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» the_pink_popo replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 1:43pm. Posted in Your music folder/drive.
Coolness: 101255
engish is not a word... learn how to spell
» the_pink_popo replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 1:42pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
well gear is pretty vague . he wanted a pro

thats what he got... he keeps coming to me now ^_^
» the_pink_popo replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 12:32am. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By MASA
"Coolness" rating should be changed to "drama" rating

lool!! im down!
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 8:04pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
that comment wasnt suppose to be constructive... it was just a fact... you think you are the top of the world... u think u know every god damn thing about every god danm thing... just shut the hell up so we can at least enjoy the few threads ur not busting into with ur shitty comments... did you know jesse... did u meet him.. no... so shut up! get lost in a junkyard or something... go to all the supposed website you post into .. and go piss THEM off... you dont wanna start a war with me... cause ull loose... ^_^
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 7:57pm. Posted in Your music folder/drive.
Coolness: 101255
exactly like in ur pic
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 7:57pm. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255
sa va etre telllemmennttt hoootttttt!!!!! :DDDD .. jai deja hate!! sa peut tu etre demain svp??!!


aaah wait... c mon party... c a moi faut je demande... lol... non!!
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 6:56pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
once again cutterhead.. UR BORING MEEE!!! ^_^
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 6:55pm. Posted in Your music folder/drive.
Coolness: 101255
love is the air!!
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 4:12pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By DYNV
Eerie! Like we dropped a generation.

i guess some guys just cant stand that a girl can know more about gear than them... schmuh
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 3:19pm. Posted in shhhh!! looking for a soundman with diploma at steves!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
Or people that just ask question for the sake of it. While you're answering, you can see them tune out and interrupt with another question.

oh god... happens so often.. you awnser and theyre just thinking of another stupid one to ask... then... you have to awnser everything again before they leave.. or theyll call you from home saying it doesnt work
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 3:16pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
at steves again:

me: can i help you sir?
client: *starts laughing*
me: *looks right and left for coworkers being stupid* ... is there a problem sir
client*laughing for 5 minutes*
me: sir can i know whats funny
client: ive never been served by a girl before
me: well theres allways time for a change ..aint it?
» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 2:37pm. Posted in shhhh!! looking for a soundman with diploma at steves!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By HIDRA
I dont have a problem with lack of knowledge...
I have a problem with stupidity...

» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 2:36pm. Posted in when I ask you what kind of music you like....
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By BASDINI
sorry about this post, i just get tired of peoples stupid answers,

like this
me "what music are you into"
stupid girl " well'" (with dumb look on her face) "i listen to all kinds of music" or "i listen to everything" then they proceed to name every style they can think of.

just name some fucking artists

hummm...i love you too basdini ... ^_^

» the_pink_popo replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 2:31pm. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By RAWALI
I'd love to be a judge... but then... I'd love to do a remix jus a lil more :p

and i want to have and matricks to do a set!! :D ... so no judging for you! :P

Update » the_pink_popo wrote on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 2:31pm
want to have YOU and matricks do a set .. **** lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 9:43pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
even if you tell them to go away

i only tell them to go away when they smell like crap and have 1000 plastic bags with them... no use for bums around my equipment..lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 9:32pm. Posted in Your music folder/drive.
Coolness: 101255
cutterhead ur boring me... go away
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 9:30pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
the customer's always right

Originally Posted By sourultrafast
even when he plugs an electric guitar straight in the wall's power outlet.

and even if he trys to plug a passive speaker to the wall?
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 8:37pm. Posted in shhhh!! looking for a soundman with diploma at steves!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
This is why jean guy nimporte qui doesn't like coming into places like steves et al.
Before I had any idea about sound and cables and necessities, i used to find the guys a specialty music stores were giant music snobs. People are coming to you for help and advice, but instead of helping and pointing g them in the proper direction MOST music store sales people will roll their eyes stare down there nose and generally be the most condescending jerks ever. If you dont like the occasional "stupid" question from an uninformed client, retail and customer service ain't for you

not really... i try to anwser peoples question as i can... and help them all i can... cause i want them to come back ... ive never been a jerk to anyone cause they lacked the knowledge... you cant blame me tho for making fun of it... it is funny when someone comes and think they know everything and they dont... and usually .. the clients are more jerks than we are... cause they think theyre the best (when weve been there 40 hours a week for years).. but heh... customers are allways right ...
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 8:29pm. Posted in when I ask you what kind of music you like....
Coolness: 101255
i think all styles has good songs... i listen to everything... from classical to blues to electro to industrial to house to reaggea to rock to country.... and of course happy hardcore ^_^ ...

all style has is own mood and time for it... diversity is the key!
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 8:23pm. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
may i suggest: cartoon theme song remix contest? =)

yess!! :D

ill need judges!!! ... and... for the winner...a surprise gift!! :D
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
yeah!! drama gift!! maha...ha...0_o
» the_pink_popo replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 7:30pm. Posted in The <3 Thred.
Coolness: 101255
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 11:45pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
OK i work on a boat , we are doing cruise from Montreal to Tadoussac to see the Whales.

STupid guy :
hey? where is the best spot to see the whales?

Well you can see them well in the front of the boat or on Deck C.

Stupid guy:
No i mean... are they gonna be on the left or the right of the boat ?

SIR... whales are all around the boat. THey are swimming in the St-Lawrence river....

Same stupid guy see another boat of the company for witch i work, AML .
Stupid guy:
Hey? Is it the boat who feed the whales?

Me: Facepalm.......
No sir.. they eat by themself in the RIVER!

lol... love it!
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 11:42pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By MSSHLEE
Lol i'm not on anyones side .. I just thinks it's silly every time i come on here you guys are talking about him

Having your shit stolen sucks and all .. but eventually moving on is a good thing

drama come backs are funny... we are over it... but drama is still drama... people talk to me all the time about antoninos pola-the movie ... and its been 3-4 years thats going on... but its funny drama... what can you do...
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 5:39pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 101255
comon... a lot of people here work in retail store... i wanna hear your most stupid questions/awnsers.
cause i have plenty!! :P

1..2..3.. GO!

guy: *sorry, but i just bought a console at youre store and theres no sound comming out of it*
me: *is your gain knob at zero?*
guy: *what is the gain?*
me: *sire... thats your volume*
guy: *oh... youre sure*

» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 5:29pm. Posted in help with fallout 3.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By NEUROMYTH
I did, i got to the last mission and i wasn't high enough level and there's no going back so i restarted a new game..

haha.... did u screw up ur level ups?? :P
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 4:43pm. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255

Update » the_pink_popo wrote on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 5:28pm
[ www.rave.ca ]

there you go people!!... noah... i promis nothing else from the party will be updated here!!... lets join up in the event section when the line up is finish!!.. :D
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 4:38pm. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255
you know what nathan... ur right... coretoon is the bestest one! ... ill keep we love nerds for another party tho... cause i do love them!! <3<3 :D

soooo!! prepare your self... this is in construction!!! ... couple days and were set!! ... ill keep all the djs posted... if anyone reallllly wants to mix .. PM me a.s.a.p. .. [ .ca ] its the fastest thing to do!

@ mickos: sorry for the car idea.. you can take it of course... but i wanna plaaayy!! :D
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 4:32pm. Posted in Time stops: Russia abolishes daylight saving time.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD

yall can die

thanks...been waiting for this one!!

» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
lol, she's always been on his side.

....humm... ive been on his side... but not for long... i got fooled, i know.. stupid little innocent me at the time... but its been almost 4 years now... was young and stuff.. what can i do..lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 2:12pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 101255
wtf is that? 0_o
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 2:07pm. Posted in shhhh!! looking for a soundman with diploma at steves!.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By HIDRA
J'avait deja entendu cette histoire!

mon tour:

Une femme random qui loue un kit de micro wireless...
elle rapelle plus tard:

Mme: Il marche pas ton micro!!
clerk: Comment ca y marche pas?
Mme: Bin ca sonne pas! On entend rien!
clerk: Vous ete sur que c'est bien branché dans votre kit de son???
Mme: Quel kit de son? de quoi tu parle?
Mme: Celine quand elle chante sur le stage, elle a juste son micro pis on l'entend partout elle!


meme chose avec une fille qui voulais un micro pour 400 personne.... elle penssait que cetait sa qui amplifiait... wow!!
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 2:00pm. Posted in Time stops: Russia abolishes daylight saving time.
Coolness: 101255
sorry cutterhead... but u are quite like carl in aquateen hungerforce.. : trouble jack*** ^_^

nice pic! ...maha
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 1:47pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By MSSHLEE
Isn't it sad to spend years hating on someone who doesn't care that you exist ?

I don't know the backstory nor do I care but there has to be something more positive to do than this!
Though most people in montreal hate on toronto for no reason so maybe it's a montreal thing :P

Originally Posted By host.wun

its ravewave... you come here mostly for the drama :P .. and i personally knowed the guy...and he personnaly tried to steel from me... so really... i have my reasons.. lol... and wont stop hating him :D
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 9:56am. Posted in Looking for a 9V AC power supply for my soundcard.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By FLO
sérieux, j'arrive avec mon power-supply dans un rona et ils vont bien vouloir me le tester ?! jvais essayer ça :)

jvoulais pas dire qui vont te le faire sur place... mais je suis sure qui en vende la bas.. lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 9:49am. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255
soo... its still pretty equal between ..

1.hard synthetics
3.we <3 nerds

make ur choices!!...
» the_pink_popo replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 5:00pm. Posted in Looking for a 9V AC power supply for my soundcard.
Coolness: 101255
go to rona or something for the tester... i have db testers...lol...but thats not what you want..lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By LYLA
Is he really skinny with very long brown hair btw? Maybe goes by the name of Alex, should be 22 ish right now? Hangs out in Vancouver/Calgary?

lol... its possible he changed his name for alex... but he his very small and skinny... but hes like 25-26 ish...maybe more..dont remember..lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 4:00pm. Posted in name and theme for a happy & hardcore party!!.
Coolness: 101255
need more votes!!.. comon people.. i know its sunday... but its usually the day of nothing to do! ..lol
» the_pink_popo replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 101255
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
nah Thierry y'est vraiment au BC!

Location of the IP address
Burnaby in Canada.

good!...let him stay there !! ^_^
the_pink_popo's Profile - Community Messages