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» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:56am. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Hmm... this almost warrants a visit to [ dictionary.com ] to check up the exact definition... almost.. it might in like.. 10 minutes.
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:55am. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 75990
so... no milk or eggs? wierd...
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:28am. Posted in Headstrong Montreal Omar B-Day.
Coolness: 75990
Great party, great music, great feel. Spent most of the night feeling old (how fucked is it that you can feel old in a scene and only be 22 years old?), but still happy to be there. I would've enjoyed a non gabber set to end off the night (I was promised one!) but meh... no complaints really.
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:18am. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 75990
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:18am. Posted in Drugs Now Legal If User Is Employed.
Coolness: 75990
I was once really dirty and stuff.. and they tossed me in jail for being full of e and stuff.. but then they checked my records and let me out because I'm a taxpayer... BOOM!
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:17am. Posted in ravezone est down.
Coolness: 75990
Hey, that's my line...
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:14am. Posted in Anne Rice gone religious.
Coolness: 75990
I always hated Anne Rice... "Interview" was palatable.. but I've never gotten past the first dozen or so pages of any of her other stuff... blargh...
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 2:08am. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 75990
My opinions are based on my perception of what would happen if Quebec seperated and given the current political climate. First of all, the economy of our province would fall apart. Yes, there is much industry and commerce in our province, but most of it is privately owned. Privately own by Canadian companies. Companies would either pull out and leave mass unemployment, or, continue operating in the new country, but with most of the revenue ending up in another country (most likely, Canada), thus damaging the new country's economy. Next, there is the rather large question of what the english population would do. Mostly found in montreal, its been suggested that Montreal seperate from Quebec, to stay with Canada. Either that, or much like the companies, they would simply leave. Without Montreal operating as the economic and financial cornerstone of a country, they'd be a little fucked. Next, there's the matter of the first nations. What do we do with the reservations that are in our province. This land is THEIRS, not ours, and they would most likely stay in Canada, since the upstart government of the new country would have little to offer them in the way of benefits the way Canada does, and as I mentioned before, strictly speaking, native territory is native, not quebec, or canada. Finally, there's the American factor. I don't know what or if they would do anything, but you can bet that if things got violent (french/english disputes might ignite in unthought of ways upon seperation), you can bet those American tanks would come rolling in. All in all, sovereignty seems nice as a concept, but a little too much to pull off in practice. IMHO, Quebec (both english and especially french) manages to maintain its "distinct" society, operating within a larger country. I mean, Canada is far from being a homogenous country... it could easily be 5 countries even... but that's not the point. The point is that Quebec seperating would cost millions and millions of tax dollars and stress the economies of both countries (Quebec and Canada) to the breaking point. Not a very good idea when you're only know on the road to economic recovery.
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:53am. Posted in wildest drug story.
Coolness: 75990
Originally posted by MICO!...

As for the funeneral bit;

"A gramme of SOMA will cure ten sentiments"

My craziest experience with drugs was probably this one time I took shrooms with a bunch of friends in a forest at Ayers Cliff.

And couple of firends and I, brilliantly thought of wandering around this vast forest in the middle of the country in hopes of having a "wild drug story" to brag about.

Sure enough, half an hour in our trek, we were completely fucking lost... following whatever path fell before us, to the point where we simply gave up on relying on our direction sence to guide us to whatever destination we were imagining to reach.

Being so frustrated -due to the fact that ever turn we took, whether it were left or right, thinking it would take us back to our camp site, really ended up being the shore of some god damned lake, or some 'private property'.

As we doubled back, once again we faced a lake.
Again and again no matter where we went, we ended up facing water. Finally coming to the conclusion that were stranded on a god forsaken island, inhabited with 'prvate properties'... our mushrooms peaked.

Sundenly, trees and trails -for me at least- turned into the Mario Land. We all started laughing about the point system we invented; 10-points for hearing funny sounds, 20-if you saw something you thought was real... and a million points if you could figure out 'where the fuck we were!!!'

Eventually, despite the fact that we were in a forest in the middle of the country, we found ourselves in some type suburb...

... Nice lawns, drive ways, even cable TV -from what we saw through their living-room bay windows.

Completely perplexed as 'what the fuck was going on.' We decided to try and a smoke a cigarette.

Except we were so high we didn't undertand how?
Ok... So we deduced we needed fire to light our Cigarette.

So we went on a mission to find Fire.

To no avail. We walked -for what seemed hours- to the end of a street where we found a well.

We thought: 'WATER!"

'There must be FIRE, near by!!"

So we walked back to the other end of the street... and one of us found a pack of matches in our pockets.

After buring every single match without lighting a cigarette... we were determined to find the camp site where there surely would be a fire burning to light our smokes.

Evenutally -after much debate- we found ourselves before -what we agreed to be- the entrance to the Godforasken forest from which we came from which that we came from -that (ofcourse) was 'surrounded by water'- then we courageously ventured forward, hopelessly, hoping againt hope that we would find our camp before daylight.

Once again our point system came into play as we tried to figure out 'what that sound was' or 'if this is path really existed' when fell before a Mansion.

This mansion seemed familiar. We walked to the door step. Opened the door. Peeked inside. And to our surprise... heard the sounds of hysterical laughter. The hysterical laugter ofcourse came from the other retarded drug consumers, that we were camping with!!

We finally figured out that the mansion belonged to our friend who 'owned the (private) property'...

... but the phone rang.

Since our friend wasn't acutally the owner, nor allowed to have 15-people high on Drugs in her parents house, we silently allowed the answering machine to pick up the call...

: Hello, this is Maggie from Sears Canada, we were just calling to infrom you of our special offer..."

... blah, blah...

... 90% of us being tele-marketers, laughed our asses off... but to what exactly?
... We didn't know.

All we knew is that it is was funny.

And in the end , we managed to light our cigarettes at a campfire, sustained by clothing that belonged to the step-wife that owned the property...

... and it was fun.



That... was amazing. For some reason that story is pretty much the EXACT same trip that I had a few years back. Except.. I really can't remember the details of mine. I was "in charge" of our escapade, and was making decisions based on the suggestions of everyone else, I had a system you see... but I can't remember what it was. This is rambling... anyways... similar story, similar points system, similar "quest"... blah blah... snuck into a tent that we were sure we didn't own but did... the end...
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:39am. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 75990
Full of fiber.
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:33am. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 75990
Hmm.. I seem to be missing something.. quite of few of you seem to be eating books...
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:30am. Posted in Talk show host goes into hysterics...
Coolness: 75990
From what I can gather the guy is talking about the fact that he's gay. That's just my opinion. The host must have been fucked or something, NOBODY else is even laughing at all.. and he just keeps losing it... so funny...
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:27am. Posted in ravezone est down.
Coolness: 75990
Just by reading this thread I got this warm happy glow that could could only come from NOT living in QUebec city.
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:21am. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 75990
That's kinda the point of the Silly Games right.. to keep us company when we're bored off our asses... or in Edmonton.
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:19am. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...

People who use the word "plur" should be euthanized.

Euthanasia is assisted suicide right, so... you'd have to get them to ask you to kill them... maybe tell them that you're a killer, and they should respect your need to kill.. or something..
» trashandsuicide replied on Tue Nov 1, 2005 @ 1:17am. Posted in Drugs Now Legal If User Is Employed.
Coolness: 75990
Aww.. Mico... I thought they didn't have drugs in Edmonton...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Your favorite movie line.
Coolness: 75990
Originally posted by ALIEN ZED...

"Water isn't your only weakness Sara, your other weakness is me!" -Mindhunters
what a bad movie...

"It looks like he did have a weakness after all... bullets."

Fucking LL Cool J... Fucking Mindhunters, also...

"Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Moe, Which motherfucker is next to go..."

