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» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 3:12pm. Posted in haha go kafwin.
Coolness: 146140
Hardcore isn't that hard to mix, it's actually easier in my case.....ask Chelsea, I'm sooooo ashamed.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 3:04pm. Posted in the rules : men steez.
Coolness: 146140
yeah, I should add something like this

"1. If you want the truth, be able to handle the truth.....iss called honesty."

hahahaha! what do you all think?
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 3:01pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
and kissing chicks is cool....but you know what else is cool?

raving.....raving is the coolest thing you can do......the COOLEST!
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:59pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
yeah Eldar's picture's funny.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Hostyn 2003.
Coolness: 146140
well I told him that I'm a tech-head and I loved his hard-tech sets....I'm not into electro really, I was honest with him but he's cool with that.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:38pm. Posted in Hostyn 2003.
Coolness: 146140
Seb; yeah it was a really good party and I'm very picky with my raving.

I finnaly met Philgood and I had to tell him that he rocked my world at SONA back in the Silver Fridays nights. Really cool dude, he is.

and Lalla; Vj Kas' name's Keith.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:03pm. Posted in Sex.
Coolness: 146140
ok so I didn't chekt the thread before because I just assumed it'd be like "Now that we got your attention, come and listen to Crappy Hardcore" or something but anyways...
Wow, I had no idea that dude's were so smart sounding

is this a diss? she says dudes, she means guys? and she says "smart sounding" as in "not actually smart"....that's sexist.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 12:59pm. Posted in the rules : men steez.
Coolness: 146140
Chelsea, that was my signature at the time.....it's funny but not "you should try it" funny.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 12:51pm. Posted in the rules : men steez.
Coolness: 146140
fellows, have u ever had this told to you by a gal "U don't know? You're supposed to know! How could u not know?"? And to top it off, there's this one "Well I shouldn't have to tell you! I can't believe you don't know what I'm thinking!"?......ok........like......who else is gonna tell me what's in her head but her........I mean, serioulsy.......gotta love 'em.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:52am. Posted in Hostyn 2003.
Coolness: 146140
I was litteraly raving that night....I posted a picture of me being a non-cady-glowstick-raver (never candy.....never!)

check it out!

I even spun wearing those shades....w00t!(what does w00t mean anyways?)
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:47am. Posted in Hostyn 2003.
Coolness: 146140
who the fuck is bueller?

I had a blaaaaaaaaaaaast:rollinplaying there!!!! The crowd's response to the hard-tech was just awesome! :D I had people coming to the booth to tell me they were loving it and a few waiting to tell me after I was done playing. This guy told me a few times and was like "I'm sorry, u might find me annoying by now but I really did love it. I think I had a religious experience" or something like that hahaha! It was just great!

The setup was really nice-clean looking. Those green lit towers gave it a look as if we were in an outdoors club or something. The vibe was dope except for some shirtless guy who kept bothering all the girls. The people at the bar were super chill too and I never even think of mentioning that so I mean it.

That delay between the main dancefloor and the dj booth was a little misleading. It's like there was times when I thought I was offbeat and so I'd boost up the monitor to see that I wasn't or the opposite, kind of annoying because I could only tell if I was or not by having the monitor to the max and well it was hurting my left ear but I had SOOOOOO much fun spinning there that it still didn't kill my vibe. I don't remember having that much fun spinning in front of people since that Tekstyle night @ Bluedog with the level 4 djs only. U remember that night Lalla? That was ill!!
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:44am. Posted in what sound does a moose make?.
Coolness: 146140
even I kwen what a moose sounds [ like....com ] on, they're everywhere......look behind the igloos, around the sugar schaks and the CN towers....I guess, only the immigrants notice these things....makes sense.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:41am. Posted in *looks at category name*.
Coolness: 146140
I was thinking the same thing the other day and told someone but I can't remember who. I think it's to play it safe, if you know what I mean *taps his nose as if making a code sign*
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:40am. Posted in High on nutmeg??.
Coolness: 146140
then it makes you feel pretty shitty...crazy dry mouth, disorientation, headache, nausea

I see similarities with other drugs.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:39am. Posted in the rules : men steez.
Coolness: 146140
just in case they do get that lesbian doo.....I aint taking no risks on that.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:29am. Posted in the rules : men steez.
Coolness: 146140
1. We are not mind readers and we never will be. Our lack of
mind-reading ability is not proof of how little we care about you.

This is one of my fave's because it is so true (I speak for myself of course) and the ladies should remember that not all guys "just get it" and there is not "necessarly" a corelation with us not giving a rat's ass.......u know?
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:24am. Posted in the rules : men steez.
Coolness: 146140
Never hit a man with glasses. Hit him with your fist, that will hurt more.

hahaha Sharon you even copied the signature I had at the time....u have no personality.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:14am. Posted in High on Tabasco??.
Coolness: 146140
ok so it's not JUST Tabasco sauce but that's where I was born......so you guys wanna do some Tabasco? I got the inside skillz.
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:13am. Posted in High on Tabasco??.
Coolness: 146140
The Chile Pepper Counterculture
(by Robb Walsh)

Endorphins, those natural drugs that are 100 to 1,000 times more
powerful than morphene, are released into our brain when we eat hot
chile petters, according to a New Mexico University scientist. Like
other psychotropics, including peyote, coca and tabacco, chile peppers
alter our state of consciousness. In the case of chile peppers the
high is non-hallucinogenic, but it is addictive. Experimental
psychologist Frank Etscorn of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology told the New Mexico Chile Conference that chile addicts are
hooked on endorphins. "We get slightly strung out, but it's no big
deal," he says.

Getting a runner's high without the running may be a bigger deal than
Etscorn imagines. It also explains a lot about the perverse
psychology of chile-pepper lovers. Eating more chile peppers produces
more pain, more pain produces more endorphis. Maintaining a steady
burn has been called "mouth surfing" by many observers of the emerging
chile pepper counterculture. The endorphins and physical sensations
that flood the brain when a chile addict bites into a pepper suddenly
interrupt the thought processes and overwhelm the senses. This
phenomenon has been described by doctors as a "rush." According to
Dr. Weil, a physician quoted by Austin chile expert Jean Andrews,
chile junkies "glide along on the strong stimulation, experiencing it
as something between pleasure and pain that ... brings on a high state
of consciousuness."
The overwhelming body of opinion indicates that the pain of peppers is
intense but causes no real damage. That's why blistering or reddening
is not associated with pepper pain. . . . But ... don't worry about
hurting yourself eating chile peppers.

The chemical capsicin is fooling your nerves into believing that they
are burning in hell, when in fact nothing is wrong with them at all.
And your dumb body rushes all those painkillers to those special
receptors in the brain. That's a pretty good practical joke, huh?
Pass the hot sauce.

"Peppers, the Domesticated Capsicums"
by Jean Andrews, University of Texas Press
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:12am. Posted in High on nutmeg??.
Coolness: 146140

A naturally occurring methylenedioxyphenyl compound found in nutmeg. It
been suggested that
Hallucinogenic Effect of Nutmeg

Sir, - A patient tells us it is common knowledge among the drug-taking
hippie sub-culture that taking nutmeg is a potent way of taking a
The hallucinogen in nutmeg is believed to be .

An intelligent 19-year-old female with a hysterical personality took
ounce of nutmeg in water and orange juice. She had five fays previously
taken L.S.D. with very little effect. She had also experimented with
cannabis, but the only noticeable effect of this was that she developed
dry mouth. In contrast to this the effects of nutmeg were marked. At
she felt no effect, but after four hours she felt cold and shivery. Six
eight hours later she was vomiting severely. She saw faces and the room
appeared distorted, with flashing lights and loud music. She felt a
different person and everything seemed unreal. Time appeared to stand
She felt vibrations and twitches in her limbs. When she shut her eyes
saw lights, black creatures, red eyes and felt sucked into the ground.
mood was one of elation. She was taken by her friends to be seen by one
us (D.P.) as an emergency. She was admitted and quickly fell into a
sleep. For the next week, however, she felt that she was walking in a
and complained that her thinking was confused and she found it
difficult to
follow what people were saying. Her concentration seemed poor and
lapses of
attention were noticed.

myristicin may be responsible, in whole or in part, for the toxicity of
nutmeg. The spice (5-15g) causes symptoms similar to atropine
flushing of skin, tachycardia, absence of salivation, and excitation of
central nervous system. Euphoria and hallucinations have given rise to
of this material. As a methylenedioxyphenyl compound, myristicin gives
to a type III spectrum with reduced cytochrome P-450 and can inhibit
monooxygenations catalyzed by this cytochrome

A toxic, crystalline, safrole derivative present in star anise, parsley
oil, and nutmeg oil. When ingested in large quantities, it can cause
convulsions, hallucinations, tachycardia, and possibly death.

Within 3 days of receiving ground nutmeg 9 teaspoonfuls daily to
control the
diarrhoea associated with nodullary carcinoma of the thyroid, a patient
complained of dry eyes and mouth, blurred vision, dizziness, tingling,
feelings of depersonalisation and remoteness. The symptoms gradually
subsided as the dose was reduced

Case report

The following is an account of the experiences of an eighteen-year-old
student who ingested half a can (one fourth of a teacup) of
available nutmeg. His girl friend who was present throughout this
did not partake of the nutmeg. He had taken marihuana on several
before that and had experienced vivid imagery under its influence.
About two
weeks had elapsed between the last time he had taken marihuana and the
he took nutmeg. The latter substance was taken partly out of curiosity
had heard about its effect "by the grapevine"), but mainly because
was not then available. Fifteen to twenty minutes after taking nutmeg,
teaspoon at a time, and flushing it down with Coca Cola, "things went
funny." He felt "as if he had stayed awake for two days without
and "things started to look unreal" to him. His head shook back and
and when somebody said something to him, he could not see the
between the sentences. He said he remembered that he "spoke up and
understood him" either.

About one and a half hours after the ingestion, he started feeling "as
though he had drunk fifty cups of coffee." He "could not stop shaking,"
"was giggling," he "was saying stupid things," things he would not have
otherwise. His friend became aware of the change in him. The patient
remembered she asked him whether or not he felt all right. "Peoples'
appeared to come out of a porthole above my head." He "felt a tingling"
his hands, and presently his "whole body felt numb." Friends laid him
on the floor, and he remained there for some time. Finally he opened
eyes, looked at the lights on the ceiling, and felt they were
cylinder-shaped. He raised his hands, grabbed one of those cylinder
beams, and sat up, "pulling himself up by that beam." He was still
aware of
his surroundings and noticed that people were watching him. His heart
beating fast, he was breathing hard, and his throat felt dry.
he was constantly accompanied by his friend who subsequently corrobated
recollections. He "felt as though he was floating" but "he knew that in
reality he was not floating." He knew that "friends were helping" him.
"legs felt numb" and as if "he was walking in a lake with the water up
his waist." His "hands appeared white and wrinkled" to him.

At that point, he started feeling as if he was in a trance, and it was
first time that he did not know that people were around him. As he
came out of the trance, he could feel a ball in his hands; this ball
expand and contract as he moved his hands, but he could not see the
His friend said, "Touch something real!" He then touched the table and
real again.

Subsequently, he felt he kept going in and out of a trancelike state
could, on several occassions, even induce it himself. As he was
walking, he
felt that the floor was bow-shaped, and he had to hold on to the wall.

He recalled that the following three hours were accompanied by these
experiences: He would sit on a couch and he would drift away
completely, "a
great fog would be closing in" on him, and when he was surrounded by
fog "everything would turn black." "Spots of color, blue and red, would
shine through this black cloud." Beyond the cloud, there seemed to him
to be
infinity. He "heard a massive confusion of sound," although to his
there was no one talking and there were no sounds of any other nature
that time. But, again, when his friend called his name, he "came out of
At times he felt excited, at times he felt relaxed. He remembered that
would often ask his friend to talk to him to keep him in reality. He
that he could, in this way, practically control his state of mind; that
whether he would be in a trance state or not.

When he looked at the picture of a countryside with deer in it, he felt
though he were floating into the picture and it took on a
character. The deer were alive, the trees had shape. He started feeling
everybody in the world could hear him. When he went out of the house
stepped onto the lawn, he anticipated that he would fall into it, as if
an ocean. He started writing in mirror writing, "Help! I'm trapped
the world."

He played a few notes on his recorder and felt that "each note was a
disc." He then played a record; "the sound of music made a pattern of
There was a central color and lines around it. The center was composed
the low notes, the bass, and the high notes were on the periphery." He
remembered that sound made by "cymbals were silvery." This
kept changing, beating, and throbbing. Finally, he could not stand it
longer, and he turned the music off.

By this time, some eight or nine hours had elapsed from the ingestion
nutmeg. He started becoming confused, and memory (recall) became very
He fell asleep and seemed to realize that he could finally go to sleep
without "dropping out."


The preceding narrative was given spontaneously by an intelligent,
perceptive, and sensitive adolescent who had had prior experience with
marihuana and morning-glory seeds. The frequent connection of the two
known. (3, 5) He felt that on marihuana, the predominant feeling was
one of
enjoyment and happiness, of being liked and floating. Hallucinations
less marked. On morning-glory seeds, he also had a light, floating
sensation, but it seemed to be of a different kind, and the most marked
thing was a constant feeling of euphoria. On both these substances, he
he never really left reality, and he thought that this was a major
distinction between these substances and nutmeg.

He repeated his experience with nutmeg in a smaller dose. On one
full of the substance he "felt high" or sometimes "weird," but without
hallucinations; music sounded better although it did not sound louder.
of the colourful changes in perception occurred on the small dose of


Excerpt from the "letter from a master addict to dangerous drugs", sent
William Burroughs at August 3rd, 1956. This letter is also in Appendix
I in
his novel "The Naked Lunch", where this is quoted from. (ISBN

Nutmeg. - Convicts and sailors sometimes have recourse to nutmeg. About
tablespoon is swallowed with water. Results are vaguely similar to
with side effects of headache and nausea. Death would probably
before addiction if such addiction is possible. I have only taken
» Toltech replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 12:04am. Posted in :: Gravity - Aug. 1, 2003 - Montreal ::.
Coolness: 146140
pour allez a Gravity? Parce que si oui, c'est deja passer.
» Toltech replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 1:58pm. Posted in J'aime Neon @ S.A.T. 30-08-03.
Coolness: 146140
smells good, doesn't it?
» Toltech replied on Sat Aug 9, 2003 @ 1:08pm. Posted in wemf.
Coolness: 146140
I sure as hell don't. I love rum, I dunno how everyone handles vodka though. Rum just slides down my throat caressing it all the way down...mmmm-mmm-good! and the darker it is, the more I can relate to it.
» Toltech replied on Sat Aug 9, 2003 @ 12:59pm. Posted in haha go kafwin.
Coolness: 146140
I don't think YOU do though......Viennoiserie, franchement.....u know Vienne? hahaha :b
» Toltech replied on Sat Aug 9, 2003 @ 12:58pm. Posted in wemf.
Coolness: 146140
but the darker the rum is, the sweeter!
» Toltech replied on Sat Aug 9, 2003 @ 12:47pm. Posted in haha go kafwin.
Coolness: 146140
the nottawa thing is because people in ottawa dont exsist...so nottawa kinda works :P

oooh, it does work. I'm sorry for not expecting much from you all.....but then again, it doesn't matter since my opinion is worthless.
» Toltech replied on Sat Aug 9, 2003 @ 1:39am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
so the english are to blame for siphylis? I learned something new today....they got bad music and Std's......greeeaaaaat.......wait no, a lot of good music is english, I digress.
» Toltech replied on Sat Aug 9, 2003 @ 1:36am. Posted in haha go kafwin.
Coolness: 146140
yeah ok so I've been hallucinating a pile of elephant bones by now, that's how hard I tried to picture it mais j'comprends pas plus :x ......I don't get the trainwreck thing and I dunno wachoo talking about. I never trainwrecked in my life, I'm perfect. I'm not from Nottawa, though I don't get the Nottawa thing ...is it because of the word Not? that's lame people, try harder or quit trying.
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 11:07pm. Posted in Hostyn Festival 2003.
Coolness: 146140
and to anyone who isn't THAT observant, the slots changed because instead of having Pat Davis play at the end, he's now the second on the line-up (I'm sure Somekid noticed it already.....u electro-whore u )
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 10:48pm. Posted in Hostyn Festival 2003.
Coolness: 146140
delivered? dzayeum, u like all VIP and sheeeet.
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 9:45pm. Posted in haha go kafwin.
Coolness: 146140
well yeah, maybe good for Ottawa.....unles she CAN mix, which I doubt.......so unless I'm wrong, she's good for OT :b
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 5:15pm. Posted in Sexually Fustrated....
Coolness: 146140
is that from Global News or whatever it's called again?
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Hostyn Festival 2003.
Coolness: 146140
oh really? why?
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 4:42pm. Posted in PICS: Gravity.
Coolness: 146140
seriously, the resolution is awesome.
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 4:41pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
yeah dude, someone should definitly talk to him and convince him to file a complaint to the authorities........you're not getting away with this Sharon!
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in haha.
Coolness: 146140
Trance is not even funny, Jesus Christ!.......and I'm supposed to admit what? a lie!?
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 4:27pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
come on Sharon, it's only a joke.....geez, I can't joke no more fuuuuuuck....I know it's not herpes damn!......ok.....I'm not even pissed...... wtf?!

so yeah, u gotta explain that Nigger thang because I've heard it before with Huggs and well, I'm not sure what it is either........and then one time Fred was making nigger jokes at me and then I told him that I had some black ancestry and it was funnier then....

so what did Fred eat to get his lip like that then?........what? u keep like razors in there? hahahaha!
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 10:23am. Posted in Hostyn Festival 2003.
Coolness: 146140
I also wanna add that the special shuttle bus/party tickets are sold at Music Hall as well as Center Records for 25$....that's 15$ for the party and 10$ for the shuttle bus.

see you all there.....except for Chelsea.
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 3:51am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
is that herpes on his upper lip I see there?
» Toltech replied on Fri Aug 8, 2003 @ 3:45am. Posted in Hostyn Festival 2003.
Coolness: 146140
Somekid; U probably don't know him and if you do well that's great...this guy Huggs, who's the moderator of [ www.mtlnights.com ] use to have "I'm not crazy, I work nights" as a sig........so like yeah.....that's it.:|
Toltech's Profile - Community Messages