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» Nathan replied on Tue Sep 7, 2010 @ 12:39pm. Posted in fucking goddamn marathon bullshit.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By DRTAKO
yes because clearly anyone who does physical activity is a muscled jock.

no, but then maybe you didn't see the runners i saw .. ;)
» Nathan replied on Tue Sep 7, 2010 @ 12:35pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Since you seem hung up on the word "anthropomorphism" here goes: "realize that the last thing that the puppies felt was fear. complete fear." by Zombienathan

Ok, fear is not a specicaly a human "emotion" but to speculate that these puppys died in fear like a "2 year old baby" is most definatly an anthropomorphism.

well, now you're applying something i said to something recoil or whoever said .. where's the link?

Fear is felt by every sentient being on earth. it's a 'feeling' derived from the deepest sense of survival. that's how creatures avoid death/pain/discomfort, by fearing that which seems like a threat to their well-being. and didn't someone say the puppies were 'screaming' ? (can't watch the vid myself, 'puter issues)

So, a scared animal = not anthropomorphism.

meh, don't know why you're stickin' to your guns here databoy ... point is: yes, a human's violent death is deplorable, but that does not mean that the same violent death is any less deplorable if/when an 'animal' is involved ...

anyway, +1 for being as stubborn as the rest of us :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 6, 2010 @ 11:38pm. Posted in fucking goddamn marathon bullshit.
Coolness: 167270
^ hahaha XD .. i'd rather eat 'em raw :p ...

Originally Posted By SMASHLEY506
OR you could have taken the metro, lol. Stubborn.

yes, very stubborn! ;) ... i refused to let 'em get the best of me and force me to take the garbage stm transport at 10 am half-drunk after a long work shift. plus, i was making sure my boss and friend both got home safe - since yes, it was morning, but we had all been drinking - and i'm just like that.
plus, we didn't know what was going on until it was too late.

in all honesty, it cost that much 'cause i took a second cab to get home. had to walk a bit with the boss to her place after the first cab 'cause the cabbie had no idea how we could possibly get to her place under the circumstances! crazy!

(i gotta say, though, the second cabbie was cool enough to stop the meter 6 blocks from my place)

i don't think i should have to disrupt my whole routine and spend extra hard-earned cash 'cause of bunch of muscley jerks can have a little run. was this even for a good cause? was there cancer research involved? and if so, they should've just taken the money they spent on all the man-power and given it straight to the cause.

garbage. yet another one of this city's monumental acts of not-giving-a-shit-about-Montrealers ...

Mayor Tremblay: Logic Fail
» Nathan replied on Sun Sep 5, 2010 @ 11:48am. Posted in fucking goddamn marathon bullshit.
Coolness: 167270
really. closing off half of montreal. for a bunch of steroid-freak assholes. there are a thousand streets in montreal - you really have to close off the main arteries!? imma close off Mayor Tremblay's arteries ... prick.

how much are those cops at every single street corner in their pig-mobiles getting paid to sit and do absolutely nothing? how do they feel being glorified road-blocks?

if i cross a street on a red light at 5am, i might get a fine. but, WE are paying for a bunch of jock douche assholes to run around in short-shorts while the city/police/population encourages it.

sorry, i'm fucking pissed off.

circular cab ride: 43$
vitamin water to hydrate during the long-ass ride: 3$
2 cigarettes needed to calm down after the bullshit: 1$
complaining about it on the 'net: fucking goddamn priceless.

this was NOT the adventure i needed getting out of a 12 hour work shift.

you like pointless running? fuck you. imma watch you fuckers run when the zombie apocalypse hits.

then imma eat your muscular legs, and your vacant brains.

(on the bright side, there was probably no police man-power available to bust the rave last night :p )
» Nathan replied on Sun Sep 5, 2010 @ 11:28am. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Sep. 7th -- Hard: Breaks, D'n' B, Dubstep, Core !!.
Coolness: 167270
yes, thank you sir! and thanks to Ashley - 'cause of her genius i no longer have to write out guestlists and details .. she just knows ;)

and thnx to all the wicked MTL DJs who have played and will play again .. and all you freaks who love hard fuckin' music and come out every week to prove it ...

thing is, this is only a pre-milestone; a warm-up .. wait 'til we hit the 6 month anniversary - which falls right after Halloween ... XD

power to the people!
» Nathan replied on Sat Sep 4, 2010 @ 4:43pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Sep. 7th -- Hard: Breaks, D'n' B, Dubstep, Core !!.
Coolness: 167270
OCDj: damn near half a year in existence =)

thnx to everyone for a wicked 5 months .. so much more to come !!
» Nathan replied on Thu Sep 2, 2010 @ 8:09pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 167270

now, back to throwing puppies in the lake ... oh no wait, maybe it's a good thing this thread got side-tracked :p

/end transmission
» Nathan replied on Thu Sep 2, 2010 @ 7:17pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By REVERENDN
We'll just skip that one, no big whoop. OCDJs have been awesome thus far :)

ok, well, i feel a little better now .. thnx Rev ;)
» Nathan replied on Thu Sep 2, 2010 @ 7:02pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By LADY_A
I was planning a party at the passeport for my birthday next tuesday when I learned that Bliss was djing that night...
Soooo not happening!

well great, now i feel bad .. o_O

there's no hiding that bliss can be a dick on the 'net with some ppl, but he's still a good DJ and deservers a spot at my night ... and he'll love playing for me :p

had i known that you wanted to plan a b-day event on Tuesday, i'd've let you make some suggestions and i could've put the ppl you dislike at a later date ... but, you can still come party with us, and just go up to Cafe Chaos from midnight to 1:00 XD

live 'n' let live, yeah? =)

anyway, i'm waving the white flag on this one ...

much love
» Nathan replied on Thu Sep 2, 2010 @ 1:06pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Sep. 7th -- Hard: Breaks, D'n' B, Dubstep, Core !!.
Coolness: 167270
This week Deadna presents a tetraphobic edition of OCDj, on Tuesday, September 7th! Get ready for some hard broken beats and bass -- with a a first-timer, an old-timer, and a hard-timer :::

--> David Florida !! {d'n'b}
--> Bliss !! {hard breaks}
--> Shao !! {hard dubstep}
--> + resident: Nā ! {hardcore-breaky-shit}

Only 4$ at the door! @ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Drinks specials:
1 Pint of beer: 5$!
2 Shots of hard: 6$!

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

"Proud to be maladjusted" -mlk

--- --- ---

Incase you don't already know 'em :


Montreal breakbeat kingpin and former Passeport Resident (1997 - 2000) Dj Bliss will be returning to the scene of the crime this coming Tuesday to drop an exclusive Hardcore Breakbeat set prepared with love specifically for this event.

During his 3 year stint at Passeport Bliss promoted a variety of clubnights including LUNA Thursdays one of Montreal's only electronic clubnights at the time and one of the only clubnights where clubgoers were able to hear electro and breakbeat during the 90s. Luna Thursdays was also one of the first clubnights to book many now influential DJs such as Dj Sarcastic.

Bliss also held down the Fridays and the Saturdays for several years and playing a blend of electro, industrial, alternative & breakbeat to a packed house every weekend. His unique mashup style of all these elements has been credited as a major influence on many other DJs at the time where purism was the norm.

For this event Bliss with dropping the heaviest in hardcore breakbeat ( [ fr.wikipedia.org ] ), a genre which is going through a serious revival in the UK at the moment and which is a sound no one in Montreal is playing at the moment.

For a full Dj Bliss Bio, and Mixes, you can check out [ www.rave.ca ] or consult [ www.djbliss.net ] .


The story of David Florida has been told countless times in popular culture, often with gross historical inaccuracy. To this day, opinion remains strongly polarized on the question of Florida’s actual guilt or innocence. Having served 20 years of prison time, he is remembered more for his conviction than for his actual career.

Florida was known in some circles as a one-punch machine gun, but remained largely silent on the matter outside the ring. “It’s my work” he would say, “I do it for pay. And when it’s all over I’d just as soon be my way.”

His fight game featured a fearsome left hook. His right was also pretty good and he often finished a round with a flurry of body punches. Emile Griffith, even though he didn’t have his title on the line at the time, listed Florida as one the heaviest hitters he ever faced. Rightly so too, because he got his ass knocked down twice in the first round!

With regard to the actual crime, there are two theories, each with their staunch supporters. Each camp is able to list seemingly solid alibis, getaway routes and motives. Much of the supporting evidence in the case relies on the testimony of petty criminal Alfred Bello, who has changed his story with each mistrial and even admitted to stealing $60 from the register when he went to get a dime for the payphone.

Despite having been released from incarceration, Florida has never been formally declared innocent or otherwise exonerated by the courts.

David Florida currently resides in Montreal.

music --> 2009-07-01-David-Florida-Dubplate.fm-Exclusive-dubplatefm.mp3

( ^ LOL - don't ask XD )

--- --- ---

So come on out to dance and drink your asses off ... and chill-out with us! =)
» Nathan replied on Thu Sep 2, 2010 @ 12:26pm. Posted in Atari Teenage Riot @ Foufs - Sat. Oct. 2nd.
Coolness: 167270
yes!! this is gonna be awesome ... =)
» Nathan replied on Wed Sep 1, 2010 @ 10:48pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 167270
attributing human characteristics to non-humans, eh? like stupidity? :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Sep 1, 2010 @ 10:42pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 167270
so people are dying. that sucks. doesn't make it any less sad that someone kills puppies by drowning.

the bottom line here isn't death, it's the manner in which death is dealt. euthanasia has it's reasons for being, but jesus christ on crutches, torture and/or unjustified euthanasia is another story.

realize that the last thing that the puppies felt was fear. complete fear. flying unnaturally through the air, then hitting the rushing water, then fighting for their life, drowning. who wants to die in utter fear? no one.

i know we should also sympathise when people are killed in horrible ways, but again, that doesn't mean we can't sympathise if any other creature is killed. saying you don't care about dead puppies because humans are also dying is a complete logic fail.

"According to Kant, man has the duty to strengthen the feeling of compassion, since this feeling promotes morality in relation to other human beings. But, cruelty to animals deadens the feeling of compassion in man. Therefore, man is obliged not to treat animals brutally"

so even if you don't give two shits about animals, this video should scare you because this person might be now capable of doing the same thing to any children she might have.

Update » Nathan wrote on Wed Sep 1, 2010 @ 10:47pm
and Databoy, just because people do things in a certain way, and have been for a while, that does not necessarily make it right. people have been killing eachother since the dawn of man, yet you seem to have issues with that.

babies are not all that much more 'aware' than animals, i guess we should stomp on 'em too since humans are seriously overpopulating this earth. look at all the vagrant peoples around. maybe we should kill the homeless to fix that problem too. turn the whole world into some redneck farm.
» Nathan replied on Wed Sep 1, 2010 @ 7:42pm. Posted in where can i find hardcore vinyls?.
Coolness: 167270
there are a few left at Sound Central .. though i grabbed the remainder of the good stuff :p

i'm working on getting a small batch of Industrial Strength records for Sound Central -- i'll bump this thread when it actually gets done ...

besides that, there really aren't any places to get hardcore. not anymore .. very unfortunate. you might find some hardtechno or hard d'n'b if you look real hard in some of the 'techno' record shops, but you'll mostly find House type stuff. You can find some gems in the other 'normal' new & used record shops, but it's rare. might find some Industrial though ...

anyway, good luck -- we need DJs with more hardcore vinyl! =)
» Nathan replied on Wed Sep 1, 2010 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Coresteppers V11.1 w/ Rubber Muffin, C-Rat and much more! (to).
Coolness: 167270
good call on RubberMuffin! =)
» Nathan replied on Wed Sep 1, 2010 @ 7:28pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug. 31st -- Na'S B-Day W/ Construct & Golgo13 !!.
Coolness: 167270
good times! yup, the '90s stuff felt great to play! ... this city needs a regular night like that! XD

Thanks to everyone who came out, i had a alot of fun =) and thanks for all the b-day wishes & drinks!

... and of course my gratitude to Construct & Golgo13 for their wicked Dj skills! (btw, it's Construct's B-day next week, so go see him at Bassdrive!)

@ OCDj next week: Bliss, David Florida, Shao !!
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 31, 2010 @ 11:49am. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 167270
"i'm not a trendy asshole, i do what i want, i do what i feel like ..
i'm not a trendy asshole, i don't give a fuck if it's good enough for you"

-offspring (before they became trendy assholes :p )
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 30, 2010 @ 8:44pm. Posted in O C D j -- Tue. Aug. 31st -- Na's B-Day w/ Construct & Golgo13 !!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By CRIMSON
I'm totally rolling in with a crew declaring we're all guest list, And that chick who works the door better not put up any fuss! Always hassling me to pay and shit! You'd think she would fuckin know who I am! WTF srsly.

» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 30, 2010 @ 1:16pm. Posted in O C D j -- Tue. Aug. 31st -- Na's B-Day w/ Construct & Golgo13 !!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Welcome to this World is totally my favorite Primus tune

ha! mine too XD .. that's probably what i'll drop :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 30, 2010 @ 1:36am. Posted in Warning! Incoming Game :: Aug 27 2010.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By MATRICKS
... it's nobody else's responsibility than the people involved in it.


couldn't go to this (work among other reasons) but i have to say that agree that Circus is no place to be throwing 'raves', on the other hand, this is how little choice we have left for venues, and that is pretty sad. i doubt that anybody really wanted the party to be there, but what choice do ppl have? some day soon, we're all gonna have to get together and build our own fucking place that we can do anything we want with, 'cause it'll be our house. with no neighbours. =)

life is about things dying. the hard part, is keeping 'em alive . . .
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 28, 2010 @ 5:29pm. Posted in O C D j -- Tue. Aug. 31st -- Na's B-Day w/ Construct & Golgo13 !!.
Coolness: 167270
^ yeah!! should be lotsa fun =)

don't forget --> Guestlist: Everybody! XD

can't wait to play a bunch of '90s "classics" for y'all, and hear some wicked dubstep!
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 26, 2010 @ 3:54pm. Posted in O C D J -- Open Decks.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By CRIMSON
Happy birthday stupid! ^^

haha XD thnx ;)
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 25, 2010 @ 9:43pm. Posted in O C D j -- Tue. Aug. 31st -- Na's B-Day w/ Construct & Golgo13 !!.
Coolness: 167270
Hey everybody! Looks like it's my birthday, on Tuesday August 31st, right on OCDj ! - So, we're having a special night: i'll be playing blocks of '90s Alternative (Nirvana, Pixies, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Offspring, Weezer, Prodigy, Underworld, Chemical Brothers, etc. - all the stuff i love from '89 to '98 XD ) along with Golgo13, while Construct plays blocks of Dubstep!! :::

--> Construct !! (Bassdrive) {Dubstep}
--> Golgo 13 !! (Beat Concierge) {'90s Alt Rock)
--> Nā ! (Deadna) {'90s Alternative}

So come out to celebrate, and hear some dubstep & all those tunes you've probably forgotten about!


@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Drink Specials:
1 Big Pint of beer: 5$!
2 Shots of Hard: 6$!

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

"Proud to be maladjusted" -mlk
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 25, 2010 @ 8:43pm. Posted in O C D J -- Open Decks.
Coolness: 167270
no worries guys! there will be a next time .. there has to be a next time! 'cause there were at least 4 or 5 DJs that came and didn't get to play, and another 4 or 5 that couldn't make it due to health reasons (and forgetfulness, eh Kishmay :p - i'd love for you to bring some ragga-core!) ...

in fact, the DJs showed up and filled the list up before it was even 22:00 !!

next time i may even have to do 2 nights in a row, wherein the overflow would play the following week .. anyway i'll figure something out XD

thnx so much to all the DJs that played! ::: Simon, Industrial-Meat, Alex, Dans Tes Oreilles, Plan C, VNFX, Zombie Mastah, Axel Helios, and Screwhead !!! Awesomeness all around .. hardcore, d'n'b, psy, hardtechno .. all good!

and of course, thnx to everyone for showing up! good times, good people .. your support is much appreciated, by me and your friendly neighbourhood DJs =)

next week: my stupid birthday party!! XD
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 6:49pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug. 24th -- Open Decks !!.
Coolness: 167270
yeah! only few hours away ... NOTE: Sign-up sheet is at the DJ booth! =)

» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 6:47pm. Posted in Songs that should be dub-step remixed....
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By GAMOS
I know that song u posted is bullshit. I know cuz my friends are DJs ...
... Cuz my friends are DJs. You don't even know. Its fucking bullshit. Ur trolling me is so fucking ignorant. My friends are DJs. I would know. You wouldn't

Originally Posted By strangedahlia
You'd think after all this time people would know by now not to take Gamos's posts seriously and enjoy them for the pure genius that they are...

Y'know, one day Gamos is gonna wake up, and realize that the "DJs" are Nurses, the "Promoters" are Psychiatrists, and all those Speeds and E's were just Xanax and Laxatives. Yes, we are all just a figment of his imagination; and that mouse that he's been using to scroll with, is an actual mouse, that got through the hole in the wall of his padded cell ... .. .


(just fuckin' around gamos, you're alright .. XD )
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 4:39pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug. 24th -- Open Decks !!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

Let's get dangerous ... ;)

yup yup! just over 5 hours 'til the sign-up madness! XD

Remember: Cover is only 2$ tonight !! Special Open-Decks price! =)
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 1:04pm. Posted in 2 e & massage buddy.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By RAWALI
what about shitting on someone's nuts... does that still count as platonic?

i think that's considered "Craplatonic" :p
» Nathan replied on Sun Aug 22, 2010 @ 8:57pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug. 24th -- Open Decks !!.
Coolness: 167270
right on!

wow, so many DJs wanting to play .. it's gonna be a race to the finish line - i mean, sign-up sheet! XD
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 21, 2010 @ 9:47am. Posted in The Canadian Christian Rave Scene.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Oh hey finally a rave scene that propaganda will fit in with!

fixed ;)
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 18, 2010 @ 7:45pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug. 24th -- Open Decks !!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By RAKOON
tag teams are allowed?

hmm .. interesting question ... XD

well, i really don't mind if DJs want to tag, but the same basic rules apply.

The options are:
- You can Tag for 30 minutes (1 slot for the 2 DJs) i really don't mind ...
- You BOTH show up on time to sign-up for 2 consecutive slots (1 each), IF available, so that you can play together for the hour (though this option seems less fair to those playing for only 30 min.)

So yes, of course, Tag-Teams are fine!

Chose your own adventure ... =)
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 18, 2010 @ 7:13pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug. 24th -- Open Decks !!.
Coolness: 167270
Alright!! OCDj is proud to be hosting another Open Decks night! Last time was a blast, with both new and old talent! SO, back by popular demand :::


The "rules" are simple:

- I have 8 slots to fill, 30 minute sets, first come first serve for both the sign-up and choice of time-slots.

- Sign-up is between 22:00 & 23:00 o'clock. First 6 DJs get a free drink!

- You have to play Hard electronic music (ie. Hardcore, gabber, d'n'b, hardtek, hardtechno, industrial, dubstep, HHC, speedcore, breakcore, etc.)
and you have to be professional enough not to break the gear or my needles! XD

- My 2 favourite DJs get a guaranteed & proper booking for OCDj in September / October .

- Anyone who shows up with music (records, CDs, laptop) before 23:00 with the intent to play, gets in for free, even if all the slots are taken up. Cover is only 2$ for everyone else (that's half-price) !

@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Link to calendar page / attendance / more info : [ www.rave.ca ]

So, come on out and show us your crazy skills, have a drink, bring your friends, and have a good time!

"Proud to be maladjusted" - mlk
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 18, 2010 @ 6:48pm. Posted in Portal Productions Presents FUTUREBOUND (UK - VIPER RECORDINGS).
Coolness: 167270
sucks that i work, but .. wicked line-up! good luck guys! =)
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 17, 2010 @ 5:54pm. Posted in O C D J -- Tue. Aug.17th, Pre-Bucherons! Hard: Tech, Psy, D 'n' B!.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By MIGHTYMIKE

Originally Posted By a.posford

sounds like a Smashing Pumpkins song is about to start ... XD

so, see you all ... tonight! :p

Approximate Schedule:
22:00 - Nā
22:45 - Nā vs. Alakazoo
23:30 - Alakazoo
00:15 - Mohinia
01:45 - Golgo 13

» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 7:16pm. Posted in 2010-08-19 @ Forward: Sase One, Vilify And Subtone.
Coolness: 167270
nice fuckin' line-up! =)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 7:15pm. Posted in a man was hospitalised with 6 plastic horses in his ass.
Coolness: 167270

a horse walk into a bar, and the bartender asks: "why the long face?" ...


» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 7:06pm. Posted in Best deal on biz cards printing in Montreal?.
Coolness: 167270
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
You have conquered this thread.

and won all the spice! :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Eurotrance-trance- Raves in montreal?.
Coolness: 167270
since when does a rave have to be cheesy & trancy for it to be a 'for realz' rave ???

the only PLUR that would come to mind if i heard tacky trance-eurotrance at a rave is Please Let Us Riot (and lynch the Dj) ... :p

... but hell, to each his own, and you are allowed to start threads while high, so ... good luck with that! XD
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 14, 2010 @ 6:48pm. Posted in Miaou 2 w/ DJ Endo ( New-YORK ).
Coolness: 167270
gonna try to swing by after work! =)

i'd like for it to be still going on when i get there later, so, BE SUPER NINJA PEOPLE! XD
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 13, 2010 @ 6:59pm. Posted in Why do weird little bugs love Psytrance people so much?.
Coolness: 167270
i dunno, maybe the mating dances & rituals can be a wonder to behold, but the sex itself is just a little of the ol' in out in out .. pretty boring to see if you're not actually part of it :p

only humans would turn procreation into entertainment ... give them bugs their fucking privacy! XD

(please don't misinterpret - i don't have a problem with sexuality or the intrinsic beauty of sharing bodies, nor do i think ppl should be fucking insects)
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages