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» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 11:56pm. Posted in Blunt.
Coolness: 167270
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 11:55pm. Posted in people who abuse should be abused in return.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By LAURENT
The baseball bat solution dosent involves justice. It involves vengance.

but it's not personal vengeance, it's avenging others.. i swear it's different :p

besides, vengeance and justice are not mutually exclusive.
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 8:33pm. Posted in Blunt.
Coolness: 167270
... so is just a bowl. i think i'll smoke bowl.

*smokes a bowl*

ah yeah .. XD
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 8:21pm. Posted in people who abuse should be abused in return.
Coolness: 167270
"The best way to prevent rape is probably to not put yourself in situations where you could be raped in the first place."

true, but you're talking about one kind of rape (ie. date-rape). besides, maybe some girls like to kiss and cuddle with a person they just met and like; what are they supposed to do, stay alone all the time 'cause guys all want sex and if you go home with them it's automatic? i don't fucking think so.

avoiding 'dangerous situations' is easier said than done. and what of the child raped by a parent? i guess they chose to be there in that home .. or the raver given drugs and GHB who didn't choose the result only the trip .. or a woman in a war torn country getting violated by the opposing army who didn't choose to go to war ... :/

yes, if i set my hair on fire, i should expect to feel a little heat, but i shouldn't have to assume that if i walk near someone with matches they might throw them at me... silly example, but what i'm saying is that ppl should have the right to go where they want, and not shut themselves in 'cause every other street corner is potentially dangerous. that also gives criminals all the control! and that's all they want!

so, the problem isn't that women walk around in dangerous situations, it's that those fucking situations exist in the first place...

argh! sorry, this is a touchy/sensitive issue for me. i know you'll mostly all disagree with me (and i'd have to argue my utopian point), but my real solution involves: 6 good ppl, baseball bats, and a van. know-what-'m-sayin'? fuck the justice system, i just want justice.
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 6:59pm. Posted in people who abuse should be abused in return.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
It's easy.

Sometimes you gotta think to yourself : "What would Chuck Norris do?".

simple, he'd get a dog to do the job for him.. :p

» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 6:40pm. Posted in So whats gonna blow up musically in 2010?.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Death trance.

» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 6:37pm. Posted in people who abuse should be abused in return.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By LAURENT
What we have in place dosent work? How come?

I think the failures of what is in place regarding abusers have been so overmediatised that we overestimate them.

are ppl still getting raped and abused on a regular basis? yes. so, what we have doesn't work.

i agree with the second part. even, some rapists are in it for psychological power-trips, and the more we see victims as weak and pitiful, the power we give the rapists. but underestimation isn't any better.

Originally Posted By whitelight
"rape, sexual abuse, and child abuse, is worse than murder."

I don't agree with that at all. Sure, being raped or abused is disgusting, and should be punished in my opinion. I know I could go as far as to kill someone who'd rape someone close to me.

Thing is, the reason rape victims go on living with so many consequences is partly because society look at rape as "something worse than getting killed". I don't think rape victims need our pity. I think they need our help to understand that they can be strong enough to look forward and go on with life. Instead, our society constantly look at them as if victims were some weak people who got permanently dirty from getting raped.

White Light, sorry but i disagree with ya'. yes, we mos def need to strengthen victims so that they don't live with that trauma their whole lives. it helps them go on living, and ensures them a happier life, and they absolutely deserve that, and more.

BUT, you can't say that rehabilitating the victim after-the-fact will solve anything about the crime being perpetuated! in fact, if all rape victims brush it off as if it were nothing, then the rapists will see even less wrongness in what they do! get rid of the consequences, and you turn a bad thing into something acceptable..

can't ppl just get it? it sucks! when someone says 'no' or 'ouch' you fuckin' stop! oh, yeah, for a second there i almost forgot that the problem IS the human race. bunch o' douche bags that either can't figure out that what they do makes ppl suffer - and that it's unpleasant and would be the first to cry if it happened to them, OR that actually take pleasure out of other's torture.

there are no perfect solutions. i think that's the whole problem with such acts. it's just too fuckin' frustrating that nothing can be done about what you couldn't do anything about in the first place.
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 6:17pm. Posted in people who abuse should be abused in return.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By KEVIN_FLYNN
Ok but that makes no sense because the people that lock them up sort of also become abusers.

In essence, there is no way out of this.

nah, it's indirect. no actual abuse going on. you just lock the door and walk away. yes, it's kinda similar 'cause someone is still dealing out a punishment, but a line has to be drawn somewhere to divide direct action that would turn the punisher into a hypocrite, and proper consequence to improper behaviour.

just like weed is not a gateway drug, locking a door is not a gateway to becoming abusive yourself.

i'm talking about the actual act of punishment. raping a rapist does not help either side. allowing rapists to rape and kill and eat eachother, is acceptable. it's the 'hands off' approach.

otherwise, there really is no way out, and what's left? ignoring the problem and allowing it to happen? sticking to what we have in place, which doesn't work?

the only other thing, is arming everyone. let the ppl defend themselves. but, you put a gun in everyone's hands, rape rate might drop ('cause you'll get shot if you try) but what does that lead to?
i don't think i have to detail the consequences of every human carrying a loaded gun around. in fact, a rapist with a gun is more dangerous, even if the women have guns too. violence breeds violence.

maybe we just need a real life spider-man, or ghost-rider. i like vigilantes XD

» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 5:51pm. Posted in potatoes.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Marinated and fermeted.


Originally Posted By fatal
WIN! potato juice!

it's called Vodka ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 5:42pm. Posted in people who abuse should be abused in return.
Coolness: 167270
killing murderers is redundant and hypocritical. duh.

rape, sexual abuse, and child abuse, is worse than murder. the victims go on living, and the consequences either push them to abuse in turn, or simply ruin their chances at living proper.
the psychological trauma outlives the physical; the concept of being forced into something is just too horrific for humans to tolerate, and get over.

but abusing the abuser is not ideal, partly 'cause of the consequences to the person handing out the punishment (like that the executioner is also a murderer). there should definitely be massive punishment though ...

my idea has always been: first you need absolute proof of the crime. second, you throw all those bastards in one giant hall. third, you lock the door, and never look inside. then you come back 3 months later, clean up, and start over with a new batch of assholes.

it's not a perfect plan, but something needs to be done. ppl need to be learned.
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 4:27pm. Posted in So whats gonna blow up musically in 2010?.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By FATAL
we should totaly invent Montreal gettho pussy music

i've been producing that shit for years - lol

but seriously, i'm all for dubcore making it big ;) ... and maybe hardcore itself will make a massive comeback! XD

and btw, 'future garage' is where you put your hover-car, or your delorian ...
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 10:41pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 167270
hahaha! thnx sparklz .. love lewis black :) - i like the show too, 'root of all evil' ...

don't know who said this, but:

Genius may have it's limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167270
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Scientists thinking of reflecting sunlight back into space?.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By TREY
The ice, snow, and glaciers aren't enough to reflect some of the sun?
oh right, that's 'cause they're melting.


so, when did the sun get so narcissistic, anyway? it's not enough that the world revolves around it, now we have to make giant mirrors so it can check itself out? pff ...
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 7:46pm. Posted in potatoes.
Coolness: 167270
potatoes are the best. mashed, fried, baked, scalloped, chipped, roasted, BBQed, poutined ... it's all good.

if it wasn't for the potato, in all it's forms, i'd've died of starvation a long time ago.
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 7:40pm. Posted in So whats gonna blow up musically in 2010?.
Coolness: 167270
Nu-Trance ... it's only melodies, no drums.

» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 7:37pm. Posted in le tread de lamour.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By FATAL
cupcakes goes in mouth silly :P

so does love :p
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 7:34pm. Posted in Babylion - oldskool jungle nite @ Blizzarts - Sunday Nov 22nd.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
nice to see a crew dedicated to keeping the vinyl alive!


i'll most likely be there tonight ..

Update » Nathan wrote on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 9:49pm
or maybe not .. my body is rejecting all plans to go out drinking tonight .. after the last 4 nights, i'm not surprised ...

i really hope you guys do another night like this soon!
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 4:08pm. Posted in So whats gonna blow up musically in 2010?.
Coolness: 167270
the only thing i want to blow up musically is kid rock .. with a whole lot of TNT .. :p
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 7:49pm. Posted in Good shitting tips.
Coolness: 167270
did you know that when you flush, little tiny droplets of piss n' shit tainted toilet water splash out around your bathroom? so, my tip is: close the lid when you flush ...

oh yeah, and if ever you're feeling constipated and don't know what to do about it, just use the toilet plunger that should already be by the toilet ...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 6:26pm. Posted in who's going to saphs tonight?.
Coolness: 167270
sure bob .. no worries :)
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 6:25pm. Posted in Want To Receive Promos Early? Join The NEC’s Paid Promo List!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By MATDUKE
and finally yes, Nu Energy Records has been around for possibly longer than the Nu-NRG genre and is run by the people who invented the freeform genre, so no relation here.

once again, thanks for making us look like jerks in front of one of the labels/djs we respect the most.

oops! .. i did not know that .. :p

i dunno, i think it all turned out alright in the end .. XD

good luck guys! :)
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 6:13pm. Posted in Moustache For Dogs.
Coolness: 167270
wtf? aren't their whole bodies covered in one big moustache? :p
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 6:12pm. Posted in who's going to saphs tonight?.
Coolness: 167270
i'm definitely going! .. don't have much choice, i'm the busboy upstairs :p
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 5:04pm. Posted in Wanted: bibliothèque "étagère M".
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By FATAL
Ikea: ta juste a bruller le manuel puis remplacer toute les vices par des clous avant d'assambler ton étagère puis sa devrais resembler pas mal a ca

i remember a great Ikea joke from some random comedian ... :

"at some point, you're gonna buy something from Ikea, and when you open the box, you're just gonna find an axe and a map to a tree"
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 4:50pm. Posted in Free Dubstep + D&B Party! Friday Nov.20.
Coolness: 167270
kick ass! i'll try to get there after work in the morning :)
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 4:29pm. Posted in Texts From Last Night!!!!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By GAMOS
I think it was a good call...hes drinking pabst. hipsters drink pabst. Do you know what I am saying?

that's what i was going for .. the realization that you're on a date with a cheap ass hips-tard :p

sorry to those broke-ass ravewavers who drink that crap ;) lol

( yes, i made up the text, so i'm to blame for the offence .. haha )
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 6:15pm. Posted in Bass Drive Wednesdays - MARK INSTINCT!!! - Nov 18th.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By FATAL
yeah i really wanna go .. tho idd only have enough for admission and probly not enough to get back home :(.. only starting to work again next week ..

shitty :/

well, i'll try to memorize all the music i hear tonight and play it back for ya' beat-box style :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 6:12pm. Posted in Texts From Last Night!!!!.
Coolness: 167270
(363) my first date with this dude. he's drinking a can of Pabst outside the restaurant while i'm waiting for the cheque. HELP!
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 6:00pm. Posted in Djm faders are hard to move, need help !.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By RAWALI
have you tried working out those abs a bit?...

» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 5:59pm. Posted in Lenny Dee and the Wu Tang Clan!!!!!!! + PARTY!.
Coolness: 167270
sweet! i always knew lenny was gangsta .. :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 5:57pm. Posted in Bass Drive Wednesdays - MARK INSTINCT!!! - Nov 18th.
Coolness: 167270
maybe!? maybe you suck, bob :p

j/k ... hope to see you there anyway; and if not, hope to see you soon! :)
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 5:43pm. Posted in Want To Receive Promos Early? Join The NEC’s Paid Promo List!.
Coolness: 167270
nu energy? did i just fall into a time machine? :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 5:41pm. Posted in ipod.
Coolness: 167270
it teaches you how to do the shuffle? :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 5:40pm. Posted in Bass Drive Wednesdays - MARK INSTINCT!!! - Nov 18th.
Coolness: 167270
basslove :)
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 10:53am. Posted in Maitrise en théatre de marionettes contemporain à l'Uqam..
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By MICKOS
marionnettes - the movie

they did that .. it's called: team america - world police

» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 10:41am. Posted in The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die.
Coolness: 167270
i bought the album months ago .. in a store! ;)

it's pretty good, but there are a few shit tracks .. and, though it sounds great and most of the tunes rock, i don't find that there is anything in there as memorable as voodoo people or outta space...

i play it out nonetheless, & i'm glad they're still making good music.

--ps. i heard led zeppelin is releasing a new single: "stairway to heaven"! - lol :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 16, 2009 @ 6:45pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 167270
Batman (1966)

wow, i can't figure out it the campiness and silliness was done entirely on purpose ...

Bat Shark-Repellent Spray.. -'nuff said.
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 16, 2009 @ 6:42pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 167270
"If you're gonna go, go with a smile" -the joker
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 16, 2009 @ 1:23am. Posted in I'd Hit That.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By RAKOON
Aaaaaw Nic Endo
je l'avais oublié elle :D

-Je me souviens-

Nathan's Profile - Community Messages