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» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:50pm. Posted in Who's smarter? Corrupter or Version.
Coolness: 106400
Le petit pois entre ses 2 oreilles.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:47pm. Posted in Who's smarter? Corrupter or Version.
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:45pm. Posted in Who's smarter? Corrupter or Version.
Coolness: 106400
DoucheBag qu'on dit!

Pis c'est beau dire que l'internet c'est l'internet, mais ça donne quand même un avant-goût de qui tu es. Et de ce que tu laisses transparaitre en ligne, tu ne sembles pas quelqu'un d'intelligent, ni intéressant, ni même gentil bien souvent.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:41pm. Posted in Who's smarter? Corrupter or Version.
Coolness: 106400
Je trouve ça poche par exemple d'écoeurer qqn sur son apparence, on choisit pas la face avec laquelle on nait. À moins d'un excellent chirurgien, ça se corrige pas. Mais on peut choisir d'être un osti de douchebag ou pas!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:39pm. Posted in Who's smarter? Corrupter or Version.
Coolness: 106400
En effet, ça se sent online quelqu'un qui est cave.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:33pm. Posted in Who's smarter? Corrupter or Version.
Coolness: 106400
Anyone is smarter than Corrupter in here. Plain and simple.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:25pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
En effet tu te fais détrôner souvent gneu!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 11:17pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
C'est bon à savoir Pierrot que tu soies last! :OP
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 7:48pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Pfffft dans tes rêves mon petit gars! :OP
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 7:43pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
No no no!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 7:43pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 106400
Push-up bras are the key! :D

Make-up date!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 5:43pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
Because he is into biking!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 5:41pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 5:40pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 10:27am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
LOL I just want a leopard hat!
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 106400
I'm so in!
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:56pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
I will!
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:52pm. Posted in camping.
Coolness: 106400
I've been to Ile-aux-Coudres once and it was amazing. Me and my friends found a spot right next to the beach and sea (there, the St-Laurent isn't a river anymore, it's the sea). It was absolutely free to camp, it was savage and at the same time near everything needed: sea (for the amazing sunsets), SAQ (for the booze), grocery and restaurant (for the munchies). Good times, I tell you.

We have to see how much people are willing to pay, but this could be a nice low-budget option.
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:09pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
It used to be the magical hat in the loft's hall if I'm not mistaking?
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:06pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
Because she has a leopard-printed hat!
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 9:04pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By CORRUPTER
le goût que ca donne quand tu le boit ..... ça ressemble tu au goût du vin ?? Ou cé + heavy que ça ??

Non pas du tout! La bière goûte plus amer je trouve. C'est surtout le houblon qui donne ce goût-là, mais d'une bière à l'autre l'amertume varie beaucoup. C'est plus lourd aussi, vu que c'est fait à base de blé et d'orge, comparativement au vin qui est plus ou moins du jus de raisin fermenté pour en transformer le sucre en alcool.
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 8:57pm. Posted in What made / ruined your day ? part II.
Coolness: 106400
Made: très nice party hier soir! J'ai vraiment eu du fun.
Made: les kids partis toute la journée à la piscine = calme dans la maison = j'ai pu me reposer et dégriser tranquille. :)
Made: avoir découvert par hasard près de chez moi un petit marché asiatique super sympa et vraiment pas cher!
Made: improviser un souper avec des trucs que mon homme et les enfants ne sont pas habitués de manger et finalement tout le monde a aimé ça. Ça de l'air peut-être niaiseux mais je trouve ça gratifiant quand le monde aime ma cuisine. :D
» Psyborg replied on Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 8:40pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By CORRUPTER
quel goût fait référence à la bière ???


Ça goûte tellement différent une bière de qualité comparé à une bière cheap!!! C'est pas la même affaire pantoute. C'est comme le vin, si je peux dire.
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 7:31pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
J'ai hâte de boire une grosse quille au party tantôt hummmmm d'la bière... pis pas d'la criss de Blue Ribbon!!!! :)
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 7:26pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By CORRUPTER
Bonne après-midi ...... LAST !!!

Je venais de me lever faque pour moi c'était le matin hihihihi!
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 12:32pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Bon matin RW!
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 12:30pm. Posted in What made / ruined your day ? part II.
Coolness: 106400
Aahahahahahha awesome!

Made: Noah's b-day party tonight. :)
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 12:25pm. Posted in So what are you doing tonight?.
Coolness: 106400
Travailler et ensuite me souler la gueule au party de fête de Noah.
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 12:22pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 106400
Beer date!
» Psyborg replied on Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 12:21pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 106400
Because of that funny avatar.
» Psyborg replied on Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 1:41am. Posted in camping.
Coolness: 106400
Count me in! I LOVE camping! :) I have all the required equipment (tent and such) so I don't need to rent anything. We need to talk more about it, the cost and all, but I'm really interested.
» Psyborg replied on Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 1:30am. Posted in What made / ruined your day ? part II.
Coolness: 106400
Ruined: have to get up super early tomorrow when I want, need and could stay in bed late if I didn't have such important things to do.
Made: bf made a nice lunch tonight and left some for me in the fridge. Awwwww sweet. :)
Ruined: that happened the night I decided to go to the restaurant before going back home. :( I hope he won't be too disappointed.
» Psyborg replied on Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 1:22am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 1:21am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Sissies!!! :OP
» Psyborg replied on Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 1:18am. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 106400
Molest-from-behind date
» Psyborg replied on Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 11:44am. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 106400
I'm not vegan, I eat cheese. In fact, I'm addicted to cheese. *drools*

Et c'est vrai que les poutines au Rapido sont assez énormes merci! Même à 2 sur le trip bouffe on n'est pas venus à bout d'en finir une.
» Psyborg replied on Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 11:41am. Posted in what are you EATING right now?.
Coolness: 106400
Pizza and poutine!
» Psyborg replied on Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 12:58am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 12:51am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 106400
Psyborg's Profile - Community Messages