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» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 5:15pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MATRICKS
... I often found myself rocking my socks off on the dancefloor just because of the sheer excitement and palpable vibe ...

Yes :) ... and it does depend on the crowd as much as the music -- at Ctrl Alt Del the vibe during Unexist's set was incredible, I could feel it! Crazy hardcore, ppl were going apeshit, and it was awesome.

Some parties could have the exact same style of music as one another, but for X reasons and X factors, the vibe just is or isn't there ...

That vibe is what any raver/partier is looking for, no matter what style of tunes they dig :)
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:56pm. Posted in Durp: what does it mean to douche?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FLO
...a nose dildo, perhaps? :)

lol - right, I thought he meant tube-shaped-devices in general, not that particular tube -- uh, oops?
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:55pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
tu remarqueras que c'est jamais des psy-heads qui commencent le genre de conversations qui insultent un style de musique.........................

Et tu remarqueras que ce n'est pas juste le psy qui est insulter ....

Et de plus, t'as tard. T'as surement pas lu tout les threads ;)

Update » Nathan wrote on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:58pm
Now we're gonna argue about ppl arguing about music? It'll just keep getting better ;)

**Paging Exhibit ...
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Durp: what does it mean to douche?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE
the enema is just the white tube...

no, that's a dildo xD
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:50pm. Posted in South Park.
Coolness: 167265
Been a while since they've had a genuinely clever episode, self-analytical / self-depricating and all that ... much funnier than the 200 - 201 episodes, though those had some cute self-referencing moments, they weren't as smart (and the mohammed thing got old fast)
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
... but at least more innovative here than the old cliche psy vs everything else.

meh, not our problem if psy-heads have a everyone-is-against-us complexe ... imo, it's getting pretty emo.
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:45pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 167265
Now honestly, you can't go saying that 'this is capitalism, deal with it' because capitalism isn't necessarily about abusing power and making money at the expense/detriment of your fellows - we're talking about ppl who greedily abuse the system and leave others high'n'dry.

The protestors aren't trying to offer a solution (though I'm sure they all have their own Utopian ideas) they just want the ppl in charge to do their job and fix the problem ...

And, it's interesting that when the right-wing dissent it's called a (tea) party, when the left dissents it's an 'occupation' - like they're fuckin' evil nazi invaders or something o_O
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FLO

haha! xD

Originally Posted By aykin0xia
who is mix allot? a new dj?

It's pSyr-Mix-Alot , he plays psychedelic hip-hop, his hit song is 'I Like Big Butts & LSD' -
You know butts? It's that thing that you're severely lacking :p
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:31pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By RAWALI
...we're pscrewed... no pun intended

fixed :p
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:29pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FLO
Come on people, show me your PLUR :)

you wanna see my ass? :P
» Nathan replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 4:21pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
i would not want to see her ass in a party... especially not with that kind of attitude. some fat people are ok... but when they think they know everything, own the world, and take so much space, stating their opinion as truth...
i prefer to see this kind of people far far away :P

don't have that bitchy face attitude if you don't want to get some back...

replace the word 'fat' with 'neo-hippy' and you know how the rest of us feel ;)

Once again, a person says they don't like psy, and psy comes back to say that that person's music sucks more and that they're fat/stupid. I'm impressed by ppl's zen-ness as always ... :/

So, let me break it down for y'all:

Psy - all night gathering
Dubstep - all night event
Hardcore - all night rebellion
House - all night after-party
Drum'n'bass - all night party
Happy HC - all night plur-fest
Electro - all night dance-floor
Techno/Acid - (m.i.a.)

gathering + event + rebellion + after-party + party + plur-fest + dance-floor = RAVE
» Nathan replied on Thu Oct 6, 2011 @ 4:58pm. Posted in South Park.
Coolness: 167265
Yay! I love it when rumours are wrong xD
» Nathan replied on Thu Oct 6, 2011 @ 4:54pm. Posted in South Park.
Coolness: 167265
Yeah, I really liked it =)

Hadn't laughed so much at an SP episode in a while ...

So, it's true, it's the last season?
» Nathan replied on Wed Oct 5, 2011 @ 6:56pm. Posted in Brits: Ruining the english language.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By HOST-1
Keith Lowson: Na bruv

Yes? Do I know you, bruv?

» Nathan replied on Tue Oct 4, 2011 @ 12:10pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
** edited for the purposes of anti-drama and keeping personal shit personal

(But I'm still disappointed in previous bullshit statements)
» Nathan replied on Tue Oct 4, 2011 @ 11:44am. Posted in Listen to dubstep kids, it kills paedophiles..
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By BLISSS
& This one gave me a headache no joke

holy shit seriously ... my reaction to the chorus was literally and exactly this: Gah Fuck! That's terrible!! (in audio caps-lock)
» Nathan replied on Mon Oct 3, 2011 @ 5:11pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
Left - Psytrance

Right - Dubstep

Bags - Hardcore

» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 30, 2011 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Poll - doom metal lovers?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FLO
How many members of an ethnicity does it take to perform a specified task? A finite number! One member to perform the task, and the rest to behave in a manner stereotypical to the ethnicity in question.

haha xD nice ... love all those absurdist/cynical jokes up there Flo
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 30, 2011 @ 7:40pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By MASA
... please don't step on my trip.

Forgot about that simple action, to trip. I prefer the idea of having a good trip than being in a good trance. The former seems a little less serious than the latter, and is less specific ...

Ah, trippin', what a fine state of mind to be in ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 5:18pm. Posted in Deep Science.
Coolness: 167265

Oh, fuck, this isn't my trailer! ... sorry!

» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 4:43pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE

assez marrant.ok j'ai manque d'humour.mais il se trouve que j'etais sur le point de quitter le topic,et de voir que tout ce qu'on retient de mes post (qui m'ont demande de une vraie introspection) ,c'est que j'ai voulu faire de l'ombre a tout le monde,ca me fait mal.

et oui y a du cliche dedans.je parlais pour le changement,et evidemment on a forcement la voix du mec qui sait des trucs quand on vise l'avenir et la duree.je cherche pas a exhiber "mes trucs",c'est vraiment pas mon style et je me sentirai faux en vers moi-meme.je les partagerai volontier mais toujours sous la forme de Trip report.

m'enfin,je suis pas plus intelligent que toi.et excuse moi si je t'ai insulte ,c'est internet qui enleve toute la chaleur d'une bonne conversation.


No worries ...

J'sais qu'en personne, il aurait eu plus de débat et moin d'insultes ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 4:34pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
des vrais histoire de lycee.

tu commence d'abord en accusant le new age de priver les enfants du monde de nourriture (WTF) et ensuite tu enchaines sur des truc plus bas que bas.je suis illumine !! grandis un peu. pfff.

c'est comme parler a un enfant ou un attarde.

je te derange en fait,juste en etant moi-meme.tu veux une victoire ? je te la laisse.tu a l'air d'en avoir besoin.

je vais pas me prendre la tete pour des trucs aussi weird.

juste qu'on ne retienne pas que je cherche a eclipser la psy ou quelque chose du genre.j'ai tenu du vrai discours (excusez moi d'avoir ete aussi intellectuel) mais bon.

pour une fois tu marques un point aykinoxia,ce forum n'est vraiment pas fait pour parler librement.pour certain la discussion avait un bon cap,mais d'autres sont tellement complexe par leur condition qu'il faut que ca raille.tu suffoques ? je vais te laisser un peu d'oxygene.regarde c'est tres classe ca.

c'est pas gagne PLUR...et tres triste un Clash sur ce topic cense le definir.

tu veux m'insulter ou m'attaquer a la sournoise vas-y te gene pas...moi tout ce que j'ai a te repondre c'est que t'es pathetique.

De quoi tu parles? T'as vraiment rien compris? Ok, whatever ...

Une victoire? On s'ostine sur le 'net, on a déja tout les deux perdu.

Mais bon, tu me traite d'attardé, d'enfantin, pathétique, surnois -- cependant tu te dit 'intellectuel'. Si tu l'dit, ca doit etre vrai.

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 4:41pm
... and yeah yeah yeah, i know: ''oh noes! people are arguing on the internetz!'' ... It's a DISCUSSION board, get over it ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Bonne Fete Melo!.
Coolness: 167265
Un peu en retard, mais bonne fete melo! J'espere que tu va bien :)
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 3:46pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
c'est sournois tout ca mec.on dirait le bruit d'une cour de recre.

pathetique ...

haha xD tu m'accuse d'enfantillage en m'insultant ... bravo!

On dirait que t'es s'a defensive, mec :p

Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
si tu m'attaque fais-le avec un peu de classe.

J'te dirai pareil si j'croyait que t'était capable ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 3:20pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
man i dont know what the fuck is going on and google translate sucks

here, i'll translate/summarize:

Zoots: plur?
??: Psy!
Screwhead: fuck that
Databoy: psy!
Me: ok, maybe
Databoy?: spirituality!
Me: fuck that
fengshuiengine: I'm enlightened!
me: probably not.
databoy: he's allowed to think he is
me: maybe, but he can't shut up about it
fengshuiengine: i know you are but what am i!?
me: insulting
AYkiN0XiA: plur!
Max_x2: that hippy is creepy
databoy: live and let live
me: meh, but he's being a dick.
You: wut?
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 3:00pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
a ce niveau la c'est a moi de te dire que je prendrai pas la peine de t'expliquer que t'as tort .t'es non seulement brainwashed (t'es surement bien moins naturel que toute les drogues que je peux prendre), mais en plus t'es sur la defensive.tu devrais relaxer et arreter de croire que les gens cherche a etre "mieux que toi".

bon bon bon...j'en ai assez dit moi.j'ai laissé quelque reference litteraire pour ceux qui veulent faire de la recherche.et sinon.
tchô !!

Wow, tu fait croire que t'es plus intelligent que nous, que tu rit de mes propos, mais désolé, t'es clairement la personne le plus insultant dans ce thread, et le plus incomprehensible.

Ouain, j'suis brainwashed, mais je ne croit en rien, comment c'est possible? Tu pense que j'me sent visé par le fait que tu te sens meilleur que les autres? Pas du tout, t'es trop insignifiant pour que ca m'affecte, je dit juste que c'a l'air d'etre ton attitude envers tout le monde, et c'est chiant.

J'adore quand quelqu'un lance le mot 'défensif' quand 2 personnes s'ostinent xD
J'pense que j't'ai déstabilisé, et tes arguments on pris une viré soudainement malsain et un peu lunatique. T'es évidament pas si Zen que tu pense ...

Je vois que tu n'as rien compris de ce que je te dit. C'est correct.

Tu nie ton allure de propagandiste, mais tu fini ton post avec des ''references litteraire'' ''pour faire de la recherche'' .. pffff. Donne moi donc un pamphlet, et peut-etre des herbes qui vont me guerire de mon cynicisme?

J'm'en fou de ce que tu vie, ce que tu fait, comment tu dors la nuit, mais ce qui me derrange c'est de voir du monde comme toi écrire comme si ils avaient la raison absolu. Avec Databoy, c'était un discussion interessant. Avec toi, c'est un argument. J'pense que tu devrait faire un peu plus d'auto-analyse, tu va peut-etre finir par t'en sortir de ton arrogance.

Originally Posted By v.2-1
C'est désolant mais c'est l'argument principal que nous avançons sur les adeptes du psytrance car ça commence à sentir le guruisme au plus haut point.

Non seulement tes propos sont imbus d'une prétendu connaissance accru sur la vie, le spiritualisme et le développement de l'âme mais ton discours commence à prend une tournure narcissistique où des ordres semblent être donné à qui mieux mieux aux "néophytes". Je suis conscient que la question spirituelle ne se quantifie pas de par l'âge mais si je me fis sur ton profil, à 23 ans, je crois sincèrement que ta courte expérience de vie ne te permet pas réellement de dicter aux autres quoi faire pour se parfaire.

Exactly. Fuck

Originally Posted By databoy
I think you misread ;) all I said was that you both have different understandings of the world that seem far from one an other.

Ok, understood ;)

Originally Posted By databoy
Ce que je vois est quelqu'un qui viens partagé ses idées plutôt bénignes sur un sujet et puis 3 -4 personnes qui s'objecte de façon assez agressive et mesquine a ses propos.

I don't see it that way, and I don't think anyone is being aggressive, but fengshui-engine took a hit to his nerves and is now just dishing out insults and arrogance ...

Sorry if I feel the need to respond in kind, and justify my opinion when it's called into question - but at least I admit that I'm adamant about the subject (not 'intimidated' like he thinks), one that I find very reproachable. What exactly is wrong with that?

If he insists on acting like we're all stupid and un-enlightnened, then I insist on invalidating anything he says.

I guess I'm just a cynic and skeptic .... it's hard work! :p
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 12:42pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DATABOY
I'm guessing his ramblings are based in life experiences, just like you. :P

And if we learned anything this weak, is that the natural laws of physics are not as absolute as we thought.

Besides without the insight brought on by lsd, we might still be wondering how our dna works.
[ www.miqel.com ]

I dont think we need to feel threatened by what he has to say, no mater how far it is from our understanding of things.

And blaming hunger and misery in the world on his spiritual posturing is maybe a little off.

just sayin...

First, I never said the world's misery was due to his spiritual postering, you misread.

Far from our understanding? You say that like he understands more about the world thatn (we) others do, and that's just wrong, and a little offensive.

''natural laws of physics are not as absolute as we thought'' : Duh! Science itself says that there are no absolutes, that's why there are theories and hypothesis that are tested, proven, and/or debunked. On the other hand, there is no room for disproving theories in New-Agey concepts, 'cause like any other religion, you take away one block from the foundation and it all comes crashing down. Besides, if you can't even trust in scientific 'fact' then how can you believe in stuff that even more vague and unfounded?

And I have nothing against drugs, they can help you dig into your mind, but they can also create illusions. You have to be careful, and not take everything at face value, just like dreams.

Originally Posted By kire
i honestly for one am not this spiritual, deep meditative guy or w/e i just love psytrance, yeah there were a lot of those types but i actually haven't seen them around as much anymore.

the style of psytrance i personally prefer is anything but melodic or trancey, it's all personal taste, saying psytrancers are all peace loving hippies is like saying all dubsteppers are club fag douchebags. it's just a stereotype i've only really met about 10-15 people that were all zen and in the music for enlightenment or w/e,

it can get pretty bad lol, to me the psy scene is very friendly and accepting besides the culture some of the events have with it. but some raves are more catered towards the goa hippies ( thats what i call them ) they'll have slower prog, goa etc.

That's all good, no matter how you live the music you love -- honestly, I'm not even talking about music or the Psy scene anymore, I'm just a bit stubborn when people start spewing bullshit about enlightenment, not because they shouldn't be allowed their opinion, but because they always come across as being convinced that they're somehow better than everyone else, that the rest of us poor shmucks are 'missing out' on 'oceans of pleasure'.

Inner peace can be found any which way that pleases you, THAT should probably be the message, not to take specific paths with specific things. Poeple who push that New-Age type mentality seem to me more like salesmen with a pitch, rather than simple people with bright ideas.
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 12:12pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
what? lol. seems confusing, but you're pretty much saying that we are insects in space but should not speak of space butterflies... which is what you are doing.....
uhhhhhh ok. whatever lol. :P

I was being metaphoric, while the space-butterly theory seems somwwhat literal. And, obviously I said 'on this planet' and even though this planet might be in space, the difference is that we ourselves aren't actually floating around in space, now are we?

If I had said disease, you'd've called me negative, and the term animal isn't poignant enough. I think you know exactly what I meant, so pointing out a vague corrolation between my choice of words is just nit-picking ;)
» Nathan replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 11:16am. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
L'humain est un tout ,un assemblage de system complexe.et la psychedelique est la seul qui a une portee d'ancrage assez puissante pour communiquer avec le tout.

euh, non.

J'prendra meme pas la peine de t'expliquer pourquoi, tandis que t'es évidament déja trop 'brain-washed' ...

Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
pourquoi refuser de dynamiser aussi le plan spirituel ? Peur de perdre son identité ? C'est pourtant un ocean de plaisir a notre portee.

Désolé, mais j'trouve que t'as perdu ton identité quand t'as décidé de devenir un steréotype, influcencé par des pseudo-religions, pseduo-sciences, de le supposé spiritualité qui n'est qu'un illusion égoiste que le monde ont bati pour ne pas avoir a faire face a la réalité - que la vie est aussi belle que laide, que d'la meditation ne mettre pas plus de la bouffe entre les mains d'un enfant entrain de crever de faim.

J'suis pas complètement contre hédonisme, mais fuck, te noyer dans un 'ocean de plaisir' pendant que des millions d'êtres souffrent et meurent de facon atroce ... comment tu fait? Tu te dit que c'est a eux de trouver leur propre joie? C'n'est pas très sympathique.

T'as absolument le droit a ton 'spiritualité', a tes drogues psychedeliques, a ta musique préféré, et meme te perdre dans la beauté da la nature, mais vien pas prétendre que t'es meilleur qu'un ature, avec ta propagande irresponsable.

Sorry, but this kind of redderick pisses me off. In North-America, millions of dallars are funneled into the New-Age concept, people spend tons of money on CDs, books, and gadgets instead of either spending the cash on people in need, or for other things that may make their lives more barable. These guru-wannabees prey on miserable desperate people, to try to get those people to buy into unfounded theories based on some asshole's imaginings.

If you want to talk to me about the universe, talk to me about worm-holes, dark matter, galaxies, stars, provable hypothesis, or whatever, not fucking space-butterflies, and feeling like you're one-with-the-universe 'cause you got high one day and had some self-righteous epiphany, when you're just one little insect on one of a possibly infinite amount of planets ... you will never touch space.

Live the way you want people, no worries there, but I want my own identity to be based on my own life experiences, and not the ramblings of one person.

Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
l'absolu cosmique,est-ce que c'est encore comparable a une banal reaction chimique ?

Yes .. yes it is.
» Nathan replied on Sun Sep 25, 2011 @ 11:23pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DATABOY
I think what FENGSHUI-ENGINE was trying to explain is that psytrance is designed to induce a type of hypnotic trance, with or without drugs. Maybe some peoples can go into trances listening to house music, but I dont think thats the point of house.
You, ZombieNathan are into hardcore techno right? What is hardcore music to you? just a fast repetitive beat with lots of distortion? theres gotta be more than that? theres gotta be a reason why that type of music exists.
I think each type of music is created to suit specific audiences with specific needs at precise moments. And if someone wants to read something spiritual into his psytrance experience, how does that take anything away from your own experience? And if you ever had a beautifully ecstatic experience dancing to breakcore, how would you like peoples telling you that what you lived was nothing special?

Finally, something that makes sense ;)

That's also what I'm saying ... aside from spirituality which I don't dig, but that's my own business ... someone can have a profound expecrience with many types of sounds/music/environment.

What you're asking me is simply the vice-versa of what I was also asking. If X music gets your deepness mojo going, so what if it's not X type of music?

(just 'cause sometimes music is maybe designed for certain purposes, or at least with certain intentions, I don't think that following that purpose is the only way of enjoying said music)

Originally Posted By aykin0xia

agreed ;)
» Nathan replied on Sun Sep 25, 2011 @ 9:10pm. Posted in Asshole tries to make an old lady listen to dubstep at 911 meeting.
Coolness: 167265
conspiracy-theorist spewing propaganda vs. anti-political electro-head that can't tell the diff between dub and techno

not sure who the real bad-guy is in this xD
» Nathan replied on Sun Sep 25, 2011 @ 8:41pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
la psytrance,c'est comme une cuillere. tu racles le fond de ton crane avec... et tu explores.la matrice ne comprend pas le mensonge.tu ne peux qu'etre vrai.et l'acide,la mescaline,la psilocybine,les centaines de molecules de shulgin sont un excellent moyen d'ouvrir les vannes et de palper cette nouvelle realité ,ta relation a l'univers (et c'est un droit qu'on cherche a nous retirer ,si tu savais) ,les autres,le tout...la vie en HD quoi :)

oui la psytrance est electronique,mais c'est la seul musique qui a un tel eventail de textures ,de structures,de dynamique.passé un certain moment d'ecoute le cerveau ne distingue plus le synthetique du naturel.c'est le propre de la psytrance (mieux encore avec la goa oldschool).ce qu'on ne retrouve pas dans aucun autre style de l'electro,a part un peu l'illbient,mais plus personne ne produit cette musique...

This kind of statement is exactly what gets me upset about the psy-heads.

While people like me are saying 'psy is cool, good music, one of many styles I thouroughly enjoy', the psy-sters are saying shit like 'only psy can make you feel blah blah blah and you don't get it'.

Don't worry, I 'get it', I just don't agree with all the new-age bullshit that we're supposed to get. It's fucking music; it's a scientific question of sound frequencies, notes that tug at certain emotional strings, perhaps is can be the track that you put your spiritual train on, but it's still just music. Yes, certain sounds can make you feel a certain way (one of the beauties of music), but in the end it's what's inside you (your brain/mind) that translates those sounds. Attaching spirituality to music is simply taking sounds you enjoy and turning them into the vessel in which you travel to your own spiritual place. YOU are the one using the music to your own ends.

Did Ghandi listen to Psy? I don't fucking think so. Guess that means he wasn't as enlightened as some neo-hippy on LSD in a rave! Besides, he had many faults, just like anyone else. Music or not, spiriutality or not, Psy is not the definition of intelligence, or elevated well-being.

Saying shit like ''qu'on ne retrouve pas dans aucun autre style de l'electro'' is very insulting, negative, close-minded, and snobby. Maybe YOU 'don't get' other styles of techno, maybe you were so brainwashed into thinking that psy is the only path to your spiritualiy, fine, live with it, but don't tell me I can't feel good while listening to Hardcore, or Big-Beat, or Rock, or whatever. I guess you're also saying that there's something wrong with me if I can't find God at the ascent of a Psy rave.

I know myself, thank you, and I'm in touch with the universe - all it took was some punk-rock and a documentary about black-holes, not 6 years of raving high to psytrance. To disagree that there are other paths to take is very offensive.

If you want people to stop complaining about Psy, comparing it to their prefered styles, or shitting all over it, maybe you should consider accepting the benefits of other types of music. Also, stop being so cendescending and patronizing toward other styles.

A truly spiritually enlightened person should not need drugs and a specific tempo/rhythm. Psy did not create spirituality within yourself, YOU made the corrolation. Your brain/mind made the link 'cause of certain life experiences. It's all YOU, not the music. But, oh enlightened one, you haven't realized that yet?

What's so different about Psy that makes it so much more meditative than any other style? It's bass driven techno with redundant kicks, spacey synths, melodies, and hypnotic grooves -- wow, the same as 70% of all other electronic styles out there. There are rarely any lyrics, no real message, so the connections toward new-age crap is derived from the humans listening to it, not the sounds themselves. Perhaps it's what the producers try to convey, but it's still just sounds. You can get the same 'vibe' with different grooves, rythms, tempos, etc. as long as certain notes and hypnotic redundancy meet the maker's intentions. And what of dark-psy, hi-tek, and all that bad-ass trance, do you implement those in your spiritual trip? Or do you simply deny all that is negative in hopes of staying happy?

I hear it all the time, ''people are always making fun of psy'' but fuck, then the neo-hippies turn around and bitch about every other style that doesn't suit them, talk all high-and-mighty, and whine and act real pretentious. Maybe, just maybe, you brought it upon yourselves, and it has absolutely nothing to do with jealousy - not to mention the drama I see within the psy scene itself!

Do what you want, live your life, but don't tell me it's better than mine 'cause of the tunes you like.

Final point, what's the fucking point of spiriutality and religion anyway? It's the cause of almost all the wars over the last 3000 years. Good job, keep it up, and maybe when you grow up you'll end up like your 'spiritual' hippy fore-fathers, working for the governement and raising kids addicted to iPhones, heh.

So, what are you gonna do now, pray for us sinners?

(As always, I feel the need to add: I do like psy, I like dancing to it, and I like playing it - music has nothing to do with my opinions about new-age neo-hippy nonsense)
» Nathan replied on Sat Sep 24, 2011 @ 6:35pm. Posted in My Life is Bullshit.
Coolness: 167265
is that John Lajoie's little cousin? :p
» Nathan replied on Sat Sep 24, 2011 @ 6:33pm. Posted in Deadmaus punched out by a Dj.
Coolness: 167265
Thing is, if you smash up a guitar / amp live, it makes all sorts of cool feedback type sounds, but if you smash a computer it just stops working. Therefore, smashing organic instuments is much more worthwhile.

I've always wanted to set a turntable on fire during a party .... perhaps one day my dream will come true ...
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 23, 2011 @ 10:44pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DATABOY
As I said, i'v been attending psy events for many years now, and i have never felt judged because im atheist, or dress differently from most of the crowd. I dont get how the psy symbolism equates to close mindedness. Most of the peoples in the scene are quite nice and generous and practically never preach. Besides, you see all sorts of peeps of all ages come together at psy events, so i dont get where the judgmental rap comes from.
But I have witnessed a lot of prejudice from peoples outside of the scene. It's too bad too cus its one thing to not like the music, but quite an other to blurt out blanket judgments about its patrons.

Maybe I get that preachiness from what I see said n the 'net, or even on flyers, perhaps it's not so present in the actual events. If things have changed since some of the old Guru dicks aren't around much, then cool.

I do like the music, it's just that the Psy scene always comes across as 'you have to be one of us to understand the music' which is lame. Maybe you're too close to the scene, and things look different from the outside, know-what-I-mean? Or maybe it's just that the purist loud-mouths are the ones doing all the representing.

Anyway, I do see less and less of the neo-hippy aspect, and that's good, 'cause saying ppl are accepted and then having DJs and patrons go off about being in a trance - that no one else gets it - is getting old, and insulting.

I'm not trying to bash Psy ppl, but you have to admit that the aesthetic revolves around a fairly specific theme, and that automatically narrows the field. I've been going to Psy events for years too, I've made my own observations, and even then gotten into a few online arguments about the scene's 'image' ...

By the way, I see ppl of all ages at any given event, so there's nothing special there ;)
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 23, 2011 @ 7:33pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By FLO
Now THAT'S what I call talent :)

I'll be writing the lyrics for the next 50cent album :p
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 23, 2011 @ 7:30pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
That may be true, but it doesn't take away from the fact that alot of ppl go out to a Psy party just 'cause it's a party.

It's not a sign of the scene, it's a sign of the times ... you might be able to avoid it a bit by implementing a narrow metality based on specific values, but then that kills the open-mindedness.

Closing ranks and keeping that sense of 'belonging' to a scene by way of clothing style, eating habits, specific drug consumption, and pseudo-religion may or may not be a good thing ... like I said, it's for you to decide.

Example: I've been Punk for a long time, but I don't feel the need to wear the 'uniform', and sometimes fellow punks who don't know me might judge that I'm not punk enough for them, and that kinda sucks.

Why should I feel bad about sharing core principles and listening to punk-rock and sporting a 'hawk, without being decked out in a thousand patches and a leather jacket?

Why should I feel poorly judged by neo-hippies when I go to play out at a Psy event 'cause I don't wear sandals and do LSD during the night?
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 23, 2011 @ 7:13pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Except for psytrance... ;)

haha xD ... if only that was as true as you'd like to believe ;)
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 23, 2011 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 167265

''In my diapers I got my money stash,
'cause you know I'm thug, I shit cash.
Extra protection in the streets,
when I piss myself it don't reach my feet''
-MC Pampers
» Nathan replied on Fri Sep 23, 2011 @ 6:25pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By KIRE
everyone's got their opinion

i still love psytrance

Thing is, you don't have to buy into the whole eastern-religion-western-philosphy-pseudo-environmentalsit-buddha-and-space-butterflies mentality to enjoy Psy music.

My favorite ppl in the Psy scene are the ones who aren't part of the aforementioned neo-hippie sub-culture.

To those who think that we're all haters for being aetheist techno-heads, realize that going to an event for the tunes and having LSD driven cultural-mish-mash shoved down your throat with the flyers, party descriptions, deco, and that guru-wannabe talking it up, is just irritating.

It's fine that Psy represents some sort of Zen peace tranciness, doesn't mean you always have to go the extra mile to force a 'greater mentality' onto everyone. (Gotta say though, it has been toned down recently, and that's highly appreciated).

PLUR is bullshit, but it does give us a broad idea of what raving is all about: peacefully having a good time, respecting eachother's musical choices, and being united under the large banner of the rave scene.

I miss the time when you would say Hello to anyone on the street wearing fat pants, just 'cause you knew they were fellow ravers. Now, it seems, that Raves are just n'importe quoi, a place to go, something to do, a night of music and that's all. Sad, but fuck, that's what all the scenes have become ... welcome to the future, where musical tastes are ephemeral and the sense of belonging is near gone. Good or bad? You decide.
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