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» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 8:40pm. Posted in Natural High: Spring Beat ??? raver and cluber ???.
Coolness: 89360
Erm, ravedave is a chick?

En passant là, c'est pas différent d'il y a 10 ans... non mais à quoi vous attendez-vous?

Comme je disais j'ai eu une passe mega candy, mais je pettais pas un plomb quand le monde riait de mes pants ou w/e... Ecoutes si tu sors de chez vous habillé de même à quoi tu t'attends? Normalement t'as genre 18+ ou pas loin pi tu t'habille comme un fucking weirdo, c'est clair que tu vas avoir des looks. Pi si tu t'en fais de ce que le monde pense de toi quand tu danse ben c'est clair que tu t'en fais trop... La danse c'est quelque chose qui est propre à soi, c'est un lien entre ton corp et la musique, who cares de ce que le monde pense, tant que t'as du plaisir non? Perso, je m'en criss de ce que le monde pense quand je danse, si j'aime la musique je deviens comme en trance, ce qui ce passe à l'extérieur deviens comme non-existant.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 8:22pm. Posted in Natural High: Spring Beat ??? raver and cluber ???.
Coolness: 89360
Damn youtube blocked at work, I wonder what that vid's all about.

And for the record, there really is much more hate from the ravers towards the clubbers than the other way around... It seems like it's some kind of revenge for all the weird looks ravers get when outside an actual rave and I find it quite sad that they go as low as to mimick what they hate ebing done to them. If you can't deal with the weird looks and comments then don't fucking dress like that because you CLEARLY know those suits will get you weird looks both positive and negative.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 8:14pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360

You don't need a hooker to do all that dude...
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 7:45pm. Posted in Natural High: Spring Beat ??? raver and cluber ???.
Coolness: 89360
Here's my 2 cents:

C'est la même osti de marde que y'a 8-10 ans quand je ravais hardcore...

Les "ravers" sont, avouons-le, un paquet de petites cliques élitistes, ça toujours été comme ça et ce sera toujours comme ça. C'est tout le temps un fucking show, celui ou celle qui a le suit le plus fucked-up, les cheveux les plus whack ou qui est le plus fucking gelé... Et ça se permet de juger les clubber à planche quand eux-même nous (je parle des gens en général) cassent les oreilles avec leurs histoire de PLUR à la con... Non-seulement hypocrite mais complètement ironique.

Le pire dans tout ça c'est que la majorité des "clubbers" que j'ai rencontrés dans des raves et avec lequel j'ai eu le plaisir de jaser on été très respectueux. Vous allez me dire qu'ils sont superficiels? Je vous l'accorde, mais quand on y pense vraiment, les ravers le sont tout autant, c'est la même attitude... Il n'y a que le look qui change.

Pour ce qui est du fait que le promoteur organise l'événement pour faire du cash... Non mais on s'en calisse tu? Moi j'aime dessiner, je m'enligne en graphisme, je veux starter ma compagnie. Si je fait des contrats c'est pas pour le fun osti, mais bien pour faire du cash, faut vivre quand même, non? Ce n'est pas parce qu'on a du plaisir à faire son travail qu'on est obligé de se donner un salaire de crève faim. Non mais ça va faire ces histoires, tant qu'il n'y a pas d'abus je ne vois aucun inconvénient que le promoteur soit bien rémunéré.

Et, for the record, j'en était un de ces candy ravers qui se croyait si hardcore et qui jugeait les autres tout le temps... Mais quand viens le temps de prendre le bus en culottes de poil, c'est drole comme les rôles changent, non? J'en suis vite venu à la conclusion qu'il faut vivre et laisser vivre sans juger, tant que les gens n'empiètent pas sur la liberté des autres, j'en ai rien à ciré de leur style vestimentaire ou de leur apparence physique, ça se passe entre les 2 oreilles anyways.

And THAT's why I don't go to "raves" anymore and stick to dnb/breaks or electro club nights, there really is more mingling and less boundaries, less cliques and more fun. Plus, there's booze!

Faque that's it! J'en ai plein mon casque de ces histoires de clubber vs. ravers... pendant que vous chialez dans le coins ben gelé ça E ou sur le speed, y'en une gang qui ont du fun sur le dancefloor pi y'en a pas un criss de ceux là qui chiale. La magie de la pensée positive quoi!

Pensez-y! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Update » Strik_IX wrote on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 7:46pm
Wall of text crits you for 1337 dmg.
You die.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 7:09pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
You're quite full of ghey, tell us something we don't already know.

» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 6:06pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
Or the 10$ beers
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
I think 1 loss to Boston isn;t a bad thing, it keeps the team in check and makes them more likely not to succumb to overconfidence.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 11:25am. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
So the bastard child of mr Arap-Moi, needs you to deliver a "trunk" in Europe?

How could anyone fall for that?
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Apr 13, 2008 @ 1:09pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Apr 13, 2008 @ 12:40pm. Posted in Do you get upset when...
Coolness: 89360
Host, facebook is a great tool for you to find people who don't want you to find 'em and for others whom you wish to never see again to find you, it's pretty crap-tacular that way.
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Apr 13, 2008 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By KFCKID
nope, just chance 4 da habs, that will turn back again them im sure...

Here's a chance for you to repent and side with the winning team. We brought the last cup to canadian soil and we will bring the next. Even if you build an arena you will NEVER see a franchise in Québec as long as Bettman is the commissioner... Have fun dreaming of the Nordiques and fried chicken.
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Apr 13, 2008 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Kentucky Frie Chicken Kid will ran the world.
Coolness: 89360
Well betty, that video is scary... (the slaughter house one) While I don't eat KFC it's actually making me wanna rethink my chicken eating habits... I really hope it's not a widespread thing, but I doubt it isn't and it's completely revolting.

