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» Psyborg replied on Mon Oct 5, 2009 @ 8:07pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 106400
You want rosé wine? Wow, you're the first guy I hear say so!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Oct 5, 2009 @ 6:39pm. Posted in quite possibly the stupidest tourist ever.
Coolness: 106400
» Psyborg replied on Mon Oct 5, 2009 @ 6:38pm. Posted in whats your tattoo.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By DAF
getting this tattoo this weekend
going to be on my left hip

Cramponne-toi, ça fait mal en esti! J'en ai un sur la hanche gauche justement et c'est le seul que j'étais pas capable de pas dire "ayoye!" une fois de temps en temps. :S
» Psyborg replied on Mon Oct 5, 2009 @ 6:27pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 106400
I wanna have new shoes, a new haircut, rosé wine and good company.
» Psyborg replied on Mon Oct 5, 2009 @ 12:30am. Posted in quite possibly the stupidest tourist ever.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By RECOIL
this guy is a nutcase too.

Tabarnac. That's retarded!
» Psyborg replied on Mon Oct 5, 2009 @ 12:17am. Posted in EPIC PIC of yourself thread! most stoopid pic you can find of u.
Coolness: 106400
Bwahahahahaah creeper!
» Psyborg replied on Sun Oct 4, 2009 @ 11:37pm. Posted in EPIC PIC of yourself thread! most stoopid pic you can find of u.
Coolness: 106400
Bwahahaha this thread is pure awesomeness!

» Psyborg replied on Sun Oct 4, 2009 @ 8:32am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Good morning RW!
» Psyborg replied on Sat Oct 3, 2009 @ 11:57am. Posted in Whats moar Addictive - meth or Heroin.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By KEVIN_FLYNN
Can anyone give me one good reason why I shouldn't move this thread to the "Drug Prevention" forum ?

Dooooo it!
» Psyborg replied on Sat Oct 3, 2009 @ 10:51am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106400
Made: me réveiller sans cadran. :D
Made: joint + gros café.
Made: magasinage et ensuite chillage avec des amis tantôt yé!
» Psyborg replied on Sat Oct 3, 2009 @ 10:48am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By LECHAT
jaime pas le weed :P

Comment oses-tu? O_o Carlos Santana l'a dit, le weed c't'un cadeau de Dieu à l'humanité!
» Psyborg replied on Fri Oct 2, 2009 @ 11:03pm. Posted in EPIC PIC of yourself thread! most stoopid pic you can find of u.
Coolness: 106400

PartyGirl, c'est le temps de sortir la pic que t'as pris de moi à Mont Radar 2005!
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 9:28pm. Posted in dubstep.
Coolness: 106400
Agreed. That video is awesome!
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 9:17pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
Zombieland looks crappy but still I'm sure it'll be entertaining!

And Sammy, I'm about to get my own place very very soon! If we can't make it at Hugo, Kayla or Bruno's place, that'd be a nice option.
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 9:00pm. Posted in Quote button doesn't work?!.
Coolness: 106400
It doesn't work for me either... How do we fix that?
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 12:57pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 106400
Moi non plus! Un chili sin carne c'est vraiment bon aussi!
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 12:54pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
Because I can eat raw jalapeno peppers and handle it (and it's not even a challenge)!
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 12:52pm. Posted in Who Remembers Full House?.
Coolness: 106400
Those are not spicy enough! Habanero sauce is the shit, one drop and your mouth is on fire. :D That's the only sauce I found spicy enough yet (for me), considering the fact I can eat whole raw jalapenos and my mouth is not even burning.
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 12:43pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 106400
Chili sauce is usually what they serve with shrimp cocktails in restaurants. Nothing compared to a chili con (or sin) carne, which is closer to a stew than a sauce!

Damn you guys. Now I want some.
» Psyborg replied on Thu Oct 1, 2009 @ 12:33pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
LOL guilty as charged Tuez!

I could bake something for everyone also! I studied culinary arts and got a specialization in confectionery after that, so I can make pretty much any kind of fantastic sweet pastries. :)
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 9:11pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
You don't even have Erotic night of the living dead! :(
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 7:00pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106400

Des peyotes en plus? Comment il s'en est tiré? Pauvre petite bête, il devait pas être en grande forme après ça.

J'ai déjà eu un chat qui a bouffé un gramme de weed au complet dans ma face, il était pas mal vedge après ça disons. Depuis que j'ai appris que le weed c'est dans la même famille de plantes que le catnip et que ça leur fait le même effet je mets mes affaires dans une boite en métal!
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:51pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
Me too! *runs to the video store*
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:47pm. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 106400
Damn, we're so easily influenced. Just one pic of a chocolate cake and we're all craving for it. *sigh*

Enjoy your brownies and movie! :) When do we plan this zombie movie marathon? That'd be cool to do that close to Halloween, what do you think?
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:42pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
Erotic night of the living dead? *evil grin* (It actually exists, I saw it on rental at Le 7e!)

I'll be down anytime too! I love old serie-B movies, especially if they imply zombies and a lot of hemoglobine.
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:40pm. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 106400
You'll hate me for this Sammy but I think I'm gonna make myself some chocolate cake like the picture Bliss posted, with the g'nache and all. :)
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:38pm. Posted in The OFFICIAL rave.ca pissing contest thread.
Coolness: 106400
Because I can hold my breath for more than one minute!
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 106400
Me too!
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:36pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106400
Les chats ça tripe sur pas mal toutes les plantes (surtout pour les attaquer). Si c'est un jeune chat c'est encore plus vrai, c'est curieux de nature faque il va essayer de goûter à tout ce qu'il peut au moins une fois!

Dans le fond, je pense que le chat à Dah est juste normal.
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:19pm. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 106400
That looks yummy!
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 6:15pm. Posted in Poll: Who's got tinnitus? ~ Sondage : Qui a des acouphènes ?.
Coolness: 106400
I'm half-deaf (my left ear almost doesn't work anymore, I lost like 90% of it) and now I have tinnitus in my right ear. It doesn't bother me cause I'm used to it, and usually it's very low, but sometimes it buzzes so much I can't hear a thing. Before losing hearing in my left ear I had really loud tinnitus, so much sometimes it prevented me from sleeping. Then 3 years ago at St-Jean-Baptiste there was people really close to my group who made fireworks burst and it suddently stopped. I was like "hooray, finally!", but quickly I realized loss of hearing was the reason of my "relief".
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 5:51pm. Posted in Contains Horse Language.
Coolness: 106400
That's just one more argument for me. Like, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 5:30pm. Posted in what are you EATING right now?.
Coolness: 106400
Oui, mon estomac est content! :)
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 5:30pm. Posted in If you had a parrot ....
Coolness: 106400
Je lui montrerais à siffler et dire "beau ti cul" quand une fille passe dans la rue.
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 5:23pm. Posted in what are you EATING right now?.
Coolness: 106400
Une crème de brocoli et une quiche au cheddar avec une salade de pâtes. :D
» Psyborg replied on Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 5:07pm. Posted in i need!!!.
Coolness: 106400
My Halloween costume is ready! :D I worked on it since early august.

Nyar: did you have a look at Henri-Henri for the bowler hat? I *think* they have white ones.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Sep 29, 2009 @ 8:58pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 106400
I just looked at some site and they say spray-net, friction alcohol and milk can help remove ink stains on clothing. Just rub the stain with one of the above mentionned substances and wash it as usual, it should go away.
» Psyborg replied on Tue Sep 29, 2009 @ 8:42pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106400
Made: green tea and cupcakes!
Made: OMG OMG OMG OMG I found a site that sells peyote AND ships to Canada (a rarity, to say the least!).
Ruined: it's 60$ for 5-6 grams!!! :S
» Psyborg replied on Tue Sep 29, 2009 @ 2:16pm. Posted in i need!!!.
Coolness: 106400
Originally Posted By SPARKLZ

Monster cupcakes ^.^

They're SO adorable!! That'd be perfect for a Halloween party or something!
» Psyborg replied on Tue Sep 29, 2009 @ 1:52pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 106400
Made: another interview scheduled for tomorrow, for another awesome high-paid job! *does the happy dance*
Psyborg's Profile - Community Messages