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» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 5:41am. Posted in What did you get for XXX-Mas.
Coolness: 92380
i didn't get socks. hence, my feet stink.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 5:39am. Posted in Our special Day..
Coolness: 92380
I'd love to attend a ravewave wedding. It would be like the culmination of all the drug-fueled drama in one spectacular eruption, at a wedding no less!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 5:27am. Posted in the 5 stages.
Coolness: 92380
you can protest against the evils of capitalism by publicly burning your money. and then i can point and laugh
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 5:19am. Posted in Drugs produced in the human brain.
Coolness: 92380
at its basic level, all happiness is chemical.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 3:44am. Posted in stuck in the cold.
Coolness: 92380
3litres = 3kg = 3,000,000mg = aprox 30 million average doses of LSD. with that amount of acid, we could dose 10% of the U.S. population and command our acid army to take down the white house!

hey, why not?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 3:37am. Posted in namyo-ho-rengue-kyo.
Coolness: 92380
It's sad when people don't realize until they're old that they just wasted their life working in an unfulfilling job, churning out a profit for some company. Cuz thats what society teaches: work hard and then spend your money, and that will bring you happiness. But the Mercedes-owners and mansion dwellers are just as miserable as the rest of us, probably more so, cuz they've already clawed to the top of the capitalist food chain and realized that there isn't anything there beyond a cardboard image of success.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 28, 2003 @ 3:10am. Posted in stuck in the cold.
Coolness: 92380
meh..i was supposed to be going with sylvain, but certain problems developed and i can't go with him. and i can't really afford going by myself. are you still going cath?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sat Dec 27, 2003 @ 3:51pm. Posted in the 5 stages.
Coolness: 92380
but then again, if i work extra hard i just might be the employee of the month!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 26, 2003 @ 5:42pm. Posted in stuck in the cold.
Coolness: 92380
As some of you know, I was supposed to be going to mexico to wait out the winter. Well, my plans collapsed. Like a pile of cards. So now I'm stuck here in the snow for the rest of the year. Ahh well, at least I'll get to have more good times with you people! hope to see a bunch of ya at 2k4
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 26, 2003 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Drugs produced in the human brain.
Coolness: 92380
good points ze'ev. its not how much serontonin you have in your brain that matters, its how much is released
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 26, 2003 @ 5:35pm. Posted in 2c-i - the next MDMA?.
Coolness: 92380
datura is probably the trip most likely to end up at the hospital. if i do try it, i'll be having a sitter present. and no garden sheers nearby.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 26, 2003 @ 5:19pm. Posted in 2c-i - the next MDMA?.
Coolness: 92380
haha. hey, i'll be happy to test drive any psychedelic chemical. gimmee!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 26, 2003 @ 5:15pm. Posted in Salvia bash.
Coolness: 92380
once you break through on salvia (and it can take a few times), you'll be in hardcore psy-land.

erro-iZe, not sure if i met you yet, but i'd most def be interested in joining in if its after new years. message me
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 17, 2003 @ 7:43pm. Posted in Meth dealers.
Coolness: 92380
Definetly, it depends on the person. Some people are much more impressionable than others, theres no question about that. Without question there are many 15-16 year olds who are confident enough not to follow the lead of others. But if you compare the entire population of 15 year olds with the entire population of, say, 25 or 30 year olds, you will find more impressionable people among the 15 year olds. Cuz the older people get, the more they become set in their ways.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 17, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Meth dealers.
Coolness: 92380
No, seb is defintely right that younger people, in general, are more impressionable.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 17, 2003 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Attention ... freaks.
Coolness: 92380
hey, Quebec seems to be the mecca for freaky shit
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 17, 2003 @ 3:55pm. Posted in MEGAN the little dino...
Coolness: 92380
happy birthday!!
may your fantasies come true
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Dec 15, 2003 @ 12:25pm. Posted in 2c-i - the next MDMA?.
Coolness: 92380
I had the oppurtunity to try 2c-i for the first time this past weekend. Its a very recreational drug - trippy visuals without the feelings of insight or introspection of acid or mush, combined with a great deal of euphoria and some empathetic qualities. In other words, its great as a party drug, and is already beginning to replace MDMA as the rave drug of choice in Britian [ www.ukclubbing.com ] My guess is that it will increase in popularity once its made illegal. u can still order it online for the moment.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 12, 2003 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Ecstasy being tested as treatment.
Coolness: 92380
Originally posted by *CHERIE*...
There's a reason why drugs are illegal, because they have harmful affects on the body and they are addictive.

Some drugs are legal. Some drugs aren't. The reason why has NOTHING to do with which ones are harmful or not, and everything to do with what happens to be accepted by society. Take nicotine, for example, its one of the most harmful drugs to the body AND one of the most addictive (more so than heroin). Yet its socially acceptable, for the simple reason that you can smoke like a chimney and still work your 40 hour work-week, which is all that society really cares about - being a "productive" citizen. Constrast that with most psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD, peyote, etc) which have no known harmful effects on the body and are not physically addictive. As for MDMA, there is conflicting evidence as to whether or not it is harmful. Most MDMA users are polydrug users so its impossible to defintely link psychological problems of users with MDMA.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Dec 12, 2003 @ 6:50am. Posted in Official ravewave fashion thread.
Coolness: 92380
no, no
the next fad is dollarama-chic
why? because i said so
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Dec 11, 2003 @ 1:34am. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
I find this series of posts on another message board. Maybe some of you can read this and develop some EMPATHY and COMPASSION:

Posted on November 17:

just got outta rehab on friday. my name is smakaddict and i no longer do smack. i'm clean and i have no desire to do dope whatsoever. and dope is what i lived for, for as long as i can remember.
it IS possible to stay clean. it's easier than i ever would've thought it woudl be. they say the relapse rate is 80% (20% stay clean). i dont know if i'll stay clean forever, probably not, but i'm not touching the stuff for a long time. not cuz i'm scared, not cuz i'm brainwashed, not for somebody else, but just cuz i dont want to. meds they gave me in detox made me go through NO WITHDRAWL! that's right, none at all. i was shocked. subutex (suboxone) works fabulously.
i wanna go back to rehab. i loved it there. i miss it. i miss the place, i miss the meetings, i miss the lifestyle, most of all i miss the people. i met so many amazing people there. i'm counting down the days til my best friend who i met in there and the cute guy i met and all of my friends get out of there. i miss them so much. more than i miss the dope, hell i dont miss the dope at all. its just that i'm so lonely now, i used to use the dope to cure my loneliness, but now that's gone and i am just alone. i miss my friends...
ok i am rambling, i'll stop now. but the point is, it IS possible to get off dope and stay off dope. fuck statistics, i've seen enough cases to know that it can be done.
the reason why so few people stay clean is cuz most of them dont want to. they love their dope and til they find soemthing to replace it, something else that makes them happy, they are not going to be able to stay away from it. that's just how it is, or at least how i've seen it and experienced it.

i am so lonely.


posted on December 7:

posted here a while ago, and sadly i regret to admit that i have since relapsed. i tried to OD with 4 bags with no tolerance. and that didnt work so i shot up 2cc's of air. that didnt work either so i went for the pills....
long story short i'm still alive. and i'm miserable. 3 rehab centers later and i feel more alone than ever before. the cute guy and my "best friend" that i mentioned before never called me. i've lost every friend i thought i had. i am so alone and so depressed and i have nothing left to live for.
please if anybody wants to talk my AIM name is boygeorge84. i just need somebody who cares whether i live or die. please...
-H (now and forever, that shall remain my name. it's who i am - a junkie. i will always be a junkie.)
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Dec 11, 2003 @ 1:11am. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
The idea that anyone would CHOOSE to become addicted to any substance is rediculous. People behave the way they do for a whole slew of reasons, ranging from social influence to underlying psychological processes. The condition of the mind and the condition of one's situation in life are exetremely interalated, to the point where one is almost a reflective image of the other. People who develop severe subastance abuse problems most often do so due an unhealthy state of mind, which in turn leads them to an unhealthy situation in life. Low sense of self-value, depression, stress, and hopelessness are some of the psychological states likely to lead to substance abuse problems, and these people didn't choose to abuse substances any more or less then they chose the negative mindsets that caused them the problem in the first place. As haley said, by degrading addicts you are reenforcing the psychological states that led them to be addicts in the first place.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Dec 11, 2003 @ 12:52am. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
well, what purpose does constantly exspressing your disgust serve? some people are disgusted by homeless people. does that make it OK for them to go up to every homeless guy on the street and be like "your a pathetic looser, get a job u dirty fuck". maybe they are pathetic, loosers, jobless, and dirty - but that's not who they ARE as people, thats the situation the've gotten themselves into (for a whole slew of reasons). so why further degrade people who are already in bad states? maybe some thoughts are better left unexspressed
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Dec 11, 2003 @ 12:43am. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
not that i'm choosing sides here, but you seem to get pleasure from watching and laughing at other people's bad situations. yeah, alot of drug addicts are pretty pathetic, but such people have enuf to deal with without people like you constantly reminding them of how stupid/pathetic you think they are.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Dec 11, 2003 @ 12:19am. Posted in Be A Smart Stupid When Possible.
Coolness: 92380
well there are LOTS of sites u can check..

