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» Toltech replied on Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Hello.
Coolness: 146140
it's spelled hola....unless it was another language
» Toltech replied on Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 6:40pm. Posted in Ontario sucks..
Coolness: 146140
so it's ok to toss regular sized people then?
» Toltech replied on Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 5:55pm. Posted in l'indispensable à montréal... ?.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

I like what's it called.. AL Taib on Guy fro 99 cents pizza.

You should go drinking at Sherbrooke Park at night. It's across from sherbrook metro between st-denis and laval street. Random wierd thigns and people are just bound to happen there.. even if you don't like trashy crack heads your bound to have many laughs... no only if you don't like trashy crack heads actually. You can't leave the city wihtout laughing at our scum first.. that's like.. the best part.

Al Taib is really good for cheap pizza and the park is called Carre Saint-Louis, there's no such thing as Sherbrooked park.

Pour en revenir au Sushi, j'propose un spot dont j'ai completement oublier le nom mais c'est sur Bishop au coind de Maisonneuve...c'est vraiment pas cher...du lundi au jeudi vous pouvez manger tout ce que vous vouler pour seulement 20$!!!!!!!
Par contre, c'est conseiller de reserver parce que a ce prix la, ca va sans dire....j'ai pas le nom merde mais bon, mes amis l'ont et c'est suffisant pour moi hehehe

Bon et pas cher, that's what I'm talking about.

Y'a pas qqun ici qui connait le nom de ce resto?
» Toltech replied on Sat Nov 5, 2005 @ 2:24pm. Posted in La répression raciale à Paris !!!.
Coolness: 146140
moi ske j'trouves rigolos c le saut direct vers le commentaires "Ah vous les Montrealais vous croyez regarder de si haut" pis che pas quoi d'autres mais il me semble que c'etait pas mal vite arriver comme commentaire....moi j'ai pas lu de diss diriger vers les "hors-ile" :b

Originally posted by FUZZYJACK...
êtes-vous fous ? Le pétrôle le mieux où il peut être c'est dans les mains de l'Amérique....

...la gestion des ressources stratégiques de la planète, il faut les protéger des pays mal intentionnés, de façon à répartir les richesses intelligemment ou au moins prévenir que des pays "hostiles" aux valeurs de liberté n'en prennent possession et s'en servent comme balant de pouvoir démocratique.

ouais je sais pas, il me semble que ces propos sont pas mal biases....j'irais meme a dire qu'ils sont aussi biaises que les propos gauchiste pro-palestiniens parce que tu m'a l'air tres convaincu/certain des bonnes intentions de "L'Amerique"....honnetement, j'aimerais en etre aussi sur.

Mais en meme temps, je crois pas avoir la reponse non-plus parce que j'me demandais ce que pourrais etre l'alternative...dans les mains d'une organisation comme l'ONU? hmmm on a deja vu qu'ils sont facilement ignorer quand on a des armes....c dommage je trouve...

bref, j'ai seulement des opinions voir des questions mais des reponses...???
» Toltech replied on Sat Nov 5, 2005 @ 1:55pm. Posted in Re: French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by FUZZYJACK...

Are you saying we should refuse a new stem in a language because it is borrowed from another already existing language ?

who me? I'm just being sarcastic...I thought it was pretty obvious...sorry
» Toltech replied on Sat Nov 5, 2005 @ 1:43pm. Posted in Re: French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
I think we should all speak perfecly errr perfect because we should all be perfect and we should never use contractions like I'm but we should all say I am...je ne peux pas should be used when speaking and we should never says something like je suis pas and leaving out the ne because a language should be cristalise and never change because madforbrad knows better and is obviously never ever change over time and that they should never....why don't we all start walking around with books on our heads for posture and throw a stick up our asses too?....oh I dunno, let's all hold our breath and wait for the reply, shall we?....yes...yes we shall....aight so let's all shall then...
» Toltech replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 11:02pm. Posted in l'indispensable à montréal... ?.
Coolness: 146140
ben non c trop pas a Chinatown...le 2dorrah chow mein aka le chow mein a deux piastres....c au coind de St-Lo pis Ave. Des Pins
» Toltech replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 10:51pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
that such an Al Capone incident....in Chicago?! Not bloody likely...
» Toltech replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 10:47pm. Posted in Belle et Fertile!.
Coolness: 146140
yo avouez que y'a des horreures en chaleurs a tout les coins de rues!

mais la que j'y pensent elles sont p-etre pas si en chaleur que ca....juste en manque?....che pas la chu pas chercheurs....laissez-moi TRANQUIL!!!!
» Toltech replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 10:44pm. Posted in MSN messenger 8.0b.
Coolness: 146140
so it wont work because I'm no beta tester?....fuck that...
» Toltech replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 10:42pm. Posted in l'indispensable à montréal... ?.
Coolness: 146140
pas donner de cash au sans-abris sur St-Lo
manger du chinese pasta noodle aka 2 dorrah chow mein
glisser sur le Mt-Royal en hiver (ca s'en vient)
boire dans les parcs ou genre funer du pot dans la rue a la vue de tous parce que l'monde s'en crissent...si ca te chante...

