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» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 3:15pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
there's no logic in voting with 30+ million people, we're doomed to all slightly disagree with each other...
a better system would be local tax based orientation spending. fuck voting for a person, vote with your money!

what is this 'money' you speak of? :p
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 3:12pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
I dunno man, after all, as annoying as some might be, glow-sticks have been a staple in raves for a long time now, so why all of a sudden no one should use 'em anymore? Ok, they're wasteful and sometimes irritating, but no where near as lame as whistles! Like I've said, there aren't that many people who use 'em now, so I don't think it's an issue.

And if you want to point out their wastefulness, you have to admit that other things in raves are not much better ... I doubt that the CDs the DJs use are very bio-degradable. There's a bunch of electricity being used (and those big outdoor fests usually use Generators, which use ... gas!). Plastic water bottles. Not to mention, now correct me if I'm wrong, all those UV paint decorations, use almost the same stuff as they put in glowsticks. Etc.

Not saying any of this is necessarily wrong, just sayin' that people should consider all the waste before pointing the finger to one particular culprit ...
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 2:59pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA
Sorry Nathan, guess I WILL be telling you to vote ;)

Ssshhhh! xD

Well, after getting fucked in the ass by the conservatives, now I know why they call the voting-sectors ridings ... :p
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 2:56pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 167265
^ hahaha Fish ... I sense an hour of madness comin' our way xD

Originally Posted By FISHEAD
fuck dancing - just vibrate.

With the recent tweakage and improvements on the sound-system at the bar, they'll be vibrating alright ;)

What a nice day out too! I'm just sippin' a coffee and gettin my shit together ... see you all the bar tonight! =)

Approximate Time-Slots:
22:00 - Nā
23:00 - VNDL
00:00 - Vilify
01:00 - Fishead
02:00 - Nā
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 2:32pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
... no it would be a big fuck you Canada I wanna GTFO.

Tetons or GTFO!

» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 2:30pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
^ yup, Jo ... It's a problem that most of the parties seem regional :/

But I like the Bloc just 'cause they're the pain in the Cons & Libs' asses ... but no I don't usually vote for 'em.

I'm not sure though that if they didn't exist everyone 'round here would vote NDP though .. they'd probably just vote for, well, Batman.

Anyway, just be happy we have more than 2 choices! xD

On a side note, one thing I hate is people telling to vote or not. Who I vote for and IF I vote are no one's fucking business .. so don't be inviting me to join those FB 'Cock the vote' type vents :p
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 5:08am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
"No matter who you vote for, the government always wins"
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 3:15am. Posted in Nintendo DS Screen Repair.
Coolness: 167265
Can't help you Matt .. but may I suggest you get a NES instead? Mine still works XD
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 11:47pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
*Reconsiders paying Fishead with glow-sticks on Tuesday*

» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Nuthin But Respect Podcast - Inception 1.
Coolness: 167265
Nice set-list =)
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 6:53pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DYNV
...unless... (-_-) there's a dance patrol ; you better not start one in your evening! >:(

haha! no dance police, not ever!! Anyway, if people dance funny, we'll just put more smoke xD

It's tomorrow night! And let's hope the weather is as nice as it's announced to be ... :)

*Obsessive Compulsive Disc Jockey for life*
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 12:19am. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DYNV
IDM for "Intelligent" Dance Music? o_O that would be cool but seem unlikely.

what's unlikely, that we'll play some or that dance music can be intelligent?

There night not be much IDM but I'm gonna try to put some in there, and I know VNDL & Fishead like to play around with a touch of IDM ... there'll mostly be Dubstep and breaky hard stuff that I chalk up to Breakcore xD ... plus I'm throwing in some Hardcore - a little 4/4 in a night like this can't hurt!

Episode 2 is gonna be a great night for music, I'm letting the DJs play whatever the fuck they want xD

Can't wait! =)
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 9, 2011 @ 6:28pm. Posted in need a new show!!.
Coolness: 167265
A few people had told me about Metalocalypse, mainly 'cause a character's name is Nathan Explosion, and so I was curious and ended up watching all 3 seasons within 2 weeks ... it's not the best animated show ever, but I liked it alot, and I recommend at least the first season if you're interested in Metal and/or the Music Industry ...

"That's so brutal!"
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 8, 2011 @ 6:53pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 167265
^ btw, I found out that the spelling isn't necessarily wrong, it's a little archaic, but not wrong ;)

Proper grammar & spelling is so hardcore !! :p

Ok, we're all so stoked for next Tuesday! Can't wait for Vilify & VNDL to play some shit no one else lets 'em, and some dirty dubstep ... and of course, to hear Fishead play whatever the fuck he wants ;)

Damn, we had fun this past week ... OCDj is offically back, winter is officially over! =D
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 11:11pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
par contre j'trouve pas ca tres 'vivre et laisser vivre' de dire a qqn qu'il prend quelque chose trop au serieux.

bein non, je ne t'empêche pas de vivre, j'observe, et je trouve que tout le vouloir-d'être-en-transe ca vous stresse pas mal :p

Dire au monde de ne pas poser pour des photos, ca empêche le monde de vivre, non? En tout cas, je comprend très bien ton point, et à un certain point j'suis d'acc, c'est juste qu'il faut faire des compromis dans la vie des fois, 'specialement si tu cherche à être plus Zen :)
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 10:36pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
hmm je pense que t'es personne pour comparer le niveau avec lequel je prend la transe au serieux ou pas ;) transe et laisser transe toi-meme, je sais ce que j'aime et je suis bien ou je suis.

Ça c'est un peu comme m'envoyer chier en répètant exactement ce que je t'ai dit ...

Genre, j'te suggère de laisser le monde vivre, et tu me repond avec ta gueule j'ai le droit de vivre o_O

Sa cloche das ma tête ça ...

Originally Posted By YOSHIN
et je connais la vibe, quand les gens se laissent vraiment aller... c'est autre chose. c'est pour ca que j'en parle.

Le gros problème avec l'attitude des supposé 'illuminés' c'est qu'ils ont l'air tellement pretentieux.

La prochaine fois que vous êtes en 'transe' et quel-qu'un a côté de vous rit fort en prennant un photo, pis sa pette ta bulle, regarde sa sourire, pis demande toi (toi, la personne serieux et 'vibratoire') qui fait vraiment à semblant d'avoir du fun?

Et si t'aime pas mes propos ni mon opinion, dit toi qu'il y a simplement du monde qui ne sont pas d'acc avec les tiens non plus. J'ai autant le droit de vous trouvez trop serieux que vous avez le droit de trouvez que l'monde ne sont pas-assez-serieux ...

Originally Posted By fengshui-engine
en fait le fond de mon message c'est de dire que ces gens passent a coté de l'experience en soi,et des fois il finissent vraiment par faire baisser la frequence vibratoire de la teuf en se comportant comme des caves.

Ça - j'suis relativement d'accord - mais j'espère que tu réalise que ces trucs ne sont pas réservé exclusivement au parties trance ... n'importe où, n'importe quand, un cave qui te fait chier quand tu t'amuse, c'n'est pas chill! Ca va pareil pour si tu te fait regarder croche parce-que tu pose avec des amis pour un photo, avec motif d'avoir des souvenirs ;)

En tout cas, j'trouvait juste que vous êtiez un peu trop serieux - mais, pas de troubles! Fait ce que t'as besoin pour être heureux =)

peace n' love n' stuff ...
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 9:02pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
fengshui-engine -- totalement d'accord avec tes propos, juste la.
des touristes qui se prennent en photo sur le dancefloor, c'est ca, c'est des touristes... completement etrangers a l'experience de la transe...

Originally Posted By fengshui-engine
ouais c"est ca ...la psy c"est tres intime comme atmosphere.la simple presence de quelqu"un influe sur la chimie ambiante.et des fois c"est vraiment casse-couille

Vous prenez l'idée de 'transe' un peu trop au serieux!

J'avoue que c'n'est pas l'fun quand quel-qu'un de trop saoul te buscule, ou un p'tit têteu sur l'speed te parle de ses 2000 projets, mais quand tu fait partis d'un communauté, faut avoir un certain niveau de tolerance envers les aurtres. J'trouve pas ça nécessairement touriste que du monde veulent des phots comme souvenirs, même si personnelement je ne suis pas quel-qu'un de très nostalgique. Si un flash de camera te fait chier a ce point là, je ne crois pas que t'as atteint un plus haut niveau de conscience. Ètant vraiment Zen, ces choses là ne devraient pas te déranger.

Je mixe au tables-tournantes et du monde me prennent en photo -- ca fait de moi un touriste dans la scène ?? C'est les DJs qui te fait tripper, pis eux sont capable de garder focus et concentration malgré des lumières, photographes, boucane, 2 tunes qui jouent en même temps, et des fucking tams ...

Alors, transe et laissez vivre. ;)
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 3:58pm. Posted in cool t-shirts.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1

my friend Bob wears this shirt .. love it.

Another friend has the wheel of fortune joke shirt that's funny:

" G_ F_CK Y__ RS_LF

Would you like to buy a vowel? "

» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 3:54pm. Posted in Missing 3 Year Old In Laval.
Coolness: 167265
"Def, dumb, and blind kid .. sure plays a mean pinball!" -the who
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 3:50pm. Posted in Psybreaks help.
Coolness: 167265
jesus christ just give the dude some producer names already xD

... or you can just go look at Bliss' sets on here and steal some ideas, since he's a breaks guy ;)

I'm not too educated in the world of breaks, but i love big-beat, so just incase you find nothing else, I suggest you grab some Prodigy and Chemical Brothers to fill in your set. You can even cut some of those tunes, if you find some at 140 bpm, with some psy tracks, like psy vs. breaks instead of psy-breaks. mix it up!

... and did you say Niagara Falls? You can always just impress everybody by getting a barrel and getting wet :p
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 3:41pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
What ? Where the chick ? I can't find her.

i dunno, but that's definitely my hand ... xD

Originally Posted By screwhead
maybe it's like those people that see jesus on toast or the virgin mary in a jizz-stain.. if we cross our eyes and look really close, I'll bet you can see the hottest piece of ass known to man inside that vomit chunk!

... and apparently i'm offering her a smoke :p

You know we had a good time when there's puke outside the bar on a Tuesday night ! ;)

Toni was a being a good sport, plus I had another pro-photographer there -- waiting for her pics too :)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 6, 2011 @ 8:09pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
You misspelled distinguished on the flyer :P

oh shit! o_O

wasn't me though .. but thnx for pointing that out Fred :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 6, 2011 @ 8:03pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 167265
OCDj - Season 2 Episode 2 ... This week we're makin' it breaky, bassy, and hard! On Tuesday, April 12th we welcome a couple of local legends, and an OCDj first-timer, presenting a variety of dubstep, breakcore, hardcore, d'n'b, and a touch of idm :::

--> VILIFY !! (Bassdrive)
--> FISHEAD !!
--> VNDL !!
--> + resident Dj: Nā !

Only 4$ at the door! Coat-check included!
@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (Metro Berri-UQAM)

Bottle o' booze: 3$!
2 Shots of hard: 6$!

We'll also be celebrating VNDL's Birthday & pre-celebrating Fishead's ! =)

We all had so much fun at the season premiere, with a great turnout and wicked music, I can't wait for episode 2!
Bass! Lights! Distortion! Grooves!

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

"Proud to be maladjusted" - mlk

» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 6, 2011 @ 7:35pm. Posted in Dj Sharkey (Uk) & Lenny Dee (Usa) @ Heroes Vs. Villains!! - July 22nd .
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
sshhh to you guys!!... the line up is not up yet! :P

haha - oops! :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 6, 2011 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Dj Sharkey (Uk) & Lenny Dee (Usa) @ Heroes Vs. Villains!! - July 22nd .
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Yeah that dark and evil room is going to be something fierce

yep ;)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 6, 2011 @ 5:35pm. Posted in OCDJ season 2 beginning.
Coolness: 167265
HO-LEE-FUCK! What a wicked night! I had so much fun - so much, in fact, that i was too drunk to mix and my last set sucked ass :p but that's ok 'cause I barely remember it, I just remember having a good time all night! xD

Thanks so much to everyone, 'specially Sicactrix, her set was awesome! + Mutante and DTO! Solid sets all around, as expected, as always ... and Pola, you did great :)

So, my friends, HARDCORE is back ! I'm so happy ...

Next week, we make it breaky with Fishead, Vilify, and VNDL : [ www.rave.ca ]

Thnx again everybody =D

Update » Nathan wrote on Thu Apr 7, 2011 @ 4:11pm
Fishead: "not sure I've ever seen that many shots lined up around a bar... I think it covered nearly 2/3s of the counter!"

Here's a pic of when they were half done pouring the shots ;)

ah, good times =)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 6:55pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
I think I'm gonna start calling it ZUUL just because I can.

hahaha xD

Ze Unity Und Love ? :p
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 5:20pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
it's not gonna stop me from saying what i think...

i should hope not! xD
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 5:14pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Holy fuckin' DEJA-VU Batman!

I'm pretty sure we've gone through this glowstick-pollution thing before o_O

plus with the other thread mentioning the 'since-accident' ... wow, ravewave just travelled back in time!

Yes yes, it's all good to think about the environment, and garbage and all that, but there are SO many things in our daily lives that we throw away, consume, pollute with, etc. that I don't find it necessary to shit on the poor guy who wants a fucking epic glowstick. They are so rare in raves/parties these days, that I don't think that two or three people buying 'em for a party is a big deal. How many people are driving to the same party? Not gonna tell 'em all to ride a bike! It's great that some people take these things into consideration, but it's personal choices ...

I'll stop there before I get into an argument xD
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 4:53pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
lol nah it wasn't there strik, there was really bad grammar, now i get the since is dieing thing lol

something about jesus, some pictures and an angry 16 year old ^^ didn't see anything about the incident. ah well, you guys just got me curious as hell though

there was already a whole thread on the subject of the accident. it got pretty nasty. suffice to say, some things are better left in peace.
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 3:22pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND
Are you guys referring to that thing with his girlfriend and the car?

oh, right, was that him that said that? It's kinda blurry ... all those threads, all that weed o_O

*steps quietly back and away from thread*
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 3:07pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. Apr. 5th - Season 2 Premiere: Sicatrix, Mutante ++.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By EXT

Don't forget to tie 'em up with your drinkin' laces! xD

Alright, we open the doors at 10pm TONIGHT! Here's the approximate schedule:

22:00 - Nā
23:00 - DTO
00:00 - Sicatrix
01:00 - Mutante
02:00 - Nā

... we're ready to kick some ass and play hard! Come on out, and get down!

*** OCDj is officially out of the cave and back from hibernation *** ;)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 2:44pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
I'm curious : what happened to that dude that started this whole "since is dieing" thing ?

got rich from all the t-shirt sales and royalties, he has scene retired.

» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 2:41pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Does that mean the rave sense is dieing?

Originally Posted By strik_ix
It's the since, get it right :P

i know .. that was the whole joke!! xD

last-year's-rave-joke reference/word-play: mission accomplished.
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 4:31am. Posted in Black Hole.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
fractal ? u got me curious :P was it like 3810 ?

nah, it was more like 2007

But seriously, not as dirty as 3810, and it was on Clark/Jean-talon. It wasn't that bad at all, imo, but there was some sketchy nights 'cause of the police shakin' it down, and the no-indoor-smoking law came into effect that year ... suffice to say, shit got fucked xD ... In the end, it got busted enough times for it to be burned as a venue.

Might as well bring back 1919 :p haha
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 4, 2011 @ 11:52pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA
This one IS a monster, but.. You think taunting is the way to go?

yeah, it's like waving a stick at a dragon xD

Originally Posted By host.wun
And then we get to keep talking about this queer for another 100?

rofl! Well, don't have to talk about him to get the thread to 200 pages ...

we can talk about ... i dunno, i got nothin'. :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 4, 2011 @ 11:47pm. Posted in Events -> Profiles -> Time slots ~ Multiple?.
Coolness: 167265
Ah! OK! thnx ;)

guess i should've just asked instead of starting a thread xD
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 4, 2011 @ 10:26pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. Apr. 5th - Season 2 Premiere: Sicatrix, Mutante ++.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA
Will probably miss the premiere, but I'm oh so glad it's back, one of my fav nights

No worries! I know you'll be there next week to see Jenny play ;)

The night starts in less than 24 HOURS !! =D

Hardcore for a hard world, good times for good people ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 4, 2011 @ 10:10pm. Posted in Missing 3 Year Old In Laval.
Coolness: 167265
perhaps hey wanted him lost o_O

but that's a pretty big accusation ... .. .
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 4, 2011 @ 9:49pm. Posted in Events -> Profiles -> Time slots ~ Multiple?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
The promoter can add someone for multiple slots... You can only add yourself for one...


but I AM the promoter, and I can't figure out how to do it o_O

help me ize stupid! xD

am i supposed to just re-add their name, is that it? does that count as two gigs in one night on the gig-counter? :p
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages