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» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 1:43am. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
again, all those participating in this thread, none of you were really planning on going, 'cause of your own reasons, and that's fine. the problem is ppl who were on the list, and didn't go.

anyway, it's no problem, the reviews are all great. i'm satisfied :)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 1:33am. Posted in Rewire 5!.
Coolness: 167275
the Good

Wow. The music was incredible, the lights were cool, deco was great, the visuals were brilliant, and the people were awesome!

i'm so very very grateful for all those who came out and danced their legs off. I love you all :)

Dj Tense, owner of Apocalypse records from NYC, was as amazing as usual, some of the best hardcore i've heard, and varied too (crazy classic speedcore at the end!). Satronica's live set was so cool, especially when Betty Haze jumped on the mic! Kick ass! Mutante and Clown and Toltech all kicked ass too, as always...The psy room was solid as fuck, good good beats. Tripped out! Deadfunk brought the fire to heat up that second room...an ape's music is beautiful, and Drixel grooved hard right after him...

Thanx to all the DJs, you were all wicked, and i saw that you all worked really hard...

A big huge gigantic Thank You to the helpers, the employees, the support: Moloch, Sakara, Sparklz & Jason, Nemorave, Belinda, Jean-Raph & Ellie-Anne, Oussam, GRIP, the security crew, and of course Vinny's buddies who did the door and the coat-check. cheers!

Despite a few bumps in the road, i had lotsa fun, and the party was a success...working with Vinny/Jester prod was a blast, and pleasant :) i still can't believe how well organized we were :p [ ...ca ] wait to play for him at Rewire 5.5

Big up to radiocentreville for the support and letting us fund-raise for them. i've had 10+ fun years a that radio station, and many more to come.

Oh, and the all the girls with bunny ears, real sexay ;)

the Bad

i won't dwell on the negative, and there isn't much anyway, but i'm too honest, and would to express my disappointment in some people and explain a few things...

we were relying on ravers that didn't show up. i'm a little disappointed in the scene for that.

we were relying on other people to help out and bring certain items that would have made all the difference (ie. thick curtains for the window in room 1 to block sound/light, which would have meant that we wouldn't have had to bring the volume down as much when the cops showed up, if they had even shown up at all)

I apologize for the volume fluctuations due to 1 vindictive neighbor calling the police (even after we had talked to her, twice, to explain the situation). In the morning, after being tolerant all night, the police came back, hence why the volume dropped massively near the end of my set. It's unfortunate, yet understandable. had we set it up differently, it would have been worse. We didn't expect there to be 3 other parties in previous weeks either when we booked the place :/

it's still better to have the volume a little lower on a quality system than to have the party shut down, or be given a fine. Still, sorry to Sickness and Industrial Meat who had to play on low volume, but thnx for playing anyway!

The COLD. i'm soooo pissed off about that... we told the owners of the venue to heat the place up during the day, 3 times. When it came time to act, he refused to heat. there was nothing we could do. sorry. i know it took away form the vibe, but we did our best. we also expected more ppl, therefore more body heat. Anyway, it was a dick move on their part.

the Ugly

Douche bags like james (princest opiate) who showed up late in the morning, after the fact, and gave us attitude 'cause of the volume. fuck off man, you have no idea what we went through, you just came late 'cause you're a cheap asshole, missed all the fun, and had the nerve to complain. he got kicked out, and is never welcome to any DeadNa, and i'm told Jester, productions. ever.

Jealous saboteurs like Bliss who said online that he was discouraging ppl from coming because of some unrelated online beef he started a year ago. bullshit.

The venue is pretty much burned at this point, i suggest no one takes a chance on it. plus the owners, no offense, are a little sketchy and a little greedy. (well, at least they installed an emergency exit, upon our request, though it was done the day itself).

*** *** ***

All in all, who cares about money, we had a great time, the music was worth it, and i'm happy to have had the opportunity to bring you all this event. I'll be paying for it for a while, but that's my problem, not yours.

One more big THANKS and a great big HUG to the ravers and gravers and freaks who came out and rocked the dancefloor hard in both rooms, who toughed out the chilly air...you guys are real hardcore! you make me proud :)

Thank you for everything Vinny, it was great working with ya'...much love my friend :)

*** *** ***

DeadNa: a solution in search of a problem.

-->Super long post /end.

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 1:37am
ps. thank you guys n' gals for the great reviews! i feel all warm and fuzzy inside :P
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 12:31am. Posted in Review of the Location on De Carriere.
Coolness: 167275
it used to be that instead of having 3 parties w/ different styles in each, there would be 3 parties each w/ a distinct yet general styles, and ppl would go to all 3.

there was alot more unity when ravers would go to all the parties, regardless of style. people just used to love raving...now, well, i just don't know anymore :/

(and thnx Zed :P)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 12:26am. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
Tense (NY), Satronica (WV/NY), Shankar(TO), and Kode Six (locals can be headliners too :P )

and these guys were very generous w/ their price, partly 'cause they love montreal...

i understand ppl who have financial issues (i'm very poor too), that doesn't mean a party is too expensive, it just means it's too expensive for YOU. get it straight, 'cause there are ppl willing to pay even more than that for such a great experience...might i remind you that some parties are upwards of 40$...and some w/ locals only, or only a Dj from ontario, cost as much, give or take 5$.

gawd, the scene has changed alot over the years...

anyway, this is gonna get out of hand...so that's it from me. i won't spend my time justifying the price and location of a party that i spent the last 8 months working on. the price was more than fair, and the location a consequence of living in MTL.

if you don't support your scene, it will die. again.

(ps. thnx again to the hundreds who came out & helped out, w/out you awesome kids there is no party)
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 9:22pm. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
*edit* yeah, basdini, as mean as it sounds, has a valid point (also, no offense).

(responding to sabi) uh huh, and all those promoters who throw cheap parties lose money too.

we did something big...we did it for the people. they obviously responded to it, big time. some of the ravers just didn't show up when it came time to act...

anyway, i really don't want to seem like i'm complaining, the unexpected turn-out just dampened the mood a bit...how much money was lost is no one's business. i'm extremely grateful for all those who came and had a great time...i loved the party, and i love yous :)
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 9:11pm. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
so the promoters that work hard suffer because of promoters that fuck up? yeah, that's fair.

parties w/out headliners don't get as much attention. so ravers care, but they don't care to pay?

imagine all the cities in the world adopted the same attitude, no DJ would ever play outside of their home town. that would suck. and we'd have no variety. is that really what people want?

just say it, "no more out-of-towners" and we won't bring any, ever. We'll never see any of those great artists that influence each and every one of us.

-->throw a hypothetical party in your mind, think of an artist you'd really like to see, cover all the expenses, do the math, divide by the amount of ppl you expect, see what you come up with.

you'll be surprised.

--- --- ---

btw, the party was absolutely amazing, the music was sick, and if anyone doubts the necessity of headliners, it's 'cause you missed Dj Tense...

To all those were there: i love you all so very very much...you rock so hard!! :)
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 8:42pm. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
we brought more heads for the people. variety, y'know? if people don't want to see amazing out-of-towners, well, there just won't be any more.

locals only from now on. next time NIN comes to town, i expect no one to show up...
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 8:28pm. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
it was quite a party...

do you really expect us to be able to afford a venue, 4 headliners, a dozen locals, 2 rooms, big sound, lights, security, free coat-check, deco, and a VJ for 10$ at the door? Is it really realistic to expect a 12 hour/2 room party to cost less than a large pizza?
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 8:20pm. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 167275
if we charged 10$ at the door we would have needed 1000 ppl to break even. gimme a break...
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 1:23pm. Posted in Pedobear Loves You.
Coolness: 167275
it's all just the internet, until someone loses an eye...or their sanity.
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275

I'm off to the venue to set everything up, so this my final transmission before the party :)

I hope you're all as excited as Vinny and I are! We've got everything under control...it's gonna be great!

310+ ppl on the attendance list! we're #2 on the top ten! The party is what you make it, so bring your good vibes & good attitude :)

btw, the coat-check will have limited capacity, but it's free! First come first serve.

Happy Easter - may the bunny be with you...

» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 9:38am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 167275
made: REWIRE!!! Tonight! Oh yeah :)
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 1:51am. Posted in What Are you FUCKING right now ?.
Coolness: 167275
none of your fucking business :p
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 1:21am. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
wut wut! everyone is in town & stoked...i was just out with the crew :)


*drum roll*

yes, indeed, the event will be at 1295 Des Carrieres, Rosemont Community Center.

Metro: Rosemont. (take Rosemont street and turn south on Chambord to Des Carrieres)

Buses in proximity: 197 Rosemont. Night buses: 361 St.Denis & 370 Rosemont.

The place is revamped a bit - room2 is gonna be real pretty :) - And I'm bringing a plunger :p


En effet, l'événement se déroulera au 1295 Des Carrieres.

Metro: Rosemont. (prennez la rue Rosemont et tournez droite à Chambord, jusqu'à Des Carrieres)

Autobus en proximité: 197 Rosemont. Linges de nuit: 361 St.Denis et 370 Rosemont.


deco/visuals/coat-check/security/ROAR//no alcohol
decos/visuels/vestière/sécurité/ROAR//pas d'alcohol

party is in 21 hours...i need to get some sleep... .. .

see you all soon! :)

Update » Nathan wrote on Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 1:48am
oh yeah, you have until 6:00 PM to get the 25$ tickets...or at least while supplies last! @ Psychonaut, 154 Prince Arthur E. (514)844-8998
Update » Nathan wrote on Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 1:48am
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 10, 2009 @ 8:51am. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
hahahaha!! nice...

just got word: Tense is across the border...yeah yeah!

T - 37 hours...
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 10, 2009 @ 6:57am. Posted in I've been drinkinh.
Coolness: 167275
i've been drinkinh...coffee :p

happy B-day RAWali!
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 10, 2009 @ 6:56am. Posted in word of the week/day....
Coolness: 167275
/ˌdɪskəmˈbɒbyəˌleɪt/ –verb

to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate: The speaker was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.
1825–35, Americanism; fanciful alter. of discompose or discomfort.
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 10, 2009 @ 6:25am. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 167275

» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 10, 2009 @ 6:25am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 10, 2009 @ 6:23am. Posted in quiting smoking.
Coolness: 167275
y'know what would help ppl quit smoking? if they stopped running those fucking 'quit smoking' & 'nicotine gum/patches' advertisements...

you want ppl to stop smoking? stop reminding them about cigarettes!
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 8:58pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
uhm...let me fix that image for ya' dude... :

there ya' go :)

Update » Nathan wrote on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 10:52pm
timeslots are posted on the calendar if anyone is curious!: [ www.rave.ca ]
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 8:23pm. Posted in Forward Music - Mana & Recoil - Wally B-Day Bash! 9 April 09.
Coolness: 167275
happy b-day wally! wish i could be there tonight, but it's crunch time for rewire, so i'm busy and broke...

:D have fun!!!
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Bal en Blanc Thread.
Coolness: 167275
balls en blanc
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
haha..yup yup..Betty & Satronica just called me, they are on their way! XD

road trip! ;p
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 3:33pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
haha! cool!

mais on devrait avoir du soleil d'ici samedi nous aussi
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 3:31pm. Posted in Festival Kinetik 2.0 / May 14-17 / Usine C / Industrial-Noise-EBM-IDM.
Coolness: 167275
nice!! that's a great comp. :)
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 3:29pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 167275
damn, that was pretty extreme!

it had better effects than a lot of horror movies i've seen

i love the forklift falling out of the truck...
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 3:19pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 3:10pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275

which also means people only have two days to get yo' tix!!!

lol @ Kao...tu va nous manquer; amuse toi à Los Angeles...(c'est bien la bas que tu t'en va?)
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 9, 2009 @ 5:07am. Posted in I Can Has New Lolcats Thread.
Coolness: 167275
holy fuck! that's one pissed off kitty
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 7:14pm. Posted in what are you EATING right now?.
Coolness: 167275
hmm...i guess you'd have to be at the venue by 9pm, to get ready and receive your instructions :p ...though you may want to ask vinny, just to be sure.

i'm happy for ya' dahlia, it must've been satisfying :)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 6:47pm. Posted in what are you EATING right now?.
Coolness: 167275
have you finally had your poutine since you've been back, dahlia? :)

(...and perogies = greatness)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 6:02pm. Posted in 1000000000000000000000000000 Post Thread.
Coolness: 167275
haha...the 'graffiti cleaning' pic is awesome :)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 5:28pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167275
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 3:23pm. Posted in Review of the Location on De Carriere.
Coolness: 167275
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
who cares about the grease, by 3 am the place will be covered with raver goo anyway

exactly :)

and for the cold, all anyone had to do was ask the owner to heat the place up during the day. duh.

it's amazing what you can accomplish with a little extra effort...

-'nuff said.
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 3:15pm. Posted in In my pants game!!! II.
Coolness: 167275

ants...in my pants
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 3:14pm. Posted in Rewire 5 : April 11th, 2009 (Jester + DeadNa).
Coolness: 167275
hahaha! that's wicked!
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 3:13pm. Posted in In my pants game!!! II.
Coolness: 167275
oh fuck! where the fuck are my keys!? oh, they're right here...in my pants.
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 2:38pm. Posted in Review of the Location on De Carriere.
Coolness: 167275
the venue is fine. there are no really clean or perfect places. deal with it.

price varies on projected attendance. there are nearly zero available venues anyway. it's up to the promoters to make the venue great, to fix it up and spruce it up.

it's a really bad idea to bash a place before it has outlived it's usefulness. besides, i've seen much much worse places, where good times were had nonetheless. and sometimes a little grease adds to the fun. ...and it's still better than laval.


It's not WHERE you do it, it's HOW you do it.

[ ...ca ] you dig it?
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 8, 2009 @ 2:17pm. Posted in Who will Jesus damn.
Coolness: 167275
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Cannibals - Damned!

no, they're not on the list! :p

don't forget the jesus 'eat of my body & drink of my blood' cannibal connection ...
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages