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» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 7:13pm. Posted in Operation Impending doom III.
Coolness: 167285

thanks again, mate...you`re so useful...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:34pm. Posted in Operation Impending doom III.
Coolness: 167285
...actually, I`m not even sure what`s in tequitos, do you think they are vegetarian, oh tall one?
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:30pm. Posted in Invader Zim.
Coolness: 167285

Thanks, mate!
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:28pm. Posted in Operation Impending doom III.
Coolness: 167285
are we gettin` paid in intergalctic funds? ;) ...lol

Who cares about $$$ at a party like this, anyway...it`s all about the impending doom...and tacitos...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:25pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
yup ;) ...

...besides, I always get into trouble when I say too much ;)

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:38pm
btw, I`ve left another batch of tix at psychonaut, so there`s plenty for everryone!

I also went to the venue today, and it`s a fuckin` nice place...I`m just that much more exited now...hehehe...
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:23pm. Posted in Operation Impending doom III.
Coolness: 167285
jedi suirrels are awesome...but I guess Yoda has a alot of time on hands if he`s training sqirrels ;)

Can`t wait to play at a Zim bash, it`s about time someone goes through with this idea!

Now, the question remains, will there be tacitos?
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 5:16pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
maybe... ;-)
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 11:00am. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 10:43am. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
tabarnak...Zeewolf t`es aussi dans l`champ que vurt...

Moi j`ai vu des DJ qui on été assez solidaire pour surmonter les quelques problemes avec le son et l`equipement (prend pas ca perso Vincent!) pour donner le meilleur show qu`ils pouvait sous les circontences...
J`ai vu des ravers s`amuser...et j`ai vu du monde (plutot entendu tandis que vous etes chialeux) qui ne s`amusait pas...j`ai vu de PLUR et j`ai vu de la [ merde...COM ] DANS CHAQUE PUTAIN DE PARTY...crisse, reviens en si t`a pas aimer ca...

Et, justmement, il y a pire dans la vie, zeewolf, alors arrete de traiter les DJs de "apprentis", les ravers de "degueux", et reste chez toi pour reflechir sur les malheurs des humains...

Et, oui, je realize que vous ne parler pas de moi (j`ai jouer 15 min, alors c difficile de me juger), mais j`essaye juste de ramolir des propos mechant dit envers des artistes

Update » Nathan wrote on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 10:56am
qui ne sont pas la pour se justifier...mais je ne defend rien...
Update » Nathan wrote on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 10:58am
...All I said was "play fair", and a few people blew it way out of proportion.

You don`t like ravers?: Don`t go to raves. You`re too close minded?: don`t go to parties. Simple.

Vincent: felicitations sur la pub sans flyers, c un pas dans la bonne direction...save the trees!
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:57pm. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 167285
is that what the kids are calling it these days?
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:46pm. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 167285
are you expecting me to say 6.66$ ?

Update » Nathan wrote on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:49pm
(just noticed that this was the 2666th post in this thread, how bizarre is that?)
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Type with your forehead!.
Coolness: 167285

...wow, I should have taken my glasses off...
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 167285
Industrial Strength makes razors now?
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:13pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
right on!
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:08pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:07pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 167285

strings or brass (instruments)?
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:02pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Mon May 14, 2007 @ 5:01pm. Posted in Invader Zim.
Coolness: 167285
Na, confirming for Operation Impending Doom, oh Tall Ones... ;)

...and Screwhead, where did you find the theme for Zim? I want in on the remix bandwagon...
» Nathan replied on Sat May 12, 2007 @ 4:54pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
Vurt an Psychotik, you are both very very wrong about me...you`re exagerating it all...apparently I`m not allowed to have an opinon, just you guys...and you`re both being complete assholes for no reason......

I believe you`ve completely missed the point. Too bad...but keep up your illusions and ready-made assumptions...

» Nathan replied on Sat May 12, 2007 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
...but...Some of you really don`t get it...I don`t care weather or not you liked the sets or the music, I do, however, care if your critsism is destructive...and my main point being that there have been hundreds of shitty trainwrecking DJs, and no one ever says anything, not ever a fuckin` word, usually because either we don`t have the balls, ,or we just have too much respect...either way, why now, put these guys down when there were plenty of other problems...it has absolutely nothing to do with elitism (which is just an easy buzz word - here are some more: totalitarian-fascist-hippywannabe-killjoy)...and nothing to do "sa vierge offenser"...so quit being so self-righteous...

christ all I wanted was respectful critisism and some know-it-all decided to start a flame war.

lame. whatever...all I ask is that next time some of your favorite DJs fuck up on the decks, you better post it all over the net, just to keep it fair...
...and you know what the biggest problem was with this party? the fact that it was BUSTED by the POLICE!

...jesus wept...

Update » Nathan wrote on Sat May 12, 2007 @ 3:56pm
ps. lick my balls
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 7:10pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
Quelle menaces? Et, Elitiste, moi, HA! Tout les ravers rient dans ta face pour m`avoir accuser de ca...

Christ, please someone stop me... `cause this girl has absolutely no idea what she`s saying, and it`s pissing me off for nothing.

Y a t`il quelqu`un qui pourrait la dire pour moi qu`elle est tellement dans l`champ? stp...

These kinds stupid assumptions is where I draw the line.

Inform yourself, Vurt, because you are making yourself sound very very ignorant.


Update » Nathan wrote on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 7:10pm
that`s enough of this crap.
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 6:03pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
hmmm...that`s a tricky one...we`ve got it down to who will play in which room, but it`s gonna take some serious brainstorming to come with the actual timeslots...sorry Vince...you`ll know soon enough!
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 5:57pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
yeah, you`re my hero.
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 5:46pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
read my above Update...and don`t say a fucking word about how I prefer writing in english...meditate on how your prejudices might get you into trouble on an open forum...

Update » Nathan wrote on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 5:47pm
that`s it from me...so don`t push...I hate bullshit back n`forth defenses...the rest of you know exactly where I stand anyway...

Na out.
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 5:27pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
wow...merci pour ton sur-justification...

you sound like you have may have too many issues, sorry, I didn`t mean to destroy you poor little psyche...I was just defending artists whose sets may have been off a little by no fault of theirs...

And maybe you should read your own comments before pretending that I didn`t understand what you wrote...You see we try to prone CONSTRUCTIVE critisism...

Update » Nathan wrote on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 5:42pm
Y a une grande difference entre dire: J`ai pas trop aimer ca

et: (direct quote from Vurt) la salle hardcore etait completemente a chier, jamais entendu d'aussi mauvais dj, jamais en 8 ans. j'ai vu un espece de spectacle de mauvais gout sur la scene, incroyablement cheap, bref.. cette salle-la, cette partie du party, meritait juste de se faire buster !!!

Il y a une ostie de difference...I`ve written some shit on this site, but nothing that comes close to such unfounded bullshit insults. btw, whenever DJs really do suck , no one says anything. Otherwise I`m all for critising artists who don`t perform...but this was not the case.
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 3:07pm. Posted in NTK Circus Party - Samedi 12 May!.
Coolness: 167285
cancelled...boooo...well, as long as it`s in the name of doing something better down the road (as they`ve stated on the calendar)...thnx anyway NTK...

btw, thanks alot to Louie and MadK for the help at dark matters...despite that it was in vein, it was still highly appreciated...
» Nathan replied on Fri May 11, 2007 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
serieux...tes comments sont cheap...premierement, c`était pas des DJs, c`était des `live set`, (sauf moi qui a jouer pour 15 min. a cause des cops, et ceux qui on jouer au debut), deuxiemement, y`avait des silences a cause des transition entre les bands et un manque de communication entre eux pis les soundtechs, et des silences entre leurs tunes eux meme tandis que c`tait des bands, et ca ce n`est pas de la faute des artistes...troisiement, comment peut tu faire des jugements quand t`était embarre dans l`autre salle? Franchement, si l`ambiance etait tendu et pas super, c`était a cause de plein d`autre facteurs. De plus, tu doit vraiment aimer la musique si ton DJ preferer de la soiree etait celui qui faisait a semblent de jouer en plein silence. Bravo. T`aime pas l`hardcore, fine, mais pa besoin d`abaisser des artistes qui on jouer sous des conditions moins que parfait... ...finalement, en 8 ans, un nombre dànnees que tìnsiste a specifier, moi meme j`ai entendu vraiment pire que ca. De tout facon, si tu continue a feter au Chill apres, ca demontre un ostie d`manque de gout. Informe toi avant de chier sur du monde qui on travailler fort pour une soiree qui a foiree. Et dit jamais, mais jamais, qu`un party merite de se faire buster, c`est un trahison extreme envers notre scene. C`est tres insultant.

Anyway, it`s too bad, becasue this could could`ve been a good party...despite a few wearisome fuck ups.

-nuff said­.
» Nathan replied on Wed May 9, 2007 @ 3:10pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
actually it`s only 15$ ,so...
» Nathan replied on Wed May 9, 2007 @ 12:57pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
What are we going to do with them? Well, we`re just going to sit back and enjoy watching them freak out. It`ll be good for them, a good healthy dose of no-request-techno-mind-expansion. Plus, they just might be up for the experience. I hope...
» Nathan replied on Wed May 9, 2007 @ 12:36pm. Posted in Dark matters part II.
Coolness: 167285
All I know is that those fuckers, once again, busted the party during my set.I don`t mean to sound like a bitch, but we went through so much trouble to get functional decks and needles (a big thanks to Louie and MadK of the NTK) just so I could play for 15 minutes. I also missed my radio show, at which I could have played for 5 hours. I am thouroughly pissed off. Well, I was, now a few days later, I`ve calmed down. But FUCK! Did the police not like my sample from Warriors where the dude states that there are 60 000 Hardcore members and only 15 000 police? Can you dig it? Obviously not. I tried to frustrate the cops, refusing to turn my volume off, but I got some asshole sound tek or something telling me what to do. WTF? I felt little to no respect that night, except from my fellow DJs. Total bullshit. And for once, I don`t care who I offend. This was BS. And stop locking people up in other rooms. Party will be busted anyway.

Anyway, enough bitching...this could have been a great event, so hats off for trying...

To the cops: stay out of our business, we enjoy music in a way you will never be able to comprehend, but that doesn`t make us wrong. It does make you wrong for bearing down on us with so much prejudice.
Something`s gotta give...

(btw, I`m talking about the first night, didn`t bother with the second)
» Nathan replied on Wed May 9, 2007 @ 12:17pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
alright, I`m back in town, and I got my net back! Anyone who wishes to contact me about this event, or others, my new e-mail is: deadna@gmail.com

The weather is beautiful, times are good, and this party is on it`s way... ...3 rooms of techno madness in just over a month!
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Dave the Drummer/BLIM.
Coolness: 167285
D.A.V.E. the Drummer was bloody great...LeD you made a very good choice...place was full, vibe was awesome, peops were friendly, and all was well... ... ...thanks to LeD for having me play; I had fun... .. .
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 3:00pm. Posted in Dark Matters 2.
Coolness: 167285
» Nathan replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 2:58pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
Incase the final line-up on the flyer didn't look complete enough, note that Jensen will be coming down from Germany to tag Live with Lowtek...(poor fellow got left off the flyer...tsk tsk Betty;) ) ... .. .

Anyway, what's strange is that this party seemed so far away before, that I just realized that it's now only in a month and a half...damn!

And on a slightly related note, the new "Na" album is ready, so if anyone is interested in getting one of the first-run ghetto copies, just mssg me, and I'll burn you up a copy...otherwise, wait a bit until it's more official release... .. .

» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 1:55pm. Posted in BLIM (UK) & DAVE the drummer (UK) ++ @ Saphir 19 Avril.
Coolness: 167285
...what a nice day for some techno... .. .
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 1:25pm. Posted in Rewire Review!.
Coolness: 167285
yeah, it's unfortunate that shitloads of great comments were lost last week...

Eitherway, great party, good times, and very well organized...

It was bloody fun, actually, a little too soft for me downstairs, but we made up for that upstairs in the morning ;) ...

Aria's a nice place, my first time, which meant i was lost half the time...lol...

Anyway, thnx alot Vinny/Clown, you kick ass mate!..
One of the biggest/bestest parties of the year...so see y'all at the next one... .. .
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 1:16pm. Posted in HITCHED! 16 june 2007 MONTREAL / Lenny Dee(USA)/The Horrorist(Germany).
Coolness: 167285
hmmm...ok...Foufs blows, and the layout is all wrong for 3 rooms, that's why it's NOT @ Foufs ...

Anyway, one of my comments were lost during the "great [ rave.ca ] crash of 2007", so I just want to reiterate and reassure everyone that, despite a few hours cut from the schedule, we've consequentially added a room, and the line-up stays intact. No worries. Anyway, finishing a party at 3am is still later some of today's raves (no offense to my poor friends who've been busted recently :( )...

thnx to everyone for their support thus far...keep on keepin' on...
» Nathan replied on Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Dave the Drummer @ Thank God it's Thursday.
Coolness: 167285
seriously, tonight is the night for great pure tekno...leaning to the hard side...

dave the drummer is wicked...

thank your god it's thursday...
» Nathan replied on Mon Apr 16, 2007 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Stephane-Fractal ...Ca Commence A Faire Chier Royalement.........
Coolness: 167285
OK! on se calme...j'ai parler a Steph., et j'ai tout regler...Betty tu va avoir ton $ cette semaine (j'espere)... .. .alors, jus'qu'ici tout va bien, jus'qu'ici tout va bien... .. .

merci de votre comprehension...et sa suffit.

A+! :)
Nathan's Profile - Community Messages