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» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 11:50am. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
yeah, cool...Rawali: FuckOff tuesdays at Saph's has stopped for a while, but they're supposed to start back up (especially if the demand is there), and if it takes to long, I'll give the right people a shove in the right direction ;)...but either way, I'll let this thread know as soon as the night gets back in gear... ... and for NYC/NJ hardcore and related, personnally I think it's great (like TENSE; and SATRONICA is rocking it HARD these days - check out his track w/ Lowtek), some are a little on the up-beat side sometimes, but there are some historically great DJs/producers from there, mostly backed by IdustrialStrength records, and NYC speedcore is classic(check out Apocalypse recordings)...probably half the headliners that have been to MTL in past decade have been from NYC (maybe I'm exagerating)...nonetheless, I think most big cities have their share of great hardcore, yet always distinct. Montreal has some great talent (won't mention any names, incase I piss someone off, but you're all welcome to drop some), it's just too bad that we have yet to get massive global recognition, like France or NewYork. Quebec's biggest musical export, besides -cringe- celinedion, is metal, so hopefully the techno version of harsh music is on it's way...(some of us are definitely trying!)... ... ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 14, 2006 @ 10:42am. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
Here, I'll moderate: both sides have had their say, and friends of both sides have had their say. Done. Jesse, stop bringing it up. Rhythmic noise: definitely check out Pneumatic Detach, from Boston, I believe, and even Cenotype, out of New Jersey, is good too, but he has a lot of ambient type stuff. Both of whom have come to MTL in the last year and put on a good show, with great music. More to come. I'll do a little resarch on DoomCore and get back to y'all; for those who like Rh.Noise, doomcore is also like slower hardcore... ...btw, anyone looking to do research on labels/bands/DJs/arists and their side projects, check out [ discogs.com ] , in the electronic section, search a name and you can cross reference all sorts of label info etc... have fun .. ... ....
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 12, 2006 @ 3:17pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
That's enough...we don't worship them, but they are (some of our) friends, and what Trek and Zim have made, as far as music is concerned, is actually wonderful, which is why they sell records, and their sound is very well produced...so they stand in front of the speakers, so what? When was the last time you went to a show/rave and everyone was 20 feet back from the speakers? We all know it's bad for the ears, but that's their problem. And as far as CRACK is concerned, I live in Hochelaga, I see crackheads everyday and they are much more pathetic than anyone in the NTK crew. I've got nothing aginst you, HostOne, and whatever your beef is with NTK, it's between YOU and THEM. You wanna bitch at them : go to their website. WizDumb, we appreciate your well stated words, but it's just kindling for the fire flaming between a couple of crews...so let's get back to the music, shall we?
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 4:02pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
is that the hardcore remix you're listening too? (a big hardy LOL)...
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 3:52pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
I thought we were talking about hardcore MUSIC, not hardcore NAME-CALLING...your beef is with Mad&Moe., so send them a fucking personal message...whatever, man... anyone else know where WizDumb and AerialRaver (and everyone else), can enjoy hardcore and related musics? On-line or otherwise... Next installment of AVoiceOfTheUnderground on 102.3fm, [ radiocentreville.com ] : September 1st, Special "DayAfterNathansBirthDay" show, 2am(friday night) ...until then:???... peace.
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 3:38pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 167290
pass...I don't fuck DJs...
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 2:48pm. Posted in make a sentence with....
Coolness: 167290
Wearing a microscope as an accessory, I dropped that new phosphoric acid, and, man, did the world look big.

Update » Nathan wrote on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 2:49pm
hide, planet, eyesocket, dumbass ...
Update » Nathan wrote on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 4:05pm
alternative 4 words: Shit, Cake, Brain, Pope ...
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 2:41pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
lol... ...I feel it too.
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 2:40pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 2:25pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
Now, that's enough, children...keep your hate to yourselves (unless it's constructive; which, so far, it isn't)...especially since this sounds like some old bullshit conflict that didn't start here...HostOne it's not wise to bash the entire NTK krew 'cause of what MadK has to say to you, they're actually really good DJs, (her as well, but I guess you have your opinion) so ... ... chill out (both of you)before this degenerates (further)......sorry for being all patronizing, but, arguing is one thing, and bitching/dissing is another ... thnx ...
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 11:10am. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
Mad-k...I didn't know you get get that angry...and, HostOne, I don't know about all the insults she's thrown your way, but she has one point (which I will elaborate): WizDumb wanted info on HC and you just started dissing it, if that's what he likes, let him be (sorry, man), but you did bring up an intersting conversation, and we appreciate the effort you made at trying to understand...please don't let an, as Aerial Raver kinda mentioned, informative, suggestion ridden thread turn into a "who's music's better and who's music will get you success in life" brawling bitch infested debate (Mad-k , you're my buddy, and I understand that you're in defense mode, but that goes for you too - please and thank you). So you like D'n'B, what about drill 'n bass? It might be a little too "mindless noise" for you, and a little too harsh for others, but it's great shit and is definitely not 4/4! Takes broken music to another dimension...so check out Venetian Snares..(Fish, you might know where to find some online?)...enjoy...he he heh...
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 12:04pm. Posted in make a sentence with....
Coolness: 167290
While floating in zero gravity, the astronaut was taken by surprise and set on fire by Space Kittens, who took over the spacecfraft and are now headed for earth!

Lighter, Elephant, Dice, Weed
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 11:41am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
Falling down is awesome...DeadAlive as well (one of my favorites) - though I haven't seen the other BrainDead movie Fish is talking [ about...Ca ] the Musical is also great, but as far as cannibal movies go, for script and not gore, I really like Ravenous, dir. by Antonia Bird, though it's very different than the old classic Italian style of the genre...on another note, has anyone seen the Asian film GUZU ? It looks twisted and I was wondering if it's worth the rental... ...
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 9, 2006 @ 10:39am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
thnx for the info on Apocalypse Now, it's funny 'cause I just watched it the other day...I also love the movie, but it had been a while since I had taken the time to watch, especially since I own the Redux version which is bloody long, over 40 min. of added material, I believe...in my humble opinion it's the best of the 'Nam films, though FullMetalJacket (obviously) comes in second, and PLatoon lagging behind a bit. I was never partial to some of the classics like DeerHunter, only parts of which are interesting. I also own CasualtiesOfWar but I find it lacks credibilty in it's script...and, of course, my favorite post 'Nam movie - don't laugh - is First Blood, the first Rambo movie, if you don't believe me check it out again, with it's strong anti-hick-cop message, though it is partially a typical action movie...but I think I may have gone over this before... ...oh well... ...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 167290
Betty, I know you miss Quebec, so I figure I'll mention two movies:
"Que Dieux Benisse L'Amerique"...seemingly low budget, with a vaery "Dogme" feel to, it, story takes place on the famed Sep.11th, but in Laval (or Longeuil - I think), as the lives of a bunch of neighbors get tangled while a murderer killing sex offenders is on the loose. The paranoia element is very well purveyed, as is the mystery "who-dunnit" aspect, but there was something, that I can't put my finger on, that stops me from saying it's a great movie, but it was interesting, and well played out. Check it.
"Bon Cop, Bad Cop"...well I haven't seen it, but it looks like a cheap Canada/Quebec collaboration action film (une navette, on se comprend)...actually it looks fucking terrible, let me know if I'm right (though I probably am - lol)... ...

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 6:38pm
I'm a little late on this one but, Re-Animator = kick-ass...that's it...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 6:26pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
shit happens
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 6:12pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 6:07pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
j'ai dit que je m'en melait pu, mais (une derniere chose)...thnx for speaking up MillePattes. I just can't believe that "someone" savagely told those of us who weren't there to shut up and get a life, and told the others who bitch about raves "don't go". First, we still have a right to our opinion, second, if you're not happy about this thread, don't read it...and to those last few peeps complaining about those complaining: you're doing the same thing (the common word for which is hypocrisy) - but your opinion is still appreciated - ...just too bad that it's all anger ...think about it... ...peace... ...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:19pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
Exact. Et, la, je m'en mele pu...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:11pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
y a personne qui chiale directement contre Stef/Sophie...on, les aime bien...(malgre tout)...

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:18pm
...though I do agree that most of us, at this point, should relax and wait to see what Sensitive prod.and co. have to say... ...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
Je sais que j'ai pas trop rapport, mais... ...some people said some stuff along the lines of how complaining on-line is not cool, well, I just wnated to add that not everyone has the promoters home number or address, fortunately for them, and may not be in position to say shit to their faces, and that is part of WHY THIS SITE EXISTS, not to bitch, but to say what needs to be said so that the same problems do not arise in the future. Heat is a problem, and the last hardcore parties I attended were cool as ice, but people should definitely complain when, after all these years, it's still too hot in an event...the smoking issue is a problem, and is a reality that promoters have to deal with now, so that has to be mentioned and discussed. Etc, etc... ...gratuitus bitching leads to bullshit fights, but founded complaints lead to solutions...There are other issues that are hurting raves, and maybe one day, when a reason gets stuck up our asses, we'll address those too...freedom of speech people!... aside from, that, it's nice to see that some of you actually tried to have fun at a party... oh, yeah, girl DJs kick ass, anyone who disses 'em will have to answer to me (among many others)... last note: how come no one from Sensitive or Fractal has posted anything on this thread yet?...YOUR INPUT IS IMPORTANT...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 4:05pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
I thought everything was all cleared up...what happened?...
» Nathan replied on Mon Aug 7, 2006 @ 9:39pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 167290
It's weird that this week people were upset at a HappyHardCore party, and happy at a HardCore party...go figure...(Sickness, despite all the bullshit, I hope the party went well - sorry I couldn't make it, but I think everyone knows how I feel at an HHC event...and to Mr.Maximo: you're absolutely right to speak up, it's just too bad everyone was too nervous or fucked to find a better solution to the problem)... I would like to add that it's so typical that the cops should attack the rave scene with this smoking law, yet garbage bars, like Fouf's, can have half-assed smoking areas and all is well...same old bullshit I guess...it's just too bad that nicotine is more important than music to alot of ravers - all the parties I've been to in the past months have been half empty 'cause the other half is outside smoking...y'all don't have to stop, just try to cut back during an interesting event ... that's it... ...
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 5, 2006 @ 8:39pm. Posted in Neurotoxik.
Coolness: 167290
stress is an inevitability of throwing a big event, but as long as the stress doesn't get in the way of the satisfaction thereafter of having had a successful party, all is well. And I'm sure that Cyber somehow felt the presence of all who showed up, and he is proud of us... ...so, the party was great, see y'all and the next one...

Update » Nathan wrote on Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 11:17am
Thanks, Kao (j'pense c'est toi qui a uploader d'autre photos), finally, a few more PICS of the party! Cool... ...
» Nathan replied on Sat Aug 5, 2006 @ 8:27pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
actually, Jesse, this thread started 'cause someone wanted to know about upcoming hardcore events, and then somehow seemed to have degenerated (yes 'cause of one comment), but actually regenerated, and since alot a ravers these days seem almost afraid of the harder styles of techno, it's nice to see a frank discussion on the subject. We are passionate about our music, and have the right to defend it. It used to be that a HC party would bring thousands of ravers, all ready to dish it out, now you have to throw in trance, freeform, and happyHC, to get people to pick up a ticket...not that variety is a bad thing, it's just that HC has gotten a bad name for some reason (though I have my theories)...and I'm happy that HostOne is open enough to discuss and take suggestions, as we would be if we were debating on a hiphop or breaks thread...props...and to those who tried to listen my show on the net: sorry if you couldn't get realplayer to work, you missed a kick ass set ;) ... next HC event: Delta9 in october... oh yeah, thanks to Fish for the suggestions to HostOne(I have almost no knowledge of the HC available on the net), I knew you'd be more informative than myself...(lol)... ...
» Nathan replied on Fri Aug 4, 2006 @ 7:44pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
Well, what kind of music do you prefer? I sure Fish could make some suggestions that would come close to what you usually enjoy, that would be like HCtekno versions of your fav styles...HC has a little for everyone, except those Q92 lovers (I doubt anyone took the time to HCremx Michael Bolton - I hope)...and WizDumb, if you're still in need of hardcore and related, you can listen to AVOiceOfTheUnderground tonight (friday, august 4th, '06 - always the 1st fri. o' every month), at 102.3 fm, or on the net at [ radiocentreville.com ] , from 2am till past 6am...hosted by yours truly, we always try to play in ways we can't at a party...enjoy...
» Nathan replied on Thu Aug 3, 2006 @ 4:55pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
yeah, and alot of us actually create sounds with our computers, alot of us use "electronic instruments" to make our beats(i.e. drum machines, synths...), and if the you think that an electric guitar is far from that, then you are far from the truth...so I can make entire tracks by myself without dealing with other humans, guess that makes me more of a Beethoven (who only played piano while the rest of the orchestra - which was basically a sample machine for him - played what he composed, no questions asked) than a guitarist in any modern rock band. So what. OF course some may talk of purity, but I'd rather take a sample and change it all around than fuck around with the same existing notes that a guitar offers. What's considered hardcore is taking electronics and throwing in distrtion...punk and metal is taking old blues licks and adding distortion...so what's the difference...I love organic music, but there's as much bullshit music out ther in the "real world" as there is in the elecronic world (as Ficshead mentioned)...so bend over and take it as you would when you pay taxes... ...peace... ...
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 2, 2006 @ 6:45pm. Posted in Neurotoxik.
Coolness: 167290
normality is that weird feeling you get between events...i think...
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 2, 2006 @ 6:38pm. Posted in We need some more hardcore.....
Coolness: 167290
Hardcore is just 4/4 kicks with fruity sounds???Bullshit. I'll have you ALL know that what we call hardcore is the type of techno with the most amount of subgenres and co-genres, and is linked to every other style of tekno, which mostly have two defining subgenres: the original version, and the HARD version. I'm with Fish 200% on this one, hardcore is an approach, not just a style of metal (which, btw, had an influence on HC, as did industrial - it's all a rich tapestry)...Don't worry, ther'll be plenty of HC/indus., in the near future, if I heard right, there should be at least one HC event each month of the fall and winter period, and the Fuck Off tuesdays at Saphire's just might start up again soon, and the NTK crew are always up to something....just have to look out for it...
» Nathan replied on Wed Aug 2, 2006 @ 6:05pm. Posted in Neurotoxik.
Coolness: 167290
thnx Lateralus for a few more nice pics...I think I'm finally just starting to come back to normality after the crazy weekend...I think...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 1, 2006 @ 6:15pm. Posted in Rob Gee Et Manu Le Malin!!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 167290
NOW, I'm stoked about having ManuLeMalin back in town in, with Delta9 nonetheless...my suggestions for local yokels are: Mutante, Sickness, Fishead, and anyone from the Neurotik crew (i.e. Mad-K, Trek, Moebius, etc.) - that's the HC...if you're looking to have a little industrial I'd suggest PerfectionPlastic live...I'll think of others... ...good luck...
» Nathan replied on Tue Aug 1, 2006 @ 9:28am. Posted in Neurotoxik.
Coolness: 167290
yeah, of course a big thanks to everyone who helped out, again, this event was noting but good times...seeing Garvan again was awesome, but hard on my liver...by the way, if anyone has anymore pictures, it would be cool if you could upload them...see you all at the next hard event... ...
» Nathan replied on Sun Jul 30, 2006 @ 9:04pm. Posted in Neurotoxik.
Coolness: 167290
well, that was bloody awesome, SulphuricSaliva was brilliant, Manu was great - as usual, and Lowtek was fuckin' hard - as expected; let's not forget PerfectionPlastic, you guys kick more ass everytime you play...lighting was nice and adequate...the venue was beautiful, and different...saw shitloads of old buddies who had come out just to shake their asses in front of Manu, and I'm glad that I saw you all (you know who you are), it's been a long time...everything was great...overall: one of the best parties that I've been to in the last couple of years...so thanks Kyo, I had a wicked time...time to eat and chill out...
» Nathan replied on Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 6:03pm. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290
Venue looks great, line-up is awesome, shitloads o' people are going, and the soundsystem was tested yesterday in quebec (and it kicks !!!)...so after partyinc in quebec city for two days, can't wait out the next few hours until this all goes down...ROCK ON! See y'all later...
» Nathan replied on Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 1:09am. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290
that's a great idea...hopefully I'll be able to the same...most people should...
» Nathan replied on Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 1:08am. Posted in ASCENSION - Manu le malin (friday \ Quebec city).
Coolness: 167290
excellent...j'vais etre present...
» Nathan replied on Wed Jul 26, 2006 @ 3:45pm. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290
T minus 3 days...
» Nathan replied on Tue Jul 25, 2006 @ 4:49pm. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290
Back to the subject of dying politicians or religious figureheads, what about celebrities, 'cause I hear Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock are getting married on the 29th, so I think a freak honeymoon accident would be in order...KidRock sucks something awful...I guess he would't have to die, just get horribly mangled...and yes, I just used this thread to bitch KidRock... .... ...party's only a few day's away now...!
» Nathan replied on Mon Jul 24, 2006 @ 9:47pm. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon Jul 24, 2006 @ 9:48pm
(screamed with gutteral foreboding)
» Nathan replied on Mon Jul 24, 2006 @ 3:34pm. Posted in NeuroToxiK-Manu Le Malin (jully 29 2006).
Coolness: 167290
that just might be part of the plan...only a few days now...
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages