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» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 12:21pm. Posted in The Book Thread.
Coolness: 63670
of course I've read The Road, it's right up my alley :)
» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 10:27am. Posted in Vive Les Osties De Fuckés Dans Tëte !!!!!!.
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 10:23am. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 63670
Well what kind of messages do you want?
» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 9:24am. Posted in Call out for ART!.
Coolness: 63670
good thing I used a rubber that one time... *whew*!
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 5:06pm. Posted in Call out for ART!.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By ANNILY
That's really nice, actually! Did you draw it?

Yes :) thank you
Check out my other stuff at [ www.raisinlove.com ] or my profile pics here.

As for it being my ex...well I suppose it could be her! mouahahahaa!
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 5:04pm. Posted in Artists/Designers.
Coolness: 63670
I'm game... what's the prize?
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 4:45pm. Posted in This is a test it will be deleted don't reply....
Coolness: 63670
You have my bow!
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 4:44pm. Posted in Spammer war iz over?.
Coolness: 63670
yeh, it's also the EXACT sound I make when I go down on chickas :P
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 3:14pm. Posted in LOLeverything-but-cat.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By RAKOON

doesnt look that bad, but then, I like these weird unhealthy ready-made nomnoms :P
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 1:33pm. Posted in Call out for ART!.
Coolness: 63670

This is my VD themed piece!
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 11:44am. Posted in BBB: SuicideGirls gets an F.
Coolness: 63670
I went to a little Suicide Girls party once right here in MTL. One of them was from Australia and is dating one of my buddies (he had organized it). Nice people but the "fans" present were a bit creepy...
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 10:39am. Posted in Vive Les Osties De Fuckés Dans Tëte !!!!!!.
Coolness: 63670
Nice job, things seem relatively back to normal now...
But I *rrrreally* should be working right now ;)
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 3:03pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 63670
I'll have a Guinness please
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 1:26pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 63670
awww, pas de morceau de robot pour moi :(
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 1:15pm. Posted in Stop It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 63670
Bon, je croyais que c'était terminé pour toi les posts comme ça. Il semble que t'a changé d'idée.
Et bien comme un nostalgique de Usenet, je dis ...

[ en.wikipedia.org ]
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:01pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
I love how people come to a rave-oriented board and try to come up with some grand scheme or life altering experience or try to impose spiritual/religious views on everyone.

Of all the fucking online boards to choose from, they all have to come here.

How about this concept : how about most people come here to relax, just chat and posts a bunch of weird YouTube videos and not giving a flying fuck about religion, social studies, propaganda and all that fecal brainwashing some of you are trying to instill on here ?

Oh and how about this : if I really wanted to understand more about such concepts, maybe I wouldn't COME HERE FOR ANSWERS ? If I was smart enough to want to know more about all these serious topics, I'd fucking GOOGLE that shit up and start from there. Not a RAVE MESSAGE BOARD. If you people can't chill to fuck out and just relax and be friendly instead of being so goddamn preachy about political views, racism this, muslim that then maybe this isn't the place to be posting.

I respect freedom of speech as much as the next guy and am open to any conversation whatsoever but I don't go ponder the meaning of life at a fucking stripper's club, get it ?

Summer's almost here, we are all jaded and tired of winter, we need to get out on St-Denis and order a pitcher of beer on some outdoor terrasse, NOT necessarily discuss splitting fucking atoms. If we're out there sipping margeritas and the subject arises, fine. Otherwise, will you please ease up and at least BE FRIENDLY ABOUT IT.

I've just exercised my own rights to express myself, just like everybody else on here. Thank you.

well said :)
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 11:25am. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 63670
Well let me address your points then.

I haven't seen the movie Hitman, nor ever played the game, and never even brought the subject up so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Regarding publicity, as I mentioned before, why do you think *this* is the place for such discussions?

Your statement "FUCK PLUR" goes against the purpose and nature of this website, thus confirming the fact that you are preaching your ideas to the wrong crowd.

There is no admiration, respect or trust between you and me, based on what I know from you so far, and I suspect this is the same with most people here (confirmed by reactions to your posts and presence here)

You have failed in your message of peace, because you have miscommunicated it and have hardly used anything in your favor to press your point by using a controversial screen name. You can have your evil grin on your painted white face, typing away your great philosophical discoveries all you want, but if your purpose is to bring a message of peace, why not adopt an attitude that won't turn people off. So far, this image you're projecting of yourself and your choice of words are doing the opposite effect that you claim to achieve: people aren't seeing past the attitude, they will not listen. You might see that as a problem, but a good communicator targets his audience and chooses the best means to get his message across.