[ www.erowid.org ]
[ www.thegooddrugsguide.com ]
[ www.thedea.org ] (best mdma guide)
[ www.theantidrug.org ]
[ www.lycaeum.org ]
[ www.bluelight.nu ]
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 11:47pm. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
but thats my point: you imply that injecting in medical setting is OK but injecting in private is not. and i ask: what's the difference, assuming that proper health precautions are followed?

you ARE right that route of administration does matter, it IS much easier to overdoes on heroin if injected and its FAR more addictive this way. but thats just heroin, theres many drugs that can be injected and the effects depends the substance in question.

and i do agree with your argument about reduced judgement while under the influence, that's probably one of the main reasons injection drug users have such disease rates, cuz yeah you probably aren't thinking straight. in vancouver its something like 26% HIV rate for IV heroin users.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 11:24pm. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
Originally posted by PYTTOCS...
Injecting is the nast, infections, AIDS, track-marks.. it's all sick, no respect for that.

Injecting is just a route of administration for taking a drug, do you think its "sick" when doctors or hospitals administer drugs through injection? The danger associated with injection occurs when people don't take the neccesary sterilization precautions or share needles. Probably you just have a needle phobia and project that phobia onto others. I have never injected a substance before, but if the circumstances allow for it I will, and not an opiate. And I don't see anything inherently wrong with injection as a route of administration.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 10:51pm. Posted in Be A Smart Stupid When Possible.
Coolness: 92380
i couldn't beleive at first how many people i know take drugs with little or no knowledge as to what they are getting themselves into. but then again i suppose i failed to consider that in our society, most of the people who end up doing drugs do so because they aren't in a healthy state of mind to begin with. all that really matters for some people is the short term gain, probably alot of these people can't even imagine themselves living long enough for the long term effects to start kicking in.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 7:12pm. Posted in fun fur pants for sale....!!!.
Coolness: 92380
are there even any candykids left on this board? try ravemontreal
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 6:16pm. Posted in Hooray for the Ambiguously Gay!!!!.
Coolness: 92380
which one is which?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 6:13pm. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
i don't think any amount of support or encouragement will help someone to stop drugs unless they truly want to stop themselves. however, once someone DOES make the decision to stop, the behavior of those around them makes a huge difference as to whether or not the person will follow through.

a hypothetical situation ~
Jim has been doing drugs for so long that his social circle and recreation revolves around drug use. Jim decides to quit, and now he enters into his first period of sobriety in awhile, so he's feeling bored, depressed, and generally shitty. He knows he cant be around his friends when they do drugs, cuz that will tempt him. So he sits at home, alone, the shittiness of not doing drugs multiplied 100x by the realization that all his friendships were based around drugs and that noone really cares about him. that's one possibility. now imagine if his social circle help him by being there, supporting him and providing friendship through the period of depression and spending time together sober. in which case is jim more likely to actually follow through?

and neoform i know ur being sarcastic and shit, but i'll answer your question "why stop? DO MORE". u should stop if you perceive the drawbacks of drug use to be outweighing the positives. i, for one, am looking forward to doing more drugs in the next few months if the situation allows :)
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 5:48pm. Posted in dollarama is the best!.
Coolness: 92380
bump the ORIGINAL dollarama thread
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Dollarama is the best!.
Coolness: 92380
i just went to dollarama, ur mom was on sale
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 7:14am. Posted in Hullabaloo - enchanted.
Coolness: 92380
i love how the flyer for the next hulla tacitly encourages drug use

"bring your smiles, hugs, positive energy, things to share, costumes, and everything else you need to make this the night of your life"
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 6:56am. Posted in All Around Awesome Words.
Coolness: 92380
issokay, yah?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 6:38am. Posted in dollarama is the best!.
Coolness: 92380
seriously..do u even need to shop anywhere else?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 2:04am. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
Originally posted by PYTTOCS...

why should we respect people who don't respect themselves

maybe they dont respect themselves cuz they don't feel worthy of respect. if u DID treat them with respect, they might start seeing their own self-worth.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 1:51am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 92380
don't forget this one heh

» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 1:39am. Posted in More Drugs.
Coolness: 92380
neoform: u want someone to eat your dick? i'd imagine that would be a tad painful..

and c'mon, u can't deny how cool the heroin look is. i would never do that stuff, cuz its useless IMO.

» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Dec 10, 2003 @ 1:10am. Posted in Snowball Fight 2003.
Coolness: 92380
i'm in as long as its before the 21st or after the 31st
PoiSoNeD_CaNdY's Profile - Community Messages