....avant d'aller au Saphir les jeudis, bien sur

ah ouais pis aller dans des raves ecouter du happyacidgoatrancecore ou aller ecouter du hip-hop au risque de te faire tuer....c'est l'un ou l'aure parce que y'a pas de juste milieu....a moins que t'aimes le EMO.
» Toltech replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 10:29pm. Posted in Re: French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
yeah then we're the worst even and the best....we're the west of the borst...you know what's really great about english humour? knock knock jokes....puis en francais, bah le classique petes et repetes voyons!
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:34pm. Posted in Talk show host goes into hysterics...
Coolness: 146140
yeah like so my son died in a TERIIIIBLLEE *HIGH *PITCH! LALALALA! hehehe
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:30pm. Posted in HD problem.
Coolness: 146140
ah man this is making me nervous
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 10:27pm. Posted in Twisted domain names....
Coolness: 146140
penisland...is it a place where they "respect the cock"? Cause that sounds like somewhere dudes might wanna go....then again...what kinda dudes wanna go there? hehehe
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 29, 2005 @ 6:36pm. Posted in HD problem.
Coolness: 146140
it's not the price, it's the data on the HD that's my concern
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 29, 2005 @ 3:19am. Posted in HD problem.
Coolness: 146140
I got a 30Gig hard drive that's not responding and so I had it disconnected.....I'm just running on the main one (the one with my Windows XP Pro installed in)

someone told me that it can be placed in a new HD's case or something like that cause the disk might be fine even though the rest is [ fried....ca ] that be true? if so, does anyone here know how to perform this task? and how much would it cost?
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 9:56pm. Posted in Overheard in Neuva York.
Coolness: 146140
ah man guys, this too good!!!!!!!!!!

Jewess: That's the third time you mentioned Jews. What's wrong with Jews?
Goy: They are demanding, confrontational, and have a hard time telling the truth. What religion are you, anyway?
Jewess: Uh...Baptist.

--Times Square

» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 9:54pm. Posted in Overheard in Neuva York.
Coolness: 146140

Woman: Do you have a non-fiction section?
Book Guy: Well, everything that's not fiction is non-fiction. [Over] there's cooking, and there's history.
Woman: No, that's not what I asked. Do you have a section for non-fiction?
Book Guy: Well, there are no non-fiction novels. Everything here that's not a novel is non-fiction.
Woman: But you don't have a non-fiction section?
Book Guy: No. Everything that isn't fiction is non-fiction.

--Barnes & Noble, Staten Island
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 7:33pm. Posted in Overheard in Neuva York.
Coolness: 146140
Queer: I haven't pooped in two days and I work at The Gap.

--Union Square

omg u cant me up this stuff!
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Overheard in Neuva York.
Coolness: 146140
why thanks a bunch there toots but I aint the writter of these there everyday life comic clips
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 7:11pm. Posted in Overheard in Neuva York.
Coolness: 146140
[ www.overheardinnewyork.com ]

so this site has stuff people overhear in the big apple and it's the shizznite....I riot I tells ya a riot!
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 5:04pm. Posted in Which bars, afters, clubs do you frequent most?.
Coolness: 146140
I dunno, I would've still given it a chance...it wasnt an ugly space....I liked the screen on top of the booth but....I dunno...kinda small venu for all the maze shit you had to go around...it was nice-clean.....but real SONA for rough and concrete....bah well
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 4:44pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
holy crap, I found a picture of me on that same site!

and it's an old one...when I had dreads....it's not too clear cause of the photoshop but here u go

» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 4:32pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 4:25pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
I got more hahaha

» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 4:18pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
and now for something completly different

» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 3:39pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
one thing that boggles me about Slouldah's post is that he says that we can hold plain old hate speeches in public all out in the open if we pay for it?! How much does it cost? hahaha wtf? I find that really hard to believe.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 3:36pm. Posted in this is the most disgusting...
Coolness: 146140
imagine the guy is completly sane and not angry at all and it was just some joke elaborate joke?....I mean, I've thourgt of shit like that but that brings up the question "Am I sane". Then again this guy actually went along with his "fantasy".....*gag*...I wanna know the verdict of this...like why? and what he's getting for doing this...ah man....so gross....so so gross...!!!!!!!
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 3:28pm. Posted in this is the most disgusting...
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by LONE STAR...

I don't know what's sad: the fact that the guy needs that extra *touch* to his food or the fact that the FBI thought it might have been a question of national security.

hahaha seriously....but so backup a sec, that shit was dryed, grated and sprinkled?!....like chocolate?! HOLY BARF! that is sick man....so well disguised but eewww man....ah man I can only picture someone eating that SHIT sprinkled cupcake or wtv the fuck it was [ on....ca ] jeez of nazareth....I gotta go.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 3:23pm. Posted in crazy fattie.
Coolness: 146140
yeah I feel bad now for making fun of her unecessary rage.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 3:21pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by SOULDAH...

Im pretty sure there are some in canada.

I like how you're pretty sure....I'm pretty sure I'm the best person in the world....pret-ty pret-ty pret----ty sure...mhmm
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 11:41am. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by ELKA...

ya doesn't Aria have like a PR advisor or..something?

honestly, I don't think so....if there is, he prolly did like me and called in sick.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 11:40am. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by ELKA...

What I meant was, like I posted before, I dont make a habit of making fun of people for their language/grammar or anything.
When I said he runs aria, i was making the point that, Its not like I go around making fun of quebecois kids or people who can't speak english "at my level", "OMG!! DID YOU HEAR HIM MISPRONOUNCE THAT WORD!?!?" I don't do that.

I never EEEVVER make fun of people for that crap, especially since I am basically retarded at learning other languages. But I mean, he is the owner of Aria, he appears to be racist, and he is most likely connected to organized crime (i dont know?), so I took a jab at his bad grammar as a joke, not even because "english isn't his first language" but just becuase it sounded like he was admitting he was racist and it made me giggle.

I am sorry if you think my comment was making fun of people who don't speak english as a first language, but that wasn't my intention. :)

wow, sorry you are so right hahaha! His bad syntax did make it sound like he wrote "I am definitly a racist" hehehe I feel like a sad case now....I'm not the type to be anal and without a sense of humour at all but this thread got me all serious for some reason....I hate my self right now....and all of the ones like me....I would forbit my kind entrance to my club but then again, how will I run it? hehehe imagine self-hating in this case? just another funny thought....ok sorry guys, I'm on anti biotics that are giving me side effects.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 11:34am. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...


Hate speech and racism are illegal in Canada, wrong again.

more the reason why he should definitly apologise....I haven't seen any apology on Aria's behalf. All I've read is "our staff is made out of mostly non-whites". So what? Am I the only one to think that this just adds that you owe your own staff an apology on top of that?

It's illegal to openly state such things, ok you fucked up and you probably never meant it but don't just retract it like you never said it. Apologise because you did say it. I think it's really sad that we'd actually ask for it. The apology should've logicaly followed once the comment was pointed out.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 11:30am. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by ELKA...

Originally posted by Toltech ...

Originally posted by ELKA...

Ya. I'm not from Quebec. I don't understand french.

Anyway, I don't make a habit of making fun of people for not understanding languages or grammar. BUT this guy is an asshole.

I just thought it was funny because since he wrote it wrong, it almost sounds like he is admitting he is racist. We are FAR to be racist.

I still don't think it's helping making a point....bad grammar when it's not your language=retard? I don't think so. Racist views=retard, ok maybe you stick to that....that's what I think 'cause I could easily tell you to stfu 'cause I'm fluent in 3 languages but would that make your opinion on this issue worth less than mine? Completly unrelated. Don't use crums when you could easily go for the loaf.

By the way when did i ever say that bad grammar when its not your language = retard???!!? I never said anything like that.
Nor do i think someones opinion is "worth less" if they don't speak the language fluently.
I think you are reading WAY too into my statement.

yeah I guess I did, I don't see the point of laughing at that.....I guess it was a very light comment that I should have just ignored but it's just that I got caught up in the whole "no blacks" thing I figured "you suck in english" was just as bad, sorry.

Btw, I hope you all don't think I'm blindly advocating Aria's party here 'cause I still think he should apologised for his comment....I like going to Aria (when it's worth my time) but this is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth since I'm part black myself so it's kinda personal.

Further more, a lot people assume that I listen to hiphop when they meet me hahaha so you know...
We should get an apology. Seriously.

P.S.: again, for security reasons, what do you guys think they should do.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 11:24am. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by ELKA...

Originally posted by Toltech ...

oh yeah and I forgot to mention but, that could give others the impression of being a racist yourself so I'd stay away from that.

Are you saying that me pointing out the grammar in that one sentence, just because it sounded like he was admitting he was being racist which i thought was amusing, gives people the impression of me being a racist?

no, I'm saying because it looks like your making fun of the fact that he's not english or fluent in it....I am btw relaxed, I just thought you were serious, sorry.

On another note, her runs Aria?! Why would that set your expectations of his english to your level? He runs Aria? I totally don't get it....I don't see the point.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 7:21am. Posted in Check these pics from a rave in Russia.
Coolness: 146140
aaaaahhh yeah I went back to the that racist singing duo thread and it all made sense to me.
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 6:11am. Posted in Vietnamese grocery store?.
Coolness: 146140
start researching! hah!
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 6:10am. Posted in Eat Hufu! human flesh tofu...
Coolness: 146140
yeah seriously
HufuTM is a great product for cannibals who want to quit?!

Toltech's Profile - Community Messages