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» Nathan replied on Thu Jun 8, 2006 @ 1:34am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
music video: any Tool video...
» Nathan replied on Thu Jun 8, 2006 @ 1:33am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
which director? hard to say since most directors that were good back in the day suck today...I guess Terry Guilliam or Tim Burton...and course Kubrick (but he's kinda dead)
» Nathan replied on Thu Jun 8, 2006 @ 1:30am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
Dead Alive (.Jackson) is definitely another one...
» Nathan replied on Thu Jun 8, 2006 @ 1:29am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
it's probably a tie between Fear & Loathinbg in Las Vegas and ....the Crow (it's a comfort film) among a few others that'll take me a few minutes to reflect upon....
» Nathan replied on Thu Jun 8, 2006 @ 1:17am. Posted in teknival kébék - 9,10,11 juin.
Coolness: 167290
crissement [ hate...ca ] wait to play HC out in the woods, open sky and all...see all you wankers in a couple of days (and for a couple days...)...check your heads...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 7:15pm. Posted in mardis Fuck Off @ Saphir.
Coolness: 167290
yeah man, a beautiful day and a good mix of hardcore, noise and industrial, it doesn't get any better than this...so I hope all you hardcore fuckers come out tonight, 'cause I bag full of goodies for y'all...bang bang bang bang.......
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 22, 2006 @ 5:25pm. Posted in N.Y.C. Na/Mutante/Satronica/Tense/Fury8.
Coolness: 167290
Sorry people, I was fuckin' psyched for this one...but apparently the border patrol doesn't believe that a DJ would play for free, so we were thrown back into Canada...pissed off......thnx to Matt and Co. for the invite, hope the NYers understand, we'll try again soon...we'll also try to find out why people carrying music are treated like people carrying guns...
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 7:34am. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290
months ahead and already anxiuos...HC in the middle of summer is always a good thing...I have a feeling this is goona be a good one...
» Nathan replied on Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 7:27am. Posted in N.Y.C. Na/Mutante/Satronica/Tense/Fury8.
Coolness: 167290
yeah....Montreal, Quebec represent....thanks to Matt / Gen / and the Lucky Cat for bringing us down...motherfuckin' New York'll have to deal with a little MTL HC...and, by the way, that flyer kicks ass...see the rest of you in a few days......!!!
» Nathan replied on Sat Apr 8, 2006 @ 7:58am. Posted in C.O.M.A. 3 Over and out....
Coolness: 167290
kick ass...thx and congrats Guillaume...those were absolutely good times...nice to see people the globe over, and Vromb from MTL was great, as were all the acts i managed to [ see...ca ] wait until next year......
» Nathan replied on Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 1:33am. Posted in NTK / Virus / etc... 25 fev.
Coolness: 167290
yeah, nice party, super good vibe, been awhile since a party has had a great atmosphere. I'm sure the peeps from Toronto were on their best behavior, but their were chill and it was just cool to see new faces...though it was really too bad Renegade Virus couldn't make it, no one to blame though...but everyone made up for it in style so hats off...by the way, Happy B-day to One Lab Rat, it was great tagging with ya', it made for a set straight outta hell...merci NTk, on se voit mardi au Saph...
» Nathan replied on Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 1:21am. Posted in Re: COMA 3 @ SAT March 24-25-26 Mars.
Coolness: 167290
" c'est a nous de changer ca".......amen to that......and, like the man said, despite the SAT's yuppy connotation, it's a good venue, and reputations are usually bullshit anyway...and as far as hardcore is concerned, just cause there won't actually be any HC, does't mean there won't be any distorted kicks and noisy melodies...besides, hardcore is better later at night (hint hint)...good luck Sexton, hope all is going well...
» Nathan replied on Sat Feb 25, 2006 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Virus-Ntk-Efpc-Pinksox-Weskodyne-Pyrotek.
Coolness: 167290
Renegade Virus back in town, after so long, kick ass! Looking forward to playing along with all the peaps...see ya' later...
» Nathan replied on Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 2:59am. Posted in Dark Alliance/Feb.18th/NTK/Zudbar.
Coolness: 167290
Alright, well, there doesn't seem to be a thread for this event (sorry if there is already one), so I'm gonna go ahead:...Saturday,Feb.18th '06, Dark Alliance, when the NTK crew and the Zundbar crew combine forces to bring you a night of HARDcore, inDUSTrial, and powerNOISE. So, clean your ears and check it out...w/ Cenotype(live-NYC), Memmaker, Mutante, Zim, Tak, Moebius, Mad-K, Julie D, mr.Bricolage, Piksou, Wintermute(NYC), Gimm, Sexton, Gammaburst, Na, Level.1, LVX, L:li, and Nihil...... 10$ door, info: 201-7710 ......
» Nathan replied on Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 2:39am. Posted in COMA 3 @ SAT March 24-25-26 Mars.
Coolness: 167290
check le calendrier pour info Kuzutetsu, c'est presque shockant a quelle point que c'est merveilleux...I for one am fucking happy to see that MTL's only industrial festival is going strong, getting bigger and badder...only a month and week away, yet it seems so far...
» Nathan replied on Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 7:08pm. Posted in VIRUS NTK Frb25.
Coolness: 167290
kick ass...been awhile since the Virus crew has been to MTL, thnx NTK for bringin' 'em back....
» Nathan replied on Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
Don't know abou sad movies...but as far as depressing goes...number one downer for me is probably Pink Flyd's the Wall, which ironically is almost tied for most tripped out flic, alongside Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...though weirder movies do exist...
» Nathan replied on Wed Jan 25, 2006 @ 8:11pm. Posted in NTK/Zündbar/D.I.Y..
Coolness: 167290
good times, thanks NTK/ Zundbar krew...
» Nathan replied on Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 2:19pm. Posted in Re: NTK party.
Coolness: 167290
merci NTK, j'me suis bien amuser...it gave me the chance to take out all the bullshit from 2005 and throw it up on the decks...Mutante you live was great..and all the NTK crew sets as well...see y'all soon, take care in the new year...
» Nathan replied on Wed Dec 14, 2005 @ 5:22pm. Posted in colliderave.
Coolness: 167290
uh, yeah, party was great, Terrorfakt kicked, Satronica kicked, I did my best, and Guillaume rocked... so with at least 4 hard, harsh, solid sets my night was made...nice seeing you Gen and Matt, miss you guys...and an inoffensive note to all the "goths": you don't have to leave parties at 3:00am, these events go on all night, and you can still get home before the sun comes up...anyway, thanks for everything Guillaume, thanks to NTK for the room, and to the artists for the music...see you all at the next freakshow...
» Nathan replied on Sat Dec 10, 2005 @ 3:11pm. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
get off my case...or I'll destroy all of you ears tonight...just kidding...well, not really...but at least now I know what NOT to wear to the party...doors in six hours...see ya'...
» Nathan replied on Tue Dec 6, 2005 @ 2:01pm. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
LOL...i was gonna make a joke about how dissappointed i am about not being able to wear my heels either, but figured the thought of me in heels is not an image anyone needs in their head...the only thing people need to fill their heads up with is distortion, and I have a feeling they'll get their fix soon enough...
» Nathan replied on Tue Dec 6, 2005 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Helipath.
Coolness: 167290
en passant, Ely, j'ai oublier de te dire que Tense te souhaite aussi une bonne fete! A samedi...
» Nathan replied on Mon Dec 5, 2005 @ 6:57pm. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
on a hate de te revoir aussi Gen...hate au noise aussi...juste 5 jours...
» Nathan replied on Mon Dec 5, 2005 @ 6:55pm. Posted in NTK party.
Coolness: 167290
j'me suis bien amuser, et il faut juste que je dit : bon set Mad-k, pis Sim et Kat aussi...a la prochaine...
» Nathan replied on Mon Dec 5, 2005 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Helipath.
Coolness: 167290
yeah man, was wicked, good times...Scrape DX played some massive idm, and Guillaume`s set was brutal...and i hope i didn't scare the goths too [ much....ca ] wait 'til Collide, see you all there...and one last time : Bonne Fete Ely!
» Nathan replied on Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 3:31pm. Posted in Helipath: 2 dec: Scrap.edx +++.
Coolness: 167290
Alright, well, if Tense isn't coming up we'll just have to work harder at making things harder...and harsher...I'll even bring a track by Tense for y'all...t'inquiete pas Ely, on va te feter fort tout [ a ] va etre malade! A tant tot!
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 23, 2005 @ 2:06am. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
girls rock your boys...is that better Yann?...c'mon feel the sarcasm....anyway, only a few weeks left, so get your tix 'cause from what I hear everyone is planning on dishing it out...and Clo, I'll try not to puke all over you but tou know how nervous I get before a gig...kidding......this is going to be the last big crazy harsh event of the year......power to the people....
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 23, 2005 @ 1:56am. Posted in Helipath: 2 dec: Scrap.edx +++.
Coolness: 167290
[ nice...ca ] that thing make music?.....no I'm not serious...however, Tense from NY and Scrape DX, that's gonna be some serious shit...
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 16, 2005 @ 3:26am. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
EVERY artist and Dj at this event are gonna be sick...we're gonna vomit all over the equipment...
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 3:52am. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
By the way, since there doesn't seem to a thread for Helipath, just want to mention that on the 2nd of Dec., the same basic promoters + , are throwing a party with Scrape DX, Tense, and more, HC, industrial...and after spending the night at Zundbar this past Saturday, I'm ten times as anxious for Collide...and hey, Betty, on se voie dans seulement 3 semaines...
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 3:44am. Posted in Zundbar 12 nov..
Coolness: 167290
ah, merveilleux, experimental, powernoise, hardcore, couldn't ask for more...music was great all night, hats off to the Zundbar crew, and this was only the first of three industrial/noise/hardcore events..see y'all on the 2nd and 10th of Dec....merci encore aux organisateurs...
» Nathan replied on Sat Nov 12, 2005 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Zündbar nov.12 - LCEDP, Kriss, grkzgl.
Coolness: 167290
alright, the first of 3 fucking great industrialdorishnoise events, so I'll see you all there in a few hours...corepresent....
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 10, 2005 @ 1:39am. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
it falls on human rights day...interesting...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 3, 2005 @ 5:41pm. Posted in AdamX/Satronica/Terrorfakt/NA:Sam.10 dec.
Coolness: 167290
yeah...great line-up...good times...it's wonderful to see hardcore and industrial fornicating in dark corners...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 3, 2005 @ 4:31am. Posted in Headstrong Montreal Omar B-Day.
Coolness: 167290
Who cares how many people show up at an event, headliners are great, and so are local talent and semi-famous DJs the world over...but if the motivation behind bringing someone is number (and not music) related, then you'll be lost forever in a world of illusionment giving way to disapointment, besides, ravers will always listen to what they deem good and interesting, give us quality and we will enjoy...by the way, what's with all this "there aren't any other HC promoters in MTL" bullshit...
» Nathan replied on Sun Oct 30, 2005 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Headstrong Montreal Omar B-Day.
Coolness: 167290
yeah, it was real nice...Jen Mas kicked ass, and Mike Hemp has some crazy skills on the tables, the rest was great too, but by morning the BIG GABBER SYNTHS were getting on my bloody nerves, but hey, I was expecting that...just hope Omar and his crew had fun celebrating in MTL...
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 28, 2005 @ 3:33pm. Posted in Zündbar nov.12 - LCEDP, Kriss, grkzgl.
Coolness: 167290
yeah, kick ass, I love it when the Industrial family gets together to dance and make noise...brap on...
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 28, 2005 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Headstrong Montreal Omar B-Day.
Coolness: 167290
It's practically at my house...if the line-up for the toilet is too long I'm gonna go home to piss...anyway, happy B-day Omar, and I'll see the rest of you fuckers there......oh, and by the way, top notch female DJs are hard to come by, so, to BeatJunkie, don't be calling them "sexy bitches" (they are beautiful talented women) otherwise I'll rip your sexist little head off and wear it as my costume for tonight...over and out.
» Nathan replied on Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 3:10am. Posted in Projet Usine 3.2.
Coolness: 167290
j'ai adorer ca, c'etait quelque chose qu'il fallait absolument faire, et ca a fait du bien...ah, listening to noise in a building that looks like noise, it was great...
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages