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» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 5:19pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 167275

*smiles and nods*


when faced w/ a mob of zombies, remember: machetes don't need reloading.
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:41pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 167275
Originally Posted By SPARKLZ
I figured :P

i figured you figured, i just wanted to make sure ;)

are you & your man ready to sell some water and nrg drinks in 2.5 weeks?!
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Lady Gaga.
Coolness: 167275
piss jugs!

(TPB fans know what i'm talkin' 'bout :P )
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:21pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 167275
hahaha!!...'m just fuckin' with ya' :P
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Lady Gaga.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:19pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 167275
last :P
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Lady Gaga.
Coolness: 167275
isn't she in town this week? saw her name on the metrolpolis' marquee

want me to pick you up a ticket, host? :P
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 3:07pm. Posted in crazy people.
Coolness: 167275
i think i'm crazy...does that make me sane?
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 3:04pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 167275
good to know!

if i were him i'd sell off th stupid race car bullshit he owns.
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 3:02pm. Posted in What should I not miss in London, UK ?.
Coolness: 167275
that's 'cause breakcore is so passé here in MTL ;) ... when i brought VSanres a few years ago, along w/ Fanny & Fishead, it was one of the last real breakcore/drill'n'bass raves w/ big headliners and all (that i can recall - aside from the TO crews coming by once in a while)

meh, a bunch of ppl jumped on the bandwagon, and weighed it down. Now, i much prefer it when hardcore DJ's , or D'n'B peops, drop some breakcore in a set, instead of breakcore for 10 hours...imo :)

it would be really cool to have another huge breakcore night though, it reminds the scene that it can always be harder :P
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 2:51pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 167275
don't piss in the pool, i don't swim in your toilet.
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 2:14am. Posted in Senate Bill Almost About To Pass Obligatory Service For 18y Olds.
Coolness: 167275
i'd much rather piss away a year than be in the the military.
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 2:07am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 2:06am. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 167275
new hoodie! (even though old hoodies are more comfy)

broken arm .or. broken leg ?
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 11:47pm. Posted in In The Spirit of Rave.ca.
Coolness: 167275
it's all good!
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 10:42pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 10:41pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 10:15pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 9:25pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 167275
yours :p

peanut butter .or. jam ?
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 9:18pm. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 167275
Originally Posted By V.2.0.MINUS.1
Na, no offense ...

none taken :)
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:48pm. Posted in Dahlia's Back, Bitches :).
Coolness: 167275
;) ...if it works out i'll give you recipe w/ the pics
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:47pm. Posted in CF-18 Flyby.
Coolness: 167275
speaking of overkill at at he patty's day parade...

i just heard on the news that there were three innocent young girls that got beaten, maced, and scraped on glass, by the riot police. they just so happened to be near some ppl who threw a few bottles.

full training & riot gear VS. a few girls, couple o' citizens & bottles.

» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:38pm. Posted in Dahlia's Back, Bitches :).
Coolness: 167275

but whenever you have some investment capital, let me know, we'll open up a restaurant [ together...ca ] it the Greasy Spork, specializing in meal mash-ups :P

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:39pm
lol dahlia...i'll take a pic when it does happen! want us to wait for you?
Update » Nathan wrote on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:40pm
stupid auto link thingy... "c a l l" was the word that was supposed to show up there....
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:33pm. Posted in Dahlia's Back, Bitches :).
Coolness: 167275
anyone have 20$ to lend me? :P

pouzzatine ftw!!!
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:31pm. Posted in Dahlia's Back, Bitches :).
Coolness: 167275
how about this: bambino pizza, stick in the bottom of one of those metal poutine bowls, put the poutine on top, then more cheese, stick it in the oven...basically a poutine gratinee w/ a pizza surprise on the bottom...

omg, i need a towel for the drool.
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:22pm. Posted in Corrupter is such a ....
Coolness: 167275
5 - 1 = the guy is broken, can these threads get dropped now pls ?

» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:21pm. Posted in Dahlia's Back, Bitches :).
Coolness: 167275
both obviously! eat half of each, satisfaction guaranteed!
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:20pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 167275
actually, it was a group effort.

i honestly feel bad for the guy, but if he leaves this site alone it's more for his own good than the site's.

anyway, sorry for the sobering thoughts.

move along, nothing to see here....
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 6:14pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
yup yup!

REMINDER: only one week left to get the 20$ tix!! After that: 25$ (still a great deal), if there are any left! Be "quick, like a bunny"... :p

Less than 3 weeks to until the BIG night!

*does happy jig*
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:30pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 167275

...i tried water skiing and failed miserably; think i'd have a better luck surfing

shoot the puck *or* pass the puck?
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:23pm. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 167275
Originally Posted By BLISSS
You guys do know that there is a possibility he might actually commit suicide

I don't think you'll find your jokes about it very funny if he does

I know I don't

i actually was worried. so, through a simple system of PMs, i managed to make sure he'd be fine. ultimately, he is a it of a faker, but i don't take chances like that with ppl's lives, no matter how much i hate overpopulation.

i believe even moloch later reported is IP, just in case. odd how two of the people he was meanest to yesterday were the only ppl that made a move to care for the guy's well being.

you, on the other hand, are all talk and no action. sounds familiar...

anyway, i do not want to have to go through that again though, so if he does come back here, i'll stay 100% neutral. the invisible man will have a better chance at getting my attention.

» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 5:48am. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 167275
oh, i'm calm...everything is fine, 'cause i made sure of it. he's logged-out and alive.

besides, *waves hand*, these aren't the droids you're looking for...

carry on :)
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:59am. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 167275
too far Fred...
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:49am. Posted in RAWally 36 dubstep tunes in 48 minutes.
Coolness: 167275
no doubt...i figure you'd be flyin' on the mix to get all those tracks in within 48 minutes...good job!!

besides, mentioning near trainwrecks is a compliment, 'cause it means you were quick enough to fix the prob, i love that...(there were only two in the whole mix that i noticed anyway - i'm just honest...and anal about beatmatching :P )

thnx for track title :)
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:27am. Posted in RAWally 36 dubstep tunes in 48 minutes.
Coolness: 167275
nice mix! a couple of near train-wrecks, but you stayed on the rails :P

was there some buju banton in there?

and i still love your Pixies remix!

thnx for the tunes...keep on rockin'
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:24am. Posted in Pierrot.
Coolness: 167275

on that note, i'm gonna log-off myself...
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:19am. Posted in Pierrot.
Coolness: 167275

i'll just smoke my pipe scrapings then...thnx anyway :P

"in the ghettoooo"
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 4:18am. Posted in Pierrot.
Coolness: 167275
hey, host1, it's almost 4:20, can you fed/ex me some weed please? :p
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 3:59am. Posted in Pierrot.
Coolness: 167275
lol...is this were the ppl banned by corrupter go to speak their mind?

awesome...i was in the middle of typing when i got banned:

tu me traite de 'faggot de merde'?

there's no place here for your gay-bashing. Did you ever consider that there are probably some actual homosexuals on this site that would be deeply hurt by that? btw, it doesn't even offend me 'cause there's nothing wrong with being a gay.

grow up, boy.

(and i was gonna lol at gjk-'s "cuntrupture")


oh god, not the suicide thing again...fuck it. i've been too close to the edge to deal with this shit.

» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 3:48am. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 167275
whatever man, i've tried to be helpful, and you really pissed me off today. now you call me a bastard.

go fuck yourself and your posting of the crappiest played-out pop songs those great bands recorded.
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages