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» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 5:17am. Posted in LSD and fax machines.
Coolness: 92385
I've just met this awesome hookup for acid, I think I'm going to buy a whole sheet. I'm just worried about taking it through customs back to Montreal when I leave Thailand. So I'm planning on faxing the sheet to someone in Montreal. Do any on you have a fax machine that I can send the sheet to? You have to promise not to eat it all, though.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 3:51am. Posted in maryjuana appreciation thread.
Coolness: 92385
I have a little baggie of super-potent weed in my pocket right now, but I'm too unmotivated to smoke it.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 3:35am. Posted in Rip Arafat.
Coolness: 92385
Without a unifying leader, Palestine will crumble.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 3:21am. Posted in its ma birthday!!!.
Coolness: 92385
happy bday you drunken sot!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 3:18am. Posted in Casino on friday.
Coolness: 92385
Make sure to post how much money you won/lost!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 3:16am. Posted in Absinth.
Coolness: 92385
I don't know that much about absinthe, but I suspect it's over-rated. Sure its a potent form of alcohol, and it may indeed invoke more abstract and dream-like thinking than ordinary booze, but I doubt it can really inspire the creativity that some attribute to it.

Most of the mystique surrounding absinthe results from the fact that many 18th century European artists make reference to it. But that can hardly be surprising, since it was a very common form of alcohol at that time, and its what anyone would drink if they wanted to get drunk. While a select few drank absinthe and produced great works of art, millions of other people drank absinthe and it produced nothing more than a hangover. So chances are the creativity of artists such as Van Gogh resulted from an innate ability, rather than an absinthe-induced stupor.

Oh, and Van Gogh actually was quite fucked up regardless of drinking absinthe.

Originally posted by HOST ONE...

then there's no point in doing it...just like taking blotters...it's not liquid so it's not real...it's broken down...kinda like Outdoor compared to Indoor/Hydro or Mescalin to PCP.

This is a common myth. An acid blotter is simply a drop of LSD absorbed by the paper, and is no different than liquid LSD. However, most blotter today has very little LSD, so on average a "drop" will be stronger than a "hit", even though its the same substance.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Nov 9, 2004 @ 1:40am. Posted in les petits secrets de la scene Rave......
Coolness: 92385
Originally posted by LONE STAR...

The critical point remains: Drugs kill people.

It wouldn't be neccesary for anyone to swallow condoms full of coke if it were legal. So the critical point is actually: Prohibition kills people.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Nov 9, 2004 @ 1:36am. Posted in look out your window.
Coolness: 92385
Its winter here in Bangkok too. The sun sets early in the day, the breeze is ice cold, and sometimes the temperature plunges as low as the high 20's celsius at night.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Nov 8, 2004 @ 2:16am. Posted in les petits secrets de la scene Rave......
Coolness: 92385
Wicked thread! I think FedEX is still involuntarily one of the world's biggest trasporters of drugs.

Or as a fallback you can smuggle drugs Burmese style. Force feed a cow multiple condoms filled with drugs, pose as a villager leading the livestock across the Thai border, then kill the cow and VOILA! You get steak for dinner and drugs for dessert,
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Nov 5, 2004 @ 2:06am. Posted in DXM ~ 750mg and a nasty hangover.
Coolness: 92385
Well, last night I tried doing a double-dose for the first time. 300mg to start, then 450mg about an hour and a half later, which combined was the highest dose I've ever done.

Unfortunately, the result was a near-total train wreck. When the 2nd dose kicked in, I could pinpoint the exact moment when I reached the third plateau; one moment I could feel my body, and the next it was gone.

I felt as though I was travelling vertically into different worlds; the trip took on a very shaman-like quality. Staring into the darkness of a blindfold, abstract shapes became more concrete and well-defined. I found myself in a succesion of geometric box-like rooms, with strangely designed tiled surfaces.

Sometime later I think I lost consciousness, then awoke in the middle of the third plateau in a state of near delerium. I couldn't even remember ever not being this fucked up, and it seemed as if the effects would last forever. I had very disturbing visions of viewing myself (from a 3rd person point of view) talking with different unidentifiable people, and the way I saw myself was in a very distorted form, as though all my insecurities had been made into a hideous caricature.

Once I came back down from the 3rd plateau and found my bearings in my room, there were still several hours left of feeling extremely "wasted", including fucked up vision, no coordination or balance, and nauseau.