KFCkid: keep stuffing your face fatty, you'll eventually make the world a better place.
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Apr 13, 2008 @ 12:17pm. Posted in Spring is here, let's all go have a beer!.
Coolness: 89360
Pussy Vamp, I'm wanting to start this thing early so that we can actually have a bit of sun on our faces.

And if there's a playoff game planned I might go bonkers AYEEEEE!!!!

Update » Strik_IX wrote on Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 12:56pm

Turns out the 26 is out for me, looks like I'm gonna have to reschedule... It's v2-1's b-day and he invited me over to celebrate @ his place.

Anyone have any suggestions as to a date that would suit most of us, apparently the 26th is out for PV due to her b-day too and there's a party on that night too :(
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 12:01pm. Posted in I laughed.
Coolness: 89360
Pffft, that video is gold. In case you didn't know a lot of people were gathered to have some kind of "funeral party" for some dude who died who played on their server. The whole "Serenity Now" guild decided to show up and not abide to the truce and just rape everyone there. I thought it was funny.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 11:46am. Posted in Kentucky Frie Chicken Kid will ran the world.
Coolness: 89360
Wow Betty, I was going for breakfast but now I think I'll skip.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 11:40am. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360

Originally Posted By KFCkid
never shut up my big mouth i have the right 2 hate this team...right?

While I'm open minded and believe everyone is entitled to their opinion I will make an exception here... No, you don't have that right, not in this city. And people whining about the Nordiques can lick my nuts, while I would love to see them again, for now it's in the past... as in over a decade ago.

Like in past years? Tell me, how many cups have the Habs won? How many cups have the Nordiques won? And I ain't talking about the Avalanche because they are in DENVER... I really hope you're not one of em delusional fans who still cheers for a team that has NOTHING to do with the city of Québec.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Don't fake the break w/ Dj Nino ( Venezuela ) Friday 11th.
Coolness: 89360
Ca sort de ou cette quote là?

De toute façon, perso je me fout pas mal de son opinion... Les vendredi au Vinyl ça rock week in/week out, la crowd est hot (moins le tata de la semaine passée), la musique est hot, les barmaids sont super fine pi les drinks sont cheap. La seule petite affaire que je pourrais comprendre c'est quelqu'un dise que c'est un peu petit, mais encore là ça ajoute au charme de la place, c'est intime avec des couch super confos.

Anyways, if you dont like it, dont show up, theres more than enough of us who like it to keep this night rocking for a nice long while.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 5:46pm. Posted in Raversavers.
Coolness: 89360
24$ for a ride to Québec is dirt cheap.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 5:15pm. Posted in I laughed.
Coolness: 89360
I'm going to hell too.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Vanilla ICED.
Coolness: 89360
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:41pm. Posted in Vanilla ICED.
Coolness: 89360
Sounds like the name of a rapist IMO.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:32pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
Scrabble Kostitsin is more points!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
It was a typo I swear! If at the very least I could rip him a new one, it would make my day go by faster...

» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:17pm. Posted in Vanilla ICED.
Coolness: 89360
Meh Butt Mud is more like it
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:07pm. Posted in Vanilla ICED.
Coolness: 89360
He did and he sucked. The show was called "The Surreal Life" and one of em Baywatch hoes was all over Ron Jeremy telling him she wanted to see his dick... He said she'd get to see it if he could see her tits. Ron's still got it going even with 60 lbs overweight and an ugly mug.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:02pm. Posted in Don't fake the break w/ Dj Nino ( Venezuela ) Friday 11th.
Coolness: 89360
Looks like my dreams are shattered... it's raining... I guess I'll have to drown my sorrows in 2$ mixed drinks.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
I'm fucking bored too, stupid ass boss wouldn't let me take 4 horus vacation even though i literally have NOTHING to do... Fuck corporate image, fuck it up it's stupid giant corporate ass.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 3:45pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
You have a better chance in Zimbabwe IMO.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360

That's lies, you bumped it up... to express your mating desires... tsk tsk!

It must be the weather, spring is here... Mating mode is activated Rawwwwr!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 3:02pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
Wishful thinking?
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 2:56pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
He's not your dude, mate!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 12:04am. Posted in Spring is here, let's all go have a beer!.
Coolness: 89360
Get pre-wasted!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 9:44pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
Wow, ça c'est du frenglish excellent!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
I take it everyone is watching the game, the forum has been litterally dead for a couple hours now.

I'm stuck at work listening to it on the radio. 4-1 habs less than 10 mins to go in the 3rd.

» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Don't fake the break w/ Dj Nino ( Venezuela ) Friday 11th.
Coolness: 89360
Y'a tété des shooters? Quel genre de con fait ça?

On apprécie tous quand ça arrive, mais c'est quand même à la discrétion de la barmaid.

Et non, je ne suis pas si patient... Le printemps a pris une éternitée à se pointer.

» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 6:44pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 89360
Stanley is coming home this year!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 6:18pm. Posted in Spammer war iz over?.
Coolness: 89360
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 6:14pm. Posted in Spammer war iz over?.
Coolness: 89360
Recoil-free fully automatic shotguns can work miracles for people like him.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 5:18pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
Je'l sais sti! C'est moé qui l'a rouvert!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 4:50pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 89360
He's not your bitch guy!

*well maybe he is*
Strik_IX's Profile - Community Messages