Also fucking LL Cool J... same horrid flick.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:08pm. Posted in Free.Sex.Tities !!!coolest Shit Ever!!!.
Coolness: 75990
You'd like a real live collection of letters and symbols to ooogle?
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 11:08pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Genghis Kahn... the original pimp.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:22pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 75990
Nice one.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
I mean, the notion of Plur is respectable on its own... its people that just leave themselves open to abuse that really gets me. I mean.. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect... ok... let's see... you're into it and some fella' with a constant eyetwitch and skidmarks down his arms and obvious herpes offers you a needle filled with "the good shit"... do you shove it in your arm!? NO! You can maybe show him some love and point him at rehab, you can respect him enough not to punch him the face like the fucked up junkie he is (see also: "peace") and you can.. I dunno... stand united with him in line at the AIDS clinic... but don't shove the needle in your fucking arm...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:12pm. Posted in Drugs Now Legal If User Is Employed.
Coolness: 75990
Nah I was there... there are black people. They're just old, or girls. Really I was talking to staff and they're just keeping out guys who are pretty much known gang members and their crews, most of the bouncers know these guys well enough to know who to keep out, and they keep a watch for gang colours and what not... also.. Aria on Saturday... the VIP was playing nothing but Hardcore all night long... it was... funky...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:08pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Amen to that. I am composing an article in my head. It's called "Plur DOES NOT EQUAL Naive Moron". I'm not into plur, and never was, but I never had a problem with those who were. But just because you are.. doesn't mean you have to be a naive moron.. you just wait... I'll write it up good.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:06pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 75990
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:05pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
You really think so? Hmm.. maybe I liked it so much because the family was mildly dysfunctional and still obsessed with keeping appearances... just like mine.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Drugs Now Legal If User Is Employed.
Coolness: 75990
Not 100% true.. but slightly valid. I know a ton of people who do a ton of drugs, but don't think they have a problem since they "still have a job and pay their bills"... bah... I do drugs, I know the score. Not getting into right now I don't think.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:01pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 75990
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Nice one.. I dig the obscurity.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 9:44pm. Posted in best halloween ever.
Coolness: 75990
I just realized that you should be one of those dudes in your icon for Halloween. It'd be an amazing costume.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 9:43pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 75990
Best... baby... EVER!
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Dialect... I think you were "Drunk Quebecois on Halloween" think about it as though you were the quebecois in question. You're going out on Halloween, but you're not dressing up. You're wearing your favorite shirt, which is obviously a jersey representing the team of your favorite bar. The evening passes and you spill something on your pants, but the party is at a girls house so the only thing you can change into are these disgusting purple track pants she used to wear during her "fat period". Laughing at the trackpants, you turn your hat sideways to make fun of that crazy hip-hop those kids listen to. The evening progresses, you get more wasted, and some drunk chick dressed up as a fairy or some shit realizes her wig is the same colour as your pants, and jokingly suggests you wear it. Armed with being drunk and completely sure of your sexuality and ability to woo this girl by how 'hip and funny' you are, you put the wig on. The joke of the wig gets old in 15-20 minutes and you start to think you might be losing the crowd, and then, in a moment of inspiration you put your normal hat back on the wig... once again sideways. And oh yeah.. you're so tough that you ALWAYS shotgun beers.

» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
Like I said, I'm sure it was well within their juristiction... they were just exercising their authourity in a very jerky way.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 9:34pm. Posted in a delightful Evening of RISK..
Coolness: 75990
And then... I nearly fell asleep on the road... so I went home.. now I'm home.. and about to fall asleep... I suck... 60 hours of partying was somehow not undone by 6 hours of sleep... soooo tired. Hope you guys had fun, next time I'm there. Zombies, Risk, Nightmare, Twister... WHATEVER game...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:43pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 75990
They probably (ok, DEFINATELY) do not turn the drugs over to the cops voluntarily, but if THEY get asked by the cops they say "Yes, we often confiscate narcotics, due to the frequency of this occurance, we simply dispose of them. However, HERE (hands over a reasonable amount 'confiscated' drugs) are the drugs we've confiscated tonight. Thank you officer." Like I said, the club is covering their own ass, making it at least LOOK like their trying to stop drugs from getting in. And you're also wrong in thinking the staff and venue are completely at the promotor/organizer's disposal. If there's a bust, EVERYONE gets fucked, party-goers, organizers, promoters, staff, and owners. Like I said, the owners usually (yes, this case seems excessive) just want to be able to say "We did our part, we didn't know" and pass the buck off onto the promoters. Which is worse? A few kids going to jail, or a boat load of jails, fines, and the shutdown of a venue? I'm almost positive (I've never seen Gravity's personally) that the contract the promoter signs with the owner entitles the owner and staff the right of search and seizure of anything in the premises, and since it's THEIR venue, and they have contractual protection, no witness is needed. The only thing you could LEGALLY go after Gravity for would be the missing cash, but that's impossible to prove.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:27pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 75990
If a relationship is gonna be open, it needs to be open from the get-go... not "opened up" later...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:26pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 75990
Jimmy Urine

(yeah.. I got the pork soda ref... it was the "respect" from soda ref... bah.. its not like there's rules)
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:23pm. Posted in Halloween costume pics.
Coolness: 75990
Keep in mind, there's a lot of kids who listen to techno who think their musical tastes are varied when they listen to Hardcore AND House...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:22pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 75990
As hot as they are... I want to punch them. In the barely covered vaginas.
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:20pm. Posted in Go HABS Go.
Coolness: 75990
And hey, with a bit more play time our second stringer shows some promise too...
» trashandsuicide replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 7:17pm. Posted in best halloween ever.
Coolness: 75990
Yeah.. you know its coming.. but still wham!
trashandsuicide's Profile - Community Messages