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» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 8:21pm. Posted in Week o Warmth.
Coolness: 92380
cool! i'll be able to hitchhike to toronto then and save some $$ :)
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 5:24pm. Posted in books.
Coolness: 92380
awesome :)

i've heard of this book, and it intruiges me. i'd like to borrow it once you're finished with it
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 10:49am. Posted in this means alot to me.
Coolness: 92380
Carlos, that post just made my day :)

Oh, and I even I must admit that picture of the girl above me is horrid. Where's fukt when you need him?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 10:19am. Posted in this means alot to me.
Coolness: 92380
Yup carlos knows what I'm talking about. I never really understood the outright hostility some people have towards candykids, until I realized that most of the hostility comes from people who were themselves candy. Then it made perfect sense.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 4:57am. Posted in this means alot to me.
Coolness: 92380
yo' speedy, no offense but you won't get anywhere preaching PLUR on this board. many of the people who post here are embittered ex-candykids in various states of self-denial. thats awesome that your still getting a positive feeling from raving, so enjoy it while it lasts. but theres a proper place for that sort of discussion, and its not over here.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 1:34am. Posted in Night of the Mush KLXXXIVII.
Coolness: 92380
don't worry thierry, maybe next time i see ya I actually WILL buy you a drink
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 1:33am. Posted in Time to get laid.
Coolness: 92380
actually, in north american, about as many women have HIV as men do

yes it started out here in the gay community, but it has since spread
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 1:16am. Posted in mush + MDA: An Awesome Synergy.
Coolness: 92380

Dose: 2.5 grams of psylocibyn mushrooms, followed aprox 45min later with one red MDA cap (which reputedely also contains a small amount of acid)

Effects: The mushrooms and MDA blended seemlessly to produce an intense but lucid high with incredible open and closed eye visuals. The psychedelic effects overwhelmed MDMA-like feelings of empathy. The emotional experience was intense and ranged from euphoria to depression brought on by negative thought loops.


A wonderful psytrance party (LiquidVision) provided a positive setting for the experience. The music and psychedelic deco defintely influenced the trip. I spent my time split between the main room and the chill area, which featured a roaring fire that played quite a role in the experience (more on that later).

The Experience

It must be emphasized that this was a very intense experience, so much so that it was not even particularly recreational. Mushrooms and MDA (or MDMA) combine in such a manner that their combined potency far exceeds the sum of their parts.

After spending about a few hours at the party sober (which was wonderful), I ate my mushrooms along with a chocolate bar at about 3:30 AM. (Chocolate, a slight MAO-inhibitor, increases the potency of the mushrooms.) The first effects were felt about half an hour later: while dancing, I noticed visual alterations, increased ability to focus on others dancing, and felt myself making more fluid-like motions. I was having a blast, and when I went to the bathroom at aprox 4:15 AM to take the MDA, the huge grin on my face led a stranger to suspect I was popping handfuls of pills, and I became the source of his concern. On the highly suggestive state induced by mushrooms, being lectured on drugs isn't particularly pleasant, and I'm afraid it might have negatively influenced the rest of my trip. But I digress..

I returned to the dance floor, and my attention become focused on creating wonderful, fluid-like motions to the melodies of the psytrance. For lack of a better description, I felt in the midst of an ocean; the air became thicker than my own body, and dancing felt effortless and wonderful. I was in my own world.

At some point, the intensity of the experience began to overwhelm me, and I stopped dancing and became lost in thought loops. While I did feel some increased feelings of empathy, I felt mostly the classical tryptamine psychedelic effects combined with increased stiumalation and heightened thought clarity (brought on by the amphetamine-like side of the MDA).

Almost at the point of being totally overwhelemed, I reminded myself of what I had taken (and why) and spoke, at loud to myself, "Be aware of the moment." At that point, I escaped my thought loops and became fused with my surrounding, as a rush of intense and beautiful visuals surrounded me. The psychedelic artwork around me began shifting, breathing, and changing in mysterious ways. Closing my eyes, I saw patterns of Pharoahs before me, calling out to me as though I was about to join them. At this point, slightly overwhelemed by all the other people around me, I retreated to the chill room, where a fireplace provided wonderful warmth.

I sat before the fire, kneeling, and stared into the flames. Faces emerged from the shifting red, orange, and blue inferno. The fire motif brought to mind an image of Moses and the burning bush, and all of a sudden I had a brief but intense urge to stick my hand in the flames. Needless to say, this sensation was very disturbing, but I was comforted by the thought that I was surrounded by people who would stop me should I do anything so foolish.