Its almost 24 hours later, and I still feel sick. Normally with a single dose, I get few to no such side effects, and I like the shorter duration ALOt better, so I think I'll be sticking to single doses from now on.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 1:44am. Posted in Suicide Girls Torrent.
Coolness: 92385
i want it

the only place i have to view it is my university's computer lab, which should be interesting!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 1:33am. Posted in Bush Won!.
Coolness: 92385
I'm sad that Bush won.

But I'm happy that Kerry lost.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Nov 3, 2004 @ 12:30am. Posted in whats your job and how much it pays?.
Coolness: 92385
I've never had a real job in my life, and I will not divulge my salary.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Nov 2, 2004 @ 6:10am. Posted in Stoopid People on Drugs.
Coolness: 92385
Originally posted by KATIE...
Im suprised none of the familiars have said something like "People who take drugs are stupid." You totally left yourself open to that one..

Yeah, cuz we all know how stupid people like Sigmuend Freud and Aldous Huxley were.

But unfortunately some stupid people have been known to get their paws on drugs. So let's hear some stories people!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Nov 2, 2004 @ 2:21am. Posted in Incu-Fucking-Bus!.
Coolness: 92385
haha WTF. i wish i could've been in montreal for this
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Nov 2, 2004 @ 2:16am. Posted in HaLLoWeeN pArTy bAsH!.
Coolness: 92385
looks like u guys had a blast
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Oct 31, 2004 @ 11:52pm. Posted in Stoopid People on Drugs.
Coolness: 92385
A few days ago on an island in Thailand, I saw what had to be the stupidest act possible under the influence of drugs.

I was chillin with a bunch of crazy Irish guys I had just met, and all of us were on mush+drunk+weed. Anyways, one of the Irish guys takes a salt shaker from the restaurant where we were at, and dumps a whole pile of it on the table. Pulling out a credit card, he arranges the pile of salt into a nice, fat, 6 inch line. We were all laughing uncontrollably at this point. Then, with a calm and deliberate motion, the guy rolls up a 20-baht bill, sticks it in his nose, and...the line of salt goes straight up his nasal cavity.

Whats the stupidest act you have observed by people under the influence of drugs (incl. alcohol) ?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Oct 22, 2004 @ 12:30am. Posted in Ecstasy sources.
Coolness: 92385
Learn chemistry and synthesise your own.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Oct 21, 2004 @ 4:52am. Posted in HAppy birtday Clown.
Coolness: 92385
happy bday vince! oh and that mixCD u gave me keeps finding its way into my CD player, great stuff
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Oct 20, 2004 @ 7:55am. Posted in best drug experience.
Coolness: 92385
Jeff, please don't take anything I've said as a critisicm of your decision to abstain from drugs. If you feel the negatives of your drug use have outweighed the positives, than of course, stop!

But blaming or passing judgement on substances ignores the truth that drugs require a user, and the outcome of drug use depends much more on the relationship between the drug and the personality of the user than on simply the drug itself. How else can you explain why some people are able to drink sociably while others fall into alcohlism? Surely this depends more on the way in which alcohol is used, rather than on any innate characteristic of alcohol itself.

Originally posted by VIOLENCE INC....

I do regret ever wasting a penny, brain cells and time with the lack of consciousness administered by drug use,

No one is telling you to keep taking drugs.

Originally posted by Violence Inc....though unlike anti drug zealots, former users have the contrast to understand the gravity situation.

All you have to go by is your own personal experience. If that experience has been negative, than of course you'll see drugs as negative. If that experience has been positive, than you'll see drugs as positive. But to condemn people for their use of drugs (or the opposite, to proselytize the use of drugs) based solely on one's own experience is based on the faulty assumption that others will have identical experiences to your own.

Originally posted by Violence Inc.... Dan are you trying to tell me drugs, a foggy mind and self deluded delusions of reality an in some way beneficial to the human brain or perhaps the human soul?

I think psychedelics, when used properly and within an appropriate context, are one of the most potentially valuable tools that humans have at their disposable. There are currently clinical studies being conducted involving both the use of MDMA in the theruputic treatment of trauma, and the use of psylocibin in preparing terminal patients for their deaths. This is in addition to many promising studies on psychedelics carried out in the 50's and 60s. Our exploration of psychedelics is still at a relatively undeveloped stage, in large part due to draconian anti drug laws, but this is changing.

Originally posted by Violence Inc.... Dan, have you ever watch someone in withdrawal? If so, then I have no idea how you can ever utter how drugs aren’t bad.

Since you asked, yes I've seen someone in heroin withdrawal, been ordered by a paranoid crack addict to keep checking an empty hallway to make sure no one was there, and been mugged with a baseball bat by an addict to pay for drugs (all on the same night!). And I certainly beleive that those individuals were engaging in harmful drug use (probably stemming from underlying issues) and its certainly made me approach drugs with the caution and respect that they deserve. So while I've been smoking opium lately, I alternate 2-3 days of use with breaks of at least 2 weeks, in order to prevent the building of tolerance and habituation.

Originally posted by Violence Inc.... Now I’ll admit that some drugs perhaps can be somewhat enlightening such as ayahuasca plant...

YES!! One for the drug fiends!

Originally posted by Violence Inc.... but that is on a religious tribal level.

I agree, and I beleive that one of the great defects of our society is the lack of a proper social context for using psychedelics. The indigenous cultures realised the amazing potential of entheogens such as ayahuasca, mushrooms, and peyote, and thus developed appropriate frameworks for the use of these sacraments. When will we do the same?

Originally posted by Violence Inc.... I doubt huffing nitrous or injecting sedatives muscularly is in any means psycho social biological electromagnetic augmentation of the synaptic responses to cause higher brain functions past a molecular level.

Since I don't have the slightest clue what you mean in the last half of that sentence, I'll just leave it at saying that if you've ever wanted to know what frozen time feels like, do a hit of nitrous on mush.

Originally posted by Violence Inc....I need not convince myself drugs are a horrid creation, I know they are.

Get in touch with God then and ask him what the hell he was thinking when he made mushrooms, peyote, tobacco, coca leaves, and the opium crop. I'd love to get an answer from the man himself!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Oct 20, 2004 @ 4:41am. Posted in Happy birthday Host One.
Coolness: 92385
happy birthday HOST ONE!!! you've always brought in talent and quality to the scene, nuff respect
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Oct 19, 2004 @ 3:56am. Posted in best drug experience.
Coolness: 92385
Originally posted by BASDINI...

why do people who are clearly anti drug have to come along and pull a weinner act to ruin your drug thread, is it just for contrast?

These aren't anti-drug people posting in this thread, these are former drug users. Theres a difference. Anti-drug people try to convince others that drugs are bad. Former drug users try to convince themselves that drugs are bad.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Oct 17, 2004 @ 3:18am. Posted in hotmail storage limit.
Coolness: 92385
My storage limit has gone up in the past few days from 2mb to 250mb. Has this happened to everyone? Is hotmail doing this to compete with gmail?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sat Oct 16, 2004 @ 7:41am. Posted in bon voyage Noah.
Coolness: 92385
Hope you enjoy BC! :D

Much thanks for all that you've contributed to this scene.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 12:21pm. Posted in get yo ass in rehab.
Coolness: 92385
Recovery in Russia: Inside a Detox Gulag
by Cletus Nelson, [ DrugWar.com ] (originally published at Points of Departure)
Oct. 9, 2004

Victoria Malakhova could care less whether you "work your steps," find your inner-child, or connect with some unnamed "higher power." Instead, the iron-fisted director of the most brutal drug treatment center in Russia is interested in only one thing: results.

"Isolation, bread and water, that's all one needs to deal with withdrawal," she informs a western journalist.

Welcome to City Without Drugs (CWD) and the sadistic world of Recovery---Russian style.

Situated in the industrial city of Yekaterinburg, some 900 miles east of Moscow, the mere mention of this notorious facility sends shudders down the spines of Moscow's needle-scarred street urchins.

"On the first day we beat them with belts until their buttocks turn blue," Igor Varov, a co-founder of the renowned facility informs Mark Franchetti of London's Sunday Times.

The controversial practice usually involves some 300 lashes. "Every week we have to buy a new belt because they go too soft, but we have been impressed with the quality of Gucci belts," Varov explains.

However, CWD officials aren't merely punishing their unfortunate charges for losing the battle with addiction, they strongly believe that drug use can be cured with a strong dose of old-fashioned Slavic cruelty.

"Drug addicts are animals who have lost all sense of values," Varov asserts. "This way, the next time they think about getting a fix they remember the pain of the thrashing rather than the rush of the drugs. It's very effective. You cannot solve this with mild manners - you need tough measures."

After a rigorous beating, the recovering junkies are then handcuffed to a bed where they undergo the agonies of withdrawal while living on a strict diet of bread and water.

Those who make it through this harrowing ordeal and are considered drug-free graduate to performing harsh physical labor and other errands in a starkly ascetic environment. Any backsliding by these newly-liberated addicts invites violent reprisals.

The questionable cure at Yekaterinburg typically lasts 12 months and many parents pay over $1,000 to CWD to get their children off of drugs---an exorbitant fee in Russia.

Founded in 1999 to counteract an epidemic of addiction among Russian youth, the center is an outgrowth of a concerted vigilante effort by powerful (and allegedly mob-connected) local businessmen to stem the drug trade. Suspected dealers have been threatened, and in some instances assaulted by local anti-drug zealots.

CWD also acts as an informal intelligence-gathering arm of the state with a sophisticated pager network fielding thousands of tips alleging illict drug activity.

However, these dedicated drug warriors aren't interested in confining their activities to Yekaterinburg.

"With a typical lack of modesty, the fund's founders say their approach should serve as a model not only for Russia but for the West, too," reports the Holland Sentinel.

This sounds highly unlikely here in the states where 12-step methods are considered the "cornerstone" of addiction treatment. Indeed, since the inception of Alcoholics Anonymous over six decades ago, recovery has become a publicly accepted ritual rooted in the belief that substance abuse is caused by a medically-recognized "disease" as opposed to a mere lack of willpower.

Then again, studies indicate that 12-step methods are questionable at best and many qualified experts are openly challenging the once sacrosanct "disease" theory. Should this growing dissent become the accepted wisdom, this may create a vast therapeutic void that will unleash a whole new approach to treating drug addiction.

It is worth noting that Alcoholics Anonymous emerged in a similar environment. Medical efforts to treat alcoholism were sharply curtailed after anti-drinking advocates decided that state-enforced prohibition was the only available method to stem excessive drinking.

When this "noble experiment" failed, AA stepped into the breach.

Let's hope the control freaks at NIDA aren't in contact with the Russians.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Oct 14, 2004 @ 4:56am. Posted in choice.. what's yers?.
Coolness: 92385
uhhh NO, i've fallen for that line way too many times already
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Thu Oct 14, 2004 @ 4:45am. Posted in whats happening on halloween?.
Coolness: 92385
What's happening on halloween?


or at least all the cool people are
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Oct 13, 2004 @ 11:25pm. Posted in best drug experience.
Coolness: 92385
Originally posted by VIOLENCE INC....

i saw God.

I vote this as the best drug experience. WHAT WERE YOU ON?
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Oct 13, 2004 @ 11:20pm. Posted in choice.. what's yers?.
Coolness: 92385
Someone dig up Jesus. I want to smoke his pineal gland.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Oct 12, 2004 @ 3:59am. Posted in choice.. what's yers?.
Coolness: 92385
I find doing any drug too often results in a boring, predictable experience. So I like to mix and match, to improvise new recipes of chemical drug soup. But if I could only do one drug for the rest of my life, it would probably be LSD.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Oct 6, 2004 @ 1:51am. Posted in best drug experience.
Coolness: 92385
I've had so many great experiences its hard to know where to begin, but the one that comes to mind right now is mushrooms+MDMA at Scream a year ago. Looking over the crowd of hundreds dancing, I saw not physical bodies, but souls. And every one of those souls was interacting and merging into this immense mass of energy, the union of every individual life-force.

I felt an afterglow lasting for a week afterwards, where I literally felt high the entire time, though I could function normally. I've done mushrooms+MDMA twice since then, and while both subsequent experiences were very intense, they were nowhere near as magical as the one I've described.

Honorable mentions:
-ayahuasca in the ecuadorian amazon
-first time taking MDMA, changed my life
-IM ketamine...wow!
-san pedro at Machu Picchu. not a strong trip, but the setting was unbeatable
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Wed Oct 6, 2004 @ 1:11am. Posted in thailand in pictures.
Coolness: 92385
I haven't yet been to either Phuket or Ko Phi-Phi, but I'm defintely planning to. Actually, two weeks from now there's a trip to Phuket for all the exchange students, organized by my skool, and I'm on it.

Originally posted by KATIE...

omg I wanna go now now now.
How much longer you there for Dan?
Me and some friends are planning a trip and Thailands on the list.

I'm there till [ May...com ]
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Oct 5, 2004 @ 7:28am. Posted in I NeeD Drugs.
Coolness: 92385
Freak Boy, you and I think alike.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Oct 5, 2004 @ 7:18am. Posted in Have drugs made u a better person?.
Coolness: 92385
if u do it just to get fucked up, u will get fucked up, and learn little that is useful, but you'll get what u wanted. if u are the type of person who wants to grow as a person, these experiences, like all experiences, can help that process.

well put
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Oct 5, 2004 @ 6:25am. Posted in What turns you on?.
Coolness: 92385
dRuG sLutS! :p
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Oct 5, 2004 @ 5:02am. Posted in thailand in pictures.
Coolness: 92385
Hopefully these pictures might just lure some of you to come visit me :p

trekking in da jungle

Ko Phangan, the Full Moon Party beach

Ko Tao

monk in Songhla

Buddhist temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat

night market

giant Buddhist/Hindu scultpure garden

rice planting in Issan

Ko Tao

» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Oct 4, 2004 @ 4:01am. Posted in I'm a pirate! Lasting drug psychosis.
Coolness: 92385
[ www.stuff.co.nz ]

'Pirate' in hospital after ingesting garden plant
28 September 2004

A man who believed he was a pirate at sea when he was actually a prisoner in the Dunedin police cells has been admitted to Dunedin Hospital after his drug-induced pyschosis failed to wear off.

The man was found naked on the roof of a South Dunedin building at 10am on Sunday and taken to the Dunedin Police Station.

Police inquiries have revealed that on Saturday the man drank the juice of a garden plant, a substance which is a Class A drug, Senior Sergeant Steve Aitken said.

While in custody he appeared to believe he was a pirate at sea and was using a rolled-up magazine as a telescope.

Twenty-four hours later, 48 hours after taking the substance, the man was still heavily affected by the drug.

"He was exhibiting quite bizarre behaviour overnight. He appeared quite agitated and excited."

A medical team was called to the station to examine the man and a decision was made to admit him to Dunedin Hospital.

"There are concerns among the medical experts that these types of substances can cause permanent or semi-permanent psychosis," Mr Aitken said.

He urged other people to learn from the man's misfortunes.

"If he thought he was a bird rather than a pirate when he was on that roof the consequences could have been disastrous."

The man was due to appear in Dunedin District Court this week charged with disorderly behaviour, but that date would be reassessed.

National Poison Centre specialist Lisa Matthews said ingesting a plant containing the toxin mescaline - the active ingredient in some common garden plants - was like playing "Russian roulette".

"You are not going to know how much the dose is or how you will respond to it and these sorts of psychosis-induced disorders can occur with small amounts the first time it is taken," she said

The man in hospital was an extreme case and might be suffering from post-hallucinogen perception disorder, which included perception changes, anxiety, panic, phobias and depression.

"Doctors will be able to determine if it is the effects of the drug or one of the long-term effects," Ms Matthews said.

Other chronic effects were prolonged psychotic reactions, similar to schizophrenia, and flashbacks which had been reported to happen up to 10 times a day, most common after 18 months after use.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sat Oct 2, 2004 @ 9:51pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 92385
So let's say that Kerry wins. He'll start to pull troops out of Iraq, leaving behind a weak government in control of a fraction of the county, a la Afghanistan. Then, let's say another big attack happens on U.S. soil. Since Bush set the standard of invading two countries per major attack, Kerry will be under a ton of pressure to at least invade ONE country. I mean, from the American point of view, you gotta do SOMEthing, no matter how badly it will turn out. So, Kerry will have to choose one country to invade. Here's my guess which one:

-Not N.Korea, cause they got an army that will actually be tough to beat. Plus, can't go attacking Asians when its Arabs that attack u, because the people you kill have to at least LOOK like the terrorists

-not Saudia Arabia, as long as they keep selling oil its not worth the risk

-not Pakistan, cuz they got nuclear weapons

So I'm guessing it will either be Iran or Syria. Both would be easy to beat, both are opposed to Israel so there will be that lobby urging an attack, and both look sufficiently scary to the average American that they won't hesitate to start bombing. And then the republicans will win in 2008, just because.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Oct 1, 2004 @ 3:19am. Posted in Sad news: Hullaballoo is over.
Coolness: 92385
The Hulla is dead. Long live the Hulla!
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Fri Oct 1, 2004 @ 3:09am. Posted in Beatnik History.
Coolness: 92385
Great read, thanks for posting this
PoiSoNeD_CaNdY's Profile - Community Messages