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» Simply5teve replied on Tue Oct 21, 2003 @ 1:20am. Posted in phat pants for sale.
Coolness: 68265
as ironic as it sounds for me , id rather not have them too girly...
thats why i asked :P
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Oct 21, 2003 @ 12:25am. Posted in phat pants for sale.
Coolness: 68265
how Phat are they ??
and are they like reallly girly pants ??
i fit into a 28
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 11:49pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 68265
incest !!
stop checking out your cousin !!

Pats ass is very pale and compact , but pretty
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 11:17pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 68265
ive lost track of how many times ive seen your bare ass being violated in pictures Pat :P
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 5:57pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 68265
ummm hi i already did...
guess you just didnt hear me cuz i dont exist
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 1:15am. Posted in Got Milk?.
Coolness: 68265
* runs away with my secret stash of milk *
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 12:22am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 68265
looks like Kaf ( i think its her ) is havin fun tickling/rimming YOUR ass !!
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 12:06am. Posted in SCREAM : The halloween party ! RollCall!.
Coolness: 68265
yowzahs !! that penis has a face.....

Gen i have a cute pic of you , Meg and me from Wemf , we look all bitchy and grrr , i shall bring it for you

wheres the party being held ??
someone told me Pepsi forum
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 12:01am. Posted in Three Word Post.
Coolness: 68265
mmmmm yes pleeze !!
» Simply5teve replied on Sat Oct 18, 2003 @ 3:52am. Posted in Chelsea!.
Coolness: 68265
Chelsea your new do' is SO cute !!

» Simply5teve replied on Sat Oct 18, 2003 @ 3:51am. Posted in Three Word Post.
Coolness: 68265
woe is me
» Simply5teve replied on Sat Oct 18, 2003 @ 3:50am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 68265
its Melissa who used to live in Ottawa , and Julian who was also lived in Ottawa for a bit...
» Simply5teve replied on Fri Oct 17, 2003 @ 2:38pm. Posted in SCREAM : The halloween party ! RollCall!.
Coolness: 68265
hellooooooo Nimi

» Simply5teve replied on Fri Oct 17, 2003 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 68265

cuz i said so !!
» Simply5teve replied on Fri Oct 17, 2003 @ 12:47pm. Posted in SCREAM : The halloween party ! RollCall!.
Coolness: 68265
» Simply5teve replied on Thu Oct 16, 2003 @ 11:39pm. Posted in SCREAM : The halloween party ! RollCall!.
Coolness: 68265
fuck , if you could somehow make your giant inflatable penis into a costume id SO wear it Heather !!

but umm yeah , im going
and spending all weekend in Mtl too so hopefully ill get to chill/shop/drink with some of you ppls that i know
» Simply5teve replied on Thu Oct 16, 2003 @ 11:12pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
ruined : stoopid evening shift @ work
ruined : missing all 3 of my fave. tv shows cuz of my stoopid evening shift
ruined : naggy/paranoid mother
ruined : thinking about someone i shouldnt
» Simply5teve replied on Wed Oct 15, 2003 @ 11:05pm. Posted in phat pants.
Coolness: 68265
woah , its an online whore store.....

im obsessed with Gat pants
i have a bunch but just cant get nuff , theyre so hard to find too :(
» Simply5teve replied on Wed Oct 15, 2003 @ 11:02pm. Posted in 31/10/03 SCREAM : The halloween party !.
Coolness: 68265
i dressed up as str8 last year , but this year i dont think i will...

this party is gonna kick SO much ass !!
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 8:48pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 68265
* buses that come early or late but never on time
* getting on the wrong bus
* louuuud ppl on the bus
* when im just bout to call someone then the phone rings and its not for me so i hafta wait to use the phone
* overly paranoid ppl
* ppl who only talk to you when theyre intoxicated
* when ppl think you cant hear them cuz youre wearing headphones and talk bout you
* when a guy comes btwn me and a friend
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 8:39pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
made : holding a hot boys wee-wee while he peed on the weekend
made : seeing ppls i hadnt seen in a while
ruined : bitch who wouldnt sell me cigarettes
ruined : hearing back from someone who i had assumed was ignoring me
» Simply5teve replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 68265
getting phone calls saying " hey are you coming out tonight ? " when you realllly wanted to go out , but didnt know anyone was going out , and it was too late by the time you actually got the call....
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 11:30pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
thats EXACTLY how my cat was Nimi
wayyyyy tooo much attitude and it hated ppl like 98% of the time

we fed it cheap cat food once and it didnt like it so it took a shit on it
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 11:16pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
i tried to say bye then my cat bit me....
it was soooo mean i could never even pet it or pick it up , but hey it was still my cat

its very sweet of you to think of the owners of the cat though seeing as you didnt even know who the cat belonged to
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:54pm. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 68265
thx Nimi
it took me wayyyy too long to figure that one out myself , and unfortunately i had to find it out the hard way
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 68265
yeah that sounded awfully ironic with Gens signature....
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:49pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
Julie thats not nearly as bad as it being your own cat , and you being the one to take it in to have it "put to sleep"...

made : bacon
made : seeing ppl i havent seen in a while
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:46pm. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 68265
* knowing youll NEVER see someone special again
* telling yourself you hate someone when in reality you just miss them but wont admit it to yourself
* being misunderstood
* feeling like i really dont know myself
» Simply5teve replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:15pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
ruined : putting my cat down :(
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 8:03pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 68265
made : lots of sleep
made : great first day at my new job
made : bacon + cheese burger
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 12:20am. Posted in Megan the Pea.
Coolness: 68265
did you erase the link to the pic cuz i said her head looked huge ??
hopefully not , cuz it was still a cute pic
» Simply5teve replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 12:08am. Posted in Push The Limit III: Kevin Energy 23 août.
Coolness: 68265
Chelsea were you at the party ??
if so how did we NOT run into each other ??
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 11:59pm. Posted in Gay Day at LaRonde.
Coolness: 68265
hey i never said i have anything against closet case homophobes , theyre actually pretty fun sometimes , in more ways than one...

and nope
penis is not just penis
quality is defffinitely a factor
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 11:49pm. Posted in Gay Day at LaRonde.
Coolness: 68265
yeah i went to go pick up closet case homophobes ;)
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 11:46pm. Posted in Gay Day at LaRonde.
Coolness: 68265
they have gay days at Laronde ??

i dunno if its related at all but on friday we had a big huge anti-gay marriage protest in Ottawa , i didnt stay long enough to see what was going on but all i could see was ppl in red t-shirts too....
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 11:30pm. Posted in Megan the Pea.
Coolness: 68265
i know its just the angle of the camera but her head looks huge there !!

still so pretty though :)
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Nimi.
Coolness: 68265
im sooo scared to get my tongue pierced
i know its not sposed to but i just cant get rid of the idea in my head :P

but yesss
get your septum pierced !!!!
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 10:39pm. Posted in Nimi.
Coolness: 68265
well if you go somewhere good and they dont hafta pierce through cartilege ( most of the time they dont need to ) youll be just fine ,
im the biggest pansy with needles and was terrified to get it done but it was just the tiniest pinch n that was it

one of the great things bout septum piercings too is that you can hide them realllly easily
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 10:30pm. Posted in Nimi.
Coolness: 68265
Nimi that piercing would look HOT on you
get it !!
it really doesnt hurt at all either

the real question is when is Fred NOT wearing a revealing shirt ??
» Simply5teve replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 10:07pm. Posted in Tattoos and piercings.
Coolness: 68265
also known as a Monroe

its when you get a stud on the crease of your upper lip ( to the side ) , so like a beauty mark sorta...
Simply5teve's Profile - Community Messages