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» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 29, 2011 @ 2:48pm. Posted in recipe for sangria.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By RAISINLOVE
I like when google searches turn up forums replies as results, where said replies tell the person to look it up on google :D

HAHA! reminds me of the magnets/magnetism definitions ...

I tend to be ghetto when making stuff for myself, so my version of sangria is just wine & fruit juice xD

If I was trying to make some for real, I'd go with: a bunch of wine, a bunch of exotic fruit juice, some diced fresh fruits, some sprite (or whatever equivalent), vodka, ice, and a fancy glass. =)
» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 7:39pm. Posted in Montreal equivalent of DarkRave?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

Yeah! xD

wait, I'd have to get a life first ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 7:27pm. Posted in Montreal equivalent of DarkRave?.
Coolness: 167265
^ Yes, Psycore April 16th for sure -- if you're going to Kinetik, then you'll at least like the first half of the night (Iszoloscope will be playing too)

There's also another similar party soon after that with the Chosen Few and others (Gabber + psy) : [ www.rave.ca ]

And of course, as mentioned, even though it's a bar night, OCDj starts Tuesday, April 5th. The opening night is all Hardcore/Industrial-Gabber/etc, and it's the only night of it's kind in Montreal: [ www.rave.ca ]

Enjoy! xD
» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 7:18pm. Posted in people who say 'Bro'.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Moi je sais pas, à chaque fois que j'entends des gros taupins à la Jersey Shore dire ça, j'entends "sacoche" et ils deviennent, du même coup, un peu plus gai à mon égard. Heh.

lol! It's like hearing someone say "dude, that's totally purse!" xD
» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 7:16pm. Posted in The topic of gifts....
Coolness: 167265
My name means "a gift" so, I'm covered forever -- I just have to show up , and bam! you got a gift :p

» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 2:57am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By AWIANE
i have received a PM too, saying that i have fake statements ...

» Nathan replied on Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 4:12pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
"Songs are really just very interesting things to do with the air"
-Tom Waits

Ha! nice ...
» Nathan replied on Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167265
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 26, 2011 @ 7:33pm. Posted in Rebecca Black in "Gang Fight".
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Ark Music Factory. Rich families pay them to have their daughter appear in a music video. Ark writes them a song, a beat, a cliché rap verse by the same damn guy every time. There's at least a dozen different girls on Youtube but this one surpassed them all with the MAGNIFICENT LYRICS.

Tl;dr : Families pay shitty company to try to emulate Bieber fame with 13 year-old girls.

The big difference here (and I hate myself for writing this) is that Bieber actually has talent. His music sucks but it's a choice he made to sell his records. Still a musical prodigy and still a shame he's being exploited this way but yeah... these girls just have NOTHING, so it double sucks.

ah! i see ...

well, thnx for the info, even though it's a pretty fucking depressing state of affairs :p

Ark Music, eh? What's that supposed to represent, that the music industry is flooded and everyone is drowning so they need 2 videos of every rich bimbo so that they can re-populate shitty pop music on the 'net?
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 26, 2011 @ 12:05am. Posted in MUTANTE VS LIQUID BLASTED - Letters Of A Dead Man EP out now!.
Coolness: 167265
Mutante + Liquid Blasted! Nice =)

DARKUG004 -- C'est un nouveau label ça, Darkside Underground? J'connait pas, informe moi! xD
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 26, 2011 @ 12:01am. Posted in what are you looking forward to most this summer ?.
Coolness: 167265
More heat
Not freezing my balls off
No slush
Hangin' around outside
Smoking joints in the nice warm summer air at night
Terraces in the afternoon
Wonderful smog :p

and Hardcore!
» Nathan replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 11:52pm. Posted in Rebecca Black in "Gang Fight".
Coolness: 167265
she didn't really make that Rosa Parks comment, did she? o_O

who is this idiot? -- i'm not up-to-date on my 'net-pop-culture this week :p
» Nathan replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 5:44pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. Apr. 5th - Season 2 Premiere: Sicatrix, Mutante ++.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND
Is Alex working at the bar on this night?

Not regularly, but probably for nights like the 2nd week w/ Vilify, Fishead, and VNDL ...

My babe Maïté is on alcohol dispensage on Tuesdays =)
» Nathan replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 6:01am. Posted in O C D j - Tue. Apr. 5th - Season 2 Premiere: Sicatrix, Mutante ++.
Coolness: 167265
Montreal loves it hard ...

» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 23, 2011 @ 7:30pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. Apr. 5th - Season 2 Premiere: Sicatrix, Mutante ++.
Coolness: 167265
crisse que oui ca va vite! Les flyers sont sortis, les posters sont en train d'être imprimé -- tout est super beau pis j'ai fucking hâte!

Originally Posted By FISHEAD
this is creepin' up... even if it doesn't much look like spring at the moment... it's almost here.

yup .. it's comin', it's comin' ! i can feel it in my bones xD

Power to the people!
» Nathan replied on Sun Mar 20, 2011 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Have You Ever Met a Conservative you liked?.
Coolness: 167265
''i'm wlakin on sunshine ... ''
» Nathan replied on Sun Mar 20, 2011 @ 12:58am. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 167265
if some officers were found guilty, then i guess it's safe to say that it was not the victims fault, no?

if some asshole robs a dep, shoots the clerk and some customer in the face, then is gunned down by the cops, i think that's justified.

if the dude holds up a dep with a knife, and no one is hurt, and he gets shot in the back by the cops while running away, i think that's homicide.

both cases have happened, which is why the police need to be policed.
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 6:23pm. Posted in Quotable Quotes.
Coolness: 167265
"Hear no evil, speak no evil - and you'll never be invited to a party" -anonymous
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 6:20pm. Posted in ever feel a little spied on on the net....
Coolness: 167265
we need a "Who's stalking me" option on everything, like we have on here xD

FB is the worst for that targeted-advert shit. It's even selective of what pops up in your news feed. I do find it odd to be analysed by a program that then tells me my preferences ... o_O
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:37am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DYNV
don't go crying to your representative because they won't ask their friend, holding a telephone in one hand and controlling its puppet in the other hand, to have the puppet stop what it's doing.

which amounts to:

In Lybia, the puppet controls you ...

just another black eye on humanity's unrecognisably bruised face.
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:34am. Posted in Nothing about St-Patrick's?!.
Coolness: 167265

sounds like my worst nightmare ... i must have some Irish in my Scottish blood ;)

and since there isn't in fact anything St.Patties here, well, even though it was yesterday:

Happy St. Patrick's Day my brethren, CHEERS!
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:25am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 167265
The only people who took action were THE PEOPLE. Unfortunately, they aren't well enough equipped :/
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:24am. Posted in les enfants.
Coolness: 167265
If god wanted us to have kids, he wouldn't have blessed us with the Pill

If the human population growth persists, eventually the only reason to have several children will be to feed the first one ... :p

Kids are cool, as long as they ain't mine.
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:17am. Posted in Spring!.
Coolness: 167265
you can still ski in the summer, you just have to get your skis repaired more often :p
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:13am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BASDINI
i'm sorry but as a french economist recently opined "the whole narrative of human rights in the west is discredited because it is applied with such blatant double standard and hypocricy"

haha - Agreed ... I still think someone should help theses people, I'm not saying it should come from the West. I mean fuck, is the whole world gonna just sit around and watch a shit-ton of innocents get slaughtered? This isn't Human Rights, it's Life or Death.
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 12:49am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 167265
Egypt rose, and toppled their Government, the military took the poeple's side eventually, and I think it all kinda worked. I believe the asshole they got rid of chilling on the outskirts of Montreal. Bravo.

Lybia was probably inspired by this, but their dictator has a better control of his military, probably 'cause he's an even bigger asshole than the Egypt guy, and the result is totally different, and most likely unexpected. Now, well, the citizens are getting massacred ...

Not sure who should intervene, but fuck, someone has to help these people.
» Nathan replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 12:41am. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 167265
like my oldest/punkest friend just told me:
"these days punks just go to protests 'cause they don't know what else to do"

He suggests that these kids, rather than waste time and energy throwing pebbles at windows, actually join forces with others and form some sort of citizens committee, watchdog type shit, like they do in alot of other North American cities, that would be responsible for the police - they can even 'make arrests' and make the cops responsible. Apparently such a committee exists in New York City, where in 30 years, 66 cops were arrested through this committee -- about 60% of them for murder. It's said that the police are nicer and better behaved in the last 10-15 years due to this.

IMO, the Facebook fad of protesting through the 'net with "likes" and attendance lists, is total ineffective garbage bullshit. Clicking your mouse once is too easy, too lazy, and all you end up with is a bunch of people that do or do not agree with you. Wow, who cares, nothing is actually being done through this type of online "protest". I fucking hate getting invites for events like "impeach president so-and-so" or "everyone wear purple to fight terrorism day" or whatever the fuck. It's weak, and not one body of Government anywhere is gonna change their policies 'cause of it. It's great for awareness, shitty for action.

Alot of us are very sick of seeing the same shit every year, from both sides, but what I'm trying to say is that disapproving of protests is a very dangerous path to go down. We cannot, as a society living under the democratic flag, afford to have protests erased from our vocabulary, dismissed or forgotten. It's our fucking right, 'cause those assholes upstairs don't listen to shit unless it hits 'em in the nuts - and even then they do what they want! So, on the other hand, I agree that protesting is getting old, getting useless, and new ways of changing things should be considered, like through the 'net - but i mean hacking not tweeting; organizing, not editorializing.

The whole world is swirling 'round the giant porcelain bowl, so I give two shits anymore if a bunch of people wanna voluntarily go out and 'cause some trouble if it ain't gonna affect me either way - 'cause if people piss off the police or say nothing at all, the result is the same: nothing changes.

@ AlienZed: sorry Mike, but 40 cases is at least 39 too many :/ ... and I believe that any negative thing that happens more than once, is a problem.

Things might not be as bad here as they are some other countries, but that doesn't mean it's good.

Understand that I don't agree with how they handle things at the Anti-Police-Brutality rallies, but I'm not going to criticize 'em either.
» Nathan replied on Thu Mar 17, 2011 @ 7:54pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 167265
this is all the typical result of hooligans causing problems that make people say 'ah those hoodlums always making trouble!' and it distracts from the real issue ...

cops are beating and killing people around the world! it's a job that gives you power, and with it comes responsibility that most humans are not capable of dealing with.

OMG stupid poser-anarchists graffing a wall and breaking a window -- carrying marbles around with them! holy shit it's the end of the world! meanwhile: over 40 cases of police brutalty proven in north america alone ... nevermind here n MTL where a boy was shot, what, 2 years ago now?

seriously, i agree that the protesters are often misguided and the groups have some bad-apples in 'em and all that, but fuck! that doesn't mean the cops are either right or justified nor does it mean that protests & marches are wrong or entirely ineffective -_-

... at least some people are doing something about what they see as a major problem in our society.

Update » Nathan wrote on Thu Mar 17, 2011 @ 8:36pm
* ''over 40 cases'' in the last decade.
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167265
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 7:13pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Yeh did you get thrown into the guy holding center? If so it was that year for me too. Plastic cuffs and stm busses to load the 300 protesters in.

yup! may have been the same year then ... it sucked ass! xD
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 5:39pm. Posted in And now... Prepare to Die!!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By OLIVIA

you mean: C0N5P1R4CY!

(omg! there's 5-1-4 in there -- Montreal is the centre of it all!) xD
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 5:37pm. Posted in people who say 'Bro'.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BAD_CHEMISTRY
Ever accidentally call your gf dude?

i just say it in terms of
Originally Posted By moloch
Like "Dude! what gives?"

she hates it :p

she's all "i'm not a dude!" .. it's actually kinda cute xD
» Nathan replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 5:36pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 167265
Police brutality is a real problem. The cops have killed people here in Montreal, and this protest used to make the rounds of the spots where homeless people and fellow punks had gotten the shit kicked out of them. But now, it seems like a bitter excuse for some violent people to hide amongst a large group of people and cause trouble.

I was arrested at one of these protests years ago, and yes there was ONE PERSON who broke one or two windows at a cop station, and we were subsequently surrounded and 'arrested' (i don't remember hearing my rights being read) in the parking lot in for of the Palais de Justice (how ironic). It was shitty out, and the march was coming to it's end anyway, so it was all very useless. I got thrown down and mistreated 'cause I suggested that they take my friend on the bus first (like I said, shitty outside, and she didn't have a proper jacket) -- anyway, 6 cops and a few bruises and a slight strangulation causing a mild asthma attack later, I'm in a pigmobile with a guy who did ALL of his PCP so he wouldn't get it taken away, or used as evidence. Good times! xD

They accused of us of a bunch of vile crap, like some graffiti that was on a particular wall for about 6 years, and all they found was some marbles and other stuff that is normally found in a backpack, but they said were 'weapons' or parts of weapons. :/ Obviously, whoever caused the trouble in the first place, was long gone. They managed to arrest a dude in a wheelchair who just so happened to be going by at the time, not in the group at all. Anyway, there's more to the story, but whatever.

We were acquitted about 5 years later. 300 people arrested, 150 got taken to court, maybe 8 plead guilty and paid a fine so they wouldn't have to deal with it, and with a little patience, we were all eventually found innocent. It was a clusterfuck of a court case, and the lawyers worked pro-brono since we were all refused legal-aid. I have never protested since.

There are people, for good reason half the time, that violently oppose the police, but they use protests as an excuse. Though I agree with their hatred, I don't necessarily agree with their methods.

For every good nice helpful cop, there are 5 evil power-tripping asshole cops, and 20 normal bastards who just mull around simply 'doing their job'.

Anyway, protests are still a necessary part of this society, but I won't participate, as I've seen first-hand how little it changes here in Montreal. The Anti-Police-Brutality marches are very well known to the cops, and they do everything in their power to stop 'em, 'cause obviously, they feel a little targeted.

So, to each his own solution to fighting oppression.
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By INDICA
514 816 3112 no need to be PM , i think my life is enough private in the scene for not having calls so now in case , YOU ALL have it lol

hahaha xD

Thnx! =)
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 5:04pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167265
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 4:59pm. Posted in Revenu Québec enquête sur le Circus Afterhours.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Mah, the way I see it,
Less after hours, moar starved
peeps willing to come out to underground events.

good point .. then again, do we really want a bunch of clubber jersey-shore douches at our raves bothering our DJs for the latest Benny Benassi tune? :P :P :P
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 2:53pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167265
» Nathan replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 2:38pm. Posted in Revenu Québec enquête sur le Circus Afterhours.
Coolness: 167265
yay! i'm not alone xD

Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Fuck Circus, some other afterhours club can take over.

Now, that's a good idea ...

... but I have a hard time believing that if the place closes down, the city with allow another afterhours to open. If they do, my only question is: who has a ton of cash they can lend me!? :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 14, 2011 @ 11:31pm. Posted in ill computer.
Coolness: 167265
i thought NTLDR meant 'Not Too Long, Did Read'

» Nathan replied on Mon Mar 14, 2011 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Bully gets owned.
Coolness: 167265
fuck dude, pile-driver? could've killed the kid o_O

win, nonetheless, but i'm wondering about the back-story on that confrontation; kinda odd having the little skinny dude be the bully -- unless it's 'cause he's bullying the 'fat kid' ...
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages