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» Nathan replied on Fri Nov 17, 2006 @ 10:09pm. Posted in Les Bûcherons: samedi 18 novembre.
Coolness: 167285
T minus 24 hours...
» Nathan replied on Fri Nov 17, 2006 @ 10:08pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
wait a minute...

I'm not sure I like where this is going...though the tentacles sound less painful than having to listen to shooting star repeatedly...

Anyway, part of the "no more parties" exercise is about being able to concentrate on helping with Hitched, as to make it as good as it can possibly get...plus I have my music to think about...
...but if you insist on the torture, good luck! I'm open to new experiences...hehe...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 8:43pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
ha! oui, "chic"...mais, Betty veut juste aussi que le monde s'habille avec d'la classe...(j'doute que des talons hauts vont etre necessaire, sauf pour celles que ca leur tente...)...anyway, it's part of the fun...and it's to celebrate her marriage (for those who haven't caught on)...

There will be a thread on the subject of "Hitched" when the time comes...

Thanks again to everyone who helped at, and enjoyed being at, Zygote...

party on...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 6:48pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:53pm. Posted in Favorite Cartoon THEN and NOW.
Coolness: 167285
yeah, I still have the lunchbox!
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:48pm. Posted in The 1000 posts thread.
Coolness: 167285
yeah, I was raised on the waste island...the tranqility was appreciated, but my parents moved when it got noisy, and all these white kids started to pretend they were living the thug life... now pointe-claire just blows as bad as the rest of the island...

anyway, we're just over half-way now...who'd o'thunk it...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:39pm. Posted in Favorite Cartoon THEN and NOW.
Coolness: 167285
excellent subject...oh the memories...(Pheonix: Darkwing Duck!)

Then: Transformers, GI-Joe, the Simpsons...
Now: The Simpsons, SouthPark, Invader Zim, SpongeBobSquarePants...

And, does anyone remember Voltron?
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:34pm. Posted in What would you do to the person ^^^ ?.
Coolness: 167285
slap him for not coming to my party...

...and then apologise and chat with him at the next event we cross paths.
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:32pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:32pm. Posted in NTK at Fractal.
Coolness: 167285
you guys better let me know!
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 5:31pm. Posted in Hard as Fuck : HARDER (December 16th).
Coolness: 167285
more like trying to seperate proffesional from personnal...
anyway, *removes self from discussion* , I'm outta here...

Good luck with the party, guys...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 4:46pm. Posted in Raves'r'us, february 2nd, happy hardcore party!.
Coolness: 167285
Yes! I'll do it (special Shtar set)...hehe...

HHC is not really my favorite (obviously), but for LeD's birthday, I just might be there...(I'll try to concentrate on the kicks and ignore the melodies)

Stay happy kids...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 4:34pm. Posted in Hard as Fuck : HARDER (December 16th).
Coolness: 167285
ok ok...I get it...I'll keep that shit to myself... (and, btw, I speak as Na, not as DeadNa, which means I don't consider my events or my promoterness when I post).
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 3:24pm. Posted in Hard as Fuck : HARDER (December 16th).
Coolness: 167285
You guys are still trying to take over our scene, eh? Whatever...

..and Dr.Ny, there are less and less people at every HAF, so I doubt space'll be a problem (especially since they choose their dates to trip up MTL promoters)...

btw, grindcore is not a type of HC techno...

Let me know if I'm being too negative...(I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation, lol)

Update » Nathan wrote on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 3:25pm
damn, I had a really hard time pressing the Post Reply button on that one...
Update » Nathan wrote on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 3:36pm
sorry DOC S, Betty Haze riminded me that I should be nicer...

I shouldn't drink coffee and post...

over and out.
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Les Bûcherons: samedi 18 novembre.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 2:58pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285

Just gonna put our sets under : EveryCore ...
"What kind of hardcore do you play"..."uhh, all of it", I usually respond: "the hard kind", but change is good...


Alot of people are wondering when the next DeadNa event will be, but I'm still considering retiring as a producer of parties, but there might be a show or two next year...and for now, the next co-production will be Hitched, next June, which is going to be a monsterous event...so stay tuned... ... ...
» Nathan replied on Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
right, alot o' bits of all the hard stuff...

Anyway, I hope this event has made my point...y'all got it? Good.
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 6:25pm. Posted in The 1000 posts thread.
Coolness: 167285
this thread should be : 1000 tokes, and you post whenver you take a drag off a joint...we'd get there faster...of course we'd forget to post...
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 6:23pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
Led Zeppelin
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 1:46pm. Posted in Why do you love me?.
Coolness: 167285
'cause you give away much too personnal information...
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 1:43pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 1:40pm. Posted in breaking 5.
Coolness: 167285
yeah..me too...I was a little too dead after Zygote (Bassic, you didn't show up on Friday!?!)... but I'm glad to hear it went well for you guys too ... ...
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 1:31pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 1:30pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
Yeah I thought I'd see you there, and a bunch of other people who didn't make it...

Those who should have been there and weren't, you missed smomething really special... .. .something that Montreal rarely experiences. .. ...
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
The venue was not our first choice...we had a few other bigger places lined-up, but (insert bullshit piss-off situtation here)...

Anyway, at least we didn't have to refuse anyone at the door 'cause there was no space...but it was tight, we'll call it intimate...

Rob Black, I hope your trip down from Ottawa was well worth it...

...(thanks for the great feedback everyone)...
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 5:07pm. Posted in Les Bûcherons: samedi 18 novembre.
Coolness: 167285
mmmm...bucheronnes...women with axes... ...

Now that Zygote is done, I got nothing else to do but think about the craziest set ever, just for this party... .. .
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 4:56pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
Right on!
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
Dr.Nyarlathotep, the chill room was actually exactly the same size as the main room, it's the high ceiling that gave the illusion of largeness...
...and I know the sound was a little much, but that was Mr.Snares' doing, and I wasn't about to turn his volume down (it would have made a hypocrite of me)...
But, yeah, besides that, near perfection ('cause we plugged all the holes as they appeared, as I'm sure most people saw me speeding by all night)...and I thouroughly enjoyed my night. Thanks friends! See you all at Les Bucherons, S.T.U.V., and Hitched...

Can I get an Amen?
» Nathan replied on Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 2:26am. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
hey...thanks to everyone uploading photos!
» Nathan replied on Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 167285
Wow...what a great night...so fuckin' hard...

Thanks to everyone for coming out...and a big thank you to all those who helped, and to all the DJs and acts, who all kicked massive amounts of ass, every single minute of he music was awesome...And, of course, a huge THANK YOU to Bilbo and Richard, without who this event would never have happened...and one last thanks to Pat and Toula ;) , for being so chill about their venue...

This party was nuts...hope everyone had a good time...and by the looks on people's faces in the room, I'd say we reached the core... .. .

I'm pleased to note that, once again, not one cop stepped foot inside a DeadNa event.

Cheers everybody!
» Nathan replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Zygote/Nov.10th/Venetian Snares, Fanny, Tense etc...!.
Coolness: 167285
YEAH! Can't wait to hear you...and of course the others. All the DJs are preparing special sets for this special night of hardness; I got my bag packed...
Now I'm headed off to prep the night, so this is the last you'll hear from me until you see me tonight...I hope everyone is co-ordinated and getting ready...throwing on their Sunday best... ...get there safe, and I'll see you all later!

» Nathan replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 5:24pm. Posted in venetian snares 10-11-2006.
Coolness: 167285
yeah...check the Zygote thread...

El Leader Maximo: The first part of night is set up as more of a show, as is the price of entry, and Fanny and Venetian Snares are playing early (midnight and 1am), so those who dont want to be up all night are more than welcome to swing by as if it was just a show...the rest will stay for the hardcore...

show starts at 21:00...

Update » Nathan wrote on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 5:24pm
...and there's a bar...
» Nathan replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 2:46pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 1:09pm. Posted in Zygote/Nov.10th/Venetian Snares, Fanny, Tense etc...!.
Coolness: 167285
OK...thanks for coming out tonight people...
The event will be held at 550 Beaumont (SIM), metro Acadie (blue line), or take the bus, 80 ave.du Parc, up from metro Place-des-arts...(location is just south/west of Jean-Talon/Parc)...
Show begins at 21:00, with pleonasme, live! Followed by: l:li, Julie D, and Fishead.
Headliners begin early:
Midnight - Fanny, 1:00 - Venetian Snares, 2:00 - Tense, 3:00 - Pneumatic Detach (live + special guest)...
Then your Montreal acts: PerfectionPlastic vs. LCEDP (live), followed by DJs: Na, Mutante, and OneLabRat... .. .

WARNING: Do not bring any drugs onto the premises (no drugs in the venue!)...
No attitude, either!..
There will be a legal bar until 3am (which also means do not bring alcohol)...
Space is limited, so come early...doors at 20:45... ...

Sorry for the slight strictness...it's all about safety!

» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 11:51pm. Posted in 3 Tagteam Sets and an eclectic RinseOut this Thursday.
Coolness: 167285
yeah...looks like we'll be swinging by to play a few pre-Zygote moments of breakcore madness...see ya'll there...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 4:37pm. Posted in What would you do to the person ^^^ ?.
Coolness: 167285
send him to outah space, to find anothah race...
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 4:30pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
sisterhood ...
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages