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» Niji replied on Sun Oct 10, 2010 @ 12:21am. Posted in Who blames FB?.
Coolness: 70930
Not being able to keep up with the post ended up driving me away... :\

Also, trolls are the glue that binds the rest of the people together :D
» Niji replied on Sat Oct 9, 2010 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Best DJ Costume.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By FLO
I say I do!! :)

@_@ what's that supposed to be?... A cross between a bee and a mermaid?!
» Niji replied on Sat Oct 9, 2010 @ 12:44pm. Posted in I nedd a job for myseilf/j'ai besoin d'une job pour moi....
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By DYNV
imagine t'es dans le rush pis ton boss va engager et il te demande de l'aide pour les entrevues, vas-tu lui recommander ceux qui ont ton attitude négative par rapport aux centre d'appel ? en posant un paquet de questions, peux-tu finir par savoir s'il veut décrisser dès qu'il peut ?

Honnêtement, avec le roulement qu'il tend à y avoir en centre d'appel... j'pense pas que ce soit aussi dramatique qu'on aurait tendance à croire. La capacité à avoir une attitude professionnelle importe sûrement beaucoup plus que l'intention de faire sa vie dans cet emploi-là !
(j'ai travaillé en centre d'appel un gros 11 mois... et à la fin j'étais parmi le top 10% d'ancienneté à peu près !!)

Mais bon, ça va de soi qu'on arrive pas à l'entrevue en disant "j'veux pas être ici mais j'suis vraiment désespéré." Et ça aide toujours de trouver des aspects positifs à la job, sinon y'a pas moyen de se vendre :)
» Niji replied on Sat Oct 9, 2010 @ 12:37pm. Posted in cuteness overload.
Coolness: 70930
hawwwww it looks so retarded. In a good way. <3
» Niji replied on Wed Oct 6, 2010 @ 7:45pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 70930
*praying that the site auto-resizes or something*
» Niji replied on Wed Oct 6, 2010 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Yet Another Thread Aboot Bacon (YATA Bacon-desu !!).
Coolness: 70930
Crispy, yes, burnt, no. Haven't you people ever heard of balance ?!
J'aime quand ça commence à être crispy, mais qu'y'a encore un p'tit peu de jus dedans, là !
» Niji replied on Tue Oct 5, 2010 @ 11:38pm. Posted in Mens Coveralls / Mechanic Jumpsuits?.
Coolness: 70930
Yeah, I think I actually went to the Paul place once a few years back... if not, I passed in front of it several times. Either way, it's definitely bigger than the st-henri one. But st-henri is like 2-3 blocks from a subway station, paul is less convenient to get to if you're lazy.
» Niji replied on Tue Oct 5, 2010 @ 9:36pm. Posted in Mens Coveralls / Mechanic Jumpsuits?.
Coolness: 70930
I don't know if they carry that - I never actually got into the store - but from outside it looked like the right kind of place. I saw a work uniform store near metro Lionel-Groulx, on Notre-Dame...

Found their website with a little help from google maps:
[ www.sthenriuniform.com ]

There's also this one, closer to your area:
[ www.vetementspaul.com ]

Update » Niji wrote on Tue Oct 5, 2010 @ 10:40pm
ahhh just saw vetementspaul's been mentioned already. Anyway...
» Niji replied on Tue Oct 5, 2010 @ 12:58pm. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 70930
» Niji replied on Mon Oct 4, 2010 @ 1:03pm. Posted in blackberry rips off ipad.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By GAMOS
Honestly...if Im gonna carry a tablet around, I might as well just carry my laptop around. The only people you're gonna see buying tablets for personal consumption these days are those that are sheep and easily brainwashed by our consumerist society.

The ads in the subway showing people's lap with an iPad are starting to get to me.
Then I remember the price. Meh! I'd rather get a netbook. Sure, they aren't as fancy, but I don't see what the iPad has that justifies paying double for less performance.

Originally Posted By murdock_rock
The black pad requires you to buy a blackberry phone to tether it to in order to use in on the internets....

» Niji replied on Sat Oct 2, 2010 @ 2:57pm. Posted in After the snuggy meet the Snazzy napper.
Coolness: 70930
I always dreamed of wearing a colourful burqa to sleep. @_@
» Niji replied on Sat Oct 2, 2010 @ 1:36am. Posted in so why does....
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By DAWKER30
i remember when the old old taz skate park on berri.. every party that happened there, there they where! inflating falling arm dude man.. whatever there call now.. hahahahahahahaha

That's where I remember them from as well...
Well, just Exodus, really.
» Niji replied on Thu Sep 30, 2010 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE
molson 10,1% est pas pire BEN FRETTE

Ouainnnn mais en quille, à moins d'avoir un entonnoir, ça reste pas "BEN FRETTE" super longtemps, donc, PASS
» Niji replied on Thu Sep 30, 2010 @ 3:00pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
Moi j'suis avec LeChat là-dessus... J'aime mieux boire qqchose qui goûte à peu près rien... que quelque chose qui m'a fait penser pendant des années que j'aimais pas la bière !

Black Label, vraiment ? J'crois pas avoir goûté... j'ai juste un vague souvenir des annonces "en noir et rouge" de quand j'étais petite...
» Niji replied on Thu Sep 30, 2010 @ 11:32am. Posted in The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids!.
Coolness: 70930
For socialism that actually works: let's get Norway to take us in.
» Niji replied on Thu Sep 30, 2010 @ 10:42am. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
eurk. Tant qu'à ça, bois du fort !
» Niji replied on Thu Sep 30, 2010 @ 8:02am. Posted in Who the fuck is Belldandy.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By EL_PRESIDENTE
haha Niji ces pics te hantent depuis Mirc.

Bah, c'correct. Attends met que j'upload mes photos plus récentes haha
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 11:33pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
I'm sorry, I don't deal in those.

Update » Niji wrote on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 11:34pm
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 11:04pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 10:45pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 9:48pm. Posted in Atari Teenage Riot @ Foufs - Sat. Oct. 2nd.
Coolness: 70930
Oh yeah.

Mark, that fucking sucks :(
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Who the fuck is Belldandy.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By PSILO
she's talking about another pix (way more beautifull;)

» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 8:59pm. Posted in Who the fuck is Belldandy.
Coolness: 70930
... I better not find you in the bushes outside my house.
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 8:59pm. Posted in Hard Drives For Sale - Cheap!.
Coolness: 70930
Dexter porn? :o
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 8:51pm. Posted in Who the fuck is Belldandy.
Coolness: 70930
Everybody's seen em already *shrug*
It's just, y'know. Interesting theme >.>
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 8:47pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
pictures plox
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 8:44pm. Posted in Who the fuck is Belldandy.
Coolness: 70930
...He dared upload pictures of me among all that filth. D:<
» Niji replied on Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 8:07pm. Posted in so why does....
Coolness: 70930
I think I've seen one at a rave already... :o
» Niji replied on Tue Sep 28, 2010 @ 11:52am. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By PSILO
c vrai, ils tuent aussi question de territoire. Mais jamais pour rien (exemple prouvant le contraire?)

Faire des cadeaux ? Pour le sport ?
Sinon les chats domestiques chasseraient jamais, on les pognerait pas en train de torturer des proies, pis on trouverait pas des écureuils morts sur notre perron.
» Niji replied on Mon Sep 27, 2010 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Cat needs new home! URGENT! Chatte cherche maison !.
Coolness: 70930

Update » Niji wrote on Mon Sep 27, 2010 @ 5:38pm
see lower part. :)
» Niji replied on Tue Mar 17, 2009 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Who's the hottest babe on rave.ca?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
Update » cutterhead wrote on Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 9:03pm from
we got a dozen of adrienne / adrianne etc.. now arianne ..

Bwuh, not my greatest pic ><
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 11:28pm. Posted in Top Things You'd Overhear At A Rave....
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By SABINONSTOP
moi je danse seulement sur du happyhardcore!

Hey c'est moi ça !
» Niji replied on Wed Aug 8, 2007 @ 8:58pm. Posted in Why ??????????????????????.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By THE_BIG_JO
YES! i can walk the streets of springfield at night and i know im safe cuz of SPIDER-PIG!

Spider Pig is the devil!
» Niji replied on Wed Aug 8, 2007 @ 8:53pm. Posted in Who the fuck is JOE B.G.???.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
Theyre putting out his mixtape and he's dead. That's un-fucking real.

» Niji replied on Wed Aug 8, 2007 @ 8:50pm. Posted in 2 free tv's.
Coolness: 70930
hidra might need one.
» Niji replied on Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 5:40pm. Posted in SPCA are retarded..
Coolness: 70930
I'm guessing they thought they were better off killing a dog than risking him getting another bad owner.

I'm not quite certain how I feel about this.
» Niji replied on Fri Jul 13, 2007 @ 1:06am. Posted in what's your definition of dirty sex?.
Coolness: 70930
Considerint that vaginal sex and anal sex have different ages of consent...
I believe it would be reasonable to assume that sex and public distribution of photos of your naked body potentially have different ages of consent as well.
» Niji replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 7:56pm. Posted in Do you think it's wrong for people to party when they have kids?.
Coolness: 70930
Hm, if they party every weekend... all night long...
And work all week...

When the hell do they even see their children ? Are they actually raising them, or letting other people do it for them ?

In that sense, no, I don't think it's ok.

That, and partying that hard is risky for one's health. If the kids don't have their parents as parents, can they at least have them as providers ? When you have kids, you have to think further than the present moment or the next couple of days.

My answer to this, as always, is balance. Parents need to have fun, just like everybody else, but I don't think it's responsible to act like a teenager when you are responsible for a young life.
» Niji replied on Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 1:11am. Posted in Sex on the Beach !!!!!any one up for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 70930
It looks more as if the guy passed out on the girl and she's crying for help, but, ok.
» Niji replied on Sun Jun 10, 2007 @ 11:32pm. Posted in Any fun online games?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By PUSSYVAMP
[ www.fetchfido.co.uk ]

holy crap, it's like that bicycle game, but with kitties ?! :D
Niji's Profile - Community Messages