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» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 11:18pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DAWKER30
hey ive been trwing party like 13 years ago! i did my share of free party and i had a blast!
but come on gang! Kire party are fucking awsome!

No one said otherwise o_O

Anyway, it was a nice conversation, good night ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:52pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
All good, Kire.

At least you learned that only Noah can call out for volunteer DJs here :P
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:37pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DYNV
I know his address! Let's go beat some sense into him.

haha! :p

Originally Posted By pencapchew
Yeah really, I havent been to a hc party in like 8 years, but I want more!
Am I wrong to say that maybe all the free parties every weekend is hurting my chances to check out international artists that I want to see? It might be hard to compete with that. I admire ppl who throw freeparties and djs who play for free but I often wonder, how can a dj play for free every weekend and afford to buy new music? Or do they pay at all?

Glad you want more! So do I! xD

The rest, well, that's a discussion for another thread ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:32pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
+1 Recoil ;)

Originally Posted By MAX_X2
écoute, j'veux pas te contredire... Mais j'ai fait Andromeda (40$), Heroes VS. Villains (30$) pi les 2 free ntk / Hard Times à date. C sur ki aura tjrs du moNde qui vont choisir les free plutôt que les payants, mais tbk, anyways, y seraient po allés au party payant.

T'as déduit que le monde optent pour aller à un événement gratos avant de payé, bravo! Non seul que c'est assez évident, mais c'est axactement le probème des fois.

T'avoue être nouveaux à la scène, c'est super ça - j'aime du nouveau sang, et tu sors à des trucs gratos et payants et t'appui la scène, c'est bon! Mais ne prétend pas dire au monde qui font intégralement parti des raves depuis fucking longtemps comment notre scène fonctionne, merci.

Hey Noah, you're welcome for the drama ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:19pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Kire, in my opinion a memorable party has nothing to do with how many ppl show up. If ravers only like parties with alot of ppl at them, then they've become pretty superficial. I don't think it's the case. A really memorable party is one where legendary DJs take the stage, where the deco and lights are interesting, where the music is well played.

I've had so much fun at free gigs, fuck I'm poor as Hell so it's awesome that they exist, but honestly they all go into one big pile of 'cool' in my head, maybe one or two stand out and that's only because of the location that was interesting.

The parties I remember most are the ones where they played the music I love.

Not saying you're doing any different, I'm sure the tunes are cool and all that, but be warned that you're also already spoiling your crowd and some ppl will be shocked when you tell them your next event is 30$. You'll see how much harder it is to sell something after you've already given it away.

Originally Posted By KIRE
i'm so sick of seeing the same names at every party.

That, I totally agree with! ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 8:52pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MAX_X2
That's called competition son! Everyone's doing it, and if there's anything, you may be the 1st one to try a product for free before buying. J'imagine que t'as manqué 2-3 notions de marketing ici. Si ton produit est meilleur, mieux publicisé, mieux préparé (ou non, mais que le résultat est meilleur), tu vas gagner en popularité.

Ton discours me fait pensé à celui d'un baby-boomer kia peur de se faire "voler" sa job par un jeune fringuant kié meilleur que lui. Si t'es meilleur qu'un plus vieux ds un domaine x, pourquoi tu devrais rester au fond du puit, prétextant que lui a plus d'ancienneté? Criss de mentalité de syndicaliste ça mon homme!

Tant qu'à ça, fuck la nouveauté, fuck l'innovation, gardons nos vieux Pentium, nos vieilles Corrolas, nos vieilles TV, yont travaillé tellement fort pi longtemps!

Wow, pas t'as rien compris. Party mieux produit, mieux publicisé, mieux préparé = gagner en popularité ? Ca c'est FAUX quand il y a question d'un party gratuit, car le monde vont y aller peu importe juste parce-que c'est gratuit!

Seriously, what does innovation, new shit, and quality have anything to do with a free party?? What does giving new ppl a chance to play have anything to do with older DJs who have new music? What the fuck are you talking about? Free party movement is old, raves are old, but most promoters try to bring new acts from around the world to the stage, and there is something to be said about respecting the older scene ppl who kept this all alive so that you guys still have a fucking scene ... so: t'es dans l'champ ...

And competition, lol! This is a scene that is supposed to stick together and create the best situations that'll benefit the entirety of rave culture, not a company selling a brand of shoes ...

Originally Posted By kire
i guess i am posting again, lol

well honestly people can say what they want, but the perfect example is nova 9 tbh, i posted this event way before anything was going on during that weekend, if a promoter is to think it will interfere with his event before making it he/she could just move it to a different day, before i make any event my first priority is the schedule of the of that month, i would never put a party on the same day as anothother one, but if a promoter wants to put a party on a weekend im throwing mine then go ahead lol. how am IIII fucking over HIIIIM when HEEEE posted on that weekend WAY AFTER i posted mine ? hes on a saturday neway.

i'm assuming you got my pm then - throwing a few free parties to promote your company is a great business move, imo they will remember the promoter and when the paying events come so will they, i don't see how that's fucking over promoters i just think it's smart. had i decided to throw lockdown as our first event, we'd have a shitty turn out, especially in the summer and i'd lose money, it's not about making a living off of it it's about making enough to throw another one and another one etc. right now im losing money throwing these events but i have fun doing it and it'll pay off in the end, if it doesn't then oh well at least i tried.

To your 1st paragraph: Interesting how you say these things when another party comes to mind in which you did after another was already posted. So, you didn't change your date, don't expect others to.

To your 2nd paragraph: That's fine, if you want to take the easy road to build a rep, it seems like you know what to do now in order to profit from the scene later. Like I said, a friendly warning is that whatever you lost already, you'll never make it back. Though if I were you I wouldn't admit that the only way you could get ppl to come out to one of your events is by making it free.

Anyway, do what you want, good luck, but I still think it's insulting to use DJs in order to boost your business plan in the guise of helping them get gigs. A hard working worthwhile DJ will find a way to play, don't worry about them.

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 8:53pm
Just saw your recent comment -- all good man, sorry I'm exhausted and emotional, but at least you kinda know why ;)

But seriously, you're a good kid, think about who you deal with is all :)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 7:35pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MAX_X2
ZombieNathan, Kire mentionne à plusieurs reprises que ça serait une bonne facon de se faire connaître. Pour qu'un crew t'approche, faut bin que tu te donnes un peu de visibilité! Pi même si tu décides de te partir ton propre crew, t'as encore et tjrs besoin de visibilité. Personne a mis un gun sa tempe à personne pour mixer gratuitement.

Pi au dernier NTK / Hard Times, j'ai aidé les boyz à ramasser quand le party a fini. Ça veut tu dire que quelqu'un a abusé de moi pour autant? Non, je l'ai fait par reconnaissance, pi un peu pour jaser ek les boyz de NTK, que je connaissais pas pantoute avant c't'event là. Why not? Si tout le monde faisait tout seulement quand ya du cash au bout dla ligne, oublie le bénévolat, oublie l'open-source, etc.

Right, so the point is to fuck over other promoters in order to build your name with free parties, and then make a bunch of cash by then throwing paying events ... ridiculous.

Honestly I'm not even taking a piss at Kire so much as the other people he's associated himself with.

I give mad props to NTK and HardTimes, and what they do is not even part of THIS particular equation.

Pis parle moi pas de bénévolat dude. J'aime bien ton enthousiasme, mais le monde qui pensent que les promoteurs qui charge pour des événements font du cash sont dans le champ en tabarnak. 96% du temps on PERD de l'argent, tandis que certaines personnes qui font des événements gratuits n'investissent rien à part le gaz pour la génératrice, et le système de son déjà payé, alors quand ils vendent d'la bouffe/bière/drogue, c'est que du profit. Encore, les NTk c'est un autre histoire - le monde leur doit du travail bénévole après tout l'effort qu'eux on mis dans notre scène depuis tout ces années.
En plus, moi j'ai du monde qui sont prêt à aider gratos si il y a du cash en question ou non.

Asking for volunteer DJs is like admitting that a) you don't know who to book b) you aren't well connected c) you're disorganized and announced something before it was ready d) are going to have to pick from whoever the fuck wants to play instead of choosing based on talent.

And people can preach 'giving n00bs opportunities' all they want, but it's not only patronizing to those people, it's also insulting to all the amazing and yet underrated DJs that have been playing for years and are given no chances 'cause they aren't 'fresh' enough or popular enough 'cause they're subtle and kind individuals.

I knew I was opening a can of nasty worms by making a statement, but I don't really care anymore.

I'll teach you one lesson right now: After all your best laid plans, fucking over other people in order to get ahead, trying to build a reputation on giving shit away for free - you will never make money from the rave scene. Never. So, get the idea of being one of the cool successful promoters out of your head, 'cause right now for the first time in the history of the scene, there are too many fucking promoters! On top of which, the most respected and hardest working promoters (not including pop-techno) have sacrificed alot, and lost a ton of money and even made enemies due to jealousy.

What can I say? Life is hard.
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:54pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
and i said i wouldnt reply, if u had checked that calender 2 weeks ago it was an open weekend, the only other party on that day is in toronto.

im gonna continue this in pm

p.s you'd be surprised about the fresh talent coming into the scene ;)

Just 'cause you check the calendar for the next party, doesn't mean you did for the last one ...

ps. I'm not surprised, MTL is full of incredible talent. Doesn't mean they can all drop the kick like dudes who've been doin' it for a decade ;)

Fine. Obviously our opinions are at odds. But hey, that's rave,ca for you ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:46pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
well i can fill up my line up right now, but a lot of people asked me to put different genre's in, and we promote fresh new talent. that's what these new promoting groups are about,

i can easily set up a rave at cafe l'inco and charge at the door, but this is summer, we want to enjoy our last days outside. there are seasoned dj's, new dj's etc that like to play for free what's wrong with that ?


and don't act as if i'm ruining the life of seasoned promoters cmon ffs. 90 % of party goers would take a free outdoor party over a paying indoor party in the summer, but i still put my events on days that are open to not conflict with other organizers, any smart promoter would make a paying indoor rave in winter ...

Are you fucking serious? It's getting cold and humid at night, and you justify Free parties with the weather? Gimme break, it's a pretty lame reason. Throwing parties in the winter isn't too fun anyway because it's too damn cold - lugging gear around, coat-check, ravers mushing through the slush etc. I'm pretty sure ppl have heating in their apartments for winter, and are able to go outside at anytime during the summer - they don't need a certain type of party to help them out depending on the season ...

Your events are not on days that are open to conflict? That's just a flat out lie dude. Don't know who you think you're fooling when there's a fucking calendar on this site.

So, what you're saying is: NO headliners during the summer, promoters should only charge for parties indoors (which means that you're saying the only expense for a party is the venue - wtf?), new DJs don't deserve to get paid, cover-charge depends on the season, and cheap events don't cheapen the scene.

It might work out in your head, but the real world isn't buying your bullshit reasoning. Sorry. I know you guys are acting like Free Party heroes, but a monkey trained by Hellen-Keller's corpse could throw a free event without any trouble. I feel better giving Ravers something different.

And, you can very easily accept donations for an outdoor party if you have DJs that are invited. At OCDj I gave plenty of fresh DJs an opportunity, and they got paid. Cover was only 4$, and I gave everything I made to the DJs. But, I guess we're at a point where ppl don't pay for music, so they don't need the cash to invest into buying new records and such, like we had to back in the day, so they accept being used.

Anyway, have fun keeping the scene as cheap as possible. I hope your 'fresh new DJs' are already as good as others with 10 years of experience, 'cause promoters can't afford big names anymore as more and more ppl accept 'Free' in lieu of 'quality'. I guess if you want to see talent from outside of MTL you better like Dubstep or Pop, 'cause that's all you'll get.

Watch me do a free party this winter with other crews, just to prove you wrong ;)

Thanks for you time, have a nice day.

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:49pm
@ Max_x2: C'est bein cool si ils sont juste en train de commencer, mais si ils ne sont pas pret avec un crew complet, ils devraient peut-être attendre, ou simplement faire moin d'événement. Poster un truc sans avoir ton line-up complet, c'est pas pro.

Parce-qu'on dirait du monde qui veulent plus être 'cool' que du monde qui veulent aider la scène, imo.
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:01pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Oh gee, another free party that abuses the generosity and desperation of DJs.

Normally I'd jump on any opportunity to play even if it's for free, but unless it's for certain promoters like Hard-Times or NTK or at the Mountain, then no.

I'm all for the free party movement, but this is just getting ridiculous. You're interfering with professional seasoned promoters who invest in their well organized events. You're also spoiling the crowd. You should at least charge 5$ and pay your fucking artists.

At least the NTK and Hard-Times have their own crew of DJs, they don't count on others to provide the music for them.

Good luck finding enough amateurs to volunteer to do your job for you.

(blah blah blah let the drama begin)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 167265
Bring back fat pants! xD

I only wear 'boot-cut' pants now, just loose enough, you can ride 'em just 'round the hips, and they don't taper at the ankles ...

Tight pants and super-baggy ass showing pants = uncomfortably weak.

For girls though, they can wear whatever the fuck they want ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 3:29pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del.
Coolness: 167265
There were some of the best Hardcore sets I've heard in years. During Unexist, the vibe was palpable!
I'm really really happy I got to book Jappo -- and of course Satronica, who was as solid and wicked as always! As were the locals; thanks to them for playing hard: Mutante (great live!), Izsoloscope, Plague, Zim, Fishead (oldschool awesomeness!), One Lab Rat, and DTO ...

Couldn't have pulled it off proper without all the help, so here's my traditional BIG THANK YOU list:
'I' productions for partnering up and backing me up, Pola & Emilie at the door, my ninja Mark for general watching out and pre/post help, Jo for help tearing down and more, Hugo & Jason & Julie & Samwise at the bar (great job guys! Black & White crew reppin'!), David for the lights and tear-down help (and the beer in the morning!), Vince Alakazoo for putting the sound together, Steph Dumais & Melissa-Ann for the deco images, Chloé for the photography (her pics will be up soon!), all the DJs mentioned above (without whom we just have pretty lights to look at) for all the 10 hours of ass-kicking music! And of course, ALL the people who came -- you guys are the other half pf the party, without you the DJs might as well stay home. I saw the crowd dance their asses off, smile brilliantly, and be respectful of the 'rules' that allowed us to go all all night without seeing any cops ... Thank you for being there, thank you for the support.

I admit to being a little disappointed that there were some people I expected to see, but weren't there. On that note, sucks to be you 'cause you missed an awesome show. I'd like to also bitch about some disrespectful promoters that caused some interference, but I don't want to start any drama -- the party was so much the opposite of drama, I'd like to keep the aftermath like that as well ;)

So, good times, great music, lots of amazing people, inspiring DJs, no bust, no bullshit = Success!

I'm still not sure whether or not this was the last rave that Deadna produces. I need to take the time to consider all things and decide if the scene still needs me as a promoter. I think I prefer just DJing and producing music ;)

Anyway, thanks again to everyone. Hardcore will never die! =)

Ctrl Alt Del / End Process.
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 9:14am. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 167265
yeah, we got trendy hip-hoppity hipsters now -- call 'em rapsters ;)
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 3:32am. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
I've got a whole heap of her stuff on ISR, IST, Pulsar, Drop Bass Network, Audio Illusion - and a couple of the hand-stamped Cipher releases she put together. Pure sickness... one of the unsung greats.

Sweet! I only have the 666 Rec. release, and one on Drop Bass. Wonder if she still plays out ... ? :p

note to self: get some sleep before it's too late! xD

Update » Nathan wrote on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 12:19pm
IMPORTANT: Be respectful of the neighbors and neighborhood, both on your way and during the night. Please keep the noise to a minimum until you are inside the venue. We're counting on you! Thank you!
Update » Nathan wrote on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 1:08pm
Alright, I'm off to get everything ready -- Shine up your dancin' shoes and I'll see you all there!! =)

''Proud to be maladjusted'' -MLK
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 2:19am. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
seeing as I'm opening things up... I figure I'll put together something a bit different... packing a crate of some seriously early ISR/IST cuts (Turbulence, Laura Grabb, Spy) and some positively filthy hard acid (Zekt, Earthworm, Brixton, Walker) to set a nice, dark tone for the evening...

as an added plus... it's the kind of shit that tends to sound awesome when it echoes around in a big space before the masses show up...

