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» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 87630
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 12:56pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 87630
I don't do aliens ... pass !
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 12:00pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 87630
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:57am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 87630
bleep !
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:55am. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 87630
pass also !
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:55am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 87630
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:45am. Posted in Cops and discussion forums.
Coolness: 87630
Une salle avec un permis de dance serais pas des plus deplacee en effet !
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:43am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 87630
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:33am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 87630
» rave_dolphin replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 11:31am. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 87630
Hurray for spring ! Fuck !
» rave_dolphin replied on Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 10:51pm. Posted in Cops and discussion forums.
Coolness: 87630
hahahaa ... not fun for tourists though ! lol
» rave_dolphin replied on Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 10:22am. Posted in Walking Gundam Robot.
Coolness: 87630
I saw that robot for the first time 2 years ago, but it was only a prototype at that time. One canon shoot bullets, the other one shoots an air blast able to knock a person of her feet (without causing bruises ... on impact at least !)

Might be good to a police force to break down crowds, but in a mall, walking a 1.5 Kph ... what kind of thief do you plan to catch with that ?
» rave_dolphin replied on Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 10:14am. Posted in Cops and discussion forums.
Coolness: 87630
Yup ... spread the word and throw in a few fake venues on the website ... this site is OUR tool afterall, not theirs ! hehehe
» rave_dolphin replied on Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 5:14pm. Posted in iraq war comming to an end...?.
Coolness: 87630
Now THAT's interesting ...

Update » rave_dolphin wrote on Thu May 3, 2007 @ 11:13am
Read in the newspaper yesterday that Bush put is veto on it ... no end to war !
» rave_dolphin replied on Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 5:05pm. Posted in Reminder of how disgusting human beings can be.
Coolness: 87630
lol ... not enough for DNA, but What I intended to say is it`s just enough for small changes in overall behaviours ;)
» rave_dolphin replied on Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 1:55pm. Posted in TechTonic 2, March 16th and 17th 2007.
Coolness: 87630
Raving in Tux ! Wo0t ! (a bit hot though ...)
» rave_dolphin replied on Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Reminder of how disgusting human beings can be.
Coolness: 87630
hahaha ... my point from the whole start is that evolution takes time ! 50 years isn't much on the time line, it's not even a lifetime. Evolution carries on from one generation to the other. Want to see change, lok at how things were 200 years ago, and then you'll start seeing the difference.

and on another note ...
» rave_dolphin replied on Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 1:47pm. Posted in Spring coming back again !.
Coolness: 87630
hahaha ... also feel this year is kinda hardcore ! Let's party it on ! =)
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 4:29pm. Posted in Reminder of how disgusting human beings can be.
Coolness: 87630
And we have been evolving since that time ... when was the last time you've seen a guy kill someone in cold blood ? I mean ... seen it live, not on the TV ... I'm pretty sure if you'd asked this question 2000 years ago, almost everyone could have thought of one case or another, and there wasn't has many people around to do these shits.

There is still war, but most wars in industrialized countries are now waged economically, withouth loss of human lives. Isn't that an evolution to you ?

Slowly but surely guys ...
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 4:15pm. Posted in Reminder of how disgusting human beings can be.
Coolness: 87630
You can't expect humanity to change in a day ... evolution may be slow, but it's still there and constant. More than ever there is people understanding the need for a structured society and abide to it not by fear of the ruler, but by their own choice, because they feel it's right.

If you can't trust human kind, how can you trust yourself ?
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 11:58am. Posted in Spring coming back again !.
Coolness: 87630
The sweet smell of snow melting, wet grass growing, dog shit and hormones are back in town ...
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 10:25am. Posted in New Anti-Rape device.
Coolness: 87630
lol ... and what if they have to take a dump ? hahaha

Nobel price, really ... I'll sculpt her a trophy made of coffee cups today, she at least deserves that !
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 4:23pm. Posted in New Anti-Rape device.
Coolness: 87630
yhea ... and if the guy want to rape a girl and is scared of that toy, he'll just go anal for a better experience ... give her a trophy someone !
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 4:21pm. Posted in Student punished for spaghetti/pirate beliefs.
Coolness: 87630
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 4:10pm. Posted in iraq war comming to an end...?.
Coolness: 87630
Russia and China ? You still have a link to that article, I'm pretty interested in that !
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 4:07pm. Posted in Iraqi Hospitals.
Coolness: 87630
yhea ! Liberate the world for Tyranny, hurray for democracy ! *cough* sarcasm* *cough*
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 2:03pm. Posted in Magic the Gathering : the card game !!!.
Coolness: 87630
Damn ! too bad I sold my whole collection in 2000 for 20$ .... o_0

I'm also in if someone has another extra deck ! lol
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 1:42pm. Posted in flyers in the world problem under a million dollar.
Coolness: 87630
Avant de parler de flyers anyway ... si on parlais de lightsticks ? lol
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 10:35am. Posted in Reminder of how disgusting human beings can be.
Coolness: 87630
Human do learns ... but we're talking of an evolution that goes over 1000's of years so yeah ... from the day we're born to the day we die, there probably won't see major changes.
» rave_dolphin replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 10:27am. Posted in San Francisco Bans Plastic Grocery Bags.
Coolness: 87630
Hip hip, hurray !
» rave_dolphin replied on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 10:34am. Posted in Reminder of how disgusting human beings can be.
Coolness: 87630
sicko ...
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 7:15pm. Posted in Fantaaaastic new drug!!.
Coolness: 87630
And short term effects can results in brain freeze when you overdose ...
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 7:13pm. Posted in Réunion demain chez Fractal pour la reconnaissance de la scène Rave.
Coolness: 87630
J'pense comme Betty que la seul façon de régler la situation au Fractal serais de le faire en se servant du même système qui nous mets présentement des bâton dans les roues ... on s'en jase tous demain !
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 3:01pm. Posted in Réunion demain chez Fractal pour la reconnaissance de la scène Rave.
Coolness: 87630
I had plans, but I feel this is kinda important so ... count me in !!
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 1:28pm. Posted in Fantaaaastic new drug!!.
Coolness: 87630
now that's one drug I'll have to try ! :)
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:34am. Posted in Apres le fractal ....les promoteurs.
Coolness: 87630
Avec [ Rave.ca ] c'est pas compliqué retracer un promoteur, surtout quand t'as le flyer dans les mains ;) Notre communauté web est pleines d'avantages, pas juste pour nous !
» rave_dolphin replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:23am. Posted in TechTonic 2, March 16th and 17th 2007.
Coolness: 87630
Pour la manif, une manif est legale tant qu'elle est en mouvement, mais bloquer l'entree du Circus serait a la fois illegal, et une mauvaise publicitee pour la scene rave, pas mal plus que pour le circus. Les medias serais pas mal plus prompt a blaster la gagne de mottés qui bloque l'entree d'un etablissement privé que d'essayé de trouver la raison, et on attire pas la sympathie du public en posant des actions du genre anyway. Contacter les medias pour leur conter l'histoire, ca s'est une bonne idee, mais encore la, faut pas n'importe qui pour le faire. La gagne du Fractal devrais le faire, attirer l'attention du publique sur le fait que les ravers veulent pouvoir feter en toute legalitee pis arreter de se cacher pour le faire, et que c'est les autoritees elles-meme qui nous en empechent (j'ai un contact chez TQS et radio-can si vous voulez)

On gagnera rien en voulant se venger, c'est comme de vouloir eteindre un feu avec du gaz. Si vous voulez vous battre, battez vous pour garder le Fractal ouvert, pis pour que les raves legaux puissent exister.

Le plus j'y pense, le plus je crois que retourner aux raves illegaux dans les warehouse serait un gros abandon face a tout ce pour quoi on s'est battus. On doit prouver une fois pour toute qu'il n'y a rien de mal a danser toute la nuit, pis on doit le faire en prouvant que l'ont peut raver tout en restant legal.

Oui des gens se droguent pour aller raver, mais des gens se drogue aussi pour ecouter un film tranquile dans leur salon. Puis je suis un exemple vivant que non, c'est pas TOUT les ravers qui font de la drogue non plus. J'crois que ce qu'on devrais faire, c'est une fois pour toute briser les mythes qui entoure notre culture, pis attirer la sympathie du public sur notre cause.
» rave_dolphin replied on Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 2:47pm. Posted in TechTonic 2, March 16th and 17th 2007.
Coolness: 87630
If you want to fight for that place, gimme a PM and I'd like to help, although I don't have much time working a full time job and having business projects on the side, I guess any kind of help would be welcome. As I said, if someone has the will to handle the bikers, the club owners and the cops, we can work it out, and I'd be glad to help. I just thought no one here would do that.

If you choose to fight, I'm sure you'll have a lot of people in your back. The scene just needs a rally flag and a powerful base to fight those giants. Else, we will do what we've done in the past, and what the ravers do through the rest of North America: Hide in warehouses and party guerilla style.
» rave_dolphin replied on Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 11:49am. Posted in TechTonic 2, March 16th and 17th 2007.
Coolness: 87630
You are right. Raves will probably be smaller than the ones we got used to, but the growth is the main reason of the war. We went from underground, to small organized community, and they want to destroy that small community before it takes over.

There can still be big events once in a while, but now there's one every two weeks, which brings a lot of attention to the scene. We just need to find a balance between beeing underground, and eating roots I guess.
» rave_dolphin replied on Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 11:40am. Posted in TechTonic 2, March 16th and 17th 2007.
Coolness: 87630
I guess the best tactic for us since we don't have what it takes to fight a full front war is the guerilla warfare ! Stop advertisng on the calendar, do mouth to mouth, let the venue be know 24h in advance, and be prepared to get busted once in a while.

We did it in the past, we can do it again ! The other option we would have would be to play their game, find a venue, make it totally legal, invest lot of money in it, deal with the bikers who will want to get inside, fight against the club owners and police officers who will try to have us close at any given chance ... and I don't think anyone here is willing to take such a huge responsibility.

We became too comfortable and need to get moving again. They cannot fight against something they can't see.
rave_dolphin's Profile - Community Messages