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» Omni replied on Fri Mar 29, 2013 @ 7:52pm. Posted in CONTAKT V.4 ** Vendredi 29 Mars **.
Coolness: 88275
» Omni replied on Mon Jul 16, 2012 @ 1:12am. Posted in Music prod on a low budget.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
although the DAC's coloration of the Virus is very fun (if you have decent DACs on your DAW's input as well)
i wouldn't lose it personally.

Yeah I know some people who prefer the analog output as well, but I'm one of those who prefer the convenience of the USB output and I like the idea of not converting my signal twice just to get it in there. :)
» Omni replied on Thu Jul 12, 2012 @ 1:15pm. Posted in Music prod on a low budget.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By ZIMO
yes but as soon as you record your hardware back into a computer it becomes digital and you lose all this great quality, we tried recording a virus and it sounded like ass once in the pc. Maybe if you have a mega studio you can record properly, but that will cost a fortune. I know a lot of people who have tons of hardware (like the studio in my pic) and they are plugged but rarely used (collecting dust). Not that hardware isn't nice & fun to play with though.

The Virus is a virtual analog, not a real analog, so the sounds are already made digitally to start with. Of course, if you have one of the older Virus synths, then that digital signal is converted to analog through the synth's own DA converter, then the signal is converted back to digital through your sound card's DA converters, which means that your signal is converted twice to end up digital again, which it was already in the first place! So yeah, you might lose quality there, especially if your soundcard isn't up to par.

You'll probably get a much better sound using a Virus TI which connects directly to your computer through USB and sends a digital signal directly to your DAW's tracks, whithout converting to analog. So your signal remains intact and should sound just as good.
» Omni replied on Mon Jun 25, 2012 @ 5:39am. Posted in The Dumbing Down of Electronic Music.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Not true at all, I've schooled many djs over the years, some of which have gone on to become quite famous. In fact younger djs come ask me for advice all the time and I'm always ready to give them any insight I can provide.

I've been taught things by DJs who came before me and I have taught things to DJs that have started after me and I always thought this was an important part of the game. I like to think that this way of doing things isn't completely gone.

Also, regarding the transition from vinyl to CD then from CD to Traktor: I've never really felt that it altered radically my role as a DJ and how I approach my sets. It might have made some things easier (like bringing with me all my music as opposed to only 50 records), but also made some other things harder (like selecting the next track to play from thousands of possibilities instead of 50). But in the end, it's all about track selection and feeling the crowd's energy and finding what is the right track in your selection for each moment. For me, it has always been about the music and not about the medium.

I guess what might be a problem these days is that when you initially had to learn to beatmatch, it took a lot of time and involvment before you were decent enought to play in front of a crowd. That time and involvment also gave you knowledge about track selection and about properly building a set. That time and involvment meant that the wannabees probably stopped doing it before they could do any real damage. But nowadays, you can basically play out the same day as you buy your new Traktor set up and still have decent enough mixes to fool untrained ears.
» Omni replied on Thu May 24, 2012 @ 1:04pm. Posted in Electronic Brain Festival 2012.
Coolness: 88275
Hey this is comiiiiing!
» Omni replied on Thu May 24, 2012 @ 8:02am. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By DYNV
mon point était que la plupart des pages sont PAS comme sur [ rave.ca ] comme on doit avoir un compte pour regarder la page. je faisais aucunement allusion aux commentaires.

Ah ok je vois. En fait ceci dépend de la personne qui fait le post. Mais j'ai mis cette note publique car je considérais que c'est d'intérêt public, :)
» Omni replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 7:42pm. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 88275
C'est le même principe que sur [ rave.ca ] Si t'as pas de compte [ rave.ca ] tu peux pas commenter sur le forum. ;) Je connais très peu de sites qui permettent de commenter sans avoir de compte et/ou se loguer.
» Omni replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 11:57am. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 88275
DynV, tout le monde peut commenter, mais il faut être logué pour le faire. :)
» Omni replied on Tue May 22, 2012 @ 7:19pm. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 88275
My two cents about this law: Here in french.
» Omni replied on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 4:16pm. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 88275
» Omni replied on Thu May 3, 2012 @ 1:00pm. Posted in Music prod on a low budget.
Coolness: 88275
Anybody here was producing music 10 years ago? What were you working with? Is there any particuliar reason why that wouldn't work today? Doesn't saying that you need a recent computer setup invalidates all music that was produced years ago on older stuff? You'd probably be surprised to learn that some of the best music ever made was produced on ultra-ghetto equipment.

By the way, I just recently bought a new laptop to replace my previous one, which I had bought in 2005. I did all my music on it since then and did all my live shows with it without any problems. The equivalent of that computer can probably be bought today for about 100$.

Having limits or constraints, I find, can actually drive creativity. You learn to use what you have to its fullest and can creatively overcome technical limitations.
» Omni replied on Thu Mar 15, 2012 @ 11:34pm. Posted in I just applied for a job.
Coolness: 88275
Haha this is awesome. You have balls to present your stuff on a website like that! But I guess it'll help you connect with nostalgic geeks. :)

(Guys, let's not forget [ Xoom.com ] which came right after Geocities. You had like 10mb space which KICKED Geocities' ass if I recall.)
» Omni replied on Sun Mar 4, 2012 @ 9:25am. Posted in Les Limaces album release contest!.
Coolness: 88275
Hey everyone. The new album by Les Limaces will be out on March 9th on my label Tasty Bytes Records.

In the meantime, we have started a Facebook contest that lets you win this:
-Autographed copy of the new album
-Les Limaces t-Shirt
-5 Releases of your choice from the Tasty Bytes Records back-catalog

Contest info here: [ www.tastybytesrecords.com ]
» Omni replied on Sat Jan 28, 2012 @ 1:40pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
An update to the iOS version is also now available: [ itunes.apple.com ]

Update includes:
-Sleek new design
-Improved audio player
-Integrated Facebook and Twitter actions
-Better photo gallery

» Omni replied on Sat Jan 21, 2012 @ 8:39am. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Well, if you access it from a mobile device, you'll get a mobile website that displays just fine. ;)
» Omni replied on Fri Jan 20, 2012 @ 3:30pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
It can be found at [ omni.mobapp.at ] (But I don't really get the point if you don't want to access it from a mobile device.)
» Omni replied on Fri Jan 20, 2012 @ 2:30pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
If you visit [ www.djomni.net ] with your mobile phone, you should have a message with the option of either downloading the app if you have a compatible handset or viewing the mobile website. Tell me if it doesn't work. :)
» Omni replied on Fri Jan 20, 2012 @ 12:34pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By PARTY_GIRL
nice, cest donc bin cool!!!

Merci. L'as-tu essayée?
» Omni replied on Wed Jan 18, 2012 @ 2:18pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Cool thanks!

Pour les vidéos, l'app ne fait dans le fond que loader les vidéos dans l'app Youtube du phone. Est-ce que ça faisait cela quand même correctement?

Je suis content pour l'audio, car c'était le bogue principal avec la version précédente et c'est d'après-moi la fonction la plus importante de l'app. Ça peut devenir un audio player avec toute ma musique dedans. :)
» Omni replied on Wed Jan 18, 2012 @ 1:32pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Ok, new version of the Android app up now. Can those who have Android try it out and tell me if it works ok? The problem with Android is that the results are not the same all across the board as there are so many different phones and Android versions.

[ market.android.com ]

If any Android users out there could tell me:
1. What type of phone they use.
2. What Android version they are running.
3. How well or bad the application workded for them.

Thanks! :)
» Omni replied on Fri Jan 6, 2012 @ 1:59pm. Posted in DJ Sarcastic debut album free download - Not For Sale.
Coolness: 88275
Sarcastic putting out an all-digital release. Never thought I would see that. ;)

(Oh congrats by the way).
» Omni replied on Thu Jan 5, 2012 @ 12:25pm. Posted in HELP! I need somebody help, to tell me whos who in the music scene!.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By ASHIGAIKHA
Ill give it to you when im back in twn, a promise is a promise. i thought was alot more then that. I see like sunhunter missing, alakazoo also. Id like moar please, all subgenres included.
Otherwise im quite surprised, id thought it would be at least double that size.
Many thanks!
Xnorphis, dj zen. Yea... Theres alot missing, id habe to be complete for 30, id give u 15 for that one

Whatever happens from here, at least we'll be able to say that the "corporisation of rave" was profitable for one person: Melo.
» Omni replied on Wed Dec 28, 2011 @ 11:11pm. Posted in Korn "we were dubstep before there was dubstep".
Coolness: 88275
» Omni replied on Tue Dec 20, 2011 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Your predictions for 2012.
Coolness: 88275
Justin Bieber will release his dubstep album then work on a Christmas album alongside Korn and Skrillex. The new Christmas-dubstep trio will be the new cutting edge of electronic dance music and spawn an infinite number of copycats which will flood all music stores, rendering all other music useless.
» Omni replied on Mon Dec 19, 2011 @ 1:20pm. Posted in HELP! I need somebody help, to tell me whos who in the music scene!.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By ASHIGAIKHA
I know you by name and face, but not your DJ name

Big project coming your way 2013.

If it not by N`oj its a knockoff

I am working on corporisation of rave
Your can be in, but itll cost ya, just like our parties.

But Why you ask?
Because I pay my artists, Ive been in the scene for 3 years, i know whos who, don't copy me or i will sue you ass into eternal dept. Ive got govermental law connections.


This is not a threat, I have big plans in mind.
A wise one told me 'Go big or go home',

I am going <Dubma$hine disproportionate>

<Love is the answer and you know that for sure>
-The Beatles

As I said, I know who you are and you will regret not Paying us for our deco.

[ rave.ca ] 101: Before posting here, you might want to ask yourself: what is my objective with this post? Then whatever you write should somehow work towards that goal. If your goal here was to confuse everybody and get everybody laughing, then you got your post right!

I don't think anybody here understands what you are trying to say. It can mean two things: either your message was poorly written or everybody on this forum is mentally challenged. I would say that both answers could easily be debated, but I'd go more towards the first one.

What exactly is the point of this message? What are you trying to do here?
1. Are you trying to build hype for a yet unnamed upcoming project?
2. Are you looking for partners for an upcoming project?
3. Are you trying to make sure people don't copy you or you will sue them?

Right now, the only thing that I got from your message is: Hey I have a project, but I won't tell you what it is. You can join me, but I'll charge you money for it. If you copy this project which I won't tell you anything about, then I'll sue you with my law connections. If you're a criminal, don't bother. Oh, and love is the answer but you should fucking pay for our deco.

Hey, just for fun, let's say that I'm a potential partner for this great upcoming project, and that I stumble upon this thread, why would I want to get in? Right now, the only things that is sure about this is:
1. It'll cost me money.
2. I don't know what the fuck this is.
3. I might get sued.

Where is the incentive to collaborate?

(PS: Can you elaborate on what the corporisation of rave is? Thanks.)
» Omni replied on Thu Dec 8, 2011 @ 8:59pm. Posted in Listen to dubstep kids, it kills paedophiles..
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By DATABOY
I dont think they have merged yet, they usually play on different stages.

If you stand at an equal distance between the two stages, you can actually hear the future: PDsyubtrstepance!
» Omni replied on Thu Dec 8, 2011 @ 8:06pm. Posted in Korn "we were dubstep before there was dubstep".
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By MASA
I'ze born in the hood, yo. Mtl-Nord represent, blood gang sign and all that crap?


