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» Nathan replied on Tue May 10, 2011 @ 3:55pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. May 10th - R I S K (Dj set) + Screwhead !!.
Coolness: 167265
YEAH! Tonight mofos! This is definitely 'have-a-beer-in-a-bar-on-a-Tuesday-night-listening-to-Dubstep-and-Drum&Bass-and-chilling' weather =)

Next week is all out Hardcore, and the week after is the Kinetik-Fest wrap-up party, so tonight's the night for the breaky shit! ...

OCDj : Obsessive Compulsive Disc Jockey
» Nathan replied on Tue May 10, 2011 @ 3:23pm. Posted in Remember This Shit!?!?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By EL_PRESIDENTE
Anyone else going to the Men Without Hats show at Jazzfest?

ah! what's the date on that?
» Nathan replied on Sun May 8, 2011 @ 8:36pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
Say there's a bomb in your child's school and one man knows where it is and how to disarm it. The doors are rigged to detonate the bomb if anyone tries to leave the school, and the bomb is timed to go off within the next hour. Would you defend that person's human rights and say he cannot be tortured because it violate human rights?
Do all those children and teachers not also have the right to live?
The difference is that the man you might torture for information made his choice, whereas the children and school employees were given no such choice to make.

Under such specific circumstances, where there is 1 person with the info, and very little time, fine burn the fuckers feet to get him to spill th beans ...

But in reality, torture is a long process, drawn out, which is also part of the torture. Plus, in the situation like with Osama etc., we don't know WHO has the information, therefore innocent people may also be interrogated / tortured. And, it's unreliable most times, 'cause people might say anything to stop suffering, and others who will never divulge info for martyr-esque reasons, will die first.

I'm pretty sure there are other ways of figuring things out, of doing research, of gathering intelligence. If torturing people takes so long anyway, then why not just find other ways of seeking the truth.

Anyway, if all this was truly a good idea, then maybe the American population should torture all the politicians and people who run things like the CIA, to get to the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, JFK assassination, etc. Wait, all of a sudden torturing doesn't seem like a bad idea :p
» Nathan replied on Sun May 8, 2011 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Suggestions for good sound cards.
Coolness: 167265
hmmm.. I know most of that stuff already, and work on it very hard. After many pointers from Mutante and Wally, my sound has improved 10 fold over the last 6 months ... I just feel like I have to do more sweeping and tweaking than I've seen others do to get the same result. I thought maybe my soundcard just wasn't handling all the frequencies, in the same way that some speakers are better than others ...

Ok, so I'll work even harder and bringing all my sounds down, EQing the shit out of every single frequency/sound, and jacking up my amp volume ...

Thank you guys! It's a question I've been curious about for a while, and most people tell me the same thing. On a note though, I don't want y'all thinking I suck at this xD I just need to make sure that I'm the one responsible for all the sound management, and that will save me money and displaced frustration.

goes back to the same old phrase: doing good, sounds great, but keep working at it ... xD

--back to v.2-1 original question now--
» Nathan replied on Sun May 8, 2011 @ 7:10pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. May 10th - R I S K (Dj set) + Screwhead !!.
Coolness: 167265
Yeah! No worries, we're gonna hear the hard side of the breaky world : dubstep, d'n'b, jungle, etc.

Plus, it should finally be nice outside!

For those who like the groove, come out this week, 'cause the next 2 weeks will be filthy, hardcore, and industrial craziness xD

And remember, you get 5 wicked DJs for only 4$ this week! Get there early, RISK goes on at 23:00 ...

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue May 10, 2011 @ 3:20pm
it's a super nice day out! no rain for the first time in 3 weeks at OCDj .. come on out and chill! =)
» Nathan replied on Sun May 8, 2011 @ 2:59am. Posted in Suggestions for good sound cards.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
For music production, it really depends on what you plan on doing with it. External instruments? mics? .. how many? .. simultaneously? .. dsp? .. routing? .. direct monitoring? .. live and studio? .. mac/pc? etc etc....

well, I only really need 1 mic in, 1 line-in, 1 line-out.

I have a Creative Sound-Blaster external, and I'm mostly producing with Fruity Loops. I was just thinking that a better sound-card that has a higher output, and can handle more frequencies, might give me better sound quality ... (and yes I know that it won't change shit if I don't master properly)

Here's the thing: I put 2 sounds together with a bunch of bass already on 'em, and I have to do all sorts of sweeping and tweaking to get 'em to not head into the red. Meanwhile, I've seen people with the big M-Audio type soundcards that throw 6 different sounds, all with alot of bass, and it handled fine, not even close to the red.

