful Evening of RISK..
Coolness: 75990
Mine are all packed, so we're at your discretion it seems...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:37am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 75990
I heard it was kinda stupid.. but then again.. most horror is...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:25am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 75990
The tone of that comment makes me glad that I haven't...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:25am. Posted in a delightful Evening of RISK..
Coolness: 75990
Well.. I've found that with Zombies you can really just toss another person in at any time and it really isn't that much of a penalty to anybody (seeing as you revive when you die). Maybe horror flicks in the background would be a good idea too...
trashandsuicide's Profile - Community Messages