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» Psyborg replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 12:00am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106405
Made: dire des niaiseries avec mon pepa sur msn.
Made: love, love, love!
Made: esti que tout va bien. :D
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 11:36pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 106405
Aahahaha c'est clair qu'elle est adorable.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:59pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By THE_BIG_JO
I <3 steak, especially when it cries.

You sweetie pie. *hugs*
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:49pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By VEGANNIBAL
I added an update to the post above:

and natural doesn't = right, anyways. I think we have evolved to know better than that by now, to be able to distinguish between the two.

True. We are not animals driven by their instincts (well, sometimes we are... that's another debate though), so we can choose consciously to eat something or not. But, once again, that's a CHOICE.

I'm all about free will. I never forced someone to taste my vegetarian meals, but it happened often when I cook at home and a friend shows up, he/she goes like "wow, that smells good, may I taste it?" And guess what? They opened their minds, some of them even cook vegetarian meals now, because they realized it can be tasty, healthy and fulfilling. Humans are pleasure-seeking beings, they're interested by nothing but their own selves. So, instead of talking about animal rights and morals, we should show the good side of a non-meaty diet.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:32pm. Posted in What The Fuck?.
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
It wasn't illegal already? Fuck. So many years of fun from yelling at cops I could've had :(

J'ai déjà pogné un ticket pour ça quand j'tais plus jeune. Insulte à un agent de la paix:160$ caliss. :( Mais bon, une ou 10 insultes c'est le même prix, faque si tu commences à les insulter lâche-toi lousse.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:25pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Bwahahahaha Sammie that's hilarious! *hugs*
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:25pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:24pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 106405
Cupcake-making date!
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:18pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Databoy: AHAHAHAHAHA no that's not me! Lynzyn started that thread, I just replied in it.

I've always been chubby, but I'm in shape. I have no pain in my articulations (except after a whole night of dancing, which is normal), no asthma, no high pressure, no cholesterol, none of those things usually associated with obesity. I feel good and I'm often told I look good, so why would I feel bad about it?
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:15pm. Posted in besoin de filles.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:10pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By DATABOY
For vegans, the health issues usualy start showing up 10, 15 years later.

I come from a vegetarian family, ate meat only a few times in my life (maybe that's why I can't digest it), and I'm still waiting for those health issues.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:35pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By DAF
c'est pas un point vendeur en tout cas

c'est bien c'est sincère

LOL bah c'est pas si pire! Elle a son petit bout de tapis à elle qu'elle fait ses griffes dessus comme elle veut. Je lui avais acheté un affaire recouvert de tapis à l'animalerie exprès pour ça mais elle l'a jamais utilisé. O_o
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:31pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By SHINDY
and it's a Fail :P

Histoire de cette tarte :

"Bébé, j'ai le gout d'un dessert"
"Ben dans l'armoire ya du Jello, pis de la croute Graham"
"Hey! Je suis sure sa donne une tarte au Jello, check ben sa je suis juste la premiere a y penser... tasse toi, ma te faire sa un dessert mon amour!"

2 heures plus tard (j'ai donner le temps au Jello de refroidir tsé :P)...

"Ark, ciboire... sa d'l'air du vomit quand on la coupe"
"Ariane, pas être chien, mais c'est sa sa goute itoo"

Au moins ça te fait une histoire comique à raconter!

J'aime ça expérimenter en cuisine, j'invente une recette avec ce qui me reste ou ben juste pour le plaisir. Des fois c'est bon, mais d'autres fois ça l'est un peu moins. Ya aussi certaines drunken bouffes que je me suis fait qui étaient des fails assez épiques merci. :S
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:21pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 106405
Je voulais écouter l'album Amour Oral de Loco Locass, mais mon windows media player a fucké le chien donc je l'ai perdu. J'étais fru faque je me suis rabattu sur At The Drive-In, In/Casino/Out à la place. SCREAMO! *headbangs*
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:14pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:13pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 106405
Jojo: ark bwahahahaha!

Je veux la paix, baon. Dans ma vie et dans le monde aussi tiens!
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:27am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:18am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405

I have to agree on that one. If you want to have some variety as a vegetarian you have to try new ingredients, exotic recipes, etc. I don't think I would have such a varied diet if I was still eating meat, because I wouldn't have been in need to look for new stuff, simply.

Update » Psyborg wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:24am
BTW my apologies dissonance, your post appeared right below mine so I thought your response was for me.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:11am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:04am. Posted in random pathetic messages.
Coolness: 106405

I get some priceless ones too on Tagged. Damn Morrocans looking for a bride to get their canadian citizenship!
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:59am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By VEGANNIBAL
I keep seeing this whole "I choose to be compassionate... but if someone else chooses not to, that's fine by me!" Well then why are you choosing compassion then? Why would it be okay for other people to cause excess harm to animals, but not for you?

I won't explain where my disguss for meat comes from, but I jus't can't eat any. If you don't eat meat for morals, good for you! I don't do it because I don't want to puke after every meal. I'm pretty tolerant and hate when someone tells me what I should and shouldn't do, so I tend to act the same. The best way to preach is by example girl.

Jay: you know me... lack of respect in any way pisses me off. Of course I'll vent it out! :OP
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:49am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Et moi de même. Avec le temps on apprend à s'entourer de monde qui nous respecte comme on est.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:48am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106405
Send me one by Puro Steffie!!!!

Update » Psyborg wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:06am
Pierrot: qu'est-ce que t'avais à faire? Des cupcakes? *winks*
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:48am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:45am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Dissonance WTF man, read my first post in this thread. I'm vegetarian because I don't like meat. You can compare that to someone who doesn't eat brocoli because they don't like it. Eat what you please, but let me eat what I please! And show some respect.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:43am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Toi t'es peut-être pas comme ça, mais yen a une méchante gang à le faire! La plupart des gens sont des suiveux, ils font ce que tout le monde font, et dès que quelqu'un sort de la norme un peu ils se foutent de sa gueule. Tu dois le savoir ça non?
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:38am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By NEMORAVE
Au pire t'es pas née comme ça.... c un choix personnel faque si j'suis capable d'assumer ce que je suis de naissance t surement capable d'assumer tes choix sans t'en plaindre par la suite.

Mon point est surtout que, contrairement à ce que tu peux croire, yen a de la marginalisation envers les végétariens. C'est comme quelqu'un avec des tattoos partout, des piercings plein la face pis tout le kit: il est pas né comme ça, c'est son choix, il peut l'assumer et vivre bien comme ça mais il va être marginalisé quand même. Parce qu'il est hors-normes.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:31am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 106405
Originally Posted By N.A
he would be right...if he only ate meat. Since he probably doesn't, he also contributes to the problems caused by growing wheat and soy (which is now in a lot of foods) and other grains and or vegetables/fruits. I don't like the idea of someone trying to free himself of guilt (that he admits he shouldn't feel) by making everyone else feel bad...kinda hypocritical.

I was SO about to say the same. Vegetarians are not the only people to eat wheat and soy, come on!

I'm vegetarian, mostly because I'm disgusted by meat. Plain and simple. I don't see what's pleasant about eating it, but hey if you guys like it, that's up to you. Someone's daily diet is a personal choice, and nobody should be criticized for it, vegan or not.

Pis Hugo: t'as AUCUNE idée combien de monde te marginalisent quand tu leur dis que tu es végétarien. Pour certains ça passe comme dans du beurre, alors que d'autres te regardent comme si t'étais un alien. En plus de toujours te faire achaler pour manger de la viande, devoir te justifier sans cesse, ya même du monde qui vont essayer de t'en faire manger à ton insu ou plus ou moins de force (ça m'est arrivé plusieurs fois). C'est crissement lame.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 11:56pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 106405
C'est pas le proprio le trouble, c'est ma future coloc qui est allergique bordel. :( C'est le genre de trucs avec lequel on peut pas niaiser malheureusement. J'ai le choix, soit que je garde ma coloc en or (j'ai déjà habité avec avant donc je sais comment elle est) ou bien que je déménage toute seule avec le chat. J'ai pas trouvé d'apart décent à prix décent pour moi seule donc j'ai dû faire un (gros) compromis.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 8:39pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106405
Mets-en! On dirait quasiment qu'il t'envoie des messages subliminaux... "Awaye, je suis full bon, mange-moi."

Pierrot: sors une boite de mélange à gâteau, suis les instructions dessus pour faire la pâte (c'est vraiment facile, j'en faisais j'avais même pas 10 ans), mets ça dans des petits moules pis crisse ça dans le four! Pis tadam! tu vas avoir une batch de cupcakes.

Update » Psyborg wrote on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 9:11pm
Stifi, Pierrot répond plus. Je pense que je lui ai donné le goût d'aller se faire des cupcakes pour de vrai. O_o
Update » Psyborg wrote on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 9:20pm
Il s'est peut-être trouvé une vocation de pâtissier qui sait. :D
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 8:36pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106405
Ben va te faire des cupcakes cliss!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 8:07pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106405
À moins qu'un plus classique te convienne mieux Bruno?

» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 7:50pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106405

There you go!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 7:46pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 5:29pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106405
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 5:22pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 106405
During winter she doesn't go outside anyways. And for the diet, as soon as all her basic needs are fulfilled, I don't mind. That cat is really calm, most of the time she's chilling on my bed or on the couch, I guess space shouldn't be an issue. The only thing she might do her claws on is a floor carpet or a couch. I have delicate curtains and never seen her trying to tear it or anything. That's so nice from you to take my cat, even if it's temporary.

And a "pet taxi" is a transport cage for small animals btw! :)
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 2:14pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 106405
*cries in joy and relief*

No problem girl! I have a 18kg bag of food I just opened, so you'll have food for a few weeks, plates, munchies and litter I can give to you. The whole kit. I can also lend you a pet taxi for the transport. She is spayed but still has her claws because she goes outside. I'll prepare her stuff so everything will be ready when you'll come get her (at any convenient moment for you).

Thank you, thank you so much!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 11:55am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106405
La fouille c'est ce qui fait perdre le plus de temps, surtout quand le monde ont des sacs à dos avec 36 poches. Le manque de staff en plus n'a pas dû aider, c'est sûr. Je trouve ça poche ce qui t'est arrivé l'an dernier Pat, je trouve rien d'autre à dire.

Made: got a call for a nice job. :D
Ruined: have a killer plan to find the money I need, but I'm freaking afraid to proceed!
Ruined: je commence à avoir un sérieux mal de tête.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 11:45am. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 106405
Merci Tam, c'est gentil de ta part. :)
» Psyborg replied on Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 11:41am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106405
Avec le monde qui garde la porte ouverte en plus... :OP

Nyar, de la façon dont tu parlais c'est comme si le staff avait obligé le monde à attendre dehors alors qu'il y a les escaliers... C'est inévitable que tu glandes au frette si les escaliers sont full! Ça revient à ce que je disais, arrive tôt (ou tard), tu vas pouvoir attendre à l'intérieur au chaud (relatif, au moins tu vas être à l'abri du vent!) et pas trop longtemps en plus.
Psyborg's Profile - Community Messages