I've always thought that it was the soundcard's fault that I have a hard time controlling interfering frequencies (like, my snares are never loud enough, but a touch more and *oops*, in the red) but maybe it's just 'cause my output from my sound-system isn't high enough - that all my sounds should be much lower, and my master amp volume alot higher. But I don't know, it doesn't seem right, I feel that if I had a stronger soundcard, FruityLoops wouldn't be so sensitive.

Anyway, maybe I'm way off in thinking I need a better card ... o_O

ps. I know how to EQ and all that, but maybe it's just supposed to be more difficult than I'd like xD
» Nathan replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Suggestions for good sound cards.
Coolness: 167265
Sweet .. I have the same question! xD

I need an external soundcard for music production ...

Originally Posted By V.2-1
Thank you in advance. :)

( hope you don't mind me getting in on this thread! )
» Nathan replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 9:11pm. Posted in 2 x Mackie SR1530 For Sale 1400$.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
miam... ^_^ .. i exchange those for a couple of bookings? .. lol

haha xD

''Will Dj for speakers''
» Nathan replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 9:07pm. Posted in Drama, Hate & Ex (boyfriend,girl friend).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
I ate it all.

But it's okay cuz it had dead thing on it.
Wich you no likes in your face hole;)

hahaha xD in that case i'm happy it didn't get wasted ... unlike your life! :p

Originally Posted By one.lab.rat
Btw Na, you are not my friend because you hate broccoli.

:( you damn pro-broccoli lobbyists ... always trading in friends for vegetables xD

Originally Posted By host.wun
DUDE! That thing is scary as shit mista

seriously, what do they call that, a Texas Cheesecake?
» Nathan replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 7:27pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
'' Sorry, I can't threaten anyone today, my terrorist is in the 'Shop '' .. :p
» Nathan replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 10:36am. Posted in Drama, Hate & Ex (boyfriend,girl friend).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE
some one delivered!

if that's true, then where's my pizza? :p
» Nathan replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 7:37pm. Posted in Drama, Hate & Ex (boyfriend,girl friend).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Most of us have been HIGH a heck of a lot longer than you have and have more less grown accustomed to how things are done around here.

^ I think is what you meant xD

Unfortunately, bitching and expressing opinions are two things that are sometimes the same, and sometimes misconstrued. I hate broccoli, am I therefore bicthing about broccoli, or simply informing people that it's something I dislike? And, do I not have the right to dislike it?

Just saying that people have tastes, based on their life experiences, and sometimes when people vocalise their preferences, others will undoubtedly disagree, or maybe even be offended. Discussions, exchanges of opinions, conflicting information swapping, is NOT necessarily drama.

There is, however tons of drama in everyday life, and in the scene, and that's just a symptom of so many different humans interacting. I think alot of drama comes around when either something hits an emotional button inside of a person and/or when some people act selfishly and/or reactions get personally intense.

Arguing isn't a major problem if both parties can forgive and/forget, and there isn't any resentment. That's hard to do, involves alot of stoicism, self-control, and confidence. Sometimes, though, I think people should not forgive someone if it isn't justified, in order to make people 'happy' or 'united' ... sometimes we have a right and a reason to be angry or disagree.

It's all part of being a human in this society, and no matter idealistic some of us are, we still live within the constraints, and under the influence/power of the rest of civilization, with all the wars, hatred, false-love, capitalism, religion, laws, and anyhting else that divides, hurts, and frustrates.

Live in the now, accept that some people are different, but stand your ground when necessary, and if you see useless drama, turn around and walk away. If it affects you so much that it angers or confuses you, then you are emotionally attached to the situation, and that's normal, 'cause we're sentient beings, living in a big confused, multi-faceted world of diversity, love, social interaction, death, and of course, the uncontollable natural world, and it's reaction to us.

Lead by example, live and let die, listen to your fav tunes, and don't let anyone tell you your tastes are wrong. And of course, avoid drama when possible -- which also involves not creating drama yourself!

» Nathan replied on Wed May 4, 2011 @ 6:16pm. Posted in O C D j - Tue. May 10th - R I S K (Dj set) + Screwhead !!.
Coolness: 167265
On Tuesday May 10th, OCDj is very happy to present a very special Dj set by Montreal's awesome Dubstep band RISK, and MTL's hardest D'n'B head :::

--> RISK !! (Dj set - MonkeyDub, Forward Music / Hard: Dubstep, Jungle, D'n'B, Electro)
> Wally !
> Plecko !
> SourUltraFast !

--> Screwhead !! (TwistedBass / Skullstep, Neurofunk, Hard D'n'B)
--> resident Dj: Nā ! (Deadna / Hardcore, Breakcore, Dubstep, D'n'B)

Only 4$ at the door! Coat-check included!
@ Bar Le Passeport, 2037 St. Denis (metro Berri-UQAM)

Bottle of booze: 3$!
2 Shots of hard: 6$!

Link to calendar page / attendance / info : [ www.rave.ca ]

Welcome to the hard side of bass ...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 7:41pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Trust me you live in a great city right here.

agreed! too bad we're suddenly stuck in a shitty country :p

i know i know, things aren't that bad, but y'know, day after the bad news, everything seems bleak ...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 6:12pm. Posted in UV reactive shit.
Coolness: 167265
If you have Uv Reactive Shit, you might want to reconsider your diet :p

(I'm very helpful, I know xD )
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 3:39pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By A_X_CELL
Before these elections, if someone was asking me where I was from, I said Canada because I didn't wanted to sound like a separatist.
From now on, I'll say I'm a Quebecer

hehe .. +1 :)
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 3:37pm. Posted in Dark Tendency.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By INDIGOCHILD
Same thing here...
I just rly dint like the way you talk about PsyHead, i dont represent the Psy scene but i know a big part of it.The epic fail thing, well some of my friend were mad because the party got shut down early, was asking not juging.
And if someone say HC dead maybe it dosent know what is talking about, i dont think its a good reason to judge other peaple for that, i am wrong?
No i dont think so. You started insulting first what are you expecting after?
You can not put everyone in the same bag because some douchebag are saying shit about this and that.
Should i put all the HC in the same hat because i have a argu whit you?

Anyway i just think is sad that its alway the war between scene, what a wonderfull world we could create if we stand by eachother not agaist.

Ok, fine, but this: ''You started insulting first what are you expecting after?'' Is NOT true ...

I responded to a shitty insulting statement. And, I didn't mean to put all the Psy people in one bag, either. I used an example, and, from everything I've read on this site, what I did say was true. Like I kind of mentioned before, I meant to target certain small factions of people, not the hundreds that trip out to trance every week.

You can't tell me that no one in the Psy scene hates on HC, when I've read it myself, on a number of occasions.

Anyway, I don't see a war here, and if one is starting, I sure as fuck didn't create it. This was the 2nd party in a few weeks that was a mix of Hardcore and Psy -- I only see the unity in that !!

So, allow me to restate my original opinion, in order to be more sensitive and not generalize:

It sucks that *some* people in *insert random scene* hate on Hardcore *sometimes* without any real information or *current* experience in the matter. It's silly to say that Hardcore is unoriginal when *insert random scene* is just as stereotyped when seen through *other people's eyes*. The only music scene that IS dead is Emo ( :p ), and the rest only grow or shrink due to reasons that are inherent to the *city in question*.

If you were offended by a little example I used, then you should understand that I was offended by an unpleasant blanket-statement that was made.

» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA
I actually think the "Orange Crush" was a factor on this one. Split the vote up, allowing the Conservatives to win over longtime Liberal strongholds.


I'm not so sure. I'd agree if the seats ended up 50/50 for the non-conservatives, but it isn't the case. If Cons won over Liberal strongholds, that's the Liberals' fault. In Quebec, there is always a majority of votes for one party, this time it was NDP instead of Bloc, and that can only have helped, since for once we voted for a party that other people in Canada vote for. It would have been worse if if it was the Bloc we went for, 'cause the seats for the non-cons would've been even more divided (ie. 60 NDP, 50 Bloc, instead of the app. 105 NDP / 5 Bloc we got). So, we created a stronger opposition.

This time around, I have to say that it wass the Liberals that got in the way, that votes were lost to.

And of course, the real reason the Cons got in has to do with the fact that all the 'right' voted for their fair-haired child, and the rest, as always, are divided between the parties that are jut not-conservative. On another note, I think the way the ridings are divided up, even though I understand the logistics of it, don't properly represent the actual population (Some shitsplat town in the Mid-West with 45,000 people get a whole riding, meanwhile 100,000 people in Montreal only get one). Most ridings are app. 100K people, but some small towns make the difference ... Like, Quebec has almost 4 times the population of Alberta, but less than 3 times the number of seats.
Again, I know why, but it doesn't seem right . . .

60% of Canada does NOT want Harper. Where's the democracy here?