I began to notice at this point that my thoughts and visuals were much clearer and less confused than if I were to have taken a high dose of mushrooms. I speculate that as a phenylthelamine (sp?) the MDA allowed me to concentrate better on the effects, so I was able to hold on to insights much better. I began mentally playing around with my visuals, as my visual field took on the appearance of an immense jigsaw puzzle, and I was free to re-arrange the pieces of reality any which way I saw fit. An incredible sensation, I might add.

The rest of the night progressed in a similar fashion. Passed the peak, I was once again able to dance and enjoy myself, and a sense of euphoria returned. The trip had lost its intensity by about 9:30 AM, though the afteraffects were quite prominent for another 12 hours. I was grateful for the experience, for where I was, and for the wonderful people around me.

Aftereffects and Conclusion

I must comment briefly on the wonderful sense of heightened awareness that I experienced all the next day. I went shopping with some friends immediately following the party at Atwater Market (my first time there), and the experience of being surrounded by delicious smells of cheeses, breads, and fruits was nothing short of blissful. Later on I walked through the Light Festival, and the incredible lights seemed to glow with a surreal and magical aura.

In conclusion, this was certainly a magical experience, though perhaps too strong for a party environment. In all honesty, I preferred my previous mushrooms+MDMA hippieflip to this one, as the feelings of euphoria and empathy were more pronouned with the more common chemical than with the MDA. I'm as yet undecided whether or not I will repeat this experience.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 11:11pm. Posted in Looking for something in September.
Coolness: 92380
if you don't have too much stuff to move, and are flexible, i'd say wait till the summer to look for a place

personally, both times i've moved I only knew where i'd be moving less than a week before
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 9:00pm. Posted in happy leap day..
Coolness: 92380
*leaps around to celebrate*
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Night of the Mush KLXXXIVII.
Coolness: 92380
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 7:56pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 92380



» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Night of the Mush KLXXXIVII.
Coolness: 92380
Its time to eat your mush my lil kiddies! I was the sober guide for this gathering, the ground control for my high flying comarades in mush. Prepare ignition...3,2,1..here we go!
What's that charlie? You wouldn't be trying to eat a whole bag of mushrooms, now would you? BAD charlie BAD!! Only I can do that =)

Spooky trying to commit MUSH-icide. Sorry but you'll need waaay more than that

The mush has shown Fred the LIGHT!! The road to salvation is overgrown with mushrooms.

I sail across the sky in my bathtub. Its da place to be!


At his point Charlie decided he was McBeth and Fred became Lady McBeth. DIE McBeth DIE!!

So that concludes our lilttle mush extravaganza. Take care kiddies, and remember, hold on to your helmets!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 6:30pm. Posted in crack vs meth.
Coolness: 92380
spreadin my seed
to infinity times a million
closets overflowing with
mah bastard children..

hehe MO' BAYBEZ!

or not,,
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 6:20pm. Posted in Jesus???????.
Coolness: 92380
hehe awesome comics
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 6:18pm. Posted in Week o Warmth.
Coolness: 92380
ian's so polite and shit, discussing the weather! ian I say me and you get together over tea and crumpets and discuss the weather some more
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 6:15pm. Posted in crack vs meth.
Coolness: 92380
i think the REAL question is:

whats better: inhaling drain cleaner or gasoline?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 6:10pm. Posted in stepping on discarded needles.
Coolness: 92380
ooops double post my bad..
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 6:09pm. Posted in stepping on discarded needles.
Coolness: 92380
Even if shooting up is a personal choice, that doesn't mean that society plays no role in the matter. We can do one of two things:

1) send the message to injection drug users that they're scum, do everything possible to make it difficult for them to get their fix in a safe way, so the junkies have no real choice but to inject in unsafe conditions in abandoned buildings and steal to get their fix, or

2) tell junkies that while we don't agree with their decision, we'll do we can to minismise harm to the user and society by providing a safe place to shoot up, a free needle exchange program, and a safe way to dispose of their needles
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 3:28am. Posted in why do you love or hate genevieve?.
Coolness: 92380
I love gen cuz she gives the bestest hugs

I love gen cuz she gives off a really friendly vibe

I hate gen because...because...*tries to muster all mah hate* nah nah who am i kidding no way i could hate gen
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 2:50am. Posted in All i have is my dreams.
Coolness: 92380
Well the source of you dream is your unconscious mind, so I'd speculate that you have repressed your crush, so it manifests itself in your dreams.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sat Feb 28, 2004 @ 9:14pm. Posted in stepping on discarded needles.
Coolness: 92380
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

well, i dunno bout you guys but not every junkie has aid.. (just an assumption)..

