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» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 12:04am. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
but anyways, is the one you proposed compatible with Firefox?
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 12:02am. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
well I compared with Meteo Media's forecasts and well the current weather is 12C and 13 on Meteomedia....it shows 14C for tomorrow and Meteomedia shows 13C....friday is 15 and min 8 max 17 on meteomedia....I dont even think these things are ever really 100% exact
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 11:58pm. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
no it works fine, u can pick Montreal and change the settings if you wanna use the American units, English or Metric...so I picked Metric but wtf is the English units?!
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 9:34pm. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
I ditched Netscape...meh...so yeah I'm downloading ForecastFox (it changed it's name)
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 10:09am. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by TOLTECH ...
anyways, I just downloaded Netscape 8.0 and it works fine with my Sympatico connection but my real question is how do I get my Netscape browser to show me the weather constantly? That's what really matters here.

I still didn't get my answer
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 10:08am. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

Ultra HS is $65 and it's 5Mb/sec videotron is also $65 but is 6.5Mb/sec..

wrong! HS Ultra is 5MB at 50$ and you get a free modem router with it...no contract....I really wonder if it's available fuck.
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 2:05am. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
how much do u pay for ur Ultra HS? and are u at 4MB or 5?....I don't know why I'm asking 'cause I don't even think that it's available to me.
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 2:01am. Posted in Who's your fairy?.
Coolness: 146140
mmmm yeah ok sure heh :b
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 12:33am. Posted in Netscape 8.0 available for download.
Coolness: 146140
well I had really bad experience with Videotron and I've never had any problems with Sympatico and I honestly would not consider going back to Videotron and I'm not the only one so my experience is the absolute truth, right?....yeah....

anyways, I just downloaded Netscape 8.0 and it works fine with my Sympatico connection but my real question is how do I get my Netscape browser to show me the weather constantly? That's what really matters here.
» Toltech replied on Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 11:50pm. Posted in Who's your fairy?.
Coolness: 146140
Your fairy is called Thorn Goblindancer

She is a bringer of riches and wealth.

She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes.

She is only seen when the bees swarm and the crickets chirrup.

She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

man....I feel....I dunno....nevermind.....teehee....
» Toltech replied on Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 10:54pm. Posted in Arrogant Americans.
Coolness: 146140
the link didnt work for me
» Toltech replied on Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 9:39pm. Posted in Canadian, eh? Think again.
Coolness: 146140
I wanna quote Dave Chappelle's R. Kelly

It won't be quite the same 'till you get a wif of my Hershey stain. I want to poop on you too. I wanna pee in yo' food.

Nothing else would make my life complete but to turn your face into a toilet seet. I want to piss on it!


Haters wanna hate.

Lovers wanna love.

I don't even want none of the above.

I wanna piss on you.

drip drip drip

aaaahhh good times :b
» Toltech replied on Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 12:56am. Posted in Canadian, eh? Think again.
Coolness: 146140
Personality survey says Canadians are not so different than Americans

[ www.canada.com ]

Sheryl Ubelacek
Canadian Press

October 7, 2005

TORONTO -- Ask any Canadian to define the typical Canuck and among the descriptions proffered is sure to be: "We're not like Americans."

After all, Americans are brash, arrogant and aggressive. We Canadians, on the other hand, are polite, modest and somewhat introverted.

We're as different from our neighbours to the south as, well, beavers are from bald eagles.

Aren't we?

Not according to a study of national personalities, which found that this time-honoured perception of our oh-so-unique Canadian psyche -- and other cultures' stereotypes of themselves -- are in fact just so much hooey.

"These stereotypes are as Canadians see themselves and Americans as they see themselves," said Robert McCrae of the U.S. National Institute on Aging, a principal investigator of the study on national personalities around the world.

"Canadians think they're extremely agreeable; the Americans think they're very disagreeable," he said. "Canadians believe that they're very calm and not irritable, very even-tempered, whereas Americans think they're more anxious and hostile.

"The fact is Canadians and Americans have almost identical average personality traits."

In a measure of five main areas of personality, covering a total of 30 traits, Canadians and their U.S. cousins fell roughly in the middle. Not only that, but they weren't all that different from other cultures around the globe, researchers found.

The study, published in the latest issue of Science, collected data through personality questionnaires given to thousands of people living in 49 countries.

Over and over, stereotypes about different nationalities emerged, but all were left wanting.

"These are very interesting sociological phenomena," McCrae said. "They get made into myths and they turn up in literature and in songs and in jokes and kind of have a life of their own."

Take the Brits, for example, whose national character is typically viewed as reserved and stalwart.

"The English showed the worst agreement in the entire set between the stereotype and the measured personality," said McCrae. "The stereotype of the English is that they're very reserved, whereas as in fact English are extroverts.

"And English think that they're relatively conventional and closed, but compared to most people in the world, they're pretty open to experience."

Germany was one example in which at least part of the stereotype matched reality, he said. "Germans think that they're conscientious and industrious and they measured out as conscientious and industrious."

Argentines believe they're a nation of disagreeable folk, and that reputation is pervasive throughout Latin America. But Argentines scored as average on the agreeableness scale.

McCrae noted that one Canadian researcher, upon seeing the results, said: " `Well, the Canadians are not going to like this story, because they really want to believe that they are much nicer than Americans.'

"I think that shows that at least one of the functions that stereotypes serve is to assert a national identity. We want to distinguish ourselves from Americans, so we'll invent some kind of difference and exaggerate it, and in this case it has to do with things like agreeableness," he said of the so-called Canadian identity.

Paul Trapnell, a professor of psychology at the University of Winnipeg, agreed that claiming particular national character traits can support certain motives: differentiating a population from other cultures and building its self-esteem.

"So we'll try to see ourselves as different from Americans and the differences we'll latch onto are the differences that also serve our desire to think good about ourselves," said Trapnell, one of three Canadian researchers who contributed data to the study.

What he found interesting was how homogenous the notion of the "typical Canuck" was across the country.

"The views that persons in Vancouver have about Canadians are very similar to the views that Nova Scotians have about Canadians," Trapnell said. "So we do possess a somewhat loosely organized but shared perception of what our national character is like, even though that shared perception doesn't turn out to be a real one."

What another country does on the world stage or on home soil may also contribute to national stereotypes, suggested psychologist Delroy Paulhus of the University of British Columbia, who also took part in the study.

"Canadians confuse typical Americans with their country's foreign policy, which seems belligerent," Paulhus said by e-mail. "Or Canadians extrapolate the higher rate of crime in the U.S. to infer typical character."

Whatever the reasons, typecasting an entire people can be dangerous, the authors say, leading to prejudice, discrimination and persecution.

"Clearly it tells us that we need to be very cautious about making generalizations about groups of people, any kind of groups of people," McCrae said. "Because often those generalizations are unfounded.

"Instead, what we have to do is remind ourselves that we're dealing with individuals, and regardless of what their nationality or their age or their gender, we should look at their personality as it is in themselves."

© Canadian Press 2005
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 9:21pm. Posted in the mirror vs. the hour.
Coolness: 146140
I dont remember the last time i read the mirror....maybe I should try it out before I decide....I only started reading the Hour 'cause of Lalla heh
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 9:20pm. Posted in massages gratuits!!!.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by LAKESTER...

Originally posted by Toltech ...

moi je recois des massages gratos au travail lol lol lol ah pis un autre lol avant de partir....lol

i love massage mondays :D

u know what I'm talking about ;)
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 2:24pm. Posted in massages gratuits!!!.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by FEEBLEUE...

Originally posted by Toltech ...

moi je recois des massages gratos au travail lol lol lol ah pis un autre lol avant de partir....lol

héh caline.... tu fais quoi comme job dis-moi????

ca a tellement rien a voir avec mon boulot, c'est juste qu'on a plusieurs trucs gratos comme un gym pis des jeux (pool, baby-foot, arcade etc...) :D
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Souhaitez-moi bonne chance....
Coolness: 146140
» Toltech replied on Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 2:01pm. Posted in massages gratuits!!!.
Coolness: 146140
moi je recois des massages gratos au travail lol lol lol ah pis un autre lol avant de partir....lol
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 11:47pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
u can't, u have to upload it somewhever, wether it's on ravewave or another site, u can only link for somewhere else on the net.
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 8:04pm. Posted in Booty Sunday@BlueDog w.Sebastian Prelar.
Coolness: 146140
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 6:30pm. Posted in Ix.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by *ASS N TITTIES*...
i think im kinda happy i went BD instead, i dont want to hvae to stab you in the face

bah u don't mean that :b
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 6:28pm. Posted in Got My Tek @ Chill.
Coolness: 146140
it was really "Chill" to play Techno with Lalla 'cause well he doesnt very much nowadays 'cause he so versatile, niggah be hassled fo' da dem da dose breaks and that darn bluegrass dingdiggly-doo...hehehe I totally didn't know what the bluegrass lingo is.....oh yeah the booty bitches mmmhmmhmmh girl!

but seriously, it was fun to listen to him play Tek in it's pure format.

I only got to say hello to Miss Innocent when I came in 'cause she didn't stay very long but I can understand.....I mean, she's use to well I guess I could go on but wtv....sucks for Mistoleum who had to leave 'cause he's on calls...guy was called to be up at work at 5am or some crazy shit like that....construction man! WTF?!...

so yeah, we're apparently busting some more Tek at le Chill bientot.....hasta el 21st!
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 4:48pm. Posted in Ix.
Coolness: 146140
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 4:16pm. Posted in Booty Sunday@BlueDog w.Sebastian Prelar.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by DAFTWIN...

What song is that?!

it's called "Girlfriend" by TTC.....I can send it to you through MSN if u want it....
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 8, 2005 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Booty Sunday@BlueDog w.Sebastian Prelar.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by DJ JASMINE...

ok so i'm not going to Hostyn anymore, Toltech start crying...

well neither am I.
» Toltech replied on Fri Oct 7, 2005 @ 11:48pm. Posted in Free Breakfast.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by TRASHANDSUICIDE...

That didn't even make a little bit of sense...

he's reffering to the fact that she loves him and went to his hotel room when the backstreet boys were in town...there was a thread about it.

but anyways, I was wondering, do I know "Flower Power"? is your name Justin?
» Toltech replied on Fri Oct 7, 2005 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Booty Sunday@BlueDog w.Sebastian Prelar.
Coolness: 146140
lol...so lol-worthy....fucking love this track...
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 6, 2005 @ 11:58pm. Posted in Booty Sunday@BlueDog w.Sebastian Prelar.
Coolness: 146140

J'aime les chattes.
Quand je rentre dans la boite
J'ai la trique.
Toutes les chattes des putes sont moites,
C'est pratique.
Elles vont frotter toute la nuit.
Pute, je suis ton mac alors suce ma bite gratuit.
Torse nu,
Je donne des claques à ton cul
Et tu cries,
Tu oublies tout quand t'as bu.
Quand tu jouis,
Soudain toute la boite te mate.
Pute c'est normal j'ai mis mon doigt dans ta chatte.
J'aime ton air sévère,
Est-ce que je peux t'offrir un verre ?
Je t'emmène en Mercedes
Jusqu'à mon belvédère.
C'est garanti ma petite,
On va baiser comme des lapins.

Donc engloutis ma bite,
Comme après une grève de la faim.
Elles ont des rêves de catins genre bijoux et draps de soie.
Le lendemain matin je ne leur dis pas bonjour mais “casse-toi”.
Pas de joie pour les salopes, ça c'est ma loi.
Marche droit,
Parle pas,

Mets un doigt dans ton cul sale pute viens d’arriver le mac
On m’appelle Cuizinier, laisse-moi donc te dire aç
Aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç aç.
Bouge ton gros cul pute, fais-le rebondir
Et prends ça dans ta gorge,
Ça je n'ai pas besoin de le dire (Avale-la)
Suce-moi bien pétasse, prends des initiatives.
Moi je n'hésite pas car direct je te sodomise.
Je suis beau, lèche-moi toute la nuit
Afin que ta chatte ne sèche pas.

Tid’ un marteau-piqueur.
Survoltage, pute en cage.
Elle m'appelle magicien.
Pimpage, vidange.
Twist et string, swing et stress, cuisses et seins,
Plus je la lime sa petite chatte devient mauve
Et elle m'aime, elle gémit.
Vas-y suce ma grande, ton dessert et sers-toi, ma petite bitch.
J'aime les putes, les bimbos.
La cochonne veut sa cartouche, m'engrener dans une partouze
Avec son pote la tarlouze,
Une caillera déterminée.
Copuler avec madame Y sur la photocopieuse,
Je suis défoncé et tout transpirant.
Aspergé, j'ai rempli le réservoir, je lui colle dans les yeux,
Elle est motivée sous pression un récipient.
Adultère et son mari me paie pour que je la surveille,
Obnubilé, je suis tombé amoureux, je lui dévoile l’histoire
En mordant ses fesses...
» Toltech replied on Thu Oct 6, 2005 @ 1:55am. Posted in The Internet!.
Coolness: 146140
I'm kinda surprised that Screwhead hadnt seen this vid before 'cause it's been going around the net for a while now....hmmmm....
» Toltech replied on Wed Oct 5, 2005 @ 1:47am. Posted in Re: The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 146140
ya completly messed up this post hehehehehe
» Toltech replied on Sun Oct 2, 2005 @ 11:00pm. Posted in Level 4 annihilates Route 66.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by KARL MARX...
good seeing a lot of friends. personally, tequila took my brain and mashed it to a quivering, useless pulp.

thanks to route 66.

I felt the same way except it wasnt tequila :x
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 5:54pm. Posted in Candy Ravers.
Coolness: 146140
chu clubber, je t'aime
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 5:36pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
seriously stop feeding him shit already....u know he chows it down for breakfast....
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 5:27pm. Posted in hummmm.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by BUNBATTYBOAY...

by the way toltech your one of the best mtl tehcno djs ive heard im not a suck up lollll well maybe for some good techno id do anything... not enough bookings that look interesting somebody wake up!!!!!

hey thanks a lot but I do wish you were a hot chick :(
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 5:26pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...

jesus christ

do you have to be up for 9 days to understand what the fuck you guys are saying ? Is this some meth secret talk ? You guys are fucking retards .

yeah best comeback ever.....werd, wanna party? I gotta sort out some bolts...god Im sweating and the sweat tastes like meth....
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 4:47pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
oh yeah Im so tweaking for Brad....*creams pants*
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 4:42pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...

Originally posted by Toltech ...

Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...
You can't objectively analyse your own culture because you will be biased.

that's funny coming from somone who had stated in previous posts that the english race is [something along the lines of] the elite of the world in every way......

if you can find one post were i said anything remotely along those lines , i will buy you a may west and pepsi.

And for fuck sakes you morons , a culture is not a race. Race is denotes visible biological differences

yeah ok I have to prove you wrong, right....ok...sure....btw, I aint aint french you nazi...keep assuming or should I say "being knowledgeable" wtv u wanna see it like...and keep analysing your jizz heheheh oh no I meant lol.
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 4:20pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 146140
Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...
You can't objectively analyse your own culture because you will be biased.

that's funny coming from somone who had stated in previous posts that the english race is [something along the lines of] the elite of the world in every way.....you're more and more credible every day....are you related to Bush?....by race maybe? 'cause yeah I guess French is not a race because you say so but english is.....I dunno why Im getting this weird idea that your definition of the world is the right one.
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 3:19pm. Posted in Canadian.
Coolness: 146140
I hate Canadian Label beer....so hold on a sec...instead of niggah what would be the word? Canuk?...yo! mofo Canuk, get back to the cotton field...fucking Canadians...

btw, latinos are the new blacks but by all means,. don't think I'm saying that out of pride...seriously....I'm sicker than all of you of that "Gasolina" song! FUCK!

ok back on topic, so instead of screaming I AM CANADIAN....it should be Canadian on da fist!
» Toltech replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 3:15pm. Posted in What's the apartment situation downtown?.
Coolness: 146140
the voir, hour, [ alouer.com ] lespac like ~Ch®ist£ll£~ mentioned are all good but another good thing is to go directly to the hood you wanna move in and drive around and call all those for rent sign #'s...there are more places to rent than what you might think and because some of them have been wanting to rent them since July 1st, u might be in for a nice deal fak en gros leves-toi pis c'est bien de demander sur forum but don't hold your breath in the hopes of finding something directly from here.
Toltech's Profile - Community Messages