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» raisinlove replied on Tue Jan 1, 2008 @ 1:10pm. Posted in happy 2008!.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By BASDINI
thats not until 2012

But every year has a potential Doomsday! I'm placing my bets on global viral war!
» raisinlove replied on Tue Jan 1, 2008 @ 7:09am. Posted in People Stop Getting Younger....
Coolness: 63670
bah, tout le monde me donne 5 ans de moins pi cé ben correct :)
» raisinlove replied on Tue Jan 1, 2008 @ 7:07am. Posted in happy 2008!.
Coolness: 63670
Happy New Year! I hope you're all ready for Doomsday!
» raisinlove replied on Mon Dec 31, 2007 @ 4:40pm. Posted in Warhammer 40k.
Coolness: 63670
I played Necromunda a few years ago...all the models belonged to a friend who had hundreds of 'em. Good fun :)
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 28, 2007 @ 11:52pm. Posted in non ipod mp3 players.
Coolness: 63670
I got the Samsung YP-K3 for christmas and it is sweet :) it's super slim and has great sound quality. Only 2 gigs though, but that's plenty for me.
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 21, 2007 @ 2:25pm. Posted in Mighty Morphing Lesbian Asian Power Rangers.
Coolness: 63670
aw, it was much sexier in my mind before I saw the vid :(
» raisinlove replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 2:57pm. Posted in More Gore!!!.
Coolness: 63670
maybe it's Story...I dont remember, I saw this a while ago. Could be a few titles for the translations too.,.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 12:03pm. Posted in More Gore!!!.
Coolness: 63670
Life Of Riki...now THAT is gore alright :)
» raisinlove replied on Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 11:47am. Posted in le temps des fêtes à Télé-Québec....
Coolness: 63670
Dans mon temps, c'était Nathalie Simard qui animait Ciné-Cadeau!
» raisinlove replied on Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 9:34am. Posted in Other book stores in Montreal other than Chapters/Indigo/Coles?.
Coolness: 63670
For all things sci-fi and horror, there's a great bookstore close to where Nebula Books used to be, although I forget the name. They carry mostly comics but also the books left over from Nebula. It's on Ste-Catherine between Guy and Atwater stations, on the south side of the street. Support independant bookstores!
» raisinlove replied on Sun Dec 16, 2007 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
it's in print alright, all 128 pages of full colour :)
» raisinlove replied on Sat Dec 15, 2007 @ 11:18am. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
uh... well it's a comic and there's a rave in it...what's not to understand?
» raisinlove replied on Sat Dec 15, 2007 @ 11:15am. Posted in More Gore!!!.
Coolness: 63670
more disgusting than 2 Girls 1 Cup?
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Okay, I'm having an problem with ethics..
Coolness: 63670
Well you even reminded him about renewing it and he still didn't do it. The cost of renewing is 15$ at most. If he couldn't spare 15 bucks, he mustn't have cared that much about it in the first place.
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 12:20pm. Posted in Fun with roommates!.
Coolness: 63670
oops, thought this was the pr0n thread...
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 12:15pm. Posted in More Gore!!!.
Coolness: 63670
As a gore connoiseur, I would say that this does *NOT*, in fact, classify as gore.
» raisinlove replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 9:05am. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
if you really want a copy, just message me and I'll hook you up! I really have to bring back the site one day, it had the Paypal button and all.
I was selling them at Expozine a few weeks ago...
» raisinlove replied on Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 12:10pm. Posted in an other fucking asshole.....
Coolness: 63670
If every kid had good friends and/or a decent hobby, we would see much less of this. Isolation and boredom brings out the devil.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 12:13pm. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
tiens, je suis tombé sur une critique qui résume mieux l'histoire que moi-même:

Club Zero-G, Douglas Rushkoff and Steph Dumais, The Disinformation Company Ltd, 2004

This graphic novel is about Zeke, your average unpopular, 19-year-old college student. He is a townie who happens to attend the local Elite University. One night, he discovers a hip, new club, Club Zero-G, where he is popular and accepted. The catch is that everyone is dreaming. The club exists only in the shared dream consciousness of its participants. Zeke remembers the club the next day, but he is the only one.

As time goes on, Zeke discovers that the shared dream space is actually a psychic field produced by four mutant children from the future. Conceived in zero gravity, they are the last of their kind. They live in a world where independent thinking is a threat to “consensus,” and are hunted by the authorities. The four seek the help of 21st century teens who, perhaps, can still alter the course of reality.

Then Zeke learns that he is being used, by the militaries of the future and present (including Zeke’s father), as a portal into the field of the Zero-G kids, so they can be removed, once and for all. Of course, there is a much simpler possibility. Zeke could just be losing his mind.

I confess to not being much of a comic/graphic novel reader, but I loved this story. It is sufficiently strange and influenced by Japanese anime, the drawings are easy to follow, and it will give the reader plenty to think about. Two strong thumbs up.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 9:09am. Posted in Ode To Your Siblings.
Coolness: 63670
my little brother gets all my respect. From brat to brain, he's my brother all the same :)
» raisinlove replied on Sun Dec 9, 2007 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
Je dirais qu'au Japon cest surment plus big qu'en Belgique quand même... Puis pour les comix porn, je suis daccord ca paye mais pas au point de sauver l'industrie...
» raisinlove replied on Sat Dec 8, 2007 @ 10:21am. Posted in Fuck You.
Coolness: 63670
captain obvious strikes again!
» raisinlove replied on Sat Dec 8, 2007 @ 10:19am. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
sans être trop indiscret, c'est tu rentable produire des bd comme ça? Messemble que c'est vraiment un niche market

La bd en général est pas super rentable. Le marché est en déclin, cest juste un peu moins pire pour le manga. QUand a Club Zero-G, les gens qui l'achètent, ce sont surtout les fans du scénariste Douglas Rushkoff, qui a écrit beaucoup de livres sur la culture populaire en autre.
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 4:55pm. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
wow c'est vraiment bien


L'histoire est impossible a comprendre avec juste ces extraits, il y a 128 pages en tout. En résumé, cest l'histoire d'un gars ordinaire qui rêve a un rave et qui réalize que ses amis ont le même rêve. La différence cest qu'il se souvient de tout. Le rêve/rave existe dans une autre réalité créée par de jeunes mutants du future qui veulent sauver leur réalité des forces du Consensus, une sorte de police de la pensée qui manipule notre présent via les forces armées. Même en résumé cest compliqué, faut vraiment lire le tout ...
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 4:41pm. Posted in Conversation with Horus who thinks Because u dress all in black ur ba.
Coolness: 63670
this comic saved the thread and made it cool again!
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 4:33pm. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
j'avais un site avant mais j'ai jamais prit la peine de le remettre en ligne, mais en attendant, voici les extraits:
[ clubzerog.raisinlove.com ]

Si vous voulez comparer ce style de dessin avec ce que je fais aujourdhui, je vous invite a voir [ www.zombiecommandos.com ]
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 4:10pm. Posted in Yé! Nouvelle critique de ma BD sur la culture Rave.
Coolness: 63670
Pour ceux que ca pourrait interesser, j'ai une nouvelle critique de "Club Zero-G", mon roman graphique paru il y a quelques années. Cette fois cest sur les ondes de la radio de l'UQAM! [ web.choq.fm ] (l'emission du 3 décembre)
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 1:38pm. Posted in zomg dance O__O.
Coolness: 63670
bon, on y va pour la coupe longeuil alors?
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 1:35pm. Posted in Fuck You.
Coolness: 63670
all pants should be banned
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Fuck You.
Coolness: 63670
nothing is invented, only put into a context or given purpose, thus naming something as the color red equals inventing a colour ;)
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 9:21am. Posted in that must hurt. alot..
Coolness: 63670
stop doing what? getting entertained? I got entertained by the multi-bilion dollar movie industry when all the Terminator movies came out and I don't feel bad at all ;)
» raisinlove replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 9:18am. Posted in Montreal Bar Owners Want To Stay Open Till 6AM.
Coolness: 63670
I lived in Poland for a few years and bars over there close in the morning. I think this prevents having a bunch of drunk people out in the streets all at the same time, i.e.: 3am/4am. I ended up staying till 7am many times. The downside is that you do tend to drink more and your next day is lost in sleep and/or sickness ;)
» raisinlove replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 11:41am. Posted in Qu'est ce qu'une relation authentique avec autrui ?.
Coolness: 63670
cest justement ça je pense, la différence d'âge, le problème!
» raisinlove replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 8:53am. Posted in Qu'est ce qu'une relation authentique avec autrui ?.
Coolness: 63670
ya surement des filles moins compliquées que d'autres...je pogne les plus imprédictibles. Beaucoup de fun mais aussi beaucoup de WTF? ;)
» raisinlove replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 8:47am. Posted in Conversation with Horus who thinks Because u dress all in black ur ba.
Coolness: 63670
where is your sense of NETIQUETTE? tsk
» raisinlove replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:23pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 63670
I'm not telling you anything new right now.
» raisinlove replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:22pm. Posted in Qu'est ce qu'une relation authentique avec autrui ?.
Coolness: 63670
Malgré tout ceci, les garçons ne comprendrons jamais les filles :(
» raisinlove replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:20pm. Posted in I fucking hate facebook.
Coolness: 63670
I'm a Stealth Zombie!
» raisinlove replied on Tue Dec 4, 2007 @ 9:27am. Posted in some nerd masturbating to his naked wow character..
Coolness: 63670
apparently in China they make it a rule not to play avatars of the opposite sex
» raisinlove replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 9:51am. Posted in Robert Dziekanski tasered by the RCMP at Vancouver Airport.
Coolness: 63670
kinda OT I guess but I just realized that "Robert" doesn't sound very polish... wtf? ok, getting my coffee now.
raisinlove's Profile - Community Messages