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» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 4:36pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
As long as there's jealousy, they'll be wars. :/

indeed. I'm jealous of how well the Switzerland runs their country! Let's bomb the crap out of them :p
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 4:20pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
i feel bad for some of the families who have to relive their lost. i hope, even if all that would be untrue or what not, that they find a sens of closure..

it is really horrible this war/capitalism culture. i feel so many life lost all around the globe could be avoided. i still think humans were not born this way. why all that exists? why do people can't share and chill? *reliving existential teen questioning* iisssh

okay i think i need a great dose of stoicism right now.

Yep, been asking myself the same thing for the past 15 years, ever since I was old enough to figure things out, and see what was really going on.

Agreed about the closure bit, too bad the truth would have been too soft for the population ... but that's what you get when you create such a culture that needs such bright lights in their face to pay attention ... I really do feel bad for us all.

BTW, is your husband home Betty? We need to talk ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 4:13pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. May 3rd - Synthamesk + Laf-O + Alakazoo !!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MUTANTE
have fun!
cant come, its gonna rain!!!

hahaha! xD .. I bet it's real sunny where you are Frank ;) -- hope your tour is going well!

Looks like it might actually rain, so get out your galoshes, rain-coats, and umbrellas, 'cause even if the weather is nice, the tunes are gonna make you wet ...

Anyway, the bar is only a 4 min. walk from the metro, and the music will be worth the walk in some refreshing rain. In a month, it'll all be hotness and sun, so take advantage of the comfortable weather while it's here =)

And just incase, I made sure to put together some kick-ass line-ups for the next few weeks ! Plenty of HARDCORE, Industrial, Dubstep, Breakcore, Neurofunk, and more !!

''These are the things, are the things to come'' :::

May 3rd: Synthamesk, Laf-O, and Alakazoo's Birthday!
May 10th: RISK (Dj set) and Screwhead!
May 17th: Plague and local DJs TBA!
May 24th: Official Kinetik-Fest After-Party w/ Knive-D (Ott.), Blackpaps, and Uriel!

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 4:08pm
Party tonight !! =)
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 3:53pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Usama should change his name to Garbage Bin Laden.

then the US would be accused of pollution after dumping his body at sea xD
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 3:50pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
wait wait wait ... Osama Bin Laden has just been declared DEAD ?

Woah! Big news! So I did a minimal amount of research, and didn't watch TV ...

From what I can gather, he died a few months ago, health reasons. Though he is probably dead, I really have to doubt that it was from getting shot in the head last week. It's just too typical for the Government to come up with this kind of shady story, no proof, no nothing, and claim the truth. Seems too easy after all this time, but will make a better movie than the actual truth. It's all just more Gov'nt propaganda, imo, all about looking good and rallying the population. Also, wait for the next move -- I bet you anything that the next plan d'action from the US will have something to do with either retaliation by the terrorists, a Bin Laden replacement, a change of focus to the Al-Quaida network in Yemen, or some new threat altogether. After all, without Osama or Sadam (and the Russians clearly out of the picture for a long time now) , who's gonna play the Antagonist in the 3D movie that is the American Dream?

As always, I'm down with the Americanos, not how their bosses run the world though. Speaking of which, we have a puppet who's strings need cutting -- tonight we'll find out if he keeps on dancing or falls to the floor ...
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 167265
But we have anti-suicide big-screen TV's at Berri! :p
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 1:43pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. May 3rd - Synthamesk + Laf-O + Alakazoo !!.
Coolness: 167265
^ Indeed! I missed Synthamesk at Piknic Eletronik when he played there a while ago, but the set he did at OCDj last year was fuckin' impressive ... Him and Laf-O are a couple of really talented producers, and I'm stoked to have 'em play back to back! Along with a special psy-core set by the birthday-boy Alakazoo, this promises to be a wicked night for hard beats!

The weather finally seems to be stabilizing too xD
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 1:26pm. Posted in Location for a party.
Coolness: 167265
it also depends on if there's at least a bus that brings people nearby .. and don't forget to leave clear directions if the party ain't 3 blocks from a metro ;)

anyway, in general, people don't even know where a party is until the last minute, and even though it might dissuade a few peops if it's far, others will be adventurous enough. Some of us do miss the days when getting to a party was as dun as the party itself xD

Venue has to be worth it though ... and honestly I don't find places like St. Patrick that close to the metro anyway.
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 9:56pm. Posted in In reply to cutterhead shit thread.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
When did you become a doctor ? No wait, don't answer that. LOL.

Well, it all started back in '08 when I got stuck in the -- oh, OK. nevermind then. :p
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 9:54pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 167265
Well, i got in, went to the orange line, saw part of the wall that has that cement-on-cement look (useless, no?) but the rest still isn't finished .. so yeah, it looks like shit, like we just went through nuclear fallout ... good work putting that extra 1.50$ I pay every week to good use, STM(otherfucking) jerks!
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 7:06pm. Posted in In reply to cutterhead shit thread.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
hahaha stfu nathan we love ya lol


*immitates Nathan Explosion* -- ''That's so brutal!''

» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 6:47pm. Posted in A question about Fried Chicken.
Coolness: 167265
Like Fishead, I don't eat meat either, but I remember when I did, that kfc had weird hard crumbs in their fries, and hard nasty nerve parts in their chicken - I was unimpressed.

KFC always reminds me of a line from a rap track that I heard in the movie Bullworth : Kentucky Fried Crack!

That is all I have to say about frying battered chickens. I hope my post was informative. xD
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 167265
i'm gonna take the metro at Berri soon .. i'll shit out my opinion on the new look when i get home xD
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 6:39pm. Posted in In reply to cutterhead shit thread.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
We all hate Dr.Nathan's voice.

» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 28, 2011 @ 6:29am. Posted in The 2011 Playoff thread!.
Coolness: 167265

» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 27, 2011 @ 8:12pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. May 3rd - Synthamesk + Laf-O + Alakazoo !!.
Coolness: 167265
OCDj, the only Hardcore weekly night in Montreal! On Tuesday May 3rd we welcome some heavy hitting DJs and an awesome live act! Come on out for some wicked tunes and dirty dirty beats ::

--> Synthamesk !! (Live! Here's My Card Records - Industrialized Hardcore)
--> Laf-O !! (Smerk, HMCR, PinkSox - Hardcore)
--> Alakazoo !! (Les Bucherons - Special Birthday set!)
--> + resident Dj Na (Deadna - Hardcore)

Only 4$ at the door! Coat-check included!
@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Bottle of booze: 3$!
2 Shots of hard: 6$!

Lights! Bass! Distortion! Beer!

So come on out to celebrate Alakazoo's B-Day and chill to some hard music!

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

Other links:
OCDj group on shitbook: [ www.facebook.com ]
Laf-O: [ www.myspace.com ]
Synthamesk: [ www.discogs.com ] , [ soundcloud.com ] , [ www.bandeapart.fm ]

'Drop beats, not bombs'
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 27, 2011 @ 7:54pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 26th - Hardcore! Zone-33 + Moebius + 1labrat !.
Coolness: 167265
C'était très amusant Flo! T'as manqué de la très bonne musique ... même que Zim pis Moebius on fini par faire un versus fuckin' epic! =)

Next week: Synthamesk, Laf-O, Alakazoo !
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 26, 2011 @ 7:02pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 26th - Hardcore! Zone-33 + Moebius + 1labrat !.
Coolness: 167265
Yeah! =D

Like this nice Spring rain, we're gonna wash all the soft shit away! :p

Can't wait for tonight, I need a fuckin' beer, and some hard tunes ...
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 26, 2011 @ 12:08pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Holy Jersey Shore tan!

Yeah, I was drinking some orange juice before the gig, and the box exploded. I was late, so, no time to clean it up ... next thing you know I'm downloading Tiesto and taking steroids. So, I get this phone message from some guy calling himself Joe and we get to talking about this big party on the Shore, and he says ''my buddy will give you a ride down in his BMW'' so I says ''ok, sounds good bro'' and I waiting on the corner of Peel and [ St.Ca ] for like an hour. I had already wasted too much time, still didn't clean up the orange spill, and decided I should just go play Psycore. Got there later than I should've but I played anyway, and had a good time. Next time I'm gonna stick to drinking water before I mix.

Of course, it was a long busy week, so maybe that was just a dream, and Photoshop simply added a 'Douche' filter to their program.

Either way, now I know what I'd look like as a Houes Dj :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 10:26pm. Posted in Is McDonalds PLUR?.
Coolness: 167265
Gamos, are you getting paid by ShitDonalds to be their raver-friendly spokes-person?

Peace? all i see in McDs are loud kids in the day, and shady drug-dealers at night.

Love? Of what exactly? The fucking lame clown that's just a market-strategy icon for brainwashing kids?

Unity? Between restaurants? How many quality food joints have closed 'cause of those dicks? Or maybe you mean between peoples, like the fat, the lazy, the poor, the sheep, the unhealthy, annoying tweens, chubby kids, stupid parents, and the bottom rung of the work-force? Throw in the ravers, business-men, and everyone else with fairly normal lives, and you have the same cross-section of people that go to any other place, or engage in any other activity, besides Yacht-Shopping. Any type of place that is a sort of gathering is unifying.

Respect? There ain't no respect coming from them, not for you health, not even for your buck since their food is a rip-off given what you pay for compared to what you get. Any company that uses kids, and kids' foundations as a marketing ploy, has no morals, let alone respect.

The whole look of that corporation is just a sham to get people to bend over some golden arches and get fucked in the ass by a clown eating a burger and sippin' a shake while he reaches 'round to grab your cash and squeeze your balls ('cause you just sat in a loud restaurant eating shitty food because your kid controls you, and 'cause you like to eat shit too).

You know what else has something for everyone? Oxygen! Oxygen is so plur! ...


There .. someone had to demonize 'em some more :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 9:55pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
I can't find the link, but do some research on Evangelicals in current politics, 'specially where Faytene Kryskow is involved and her group My Canada. Scary shit - fucking creationist asshole baptists working hand-in-hand with the Conservatives, getting rare privileges, etc.

I thought that crap was just in the States, man was I wrong.

The report I was shown was from french-Quebec media .. check it out.
» Nathan replied on Sun Apr 24, 2011 @ 6:31pm. Posted in Is McDonalds PLUR?.
Coolness: 167265
mcdonalds is shit.

i don't even walk into a mcdonalds to piss, i'd rather piss ON it.
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 23, 2011 @ 6:26pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 26th - Hardcore! Zone-33 + Moebius + 1labrat !.
Coolness: 167265
Yup yup, dancefloor hardcore for 5 hours straight! xD

And we always have plenty of lights, bass, and beer! =D
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 23, 2011 @ 6:12pm. Posted in Research Phase!.
Coolness: 167265
Just stick some price-signs here and there around the garbage piles, and pretend that the wal-mart really opened after all :p
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 20, 2011 @ 6:49pm. Posted in Nothing about 4/20?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
c'est la fete a Fishead/Colin aussi! et puis c'est la fete a Lenny Dee! :)

Oui! et à Lenny aussi!? Wish him happy b-day for me if you talk too him ... =)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 20, 2011 @ 6:38pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 26th - Hardcore! Zone-33 + Moebius + 1labrat !.
Coolness: 167265
Alright, come on down to OCDj Season 2 Episode 4, on Tuesday, April 26th, for some all out Hardcore, with a splash of Hardtek and other hard shit ... We welcome the Zoners back to Montreal for their first gig since their European tour, another NTK nut-case recently back from Europe, and our dearest friendly super-skilled Dj ::

--> Zone-33 !! (NTK - Hardcore/Hardtek/Bass)
--> Moebius !! (NTK - Hardcore/Hardtek)
--> One Lab Rat !! (80,000 - Hardcore)
--> + resident Dj: Nā ! (Deadna - Hardcore)

Only 4$ at the door! Coat-check included!
@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Bottle o' booze: 3$!
2 Shots of hard: 6$!

Bass! Lights! Distortion! Get your hard fix and placate those neurotic tendencies ...

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviours (compulsions). People with OCD may be plagued by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals." -n.i.m.h.
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Remember This Shit!?!?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Axl Rose

haha! There's a good example of something that may not have been the coolest, though I think most of us listened to Guns when we were young, but that really sucks balls now! Have you heard the last album? I think it's about 2 years old now ... fucking terrible!
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 9:49pm. Posted in Remember This Shit!?!?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DATABOY
The 90's were better than the 80's...

agreed! love the 90s ... 'specially early to mid 90s ...

There was alot of really cool punk and industrial in the 80s, and it also marked the beginnings of metal ... there was alot of interesting electronic stuff, but the technology wasn't developed enough, though things like transx and kraftwerk still don't sound too dated, unlike most of the pop music. The 80s sucked for pop. Well, all decades suck for pop but somehow the 80s were alot cheesier. The difference between typical 70s / 90s and 80s music is a lesson learned: Heroin makes better music than Coke :p

But again, there was alot of cool stuff going on musically in the 80s nonetheless, but the fashion ... oh god, please, never again! I'm begging the hipsters on that one xD

At least none of the previous decades were anywhere near as boring as 2000/2010. This is why I'm happy that a new decade is showing it's face for variety and creativity. There will always be shitty shit, but at least now the amalgamation of styles is getting better and better ... imo.
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 8:45pm. Posted in Dj Mutante - Im A Hotshot Robot CD out now!.
Coolness: 167265
Excellent! Good job Frank!! =)
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 8:42pm. Posted in The Legalizing Marijuana Thred.
Coolness: 167265
1. Decriminalize
2. Legalize
3. Profit

4. Get baked again
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 8:19pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 19th - Happyhappyjoyjoy! Aliceffekt, Deadfunk + +.
Coolness: 167265
^ Yup, I decided to play some gabber for the opening set, the style that walks that fine line between light & dark :p

And I encourage you people to click Aliceffekt's link in my first post .. the man, despite having toured Japan and elsewhere and having tracks appear on Japanese compilations, has a bunch of tunes available for free download, including a bit of his live set from last year's Kinetik Festival. He'll be playing there again this year alongside Suicide Commando, Unternull, and many others. Don't let the Chiptune tag worry you, his shit is hard!

With Deadfunk and ZombieMastah on the bill too, get ready for the raviest OCDj to date! =)
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 14, 2011 @ 7:00am. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
where is that at ? what music do u guys rock ? :P

@ Bar Passeport, all things hardcore, this week though is the special cheesy edition, with uk hardcore, chipcore, freeform, and hardcore ... fat-pants and glowsticks are welcome :p

Every week is a little different, but always hard, 'cause that's how we rock ;)

If Psy is your thing, come to Psycore this saturday - lemme know you're the dude who loves to pollute, and I'll be the dude with the 'hawk ... ha! xD

Originally Posted By betty_haze
<3 miss you too na.. we're back in williamsburg next month ur always welcome! let's talk soon on msn or on the phone about it all! ;)

Yay! J'ai eu un message très très intéressant de ton mari, je vous contacte pour ça très bientôt ;)
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 8:07pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 19th - Happyhappyjoyjoy! Aliceffekt, Deadfunk + +.
Coolness: 167265
Alright, get ready to join the darkside of happy, for a special OCDj ! On Tuesday, April 19th, we happily present a heap of ChipCore, UK HardCore, FreeForm, and HardCore. We`ve invited a local live act who's gone global with his hard Chiptune productions + the funky go-to-guy for UK HC in MTL + a special set from the the Birthday-Boy! ::

--> ALICEFFEKT !! (Live! ChipCore/8-Bit)
--> DEADFUNK !! (UK Hardcore/Freeform)
--> ZOMBIEMASTAH !! (Birthday-Boy! UK Hardcore/Hardcore)
--> + resident Dj Nā ! (Hardcore/Oldschool shit)

Only 4$ at the door! Coat-check included!
@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Bottle o' booze: 3$!
2 Shots of hard: 6$!

Get those fat-pants out of the closet, lace up your dancin' shoes, and slip on you drinkin' shirts =)

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

Check out Aliceffekt's website for free tunes and more!
[ wiki.xxiivv.com ]
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Ocdj Vilify, Fishead & Vndl.
Coolness: 167265
Yup! What a good time, once again! All 3 sets were wicked! Thnx a million to Vilify, Fishead, and VNDL ... so much good music! We filled up the bar again too =)
I also managed to get alot less drunk than last week xD

You did great Pola .. and getting better every week! xD

Now you can all go back to nursing your hangovers ... :p

Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
la semaine prochaine sa va etre epic avec du gros happy!!! woouuhhhooouuu!!!! ^_^

Yeah! Next Tuesday we present the most up-beat OCDj to date, with some Hardcore, ChipCore, UK Hardcore, and FreeForm! W/ Aliceffekt, Deadfunk, and ZombieMastah ... (now wtf am i gonna play?)

[ www.rave.ca ]

happy happy joy joy ...
» Nathan replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 6:28am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
so what are the parties really offering?

good music, deco, fun, friends, trippin' -- oh, you meant politics ... in that case: NOTHIN'! xD
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 4:28pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA
I'm down. Betcha I'll get bitched at for using my car though

Cool .. sometime this summer when I have some time, we'll check that out :)

Originally Posted By MASA

Flyers in a urinal .. mos def one of my pet-peeves!

"But we CAN make an effort."

indeed :)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 4:10pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
raves are the thing that makes my life less green at the moment. and since raves are a good part of my life, it's why i care for making a change when it's possible...
i don't want to stop going because it's not green, i want the parties to evolve with us, with the new technologies, with the program, with the actual necessity to become green that the world is facing.

Then I'm sure there's more you can do than sit behind your electricity-run computer, with all of it's non-bio-degradable parts, and bitch people out about glow-sticks ;)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 4:03pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 167265
Maybe we should vote with the size of ours cocks, then all the over-compensating rich people wouldn't stand a chance :p

... and women can still vote the way they always did (since they've had the right), with common sense.
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 4:00pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By PENCAPCHEW
....do we really need piles and piles of flyers everywhere?

they're not everywhere, they're all in my apartment ! :p

someone once spoke of going to all the promoters' places and picking up all the un-used flyers to recycle 'em ... that was a decent plan, but it never happened. I have no car, and no time, so I can't really take the initiative, but if someone is up for it, lemme know so I can unload these fuckin' things ... (the reason I haven't left it out on the curb already is that there isn't a recycling program in my building - lame I know - and even though I'm not some eco-terrorist, I'm still not gonna throw all that shit in the garbage)

But I still think it's more important to take care of all those so-called 'green' things in your daily lives, and not focus on raves. There's already alot of waste going on day-to-day that should be prioritized.

Originally Posted By betty_haze
i organized a great dinner the other day and to keep the children of my friends busy i put together gift bags with toys and shit to keep them busy so the adult could enjoy the dinner and all..

after few minutes the lil girl came up in the dinning room with orange fucking paint all over her face and dripping on the hardwood floors, she had bite in one of the glow sticks. i almost fainted bc i wasn't sure it was poison or what.. the parents stayed calm and explained to me it was like the fourth time she did that shit.. 0_*

Hahaha! Raver in the making xD

Miss you guys Gen! We have to talk soon about those 'summer plans' ;)
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 3:41pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Aw geez. Raves going green. What are we going to debate next, pollution by sound while we're at it?

And I find it ironic that all of the sudden we're concerned about damageable chemicals contained in glowsticks but not at all concerned about damageable chemicals we ingest.

seriously ... +1
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages