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» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 4:45pm. Posted in From Version's blog...what he thinks of you ravers.
Coolness: 89365
Forest, falling tree, silence, bliss. I'm loving this function more and more every day.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 4:20pm. Posted in From Version's blog...what he thinks of you ravers.
Coolness: 89365
Moi-si! Moi-si!
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 3:47pm. Posted in Psytrance.
Coolness: 89365
I know that psytrance killed goa... for some odd reason the music is pretty much the same but the term is rarely used, unless there's some nuance I havent spotted. For the record I actually like psytrance, got a bunch of old tracks on my ipod that I listen to a few times a week, I especially like Dracul by Infected Mushroom, but who cares really?

» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 3:34pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365

» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 3:19pm. Posted in Psytrance.
Coolness: 89365
If you check the URL to the second image, that dude works for the company that makes pretty much all the north american pro wrestling belts, he's posed with some of the legends of the business. I used to be a big WWF fan, my pop grew up with Mad Dog Vachon and Richard Charland so it was always a family activity to either watch or go see it live... Nowadays it's a soft-core gay porn pissing contest, kinda sad.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Psytrance.
Coolness: 89365
Ladies and genlemen I give you Jake "the Snake" Roberts before and after pics.

» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
3 words:

Get a clue.

I'm with neoform on this one. You make your money exploiting your company in Canada, using our ressources and services, you fucking pay your taxes here in full or your ass should go to jail after we're done taking what you owe us. Fuck that "I'm rich so I can just evade taxes" bullshit.

Update » Strik_IX wrote on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:51pm
Maybe he wanted to start a flame war and got the shaft.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:45pm. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
People, believe it or not, we're having intelligent conversation in a thread that Blisss of all people started.

Carry on.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:27pm. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
Depending on how rich you are and how close to the next tax bracket down you can actually "invest" in charitable oraganizations in order to lower your taxation rate thus resulting in both a tax return and lowered income tax which in term leads to more net gain, not sure if that's how it works that way in the states though.

Update » Strik_IX wrote on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:30pm
I do too (put money in charities), I've been giving 20$ a pay to Amnistie International for years now and sadly will have to end my contributions next month. I'm a sucker thought and havent even filled in my tax report, so I'm not getting anything out of it but that satisfaction of helping people less fortunate.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:19pm. Posted in Breakz fans.
Coolness: 89365
Kishmay, I read it and I was reaffirming that even if he is from Canada that I would definitely pay to see him, as many times as I can actually he is THAT good IMO.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:13pm. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
Gamos, Dahlia, do either of you realise that in smoe states there is no minimum wage. That some people are forced to work for 60+ hours a week to just make ends meet? That in the states discrimintaion on gender, race and a whole bunch of otehr factors keep the poor poor working like slaves trapped in the system?

And taxing them more is gonna help them? While 11% is HUGE I would revise the plan by not giving to the poor and just keeping their taxation at the same level while dropping the 11% to say 6 or 7. That money can be reinvested in public services.

I dont think that by taxing the poor even more would even remotely solve the problem.

Update » Strik_IX wrote on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:14pm
Dahlia... I helps many drop from one taxation bracket to another and actually make more net gain.
Update » Strik_IX wrote on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 2:15pm
*it helps not I lol!
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 1:14pm. Posted in Meg Boat.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By GODISDEAD_
anybody got any pics ?!?!

You just wanna see the streaker again dont you? :P
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 1:13pm. Posted in Breakz fans.
Coolness: 89365
Totally forgot Robb G, even if he's local this dude kicks ass.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 1:11pm. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
If you look at the numbers it's not status quo but rather a better way of taxation. If implemented the rich lose 11% and the truly poor gain 5.5% I find it decent.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Looks like lunchtime has the same effect. Damn you need of sustenance! *shakes fist*
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 12:01pm. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
Meh it could take longer than that, the powers that be may wait until Obama promotes ideas that go against their profit. I personally believe that the president of the states is completely irrelevant whoever he is, anyone who isnt blind can see that a greater force is behind US politics if not global politics.

I could go on and on, and yes I'm a conspiray theorist (is that even a word?) and this election stinks.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 11:09am. Posted in Mc Cain or Obama?.
Coolness: 89365
McCain is an evil man... I hope Obama gets in, but I'm afraid if he does that his days will be numbered unless he becomes yet another automaton.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 11:02am. Posted in Top 3 trolls on rave.ca.
Coolness: 89365
So 1.5 llamas, I want the rear end of the half llama please, no questions asked mmkay?
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 5, 2008 @ 10:56am. Posted in Top 3 trolls on rave.ca.
Coolness: 89365
You owe me one camel and 2 bags of rice, I will be expecting them soon. I accept llamas as proper payment as well.

» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 4, 2008 @ 4:27pm. Posted in Meg Boat.
Coolness: 89365
Ok, je comprend, grossière indécense + un homme à la mer + agressivité envers le personnel. C'est bien pire que juste se garrocher dans l'eau. Il devait se sentir petit dans son b-day suit menotté à une chaise.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 4, 2008 @ 3:47pm. Posted in Meg Boat.
Coolness: 89365
Cops wont let anyone have any fun *shakes head*. But seriously is that all he did, jump off the boat?
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 4, 2008 @ 3:45pm. Posted in Breakz fans.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By BASDINI
although it would probobly be impossible, Stanton Warriors ...

Oh yeah Stanton Warriors would rock, Deekline and Wizard too Oh EM GEE!
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 4, 2008 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Meg Boat.
Coolness: 89365
Why would he get a 3500$ fine and who fines him, the city? Dont think a private company can issue that sort of fine. Now I'm not saying it's not stupid and reckless, I would ban him from the AML boats, but nothing more.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 4, 2008 @ 3:14pm. Posted in Lesson of the Day: Montreal Coat of Arms.
Coolness: 89365
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 4, 2008 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Meg Boat.
Coolness: 89365
Fucking sucks, I missed out cuz it was sold out... booooo!
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Aug 3, 2008 @ 11:35pm. Posted in Any tips for quitting weed?.
Coolness: 89365
I have more willpower than that, those friends I would never replace. I guess I just need to taper it down.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Aug 2, 2008 @ 1:13pm. Posted in Lotto 6.49.
Coolness: 89365
^^ Best post in this entire thread
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Aug 2, 2008 @ 1:07pm. Posted in So When is it ok to Hit A Girl?.
Coolness: 89365
Alright, I didnt toggle the replies but blisss' message got quoted... Better wear a dress when you go out of your house blisss it might actually save you from getting your scrawny little bitch ass kicked.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 6:07pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365
Verdump~LaSalle 4Life yo!

So no, sorry dont think so :P
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 5:19pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Dead since exactly 17:00... 18 mins and counting, screw you guys I'm done @ 6 today :P
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 4:55pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365
Oh I know Genevieve, I know. Je respecte beaucoup ton opinion lorsqu'on parle de sujets chauds. Je suis venu qu'à connaitre ta personallité ici même et je crois fermement que tu es transparente ici, fidèle à toi-même et à tes valeurs que je respecte beaucoup d'ailleur.

T'as une tête sur les épaules et t'as pas peur de te battre pour ce en quoi tu crois, c'est bien. T'inquiètes, je sais que tu es une personne honnête et intègre, t'aimes juste jouer à mêre un peu des fois :P Je ne suis pas mieux, moi je nourri les trolls et j'alimente les feu mais que voulez-vous? On a tous nos défauts :P
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 4:46pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365
C'est bon, ce n'est qu'une question de perception. Désolé d'avoir mal percu ton commentaire, mais des fois c'est difficile à "gauger" sur le net sans entendre l'intonnation ou voir le language non-verbal. Je t'offre donc mes excuses.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 4:43pm. Posted in So When is it ok to Hit A Girl?.
Coolness: 89365
Well, here's the deal. I open doors, I walk on the side of the street, I offer my jacket when it's cold, I treat women with respect and try as much as I can to behave like a gentleman. But when a woman gets physically agressive with me, sorry but it's free game.

WTF is this bullshit mentallity where a woman can fucking slap you in the face and you cant do shit. You wanna slap me bitch? Get ready for a slap in your face cuz it's comming in with as much force as you just used. There is NOTHING more insulting than being hit in the head or the face, it would take me a lot of self control to not just flat out slap back. When punches are concerned, same shit... If you have to "balls" to hit a man, you have the "balls" to suffer the same.

There's no "I have tits so you cant hit me rule", you forfeit that the second you get physically violent. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE PHYSICALLY VIOLENT TOWARDS ANOTHER. NO ONE.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 4:35pm. Posted in Mange Sa Chatte.
Coolness: 89365

Ripped off some UK prepaid wanna be credit card for teeny-boppers.

*Holds breath*




» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 4:30pm. Posted in Looking for a tv.
Coolness: 89365
Meh, si t'enleve le tube ca pêse la moitié moins.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 4:29pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365

Je m'en calisse de me faire servir en anglais, je maitrise la langue très bien. Les Québécois trop cons ou qui ont trop de fierté mal placée pour apprendre l'anglais ne font que se fermer des portes et se mettre des batons dans les roues.

La meilleure facon de proteger notre langue c'est de l'enseigner a nos enfants et je ne parle pas que des Québécois de souches mais des Québécois en general peu importe leur origine. Ceci est déjà fait, j'ai plusieurs amis de souche arabe, asiatique, africaine, bref de partout dans le monde pour qui leur langue maternelle est le francais puisqu'il sont né ici même au Québec.

Le francais n'est pas menacé, c'est de la foutaise. Nous ne somme pas menacé par les méchants anglais, ni les imigrants. Je crois que c'est de la xénophobie dans la majorité des cas et du excusez-moi l'expressions anglaise "fear-mongering".

C'est bien d'être fier de ses racines, mais n'empiettons pas sur celles des autres, ces gens là sont probablement tout aussi fiers des leurs. Je trouve que souvent cette "fierté" deviens de l'arrogance et a exactement l'effet contraire à ce que l'on desire. Si j'étais anglophone ou imigrant d'une autre nation qui n'est pas francophone et qu'on me faisait la tête parce que je ne parle pas francais ou qu'on me tirait des insultes, je ne crois pas que ca me donnerais le gout d'apprendre trop trop. Malheureusement ce genre de situation arrive souvent, les Québécois semble ignorer ce genre de situation, mais lorsque ça arrive à un francophone oh làlà, c'est une toute autre histoire.

Une derniere chose, ceci s'adresse a Betty Haze: C'est bien correcte que d'appeller les choses telles qu'elles le sont comme dans le cas de anglophone vs anglais et francophone vs francais, mais je pense que les gens avaient compris même si le mauvais mot a été employé et que c'est inutile que de se petter les bretelles en faisant sa "smath" pour montrer qu'on est meilleur... Desole mais c'est la facon que j'ai percu ton commentaire, de l'arrogance mal placee, comme plusieurs Québécois lorsqu'on ouvre le debat sur la langue au Québec. Peut être que j'ai mal perçu ton commentaire mais c'est comme ça que je le vois.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 1:49pm. Posted in Looking for a tv.
Coolness: 89365
Si c'est pour un aquarium, pogne toi une vieille TV en bois ca serais kick ass!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 11:41pm. Posted in Lotto 6.49.
Coolness: 89365
The way you made it sound in your initial post was that your sister didnt work much yet you turn it around in this one...

While I agree completely with your second statement, some people (myself included) will occasionally buy a lottery ticket when the jackpot is high. Who the fuck cares if I spend the equivalent of a coffee and a half on a fucking lottery ticket? I dont think anyone on this board is a granny that spends 50$+ a week on lottery tickets so there is no point in trying to educate any of us on the subject at hand.

It's fucking 2-3 dollars get over it.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 9:14pm. Posted in Lotto 6.49.
Coolness: 89365
Erm, that carbon emission tax is BS, you're not solving the problem, you're just moving it. Again you;re attempting to solve the problem by buying people out... American way yet again.

Cost has nothing to do with it and no I dont agree. Being able to pay to not have an environmental conscience is total bullshit. Humans can be so fucking stupid, every other species is fighting for its survival while the vast majotiry of us are clinging to petty things and are willing to let future generations pay for it.

Here's where I stand on the Hummer thing: [ www.fuh2.com ]

Everyone thinks of now, of their own little pathetic lives instead of seeing the big picture and seeing ahead. The whole who cares I'll be dead thing makes me wanna go: "ORLY? *stab-stab* Who cares, you're dead!"

This attitude is detrimental not only to the human race but to life on earth in general. I am so fucking tired of people caring only of themselves it makes me wanna puke.
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 8:49pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Allright, bend over here it comes again.
Strik_IX's Profile - Community Messages