Anyway, strap on your boots, 'cause this is the new Canada, where we become dicks to everyone and lose our polite reputation ...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 2:23pm. Posted in Dark Tendency.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By INDIGOCHILD
Wtf you are talking about? We see less and less "hippy" in party. For my part because i have been travelling around the world and met a lot of what you call hippy are nice peapol whit opend mind. I am fucking sick of hearing some person calling hater the "hippy", its totaly freaking bulllshit, the peapol that use that language sound more hater to me btw.
Have you been in a psyparty lately? Because in at big mix of all ravers.
I dont know the fuck you had to bring psy in a hardcore discussion...
You sound more like a hater than any "hippy" that i met in my life.
Dont want to start a war here but Jesus watch what you are saying when you talk about over 1000 peapol and saying bullshit.

ROFL!! You seem to think that you represent the Psy scene, you start a thread about a party with BOTH Psy and Hardcore, and the first line is ''Epic Fail?'' ... then other 'representatives' of the psy scene call out that HC is dead, and I'M the dick for referencing the trance scene as an example?

Pffff - you be hatin' kid!

Sorry if the ONLY people I see who shit on Hardcore on this site are straight up psy-heads. Plus, I only mentioned it to point out that if people think HC lacks originality, that they should notice how other scenes aren't that much better, and are just as stereotypical. Next time I'll use Dubstep as example! Is that better? Do I have your fucking permission? Geez ...

Have you been to a Hardcore night lately? 'Cause they're also a mix of alot of types of all ravers.

Anyway, your argument is the equivalent of ''no you suck, no you suck''. Childish.

For the millionth time, I don't hate psy, I have many friends who play and produce and promote psy - but the big-mouthed purists in your scene (and you just included yourself in that list) love to piss on whatever isn't psy, and it gets to me - Simple observation! You can't tell me otherwise, I have seen these things with my own eyes ... And all those sweet people you speak of, well, they don't come in here and crap on others, they're my friends, they're the reason the scene is still chill.

I responded to a pretty insulting and incorrect comment, and with just one mention of psy (I still believe it was an appropriate example given the circumstances) and you go all angry-nutso ... :/

Next time, try for more diplomacy and less hypocrisy, or I'll just assume that you're trolling.

I don't attack other scenes, I defend mine. Rightfully, imho.

HC + PSY + DUB + D'n'B + INDUS - POP = 4EVER
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 12:05am. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Hey at least the Green Party got a seat! :) Hope its made of recyclable material xD

So, conservatives for another few years, with the ndp watching our backs .. good times ahead.

Think I'll go express myself through music ...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 12:00am. Posted in Beat Concierge - Thurs May 5th - Presents X-CUBE and Dorian Grey.
Coolness: 167265
Beat Concierge r-e-s-p-e-c-t !
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 11:46pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
The Canadians lost the playoffs. And, the Canadians just lost the elections.

Maybe now that douche will at least buy the engines for those damn planes he already bought -_-
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By GAMOS
not my thred!!!

oops .. lol xD

Samwise, live in the now! It's 2011! :p
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 10:56pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA

X 100000000000000000

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 10:59pm
btw, i just noticed something with the thread title ... Gamos, we're in 2011 xD
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 10:02pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By GAMOS
more like 35% agree

i'd 'lol', but i'm too depressed ...
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
51% Agree: Democracy is great.
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 9:55pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
fuck it. thank you canada, we're gonna have another bullshit conservative government.

seriously, can't there just be a ''Not Harper'' box on the ballot? In that case, he'd lose.

but nope, the right-wing dicks are gonna screw the rest of us. again.
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
i opted for listening to the radio .. but no pretty graphs :(

i feel like i'm 75 years old xD
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 9:22pm. Posted in Royal Wedding Meme.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DJ_DIALECT
I was surprised no one brought back the Kanye meme, like:

"I'm sorry Kate, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but princess Diana had the best royal wedding of all time... of ALL TIME!"

» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 9:18pm. Posted in Dark Tendency.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By CJBSEXX
As for the hardcore scene, I used to be a hardcore fan and think psytrance sucked.

But then I realised the hardcore people didn't care about the rest and wanted to stay in their little gang, very closed to the rest.

The scene was very closed to newcomers for a long time, holding small almost private events.

It eventually died due to lack of new blood.

I totally disagree ... most of the people who come out to Hardcore nights now, are from, or part of, all the other scenes ie. dubstep, d'n'b, industrial, breakcore, idm, etc.

Plus, neither I nor anyone I know from the HC scene has ever been so narrow minded and fixed only on one style of music. I've never seen any evidence that HC is ''very closed to newcomers''. Never.

I think it has alot more to do with how OTHER people see US. Granted, always putting 'hard' or 'dark' when naming stuff gets old fast and turns alot of people off - which is exactly why I don't do that.
The scene is supposed to be about music that is harder, darker, and more distorted than the rest, I mean, at some point that's all just descriptive! I see much much worse self-stereotyping going on in other styles, ie. Psy, which lost a huge amount of followers 'cause of their neo-hippy-life-style propaganda. (I hate to always refer back to Psy, but it's fans seem to be the biggest haters of all things hardcore, for some ironic Zen-wannabe related reason)

I guess the 'lack of new blood' is why half the DJs I book are under 24 years old, right? ... o_O
At 'Rats On Crack Attack' a couple of months ago, I saw a bunch of kids dancing hard to both Dubstep & Hardcore.

I agree with one thing, new concepts bring more exposure. That's what some of us have been working on.

Not bashing the crew who did this party at all, though it seems they lacked some promo, but seriously, please don't shit on an entire scene 'cause ONE party was so-so, attendance-wise.

Hardcore = not dead

You know what is dead? Being patronizing, presumptuous, and condescending toward other styles of music.

Every day I question myself about the type of music I decided to invest in, and every time I hear a phat hard kick, and walk over to the dance-floor to see what's up, see kids dancing with HUGE smile across their faces, I tell myself, yes, it is worth it. Don't ever stop.

This music NEEDS to exist, and it always will.

-- At least we're not over-saturating the market, eh? ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 7:50pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
man, you guys are all such skeptics...
"Gov said something!! Must be hidden message!!"

Gov said something!! Must be hidden message!

(remove a few letters)

-- Go do meth, I must hide mess!

» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 6:53pm. Posted in texting.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Are you for real? Cause if it's the same pic they're all texting at the same time.

course not, I was just makin' funnies xD ...

I'm waiting for DJ TxtMsg to come out of his basement and play some fidget :p
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 6:25pm. Posted in texting.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
I can literally find you pictures of that on here, ppl we know lolol

haha xD

no, they're not texting, they're using an app to find out which fucking song they're playing xD
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 6:23pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 167265
v.2-1 +1
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 6:18pm. Posted in Royal Wedding Meme.
Coolness: 167265
which one is Bieber? xD
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
me no Flash either ... :/

oh well, guess I'll find out after-the-fact ...

or you can keep posting updates for me, Gamos :p
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 5:58pm. Posted in Canadian Election Day - May 2nd 2010!!.
Coolness: 167265
Me no TV .. is there a site that has updates on the election (like with those little graphs that show who's in the lead and all that... ) ?
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 5:57pm. Posted in texting.
Coolness: 167265
No cell = no texting.

what's weird is when I get text messages on my land-line .. can't understand a fuckin' thing xD

Anyway, it's efficient and all, but doesn't beat a good ol' vocal conversation. And it's maybe TOO easy, people text under all sorts of inappropriate situations.

Oh well, welcome to the future ... wait, is 'writing' really that futuristic? o_O
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 5:53pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 167265
They say that dumping the body at sea is against their customs .. but the American excuse is that they didn't think any other Muslim country would accept the body, and since it has to be 'burried' within 24 hours, they figured at sea was the best plan. For pics, their excuse is that it simply wouldn't be proper ... o_O

But they should know that there are alot of people out there that just won't take their word for it, and it should definitely have been documented somehow. Maybe they're happy to feed the conspiracy theorists with non-information, to keep 'em occupied. Only Osama knows for sure, and he's dead, one way or another.
» Nathan replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 5:47pm. Posted in Dark Tendency.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By PENCAPCHEW
hardcore is dead plain and simple

HAHA! no.

Next time someone does a little psy event that is under-attended, im'a call 'Psy is dead plain and simple!' ...

I do the only weekly Hardcore night in MTL and even though the bar isn't bursting at the seams every single week, we're very satisfied with the turn-out and the music. There are nights with a hundred people there, on a fucking Tuesday!

Perhaps our scene has become a lot smaller, compared to the days when there were 2000 people at a rave, but ALL the scenes are like that now, aside from the big festivals. And we're talking Montreal ...

In Europe, there are parties with 10K people, massive stages, big headliners ... there are tons of producers churning out huge amounts of wicked Hardcore. In fact our own Mutante just left on tour for a month in Europe.

So, dead? I don't fucking think so. Zombified, perhaps. Back on the rise? Oh yes, most definitely.

There's a whole new generation of kids who are itching for something besides all the pussy shit music that surrounds them. So, STFU if you don't know what you're talking about, and don't tell me that every single other style of music has a thousand people attending every single one of their events.

Hardcore will never die. We'll see to that ;)

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 6:03pm
PS. Wasn't this party half Psy? Why just blame the HC? :p
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages