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» Niji replied on Fri Nov 5, 2010 @ 11:36pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 70930
le pied qui tient le repli, là.... woah.
» Niji replied on Fri Nov 5, 2010 @ 10:58pm. Posted in GIF Thread!.
Coolness: 70930
» Niji replied on Fri Nov 5, 2010 @ 10:05pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
ruined: without a GPS, with all the construction everywhere, I keep getting lost.
» Niji replied on Fri Nov 5, 2010 @ 3:23pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
you guise are hillarious , yous cracked me a well craved laughter patch


Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
actually its not gonna ware off , you would actually drive down there with no cruise control just cuz its so fucking damn fun to drive. i know i wouldnt

proove me "w-ong" :)

I guess we'll have to see! Not going til I have some vacay days to spend.
I still don't understand what's so fun about rolling around in huge cans of metal that could crush you at any time. All I know is I like it.
» Niji replied on Fri Nov 5, 2010 @ 2:39pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By MASA
Perhaps it's cause I just recently got a car of my own, but I've been in that phase for 11 years myself ;)

<3<3<3 driving :)

I expect this to wear off when I go visit my "wife" in DC. 10 hours drive each way on my own... no cruise control on my car.
» Niji replied on Fri Nov 5, 2010 @ 2:05pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Hey Niji, I need to go to Ikea, you have a car ;)

I kid I kid :P

Hey, you people should take advantage of this while I'm still in my "OMG I CAN DRIVE PLEASE MAKE ME DRIVE" phase. 'cause as I was telling Mark yesterday... I have no issue with the word NO.
» Niji replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 11:46pm. Posted in california says 'no' to legal recreational pot use.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By PSYKOTROPIK
I feel that there would be a better result if such legislation were put up for a Canadian province to vote on... but I don't think it works like that here (to be honest I have very little knowledge when it comes to Canada's political system). Anyone know how we can get Quebec to bring up a bill on this? :P

Ahhhh well, in Canada, I'm not sure, but I think that kinda thing would be regulated at the federal level rather than provincial.
I don't know if you know (your profile says that you're 17, so I'm going to guess that you don't, though you might indeed be aware!), but the Senate was mandated a while back to make an investigation on the topic of decriminalization / legalization. So, in 2003, the Nolin report was published. Its conclusions were that flat-out legalization was the only solution that made any sense. Mind you, Nolin is from the CONSERVATIVE party!!! So you could have expected them to come to completely different conclusions, if only to please their own perceptions or their affiliation's... Anyway, an abridged version of the report was made widely available - I own a copy, it's also available in google books ( [ books.google.ca ] ) - but was also completely ignored by the people in charge...
» Niji replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 5:02pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
Pat: si la job est bien faite / si ton traitement de canal détruit pas tous les côtés de tes dents, t'as pas besoin de couronne avant looooongtemps. j'ai un traitement de canal, l'ai fait faire y'a au moins 4 ans, j'ai oublié de retourner pour la couronne et mon dentiste actuel, quand je lui ai demandé de m'en faire une, m'a dit que j'étais bonne pour un autre 10 ans...

Simon: j't'emmerde.

- - - -

ruined: *quelqu'un* a oublié de vérifier mon break à bras et l'instructrice a donc refusé de me faire passer le test.
made: j'ai pu le passer plus tard dans la journée avec le char à ma mère !
made: j'ai réussi! j'peux partir tuseule sur des killing spree!
made: free wings ce soir sur le bras du quelqu'un pour se faire pardonner :D

j'arrête pu de m'trouver des commissions pas rapport pour aller chauffer. j'ai failli aller au lave-auto, mais j'me suis rappelé qu'il pleuvait...
» Niji replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 8:51am. Posted in Celebrity Offsprings.
Coolness: 70930
Ah, calisse ><
J'ai intérêt à me réveiller mieux que ça moi là -_-
» Niji replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 8:39am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
Parce que leur test ils l'ont passé 50 ans plus tôt, that's why!
Mais win!
:D :o @_@ :D
» Niji replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 8:38am. Posted in Celebrity Offsprings.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE
ben pas vraiment, Pat a parlé d'enfants de vedette, pas juste de fille.

Oui, mais ce que tous les autres après postent à part flo... ;)

pis la première c'est la fille de Bruce Lee !
» Niji replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 8:36am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
made/ruined: examen de conduite à matin, ahhh!
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 9:59pm. Posted in california says 'no' to legal recreational pot use.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
there;s already dispensary and some sort of "coffee shop" type of place.. anyway in some area..

and working at it like trimming is payed 25$/hour.

if you get caught it's not like big deal like in other states..

i wanna move to california.. la.. but i dont like the pollution.. i have few friends from nyc who moved there in san francisco and hollywood and they love it.. they can't stop talk about it.. i was surprised for cold hearted new yorkers haha

that or nyc or berlin should be my next move but who knows?!

California seems like a nice place, but I think the proximity of Hollywood in LA is unhealthy.
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 4:32pm. Posted in Celebrity Offsprings.
Coolness: 70930
Fait que finalement c'est juste une autre excuse pour tout le monde pour poster des photos de filles ? ;D
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 4:24pm. Posted in Dj Pauly D!!!!!! Ottawa Wut!!.
Coolness: 70930
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Celebrity Offsprings.
Coolness: 70930
j'trouvais qu'elle avait les yeux de Demi, mais brain fart, j'ai comme oublié qu'elle avait eu une vie avant Ashton Kutcher. >.>
(Pis j'ai googlé Jay Leno ensuite et ai vu qu'il avait pas de fille mais... tk)
Entk, pas chanceuse du bas du visage :\
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Celebrity Offsprings.
Coolness: 70930
Mon dieu que la première me dit de quoi ! Mai sj'sais pas.
Deuxième... Jay Leno? :\
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 12:52pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By MASA

Bleeh. Pas surprenant, mais...

Le monde est jamais content. Check les résultats historiques des élections de mi mandat. TRÈS rare que le parti au pouvoir gagne des sièges, fréquent qu'il y ait de grosses pertes.

Les mandats de ceux qui ont subi les plus grosses pertes ont été reconduits 2 ans après par contre... @_@
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 12:29pm. Posted in Three montreal Youth killed by Train....
Coolness: 70930
RIP. All of you who knew the guys are in my thoughts.
» Niji replied on Wed Nov 3, 2010 @ 12:35am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 70930
pornfail indeed... :\
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Qui se rappel du rave: CREAM avec Daft Punk pis Bran van 3000?.
Coolness: 70930
enhhh j'veux ça ! haha
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 7:27pm. Posted in Qui se rappel du rave: CREAM avec Daft Punk pis Bran van 3000?.
Coolness: 70930
Bon, ok, j'ramène mon vieux nick. Tant qu'à faire, sti !

Update » Niji wrote on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 7:30pm
Sont où mes pants de pwel roze!
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 7:15pm. Posted in Qui se rappel du rave: CREAM avec Daft Punk pis Bran van 3000?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By JOEY
Oh wow Nei_, jme rappelle de toi en 98!! lol j'ai surement une tonne de photos de toi avec les soeurs :)

Moi avec les soeurs ? À part Jean-Seb, les deux autres je les connaissais pas beaucoup ! ;) Ta tête me dit de quoi aussi par exemple !
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 6:54pm. Posted in that 1 item.
Coolness: 70930
Aside from the obvious wallet/bag/keys/etc. ?
Nothing. But it's very rare that I'll leave without a book and my mp3 player.
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Dj Pauly D!!!!!! Ottawa Wut!!.
Coolness: 70930
Steph, tu m'fais peur...
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Three montreal Youth killed by Train....
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Who said I was laughing O_o

The fact is Host wasn't there, so its impossible to know what happened for sure

You're gonna need to make another sock puppet and hope nobody notices the IP if you want to make serious posts.
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 12:40pm. Posted in Hottest Male Raver.
Coolness: 70930
bwuhhhh :S
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 12:12pm. Posted in Hottest Male Raver.
Coolness: 70930
j'veux pas voir des balls sur mon pc de job baon.
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 12:04pm. Posted in Hottest Male Raver.
Coolness: 70930
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 12:01pm. Posted in Qui se rappel du rave: CREAM avec Daft Punk pis Bran van 3000?.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Je pense que c'est '99, je viens de pogner un flashback (tu sais comment ma mémoire est whack). J'étais avec Émilie aux cours Mont-Royal pi il me semble qu'on se demandait si on allait faire un tour à cream ou non. Chu pas mal sur que c'était BV3 et Daft Punk en headline.

'97 c'est insomnia avec BV3 et Prodigy... anywayssssss.... I'm a gonna go eat.

Non, Insomnia = 98.

Bran Van était pas fuuuuull actif avant 98, mesemble que 99 aurait plus de sens... surtout pour un gros event.
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 11:55am. Posted in 18 Hour Illegal Rave In London.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By BLISSS
"The illegal rave - dubbed Scumo'ween- had 30 sound systems and 200 DJs playing throughout the night"

that seems likely.
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 11:53am. Posted in Qui se rappel du rave: CREAM avec Daft Punk pis Bran van 3000?.
Coolness: 70930
I can't make out who's talking about 97 and who's talking about 99 anymore.
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 11:50am. Posted in Hottest Male Raver.
Coolness: 70930
(Pat: pis les single girls, elles, HANNNN??!)

J'pu full raver. Pis j'trippe pas super souvent sur le physique d'un gars tant que ça là.... @_@

Mélo: j'connais pas Rakoon (à part si on compte le fait de s'être croisés genre une seule fois), mais j'dois admettre l'avoir remarqué sur des photos d'amis communs à plusieurs reprises, hah !

Originally Posted By RAKOON
Ya que les filles qui ont le droit de me mettre :p

euhhhhhhhh. @_@
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 11:41am. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By RAKOON
- savez-vous que videotron offre la téléphonie par câble?
- ouiiiii! :D bonne journée! :D
- Parce que maintenant que vous allez av.... *clack*

je sais que c'est leur job mais calisse hahaha
Moi je me gêne pu a raccrocher dans face, c'est fatiguant

Baw, t'as dit bonne journée, t'as fait ce que t'avais à faire pis c'est pas vraiment bête.

De ce que je me souviens de mon temps chez leur compétiteur, si qqn me disait "bonne journée" et raccrochait pendant que je commençais mon p'tit speech de "veux tu ci, veux tu ça", ça me soulageait haha !
» Niji replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 8:02am. Posted in Hottest Female Ravewaver.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By DATABOY
You have found the clitoris.

vu d'même ! ...
» Niji replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 11:01pm. Posted in Hottest Female Ravewaver.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Tellement, toutes les pics avec cette affaire là que j'ai vu je me suis dit WTF giant penis o_O

Y'a juste un boutte pis pas de shaft....!! giant micro penis! augh!
» Niji replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 10:03pm. Posted in 18 Hour Illegal Rave In London.
Coolness: 70930
La banane est en vogue cette année en effet !

J'ai moi-même posé avec une banane une couple de fois en fin de semaine :p
» Niji replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Hottest Female Ravewaver.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By MERRYJANE
lol le mec est tellement pathétique qu'il se ballade avec des écouteurs dans les partys pour faire croire aux filles qu'il est dj

Il s'est meme essayé avec moi O_o beuuuurrrrkkkkk.

Nice ass.
» Niji replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 9:21pm. Posted in Hottest Female Ravewaver.
Coolness: 70930
Originally Posted By BLISSS

y'est plus jeune que moi !
» Niji replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 9:06pm. Posted in Hottest Female Ravewaver.
Coolness: 70930
Niji's Profile - Community Messages