Laura Grabb! Nice! Haven't heard her since ... last time I played her records in my appartment xD

** LOCATION IS REVEALED!! :: Café L'Inconditionnel, 4584 Papineau (Metro Mont Royal) **

I also just got the banners designed by Steph Dumais -- HAWT!

Now, I need some sleep, then it's an early start to the day to get it all prepared and plugged-in ;)

See you all very soon!! =)
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 4:33pm. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
Tact, people. Truth, properly formulated, is the key in (almost) any given situation.

My thoughts exactly. Well put ;)

I really hate pathological liars, rumor mongers, and exaggerators.

If someone lies to you, then it's a pretty shitty relationship. If you need to lie to someone, then maybe you also need to re-think your relationship with the person ...

If a lie can avoid death, or extreme pain, then it's a question of survival and a social issue such as 'honesty' no longer applies, but that's not a relationship oriented situation ...

We get lied to all the time by the media and the government, with whom we're supposed to have a professional relationship, and you see how that turns out xD

The truth is out there!
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 24, 2011 @ 6:22pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND
Like to know how many minutes? XD

4596 minutes!

hahaha! XD
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 24, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND
100 hours to go!

oh shit, we're counting down in hours now .. xD

Getting real excited! Everything is in place, the planets are lining up, and the Hardcore vibes are creeping up ...

There will be some giant Raisinlove (Zombie Commandos From Hell) image designs for some of the deco! + lights, fans, friendly staff, good sound, and of course wicked DJs! On top of all that, both Mutante and Iszoloscope wil playing LIVE sets!!

Do it up proper!
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 23, 2011 @ 1:05pm. Posted in Pour modifié un fichier mp3.....
Coolness: 167265
T'as juste à trouver les versions Karaoke ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 22, 2011 @ 9:11pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
*raises both hands and both feet in the air*

hmm, that might be dangerous xD

THIS SATURDAY is the ass-kickingest hardcore event of the year! Come party with us, all night long ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 22, 2011 @ 5:44pm. Posted in Jack Layton dead.
Coolness: 167265
o_O Shit ... just when you thought Canadian politics couldn't get any worse ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 22, 2011 @ 5:43pm. Posted in semantic ambiguity.
Coolness: 167265
^ these are examples of why we have punctuation in language ;)

At the party someone poured his punch on my head, so I gave him a punch in the face.
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 22, 2011 @ 3:57pm. Posted in Ntk / Hardtimes free Party 19 Août.
Coolness: 167265
Yep, another cool party from these guys! Props & respect to the NTK and Hard Times crews!

It was nice hearing some HC during the night too, as a precursor to this Saturday's Ctrl Alt Del ;) (at which there will be some more NTK representation!) ...

Good job as always :)
» Nathan replied on Sun Aug 21, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in good movies ? memories ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Total Recall

very awesome .. and there's a whole repertoire of Arnold-starring movies that're a punch-in-the-face down memory lane:

Kindergarten Cop
Running Man
Red Heat
Last Action Hero
(Terminator was already mentioned)

... and speaking of Van Damme: Blood Sport, Street Fighter (terrible - not to be watched without weed)

... and speaking of Steven Seagal, I just watched Under Siege 2 last night XD
» Nathan replied on Sun Aug 21, 2011 @ 3:20pm. Posted in Who Wants To Play On A Sunday In July.
Coolness: 167265
Is there a set-up at the Mountain today ?

Update » Nathan wrote on Sun Aug 21, 2011 @ 6:13pm
nevermind, started raining like crazy o_O
» Nathan replied on Sun Aug 21, 2011 @ 3:15pm. Posted in semantic ambiguity.
Coolness: 167265
I dropped some of my music at the party.

By the time I got the roof of the building, I realized I was a little too high.

You suck. :p

Or the great one from the Simpsons: Sugar Free Donuts (is actually, 'Sugar / Free Donuts')
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 20, 2011 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By ONE.LAB.RAT
I started a new track but i might be stuck getting new head phone, I can't find then.

At worst, you can borrow mine, I know you'll be careful ;)

Alright! We've hit the 'ONE WEEK TO GO' mark ... shit is getting real! =)
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 20, 2011 @ 3:00pm. Posted in Allright NOSfera'u 'ere.
Coolness: 167265
No offense, but I have a hard time believing that a guy who writes like a British gangstah is THE Nosferatu, gabber dj from the Netherlands.

If it really is, then prove it, drop the weird 'tude and the Brit slang, and I'll look into getting you booked.

And you say a promoter 'fackd ye gig' so you're trying to get a replacement gig, but you're writing from Europe, and we're in Montreal Canada, so ... wtf? Please explain.

Sorry, your story doesn't hold up, init bruv ...
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 19, 2011 @ 8:57pm. Posted in Looking for musical suggestions:.
Coolness: 167265
dub-step: Broken Note
gabber: Unexist, Endymion, D-Passion, Catscan.
big-beat (Prodigy-ish): Chemical Brothers

» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 19, 2011 @ 8:54pm. Posted in good movies ? memories ?.
Coolness: 167265
I'm getting old, people are referring to the 90's (without talking about raves) as old-school xD

Sorry if these were already posted, can't see those youtube links, so I might repeat (but I doubt it) ...

Dumb & Dumber
Demolition Man
Jurassic Park
Tango & Cash
A Night At The Roxbury

Full House (hey you guys mentioned House, so ... :P )
Family Matters
The Outer Limits
Unsolved Mysteries

... some of these are probably hard to find, but fun to list ;)
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 19, 2011 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MUTANTE
working like a maniac for new TRAX!
1 week now!

AWESOME! I'm trying to do the same, with limited success :P

Originally Posted By sparklz
Excitement! Also, kudos on the banner Nathan, looks sweet =D

Thanx! XD

Hopefully I'll have time to make a different for the days leading up to the party ...

Rock on! =)
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 18, 2011 @ 1:15am. Posted in Stage Collapses....
Coolness: 167265
well, in teh case of extremem winds, you know you're stage is still shoddy when it blows down before the band on it blows away ...
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 18, 2011 @ 1:07am. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 167265
yup. ;)
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 17, 2011 @ 2:48pm. Posted in Stage Collapses....
Coolness: 167265
For the first 3 Kinteik-Fests, we built up an entire stage in the venue, and never had any problems. Who are these incompetent lunatics they're hiring to make these ultra-fragile stages for shit's sake? o_O
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 17, 2011 @ 2:42pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del - Aug. 27th - Unexist! Satronica! Mutante! + + +.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
it's because of that Mutanté video where he's rockin' Eastern Europe without his shirt, ain't it?

or maybe he came across that pic of you from COMA wearing the Terrorfakt undies :P

Party is now only 10 days away! Gonna end this summer with a BANG BANG BANG! ;)
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 16, 2011 @ 5:36pm. Posted in acoustic songs.
Coolness: 167265
Nirvana - MTV Unplugged

classic ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 15, 2011 @ 10:54pm. Posted in good mp3 players that can also record DJ sets?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By RECOIL
I think I'll just scoop up that Sony mini disk recorder off that guy. he said he's barely used it and he wants 40 bucks. I've found them pretty user-friendly, and they're so small too.. ideal for traveling.

Too bad you're not in MTL 'cause I have an old mini-disc player/recorder (with discs) that I'd lend you free of charge ... but, well, you're not here o_O

Originally Posted By murdock_rock
... many of the older model are riddled with copyright protection that will make it a serious pain in the ass to get on your computer. I believe sony later removed the copyright protection on later models after these things started getting killed off by mp3 players.

didn't know that - I've never really used the thing much to begin with, let alone transfer stuff to a computer. I'll look into that, thnx for the info.
» Nathan replied on Sun Aug 14, 2011 @ 10:12pm. Posted in Who Wants To Play On A Sunday In July.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By CRIMSON
Good luck friend *hug*

Thank you Scott.
» Nathan replied on Sun Aug 14, 2011 @ 12:59pm. Posted in Who Wants To Play On A Sunday In July.
Coolness: 167265
I can't make it to the mountain at all. I have to go to the Hospital because my Grandmother probably won't make it through the day.

I don't wan to be a downer, so I hope you all have a very good day. Hug someone you love. Peace.
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 13, 2011 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Who Wants To Play On A Sunday In July.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
I'm down if y'all are down!

Hopefully it'll just rain later in the evening/night. I was hoping to come chill with y'all tomorrow :) but I need to bike there, so .. rain: fuck off! xD
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