I know. It's kind of a deep one, but I know [ rave.ca ] can handle it. :)
» Omni replied on Wed Dec 7, 2011 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Korn "we were dubstep before there was dubstep".
Coolness: 88275
» Omni replied on Tue Oct 18, 2011 @ 12:12pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Yeah, but the single background for all the pages seem to be a limitation of the tool I'm using to build it. It's in BETA though, so I expect that this is something I might be able to change in the future. In the meantime.... I'M WATCHING YOU. ;)
» Omni replied on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 8:10pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Cool, thanks for the suggestions. I'll see what can be done! I agree that the status bar can be an issue. I'm using a platform called Conduit to build the app and convert it for the different types of phones, so I'm somewhat limited in the different changes I can do, but I'll look into it. ;) (But they also keep updating their tools, so I might be able to fix it later on at least.)

(Oh, and the screenshot you see comes from the "Web app" and not the native version. That explains the difference with the screenshot.)

Update » Omni wrote on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 8:12pm
(And by the way, I AM STARING AT YOU.)
» Omni replied on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 12:46pm. Posted in New Omni mobile app.
Coolness: 88275
Hola everyone.

I now have a mobile App available for iPhone, Android and iPad. It has a lot of my tracks and sets available for streaming from your smartphone as well as videos, Twitter and Facebook feeds + notifications when I play a gig in your area.

Of course it's free and available by going on [ omni.mobapp.at ] with your phone.

Here's what it looks like:

NOTE: Some Android users have reported problems with the audio playback. This depends on what device you use and what Android version you have. An update will be coming up in the next few weeks which should hopefully resolve the problem.

Those who have other types of phones can still go to the same adress and will get a HTML5 mobile site which should work on most phones.

Enjoy. ;)
» Omni replied on Fri Aug 5, 2011 @ 7:31pm. Posted in DJ Omni @ Piknic Electronik.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By RAKOON

au début du deuxième youtube c'est écrit le 10 juillet 2010 dans l'intro

Oui je lui ai dit haha, mais c'est trop tard. :)
» Omni replied on Thu Jul 28, 2011 @ 2:24pm. Posted in DJ Omni @ Piknic Electronik.
Coolness: 88275
Yess! Merci. :)
» Omni replied on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 1:59pm. Posted in DJ Omni @ Piknic Electronik.
Coolness: 88275

Here is my set from Piknic Electronik recorded on July 10th. Hopefully it'll put some of you back into the electric vibe that we had that evening for the 4149 people who were there. For everyone else, then you might get a taste of what you have missed. :)

Direct download link: [ soundcloud.com ]

DJ OMNI @ Piknic Electronik - 2011-07-10
Booking: booking@ghotiitout.com
[ www.djomni.net ]
[ www.facebook.com ]
[ www.akarien.com ]

1. Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place (Andi Müllers Looong Mix)
2. MixHell - Antigalactic (Jokers of the Scene Remix)
3. 420PM - The Dutch Side of the Moon (OMNI Remix)
4. FM Radio Gods - Muzzak Attack (Ticon Remix)
5. Joe And Will Ask? - Rainbow Trout
6. Ticon - Models On Cocaine (Weekend Heroes Remix)
7. Fischerspooner - Emerge (Junkie XL Remix)
8. Atomic Drop - R U Red E
9. Sharooz - Hell Yeah
10. Alex Mind - Sick (Split & Jaxta Remix)
11. Aaren San - Apes From Space (Dirtyloud Remix)
12. Sharam Jey & Nik Valentino - In My Blood (Joe And Will Ask? Remix)
13. Boy 8-Bit - Wolfen (Jokers Of The Scene Remix)
14. FM Radio Gods - Tokyo Tea (Ticon Remix)
15. Tomcraft - I Need Love
16. Weekend Heroes - Fear Factor
17. Fabio & Odiseo - Rocking Music
18. Calvertron & Banga - Invisible (Lazy Rich Remix)
19. Felguk - Whatever Clever (Dirtyloud Remix)
20. Pro7 - What Did You Say (Introspective Mix)

Also, here are two videos from my set:

» Omni replied on Mon Jul 11, 2011 @ 8:24pm. Posted in Akarien @ Piknic!.
Coolness: 88275
Haha super! Content que tu aies aimé. De mon humble point de vue de DJ, c'était mongole de voir tout le monde bouncer en malade pendant mon set.

Update » Omni wrote on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 12:58pm
Mon set du Piknic est maintenant disponible en ligne:

[ soundcloud.com ]

DJ Omni @ Piknic Electronik - 2011-07-10
Booking: booking@ghotiitout.com
[ www.djomni.net ]
[ www.facebook.com ]
[ www.akarien.com ]

1. Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place (Andi Müllers Looong Mix)
2. MixHell - Antigalactic (Jokers of the Scene Remix)
3. 420PM - The Dutch Side of the Moon (Omni Remix)
4. FM Radio Gods - Muzzak Attack (Ticon Remix)
5. Joe And Will Ask? - Rainbow Trout
6. Ticon - Models On Cocaine (Weekend Heroes Remix)
7. Fischerspooner - Emerge (Junkie XL Remix)
8. Atomic Drop - R U Red E
9. Sharooz - Hell Yeah
10. Alex Mind - Sick (Split & Jaxta Remix)
11. Aaren San - Apes From Space (Dirtyloud Remix)
12. Sharam Jey & Nik Valentino - In My Blood (Joe And Will Ask? Remix)
13. Boy 8-Bit - Wolfen (Jokers Of The Scene Remix)
14. FM Radio Gods - Tokyo Tea (Ticon Remix)
15. Tomcraft - I Need Love
16. Weekend Heroes - Fear Factor
17. Fabio & Odiseo - Rocking Music
18. Calvertron & Banga - Invisible (Lazy Rich Remix)
19. Felguk - Whatever Clever (Dirtyloud Remix)
20. Pro7 - What Did You Say (Introspective Mix)

Et voici un petit vidéo qui donne une petite idée de ce que ça avait l'air:
[ www.youtube.com ]

Update » Omni wrote on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 12:59pm
Bon j'ai pas réussi à faire le "embed" du lien Soundcloud... Voici donc le lien direct:
[ soundcloud.com ]
» Omni replied on Mon Jul 11, 2011 @ 2:30am. Posted in Akarien @ Piknic!.
Coolness: 88275
Woah. To those who were there: thank you! I had such an amazing time playing I can't even describe... :)
» Omni replied on Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 12:24am. Posted in TRANS-X live in Montreal, w/ Alice and the serial numbers apr 29th.
Coolness: 88275
Originally Posted By RAWALI
est-ce que alice est de retour a montréal pour de bon? la dernière fois que jai entendu parlé d'elle, elle déménageait au states kekpart.

Oui elle est de retour de LA depuis l'été dernier. ;)
» Omni replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 8:28pm. Posted in Party Speakerz /// Elite Force /// 19 Février 2011.
Coolness: 88275
C'était de la bombe!
» Omni replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 5:41pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 88275
It's not just a matter of being paid or not. It's not about the money. It's a matter of being honest and not lying to people.

If you said you were going to pay me 5$ and you end up paying me 4$, then you lied to me, which makes you an asshole. If you do not intend on paying me, then have the balls to tell me upfront when you book me, so I can actually decide wether or not I want to do the gig anyway while knowing the truth.

Now, if the event obviously seems to be losing money and the promoter seems honest, I have offered in the past to some promoters to be paid less, or even not to be paid at all in some cases, but that should be up to me as the promoter took an engagement with me in the first place.

So, to me, it's not about how much money you pay, it's really all about living up to your promises.
» Omni replied on Sun Feb 6, 2011 @ 11:39am. Posted in PARTY SPEAKERZ /// ELITE FORCE /// 19 février 2011.
Coolness: 88275
Ok this will be coming up quick!
Omni's Profile - Community Messages