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Strik_IX's Profile - Community Messages
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» Strik_IX replied on Wed Jul 23, 2008 @ 1:49pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Meh, I know, we need fresh stuff...
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Jul 23, 2008 @ 1:43pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By BLISSS
BTW Strike, I didn't start this mess,

It started in the Pad Class thread when Fred start making a bunch of accusations that turned out to be unfounded. Tell the truth man

BTW people called you out in that thread, Fred actually backed up his accusations with a very well documented post which linked to a whole lot of shit YOU started on mtldnb. Apparently being a douche is nothing new to you and time hasnt helped you mature as a human being at all.

Like some said, someone had to scare you shitless for you to even come close to admit you were wrong. Something which you havent done at all, all I read is shit like "Sorry, but it's not my fault...*insert lame excuse blaming other people*..."

FYI, I'll lay off when you start behaving properly, I'm not the one starting fires. I'll admit I did put quite a bit of oil on some of them, but the root cause still is stupid shit like threads entitled "Wiggers" and "What Strik really thinks of you...".

Here's a nice thread title: "The Bliss Apology: An intricate tale of a man shitting in his pants"." But I wont stoop to your level, sorry.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 11:55pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By BLISSS
So you're justifying Fred's death threats

BTW, Fred came after me first and in a very aggressive fashion for no reason,

He got owned in the process, now he's angry

I also didn't tell him to use the "n" word every 2 seconds, he did that

Hopefully he's learnt his lesson

I'm pretty sure Fred wasnt the one who sent threats. You might wanna try and not sugar coat the truth to make yourself look better, YOU started this mess, YOU got owned on several occasions... Just because you chose to ignore it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

Hopefully YOU learned a lesson in humility, though I highly doubt it.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 7:26pm. Posted in The Positive Thread.
Coolness: 89360

» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 4:37pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
If someone is on your ignore list all of his/her posts will be toggled off systematically, but if you really feel like it you can toggle them one by one.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 3:38pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Originally Posted By strik_ix
Guys, it's called discrimination... Apparently it's ok for "fatties" and "wiggers", but dont drop the N bomb oh noes! Practice what you preach blisss.

Oh no, its that Wigger "I hate Bliss because he's an ignorant self righteous douchebag" guy Strik

What will I do?

» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 3:34pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Guys, it's called discrimination... Apparently it's ok for "fatties" and "wiggers", but dont drop the N bomb oh noes! Practice what you preach blisss.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 3:28pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Naw... Mats Sundin + Smeagol buttbaby.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:59am. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
I actually agree with you Mayday but I just wish you were around to read what started this shitstorm.

I was gonna write some longass post and link a whole bunch of old threads... but I said fuck it. What I do know is that Mico most likely started this thread to provoke blisss and in this case, after seeing the result, I dont believe the ends justify the means.

I did giggle at the ignorance people displayed by making these toys though. If that offended you then I'm sorry. And for the record, you can go ahead and dig to see but I dont throw the N bomb around, I have quoted it here and there from shit like Wu-Tang tracks or comedy clips, be it Chapelle or whoever but that's it.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 8:41pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Meh this whole story started from a clip from Chapelle's show... I still dont get how some people fail to find him funny and actually take offense to his sketches.

And for the record, I find these toys hilarious, inapropriate maybe, but I find them hilarious nonetheless. Especially when you look back at how completely shameless people could be in a not so distant past.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 8:18pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Mayday - You may want to go through the steaming pile of drama on these boards to understand the reason why some chose to use such language. While it doesnt excuse the use of such language, I believe some if not most are looking for a reaction from blisss.

Let's just say he has difficulty understanding subtle humour such as irony, satire and sarcasm which has led to this whole "No, you're the racist!" debacle.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 5:21pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
:| That page actually made me super happy.

Pencils are so pretty.

You should see my pencil, it's quite the sight :P
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 5:03pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By PONCHALICE
this is the best ive got right now... enjoy!

[ www.penciltalk.org ]

» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 5:00pm. Posted in WTF.. random!!.
Coolness: 89360
Drop a line, post pics :P
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 4:57pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89360
This place is DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! and has been for hours now /cry
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 3:18pm. Posted in WTF.. random!!.
Coolness: 89360
Went through his profile... I'm not horny anymore, he killed my boner.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 3:16pm. Posted in WTF.. random!!.
Coolness: 89360
So, how many of you are horny?

I know I am, I think I'm gonna PM him.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 1:57pm. Posted in My wife left me because the dolphins at Sea World gave me an erection.
Coolness: 89360
What about pogos, do those give you an erection?
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 1:56pm. Posted in Dj Bliss @ Blizzarts This Friday July 11th.
Coolness: 89360
A+ was for the drama fuckface, like Na said take your head out of your ass and maybe you'll start understanding.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 1:49pm. Posted in K.O. feat. FORTRESS aka Subtone & Stalker, FRI. JULY 18th.
Coolness: 89360
I'm an ass, Paly called me to know if Petit Campus was rockin'... I was already passed out on the couch. God dammit! That energy drink didnt do shit! I want my money back!

Glad to hear the night rocked though... sucks I didnt make it.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 1:47pm. Posted in Teenage Tourette's Camp - WTF.
Coolness: 89360
"That's not a Mickey Mouse T-shirt, that's just TIT DIRT!"
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Jul 18, 2008 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Where is that Bacon thread!??!.
Coolness: 89360
That's disgusting.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Jul 18, 2008 @ 2:52pm. Posted in Heavy Metal Monk.
Coolness: 89360
Friar Cesare Bonizzi aka Fratello Metallo (Metal Friar) is one rocking old man. Enjoy the read, I found it really cool.

[ www.roadrunnerrecords.com ]
Read the full story from Reuters here:
[ uk.reuters.com ]
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 11:54pm. Posted in english lessons from an asian whore..
Coolness: 89360
Toshi is a common name for Japanese men.

"All my relatives give good head too!"
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 8:51pm. Posted in My wife left me because the dolphins at Sea World gave me an erection.
Coolness: 89360
Ouch! Damn that sucks for him... But that dolphin arousal part is quite bizarre.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 8:34pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
That's crackhead lips, just look at Tyrone for proof:

Notice the ashey lips :P
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 8:31pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360
Dude, dont worry about it, this company is dinausor-like when it comes to IT... come on Win 2000... I.E. v5.0... uh-huh.

Apparently it works fine on 6.0, so no worries. At home I use Firefox and all the features seem to be running fine.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 8:24pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360
Win2000, some PCs have XP, but not too many.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 8:11pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360

Pretty crappy browser IMO.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 7:24pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360
Yeah well that's what they run here... and they run an old version ffs 5.0.2920.0 O_O Let me get a SS if you want. Then again, do you really need it to be I.E v5 friendly?
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 5:55pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360
I.E. piece of crap at work!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 5:53pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360
Well I dont o_O
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 5:52pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
Dont see how that bank didnt get #1 lol!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 5:26pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360

» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 5:11pm. Posted in New Version 17.
Coolness: 89360
Can we have the bottom links back? Like the "Communities - Ravewave - General Discussions" or can they be moved from the top to the bottom, it is more user friendly that way since the reply box is all the way at the end.

The top of page button is gone too!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 4:59pm. Posted in Girls Just Wanna Have Funk.
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By BLISSS
You don't attend parties where I play because you know I don't tolerate racists,

I'd have you thrown out ;)

ORLY? I dont think any promoter would refuse me admittance on the pretext that some looney DJ with an inflated ego thinks I'm a racist. I think they would take my money and say thank you. If promoters wanna be smart about it, they'll realize that you have alienated a whole lot of us and just wont book you.

After seeing your antics I'm sure none of them would believe any trash talk you spew about anyone anyways, because you will step on anyone's head to try and make yourself look good. News flash! Everyone knows your a douche now, thanks for clearing it up.

The ONLY reason why you keep trying to make me look bad is because I've been pushing the right buttons and you dont like it. Guess what? I'm gonna keep on doing it cuz I hate your fucking guts. That's right, I'm a hater, I'm a blisssist, I discriminate against douchebags with low self esteem who try to make people look bad in order to give themselves a confidence boost... I really hate those types, for real bitch.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 4:50pm. Posted in I'm not racist, but....
Coolness: 89360
I almost spat all my coke on my keyboard Mico!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Do you like Super Mario Bros.?.
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By MICO
It's the full moon, and that time of the year.

Time for your annual bath?
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Dj Bliss @ Blizzarts This Friday July 11th.
Coolness: 89360
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Why would I impersonate my "black" friend if he's fictionnal,

For your info Wendalls just moved upstairs from me and dosen't have internet, so he uses my computer.

Personnally I think you're just trying to divert attention from your racist comments and Regimental's theft.

Nice try Wigger...I win ;)

Only attention my so called "racist comments" got was from you and your butt-buddy Wendall. The rest of the planet is smart enough to know a quote when they see one especially if it's followed by video evidence... And you've been dragging this shit on and on and on and on and on and on.

Only thing you've managed to win in the past few weeks is a bad reputation.

Call me wigger to my face next time you see me and see what happens.
Strik_IX's Profile - Community Messages