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» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:48am. Posted in "I am an athlete.".
Coolness: 63670
thanks, well if you get an idea of what you'd like, maybe I can help. I won't draw a Taz or an Eagle gripping the Amrican flag though ;)
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:41am. Posted in "I am an athlete.".
Coolness: 63670

What a coincidence, I just drew this for my friend's new tattoo

Update » raisinlove wrote on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:42am
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:38am. Posted in The Dee Fanclub version 2!!.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
You have my axe.

LOLZ, I was totally thinking about this when I posted my reply but figured it wouldnt work in this thread... and here you go ahead with it :P
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:27am. Posted in "I am an athlete.".
Coolness: 63670
..or different personalities of the same:

freezer = the victim
horus = the philosopher
alpha = the wanker
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:24am. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
He's not really angry at anyone, he says this is stupid and that people are mean to him, but really, he's enjoying all the attention... but things are starting to get repetitive...
» raisinlove replied on Mon Mar 31, 2008 @ 11:41pm. Posted in The Dee Fanclub version 2!!.
Coolness: 63670
you know me by my screen name
» raisinlove replied on Mon Mar 31, 2008 @ 4:02pm. Posted in Wish Me Luck!.
Coolness: 63670
good luck! If I didnt shave so close, I could have have given you a blank slate ;)
» raisinlove replied on Mon Mar 31, 2008 @ 3:58pm. Posted in "I am an athlete.".
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Mon Mar 31, 2008 @ 9:12am. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Sun Mar 30, 2008 @ 7:14pm. Posted in How do you like today's rave scene?.
Coolness: 63670
my brother once gave me some K while we were out at Saphire and warned me that I shouldnt smoke up right after. Being the first time I tried it, I thought it wasn't doing anything so I smoked up anyway. The next thing I know, I cant understand a word my friends are saying and when I decide to get up and dance, my legs aren't responding. So we just all sat there laughing at my predicament. About 40 minutes later, the whole effect is gone and everything is back to a normal weed buzz...
» raisinlove replied on Sun Mar 30, 2008 @ 5:10pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Sat Mar 29, 2008 @ 1:43pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 10:29pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
Cest pas super dangeureux la ville de Québec pour un jeune homme quand même!
» raisinlove replied on Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 10:05am. Posted in My soulmate.
Coolness: 63670
I got the big ass KITH boxed set! All the seaons into a nice little package :)
» raisinlove replied on Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 8:49am. Posted in anyone want my lvl 50 wow character for like 50$.
Coolness: 63670
I'm out of touch, I was going to ask "which game?"
I used to play Runescape a few years ago, got to level 80 and realized I wasted too much time on this game, so I gave my account away to my 8 year old cousin, who proceeded to deplete the character's bank account to buy useless trinkets ;)
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 2:22pm. Posted in looking for nice people to party.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By LPHZB
raisinlove do you mean i didnt put enough info to make people beeing interested by my suggestion

exactly. What are your tastes in music, what kind of parties do you like, but more importantly, we want to see nudie photos.
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 2:21pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 2:08pm. Posted in looking for nice people to party.
Coolness: 63670
Iphzb, I suggest you beef up your profile info...
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 12:57pm. Posted in caffeine owns .....lol.
Coolness: 63670
I quit coffee a few months ago, but not cafeeine. I have my Guru every morning. I think I'm addicted to it... an average small can of energy drink equals two strong cups of regular coffee so at most I have the equivalent of 4 cups in a day and apparently, tests have shown that 6 is still not considered too much every day.
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
mais le thread est composé des répliques des gens... un thread = les mots des gens!
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 11:02am. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 8:55am. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
if this thread is such a nightmare, why keep reading it? is it masochism? it's just a bunch of people posting ridiculous words on an internet forum, how is it a nightmare? this is like poking a bee hive until a bee stings you, then you complain about how you hate bees. don't hang around the bee hive, all they want is to make honey...
ok I don't know where I'm going with this analogy...
» raisinlove replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 2:15pm. Posted in How do you like today's rave scene?.
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 11:03am. Posted in Oreo Cakesters.
Coolness: 63670
hey! I was feeling pretty proud of myself for walking past these when doing my groceries without picking them up, and here you drop some PEER PRESSURE on me to go out and get CAKESTERS.
» raisinlove replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 11:01am. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
I don't know if anyone here used to post on Usenet at rec.music.industrial, but this type of drama was always going on. Thanks for keeping this stuff alive, it makes my days at work a tad less boring, just like in 2001 ;)
I'm not joking, this is sickeningly addictive :(
» raisinlove replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 9:18am. Posted in DOOMSDAY (again).
Coolness: 63670
Ok, so now I've finally seen it.
You know what? I FUCKING LOVED IT! It isn't campy or cheesy like Escape From New York, which has a similar premise, but it is very comic book like and it's awesome. I fell in love with that tattooed chick with the swords ;)
This movies has loads of gore, torture and blood, great fun all around :)
» raisinlove replied on Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 3:50pm. Posted in Callout for March 15th, 2008 : 12th International Day Against Police B.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Ouin, mais : on devrait pas payer pour le transport en commun !

Tout ce que moi j'ai à faire dans la vie, ça devrait m'être gratuit, quand même : je suis un bon citoyen, je recycle, je paie mes taxes pis je ne brise pas de loi facque je devrais avoir tout gratos.

Tout les gens comme moi devrait avoir les choses gratuitement parce qu'on est bon. Ok, pis les pauvres aussi, c'est pas leur fautes s'ils sont pauvres quand même. Pis les assistés sociaux, c'est pas de leur fautes s'ils sont paresseux. Pis les gens au prises avec des problèmes de consommations, c'est quand même pas eux autres qui se mettent de la coke 25 fois par jour dans leur nez, quand même. Ce sont tous des victimes.

Facque tous les autres qui ne sont pas dans ces catégories, qui sont riches et qui font du cash, payez pour tous les autres qui sont moins fortunés.

S'cuse-moi mais moi j'ai été élévé à travailler pour gagner mon pain, j'ai ben de la misère à victimiser les gens qui sont capables de faire de quoi mais ne le font pas pour X raisons que ce soit.

C'est mon opinion.

oui mais l'argent pour payer tout ça vient des impôts et des taxes. qui paye les taxes? les citoyens et les entreprises. monter les taxes des citoyens? ils chialent parcequ'ils veulent pas payer pour des services qu'ils n'utilisent pas. monter les taxes des entreprises? elles déménagent dans un coin moins taxé, privant les citoyens d'ici d'emplois (donc de payer à leur tour des taxes parcequ'ils qu'ils sont sur le chômage ou le B.S. qui est payé par les impôts des autres).

Oui mais... le transport gratuit! Mais payé comment???? avec nos taxes? je recommence...

En passant, les pays qui offrent le transport en commun gratuitement sont ceux qui ne sont pas endettés ou qui exportent massivement, comme le Kuwait
» raisinlove replied on Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
then do it yourself, learn how.

I thought learning how was the reason he posted in the first place...
» raisinlove replied on Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 2:39pm. Posted in FuckUp HaiR stYle....
Coolness: 63670
pretty radical nose job there
» raisinlove replied on Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 2:37pm. Posted in Why don't Rave-Wavers like Bal en Blanc?.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By MELOODIE
ou ca?

uhg...I'll take goth girls over this ANY day of the week... *shivers*
» raisinlove replied on Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 9:07am. Posted in Blu Ray.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
Originally Posted By Host_One
Blue Ray High Def is the shit, I watched transformers on a 50 inch plasma screen and surround sound...
it was like I was at the premier of the fuckin movie at Paramount, don't be hating ;) hehe

You said don't be hating... sorry. No hating intended, but that movie is so shitty. It's like BAAAAAAAHH WWWWAAAAAARARRRGGGGHH ZZZZAAAAH and then these helicopters are like PPPAAZZZZZZKOW BAAAAZOOOING PPPPPSSSWWWOOOOT PPPPSSSWWWOOOT and then the transformers attack and it's like KAAAAAABLOWEY ZZOOOOMBPOING WAKAKAKAAKKAKAAKAKA KRRRRRRRTTTTPPPPFFFFT BOOOOM! Ya know what I mean, there's a plotline for you! Oh no wait, that's just special effects. Mostly done in the dark.

Transformers hiding in the backyard? WTF? Transformers helping you get laid? WTF? Transformers being in the dark the whole movie so you can't tell exactly what the shitty CGI consists of? WTF???? And what about fucking Unicron? Not considered important to the plot? What, they had to make it about the United States and Iraq somehow, but that really had nothing to do with the movie... and then there was that priceless scene at the beginning where the racist American tells the Spanish soldiers (who snuff it later) to "Speak English"... such a pile of shit. Sorry, I have to rant. DOES NOBODY ELSE SEE THIS FOR THE CRAP IT WAS?

Well the Transformers NEVER did make much sense... like the whole shrinking and growing thing (a tape player or gun that transforms into a 20 ft high robot?) or the uselessness in transforming into vehicules on their own planet (at least on earth it enabled them to live among us unoticed). Sometimes you have to suspend realism and just enjoy the ride. If you want realistic sci-fi, just see Alien.
» raisinlove replied on Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 9:01am. Posted in Whats the best way to get the high like when your on E.
Coolness: 63670
sex will do fine :)
» raisinlove replied on Mon Mar 24, 2008 @ 8:55am. Posted in Why don't Rave-Wavers like Bal en Blanc?.
Coolness: 63670
I haven't been to Bal en Blanc but I have been to the Black & Blue rave (o noes! teh geys!) and to some big-ass parties in Ibiza, to see what it's all about, but it was never the music I really wanted to hear. For my satisfaction ratio, the tickets have always seemed overpriced. And in Ibiza? I had to pay 20 euros for a Vodka Red Bull. I don't mind teh geys, I don't mind the size of the crowd, it's just that the really big parties usually cater to a larger taste in music.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Mar 24, 2008 @ 8:47am. Posted in Happy good friday!.
Coolness: 63670
great comic book potential!
» raisinlove replied on Sun Mar 23, 2008 @ 11:47am. Posted in The most dangerous town in CANADA top 100.
Coolness: 63670
farmers are the craziest of all if Pickton is any indication!
» raisinlove replied on Fri Mar 21, 2008 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Happy good friday!.
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 1:25pm. Posted in The Book Thread.
Coolness: 63670
I'm a post-apop fan. Here are my recommendations for post-nuclear regressed society fun:

Creepy book about new christian fundamentalists who raise human cattle for consumption

This is the first in a series of 7 books about the new societies that have arisen out of the chaos 1000 years from now...
» raisinlove replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 1:21pm. Posted in Tattoo Parlor.
Coolness: 63670
Or if my buddy isn't over-booked, he can do your tattoo at his place on weekends. No stress, no people staring... He's good and he used to work at Slick Style Steel before he quit to study full time. The tat in my pics was done by him, artwork by me.
raisinlove's Profile - Community Messages