You want to share your views like most people, that website project seems like a good start. A rave forum is not.
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:08am. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 63670
This guy isnt like Horus at all, he's more along Alpha's lines: this guy is in love with himself. Usually people who make a point of reminding others how great and important they are, it's to convince and reassure themselves of their usefullness.

Seriously, haven't you read the topics on this forum? They are practicaly all about rave/music events and goofing off (that includes the little flamewars). If your topics fall into the latter category, I'm guessing you're not expecting any serious responses. If you have an opinion on religion (for example) wouldn't you find better conversation on a more serious forum than [ rave.ca ] Why here? To have people laugh at you so that you can reply with self-righteousness and feel better about "educating" us? You're nothing new, you're not the first one to use these tactics.

Also, it doesnt take much brains to stir up trouble. Another guy here has succeeded far better than you have and he doesnt know when to stop. He suceeded in ridiculizing himself and turning people against him, polluting this forum with topics that go against, well, PLUR. Is that your intention? You intentionaly used that screen name to get attention and have people bash you. You intentionaly adopt a self-important attitude (like that Alpha guy), KNOWING people don't take kindly to such attitudes. What is it with people posting online to get bashed on? Massochism? Gluttons for forum punishment?

I suggest you change your attitude and find your attention elsewhere, we would very much like to keep this a nice place. You can be everyone's friend here, but if that's not what you want, you're in the wrong place.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 4:48pm. Posted in LET'S PLAY ...... INSULTS GAME.
Coolness: 63670
pour une fois que les gens tournent leur attention vers un autre pour rire de lui pour ses commentaires pas rapports, comme j'ai fait dans un autre thread, et tu te sens encore visé. les gens parlent pas juste de toi. Y'a d'autres gens comme toi. C'est pas plus agréable être fin, contribuer des choses drôles ou dire de quoi que rapproche les gens plutôt que de les écoeurer? Des commentaires négatifs de temps en temps c'est normal, mais en faire tout tes sujets, ca devient maladif.
je comprend ta réaction de répliquer avec des insultes quand tu te fait écoeurer. Les gens qui ne se font pas écoeurer sur le forum sont ceux qui prennent pas les choses personelement, ce sont ceux qui ignorent les insultes, ce sont ceux qui restent plaisant avec les autres. Parfois les gens réussissent à faire pardonner des conneries qu'ils disent en répliquant avec quelquechose qui fait rire tout le monde ou encore en disant quelquechose de vraiment intelligent.
C'est le fun poster sur un forum comme ça, même si on connait pas les autres en personne, on arrive même a se faire des amis en vraie vie de cette façon. Mais ya des gens qui on besoin de plus d'attention que d'autres ou encore qui aiment se défouler en ligne. Ouais, pas problème, cest pas la fin du monde, cest juste un forum, right? Mais d'un autre côté, ca gruge sur le site et tout le travail que Noah a mis pour monter cette communauté en ligne.
Pendant 2 ans je fréquentais ce site sans jamais me créer de compte et maintenant que j'en ai un, je suis devenu accro. Mais je vois trop de marde apparaitre en ligne et c'est dommage. Heureusement qu'il y a la fonction ignore. Un moment donné, tout le monde va se tanner de tes commentaires et vont tous t'ignorer. C'est pas obligé d'être comme ça. Prend pas les choses trop personelement, essaye de comprendre en quoi tes threads contribuent a cette communauté avant de les poster. Té pas un ado de 14 ans frustré de la vie quand même. Si la vie va mal, elle va un peu mieux quand on a des amis, même si ils sont juste en ligne.
Voila, c'est tout ce que j'avais à dire et je me même plus de tes chicanes si tu tiens a les entretenir en ligne. J'espère juste que tu va réaliser que c'est pas oubligé d'être comme ça.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 4:20pm. Posted in RIP Charlton Heston.
Coolness: 63670
but so many people misuse them! They make it so easy to kill...
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Great, another douche.
Coolness: 63670
cest correct freezer, emballe toi pas trop, je parlais pas de toi. le gars dont je parle se débrouille pas mal mieux en anglais de toute façon. Mais si ca peut te consoler, le mot "another" dans le sujet du thread faisait allusion à toi entre autre. Genre, les gens personne qui apportent plus de négativisme que de positivisme sur le forum.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 4:02pm. Posted in RIP Charlton Heston.
Coolness: 63670
I dont think bearing arms these days would protect american citizens from a totalitarian goverment. Supposing such a goverment wouldnt outlaw the weapons in citizen's hands in the first place (creeping into power as it might be doing at this very moment through media manipulation), what chance would ordinary people with firearms have against the military? The goverment could even kill dissedents through chemical and biological means. or whatever... guns wouldnt change a thing. At best it would launch another civil war too bloody to makes things any better.

isnt it clear how more gun crimes and murders occur in states where people are allowed to carry guns?

So yeah, Heston liked guns. He could have gotten his fix by going to a shooting range and rent a gun there whenever he felt like blowing targets away.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Great, another douche.
Coolness: 63670
don't try what? who do you think I'm refering to?
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:50pm. Posted in Web Radio.
Coolness: 63670
sticky worthy!
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Great, another douche.
Coolness: 63670
I meant the white-face guy...
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:47pm. Posted in Vista service pack 1 is out, yay!.
Coolness: 63670
honestly, I work on Vista at home and on a Mac at work and I dont have anything o complain about Vista, after 2 years of itense use. I drive it hard in graphics and video editing and I'm glad I moved on from XP, which did crash more often that this... *knock on wood*
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:43pm. Posted in Great, another douche.
Coolness: 63670
Looks like there's a new douchebag who recently signed up to stir up some shit.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:02am. Posted in RIP Charlton Heston.
Coolness: 63670
I did like him in a few movies. Tough ass in the Omega Man (could have kicked Will Smith's ass in I Am Legend) and he's classic in Planet Of the Apes... but yeah, I hear he had skewed world view. Micheal Moore brought out some of his ugly side.
» raisinlove replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 8:57am. Posted in new computer.. ..
Coolness: 63670
Yeah, for that price it's fine. You could have gotten an even better computer intower form for the same price but for a laptop, that's pretty good :)
» raisinlove replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 10:20pm. Posted in De-motivate Yourself.
Coolness: 63670
» raisinlove replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 3:49pm. Posted in Elephant paints.... itself ?!.
Coolness: 63670
Well I wouldnt call National Geographic my bible but I pretty much trust everything I've read in this magazine so far, and this month's issue lists the elephant as one of the few self-aware animals besides primates and dolphins.

Phoenix: don't forget that being considered holy doesn't equate an animal with being highly advanced socialy: Hindus consider a very wide range of animals as holy. Some of them even pay their respects to cockroaches.
» raisinlove replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
It's a new one: [ www.familyjams.com ]
» raisinlove replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 1:51pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670

this has gone on long enough.

» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Top bar.
Coolness: 63670
Bar Fuzzy a Brossard!
» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 8:54am. Posted in Top bar.
Coolness: 63670
I kinda liked how the top bar used to drop AJAX style... hidden when not in use, drops down when the top of the box is rolled over...
Another suggestion: randomized [ rave.ca ] logo from a folder of user submitted logos...
» raisinlove replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 8:44am. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
if this thread dies, what will happen to him?
» raisinlove replied on Wed Apr 2, 2008 @ 1:11pm. Posted in question for doctor.
Coolness: 63670
I def do not recommend rolling, the paranoia is real. Fear is amplified.
What you should do is get naked for your presentation... er, I mean picture the audience naked...hell, EVERYONE naked. Yeah, that should do it
(although I'm glad I wont have to witness this)
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 8:32pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
I couldnt find any gay themed minus-garfield comics...
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Ravewave's music player profile .....
Coolness: 63670
pas de compte de banque, va ben en falloir un quand tu va travailler, avoir une hypothèque, un REER, des assurances...
» raisinlove replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 1:11pm. Posted in Yum.
Coolness: 63670
Originally Posted By REGIMENTAL911
i cant look at bitches im not fuckin.so i'll passssssssss

that means you *never* look? oh snap! :D

sorry, couldnt resist ;)
raisinlove's Profile - Community Messages