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» Strik_IX replied on Thu Oct 2, 2008 @ 2:36pm. Posted in iPod Ammo required!.
Coolness: 89365

My iPod got stolen a few weeks back, I got a new player and need to load it up since our backup drive got accidentally kicked to the ground (500Gb down the hole...).

I would like some nice dnb, jungle, breaks mixes. I've already got Melo and Dialect's stuff, but looking through all of [ rave.ca ] is a pain. Not sure if there's a search for different styles, but there's 65 pages worth of DJs on here!

So yeah, just toss me profile names if you know anyone. Wanted Subtone and Stalker, but they havent put any mixes on here, oh well!

Back to DLing torrents like mad (Wu Tang Collection on the way 1.5GB of Wu!)
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 3:25pm. Posted in DS games help!.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Originally Posted By strik_ix
OBJECTION! and you can actually use the mic to object hehe :P

Yeah, because yelling at a piece of plastic while you're sitting on the bus gets ALL the bitches!

Cuz you're true a reference on "getting all the bitches" arent ya?

Sorry, couldnt help myself :P

It's fun though, I had a blast, but to each his own.
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 3:12pm. Posted in DS games help!.
Coolness: 89365
It's definitely more than just a detective game, the court part is what I like best.

OBJECTION! and you can actually use the mic to object hehe :P
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 2:59pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
Bah au moins la pizza ca goute et ca sent bon :P
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 2:58pm. Posted in Le vote STRATÉGIQUE..
Coolness: 89365
I totally hate baby boomers... No voting if you're retired IMO :P
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 1:33pm. Posted in Terrasse part deux!.
Coolness: 89365
Let's do this!
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Le vote STRATÉGIQUE..
Coolness: 89365
Vote with your head and your heart fuck that strategic shit. NDP all the way, c'est en votant pour le parti qui nous represente que les chose vont changées... pas en votant pour un autre totton parce que tu ca va te debarasser de l'ancien totton.

Un totton c'est un totton, pi les libereaux c'est des conservateurs avec une mentallité qui n'a pas changée depuis la création du parti... donc libéral mon cul, ils ne font que promouvoir des politiques arrièrée.

De toute facon les ostie de baby boomers vont avoir le le controle de qui va se retrouver au pouvoir aller jusqu'a ce qu'ils crevent tous... fait chier.
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 12:36pm. Posted in DS games help!.
Coolness: 89365
Shindy, chu sur que tu va aimer Phoenix Wright, c'est vraiment un tout nouveau genre. Advance Wars Dual Strike est coté dans le top 5 des jeux de DS sur la grande majorité des sites réputables. Le setting est quand meme cool aussi, les anims sont toutes en japanim, Le story line est pas mal bon, le style graphique est charmant, et les maps sont toutes ben le fun, facilement plus de 100 heures de jeux sans se tanner puisque chaque scenario est different et chacun des C.O. a des pouvoirs unique, sans oublier les dual strike qui sont des attaques combiné de 2 C.O. Bref un excellent jeux si t'aime les jeux de stratégie.
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Oct 1, 2008 @ 1:26am. Posted in DS games help!.
Coolness: 89365

Best "Simon Says" music game I've played in a while. Elite Beat Agents is the North American version, but the songs suck. If you dont mind J-Pop or actually like it the game can be quite entertaining and I feel the songs are more intuitive than the same old pop crap that played on the radio a few years back.

Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! Remember the name, if you have a flash card just get it and try it, you'll be hooked

If you're into RPGs or just the FF series the Final Fantasy III remake for DS is actually quite good, it's not FF VI or FF VII good, but good nonetheless.

The Advance Wars series is probably the top strategy games you can find out there and the most recent title on DS, Dual Strike brings some nice new elements to table.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a story based series of games in which you play both attorney and detective. In terms of puzzle games it really is something completely different, you have to interrogate witnesses and know when to push, investigate crime scenes, bring forth evidence at the right time and you only have so many chances to miss in court. No worries though, you can always start over from your saves. Just dont go looking on the internet for the solutions because it just makes the game lose it's edge.

Can't say if the game is that good or not for I have yet to play it, but it's definitely on my wish list. I hear nothing but good things about Phantom Hourglass. Then again, apart for that horrible rendition on Phillips CD-I Nintendo has taken very good care to release only quality titles under the Zelda banner.

Check out how great the intro to the CD-I Zelda game is hahaha!
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Sep 30, 2008 @ 12:16pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By GODISDEAD_
eille non mais serieu t qui man ?
and who the fuck has a nick like Thundercock ?

C'est fucking Blisss...

Mais serieux Jesse, just fucking drop it. Je la trouve quand meme shot que t'attaque Alex et que t'as choisi de completement igorer mon comment.

Just fucking dissapear, best move you can do, from the rave scene, from the cops, from whatever and try to actually have a life instead of latching onto other people.

You will never win a debate here, you have no credibility so just fucking drop it and go panhandle or something.
» Strik_IX replied on Tue Sep 30, 2008 @ 1:21am. Posted in rip paul newman.. 1925-2008.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By DATABOY
[ ]

The man with the wikkid salad dressing.

Not sure if you checked out the video on that link, but I had no idea he was such a good man.
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 1:50pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
Oh we'll get over 9000
» Strik_IX replied on Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 10:01am. Posted in rip paul newman.. 1925-2008.
Coolness: 89365
RIP Reggie Dunlopp
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 1:42pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
Ben la Mike, fais assez de mes amis qui se font crosser. Pi je tire la ligne quand on vole un de mes amis d'enfance et sa mere...

Sans oublier qu'il te traite de menteur... Mike, on a pas toujours ete sur la meme longueur d'onde mais une chose est sur, t'es un gars honnete.

Pi criss, j;ai pas a me justifier, c'est rien ce que j'ai ecrit quand on pense aux degats que ce ti-coune a pu faire a des gens qui ne voulais rien sauf l'aider. Un jour ca le rattrapera et il finira en dedans ou 6 pieds sous terre.

Le monde n'a pas besoins de gens mechants a tendances parasitaires.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 2:41pm. Posted in YOU THINK I'M FUNNY!? HEN.
Coolness: 89365
Where the fuck is that from?
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 2:37pm. Posted in Bruno.
Coolness: 89365
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 2:30pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
The couch...
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 2:17pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
Bah it's old, we need a new one, we'll burn it after use.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Fuck!.
Coolness: 89365
^^^ Hahahahahaha
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 1:17pm. Posted in Bruno.
Coolness: 89365
More even, he played the part on the Ali G. show.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 1:15pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 89365
Crap... I've been so busy with school and work I missed this thread.

Jesse, the whole everybody lies, everybody is against me bullshit smells bad... Sure, the entire world is against you and everyone lies just to make your life miserable. The only person to blame for your shitty life is you, no one else.

You dont need anyone? Then get the fuck out and stop mooching off half the city. Quit trying to find GOOD PEOPLE with open hearts and abuse of their good will, in the end it will make those good people question themselves hen it comes to helping someone who ACTUALLY NEEDS IT.

You call everyone hypocrite and shit, when the biggest one is about 18 inches away from the monitor you are staring at. The vast majority here gave you the benefit of doubt and decided to give you a chance before judging you and what do you do? Get friendly and run with half their shit.

The whole harassment card you try to pull is pure and utter bullshit, you will never go to the cops if you are remotely smart. If half the people you fucked over reported what you've done and gave a description plus photos there is no way you can file such a report without getting identified.

This is gonna sound harsh, but obviously there is no reasoning with you. This whole circus has been going on for months if not years, it's always the same shit. I have something at home you might wanna steal: 6 feet of rope, heck you can crash on the couch for a day before you leave with it... just make sure you shower.

Fuck that Jesse, you dont wanna help yourself, then go drag yourself back into that ditch you crawled out of and keep on being a miserable waste of human life.

I said my piece you thieving rat and hope I never see your face again. You are evil, I have no respect for you and pity your mother for having to live knowing she has a wicked son with no morals or values.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 12:57pm. Posted in So what are you doing tonight?.
Coolness: 89365
I'll be there :P Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

J'ai pris la journee off!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Bruno.
Coolness: 89365
Nice publicity stunt. Cohen has balls, very big balls. :P
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Culture en peril....
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By GODISDEAD_
I hate quebequois ppl ( please note that I am generalizing ) cause my whole life I grew up in Quebec City getting shit on cause I was english. Some of you are fucking one sided, narrow minded fucks who take advantage of our government and shit on everything thats not quebecois. My take on it, if you were to leave here, with your barely understandable french...WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA GO ?
I understand the fact that some are proud of their heritage, as Im extremely proud to be Irish, but dont shit on everything thats not quebecois. And please I stress the fact that Im speaking from personal experience and am generalizing...especially with this election coming up....


After reading this I feel compelled to let the world know that you have 2 last names, one of which very much sounds quebecker...

There is good and bad in every culture, generalizing will get you nowhere. What about the proud Irish who are actually born in Ireland who speak a barely understandable version of english WHERE THE FUCK WOULD THEY GO if the wanted out of Ireland?

Sorry, but that comment really pissed me off. There are assholes in all cultures, too bad the rest of us have to pay for a few assholes who gave you a hard time in the school yard.

Guess what? I was picked on lots in school too, I have since dealt with that and just dont talk or see any of those assholes. I'm happy with my life and the majority of those morons either arent morons anymore and realize how mean they were as kids. The rest are dead, in the slammer or very unhappy with their shitty little meaningless lives spent bitching others from the comfort of their porch drinking beer paid with our tax dollars.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 11:19am. Posted in Bonne Fete Melo!!!.
Coolness: 89365
How did I miss this thread?

Bonne fete en retard Melo, see ya tonight!
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Sep 25, 2008 @ 1:25pm. Posted in Any ice hockey players on RW?.
Coolness: 89365
On y va tout les dimanches sans vraiments se soucier de la temperature. Genre de 1-2h a 5 environs. On se rencontre generalement au metro cote vertu, mais je ne suis aps sur si on va faire ca a st-laurent cet annee.

Mais bon, dimanche sans hesitations, on change pas une formule gagnante y'a rien a foutre le dimanche. Alors, hockey suivie de grosse bouffe et s'il y a un match a la tele... encore mieux :P
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 1:13am. Posted in HerOes.
Coolness: 89365
Yep Monday sept 22nd
» Strik_IX replied on Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 1:12am. Posted in Hapy B-Day Eldee .
Coolness: 89365
Bonne Fete Eldar!

Party til' you puke!
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 7:31pm. Posted in Here kitty, kitty, kitty,,,.
Coolness: 89365

*makes cute face*

» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 7:29pm. Posted in Culture en peril....
Coolness: 89365
C'est phocking bon comme concept.
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 1:23am. Posted in gang bang.
Coolness: 89365
Originally Posted By RAKOON
I propose a session of Eyes to Mouth ... or ass to mouse ... your choice

Foot to Ass IMO... x13 so it's a real gang :P
» Strik_IX replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 1:19am. Posted in Here kitty, kitty, kitty,,,.
Coolness: 89365
They're cute, I wish I could take em, but we already have 3 pussy cats :(
» Strik_IX replied on Thu Sep 18, 2008 @ 12:13am. Posted in Tips, pourboire 15% ou moins?!?!!?.
Coolness: 89365
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 9:02pm. Posted in Habs tickets///.
Coolness: 89365
Oh baby! My Pop just called, he might score some tickets for the Nov 22nd game vs. Boston... Patrick Roy's #33 retirement night! *crosses fingers*
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 8:22pm. Posted in Habs tickets///.
Coolness: 89365
Yeah! Thanks for reminding me, my pop said hd get some this year too weeeeeeeee!
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 8:21pm. Posted in the love guru.
Coolness: 89365
Love Guru sucks balls, 2/10 and it would be a 1 if it wasnt for Justin Timberlake's role.

It is also fiction, I dont say this because he can vanish or make elephants have sex on ice during a penalty shot in game 7 of the playoffs. But because the Toronto Maple Laughs win the cup in this movie, something they havent achieved in 40 years and it aint gonna be making the playoffs for a nice long while now.

Love Guru sucks, TML suck, Jacques Le Coq FTW.
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 5:48pm. Posted in Habs tickets///.
Coolness: 89365
I hate all of yo with tix, 4life
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 11:34am. Posted in Tips, pourboire 15% ou moins?!?!!?.
Coolness: 89365
Good tip usually assures good service in the future, it's just money guys... What's a buck or two when you order a drink? What's 5 bucks when you just had a 40$ meal?

If you cant afford to tip, dont go out or dont eat out, period.

I usually tip 15-20%, depends on my mood and how good the service is. If I was mistreated or had very bad service I leave a penny and never come back, I expect good service when I eat out.
» Strik_IX replied on Sat Sep 6, 2008 @ 12:33pm. Posted in Need a hairdresser..
Coolness: 89365
^^ Shoot me please.
» Strik_IX replied on Wed Sep 3, 2008 @ 2:58pm. Posted in Anyone Using Chrome Yet?.
Coolness: 89365
I hear google documents has trouble running on chrome and that's kinda shitty for google... cant run yor own apps on your browser, GG.
Strik_IX's Profile - Community Messages