I read somewhere that around 25-30% of the injection heroin users in the Vancouver area (just as an example) have HIV. You can't underestimate the power of the cravings that hardcore junkies get for their fix. And when the only way to get your fix is to use an already-used needle, many (if not most) junkies will still shoot up. So when one person in a circle of junkies contracts HIV, they then spread that around to everyone else in their circle, and it multiplies from there.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sat Feb 28, 2004 @ 9:01pm. Posted in Liquid Vison Feb 27th........
Coolness: 92380
The stars must have been perfectly aligned for this night, for it was nothing less than magic. Thanks to the hard work of the shalom crew, a loft in St Henri became a meeting place of art, music, and the wonderful spirits of all who attended. The chill areas were kept warm by open fireplaces, the walls were covered in psychedelic deco, and tasty and free vegan food provided much appreciated nourishment. I felt priviledged to be there amidst that crowd. For a more subjective account of the party, check out my soon to be posted mush+MDA trip report.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sat Feb 28, 2004 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Jesus???????.
Coolness: 92380
I think the reality of Jesus, who he actually was and what followed in his wake is one of the most interesting narratives in history. Jesus wasn't the son of God, he was just another man like you and I. Which makes his life all the more incredible. He realized that the religious institutions of the time were being corrupted by money and greed, and he dared to challenge the status quo maintained by the Pharises (sp?). Of course, along the way he had the hubris to claim that he was the son of God. There have probably been thousands of people at one time or another who claimed the same thing, but Jesus had the charisma and the strength to attract a group of followers who actually BELEIVED with all their heart that he was the heavenly sent messiah. All of Jesus' miracles were nothing more than the illusions created in the minds of his faithful followers. Now, whatteee, you may think that everyone loved Jesus, but because of what he did and said he was turned in to the ruling authority (the Romans) and CRUCIFIED...he died a slow and agonizing death. So be careful what you wish for. If this is a joke thats cool, and thats a fucking cool picture, but Jesus is Jesus and whateee is whateee.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Feb 27, 2004 @ 6:15pm. Posted in crack vs meth.
Coolness: 92380
The funniest thing is when a crackhead tries to become a drug dealer, cuz no matter how much product they have on them, they'll end up using it themselves.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 6:55pm. Posted in D X M - the First Plateau.
Coolness: 92380
well i meant long termed fucked up, as in severely brain damaged
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 6:14pm. Posted in test your morality.
Coolness: 92380
exactly. i got the same score as well (0,0,-1)
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 6:00pm. Posted in head shops.
Coolness: 92380
yo munki i'd be down with that!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:59pm. Posted in Time to get laid.
Coolness: 92380
It doesn't matter how much or little sex one has. All that matters is that one stops trying to grasp or strive for things based on what other people do. Just accept things as they are.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:31pm. Posted in test your morality.
Coolness: 92380
but but thats what we eat every other day of the week!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:30pm. Posted in Happy birthday NITROUS.
Coolness: 92380
happy b-day guillame, keep rinsin' it out!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:29pm. Posted in test your morality.
Coolness: 92380
so, ummmmm, whats for dinner?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:07pm. Posted in head shops.
Coolness: 92380
Originally posted by -- G --...

P Candy - what are these seeds, rain some knowledge on me

they contain LSA, which is chemically similar to LSD. it can be a serious, powerful, mindfuck of a trip at high doses. respect them, and they will treat you well. I have a trip report in the Drug Prevention forum, plus you can read more about them on [ www.erowid.org ] or [ www.bluelight.nu ] or any of the other usual sites

i'd reccomend no more than about 6 seeds to start out, but i have yet to try the exact strain of seeds that dre will be getting, so potency may vary.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:01pm. Posted in Once again.
Coolness: 92380
yah record it!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 5:00pm. Posted in Time to get laid.
Coolness: 92380
HAHA. there IS a theoretical limit on sperm, y'know
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 4:59pm. Posted in Once again.
Coolness: 92380
is it ravewave's speedy? the one that wants advice on how to get a girl? AWESOME!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 4:57pm. Posted in D X M - the First Plateau.
Coolness: 92380
not really. most of the people that get fucked up on DXM are the ones that are swigging multiple bottles of cough syrup on a daily basis
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 4:53pm. Posted in crack vs meth.
Coolness: 92380
if I had to pick, i'd go with meth for sure. crack makes you high for like 10 minutes than leaves you fiending for hours..no thanks.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 4:38pm. Posted in test your morality.
Coolness: 92380
true, actually the name of the game *is* "Taboo"

however, the very reason why a behavior is considered taboo is that most people consider it sick/unnatural/immoral. otherwise, we'd all be having tons of fun screwing dead chickens hehe
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Feb 26, 2004 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Great Ideas!.
Coolness: 92380

I was gonna go clean my room, but then i got high. and then posted on ravewave. WHY? cuz i got high, cuz i got high, cuz i got HiIIGHHH..
PoiSoNeD_CaNdY's Profile - Community Messages