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» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Bored?.
Coolness: 149530
no! the funniest SBEmail is the japanese cartoon!!
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 6:10pm. Posted in Hey baby wanna kill all humans?.
Coolness: 149530

-oh bender, youre the greatest!
-Shut up baby! I know it!
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 6:02pm. Posted in Do you feel.
Coolness: 149530
ive got a sexier voice than him...
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 4:25pm. Posted in Do you feel.
Coolness: 149530
and i feel hate the way i
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Raelians are annoying!.
Coolness: 149530
oooooooooooooooh!!! BURN!!
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Bored?.
Coolness: 149530
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 2:53pm. Posted in Favorite Quote.
Coolness: 149530
"Meh, what are you gonna do? Life's like that!"
-Michael Dino Cotugno

these words changed my life forever
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Smoking.
Coolness: 149530
i have a happy quitting story...
when i was 3 i picked up my dads cigarette.. i took one haul, puked and never smoked since
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 1:37pm. Posted in what are you today.
Coolness: 149530
a growthslutty titan who loves to fistfuck sandwiches!!

» mdc replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 1:36pm. Posted in what are you today.
Coolness: 149530
macrophilic horn-ball who loves to watch Geemo!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 7:10pm. Posted in What do you want today?.
Coolness: 149530
sex... badly
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 5:03pm. Posted in things that are just wrong.
Coolness: 149530
if youre refering to me.. thats laughable
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 5:02pm. Posted in things that are just wrong.
Coolness: 149530
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 4:57pm. Posted in The Everyone Look At Me Thread.
Coolness: 149530
how is he a lucky fag? is he getting lots of good lovin'?
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 4:56pm. Posted in Everyone Shutup and Read.
Coolness: 149530
i thought about the riddle you posted for like 3 days... it was killing me.. then it just clicked....

so whats the other riddle?
i need to know!!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 4:06pm. Posted in The Everyone Look At Me Thread.
Coolness: 149530
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Everyone Shutup and Read.
Coolness: 149530
bono and larry go across... 2 minutes
bono comes back... 1 minute
rupert and sonny go across... 10 minutes
larry comes back... 2 minutes
bono and larry cross... 2 minutes

addition gives 2+1+10+2+2=17MINUTES!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:22pm. Posted in The Everyone Look At Me Thread.
Coolness: 149530
you said lawn??
i hadnt even noticed!
bahahahah!!!! LAWN!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:20pm. Posted in things that are just wrong.
Coolness: 149530
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:19pm. Posted in what makes you gag?.
Coolness: 149530
deepthroating big fat cock
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:18pm. Posted in The Everyone Look At Me Thread.
Coolness: 149530
you said CHAIR!!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:17pm. Posted in Re: Underage Lesbians In Every Pictures.
Coolness: 149530
i dont want to see the pictures... lesbians are filthy
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:16pm. Posted in The New Religion.....
Coolness: 149530
youre all going to hell!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 3:15pm. Posted in Hi i'm pat.
Coolness: 149530
stoooopid pat...
he eats dick...
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 11:53am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149530
where does one take pictures like those?
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 11:32am. Posted in The AAI Thread.
Coolness: 149530

fred... listen... i dont care what the fuck youre talking about, i dont want to know.. just get off your fucking high horse...
wtf is your problem?
fuck... youre telling ian to "open his mind" and learn.. fuck! why dont you learn to be a bit more understanding, maybe even tolerant?
listen.. not ALL of life's problems can be solved by mere logic and research.. while these things may prove youre right, theyll also prove youre a big fucking asshole with no life who spends his time looking for old chat logs with someone just to make him look stupid...

get the fuck over yourself
youre not almighty, youre DEFINITELY not all-knowing
you seemed to be a cool guy, but youre looking like more and more of a big fucking loser prick as of late...

youre not the authority on anything, just like ian int the authority on anything ither... fuck so you disagree, why does it have to become a mudslinging fest?
christ... both of you... calm... its a fucking discussion board where e'tards post... its not the goddamn UN
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 1:02am. Posted in The Joke Thread.
Coolness: 149530
ahaha... STOOPID WOMEN!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 12:50am. Posted in The AAI Thread.
Coolness: 149530
Ian says:
Michael Dino says:
Ian says:
read my last post on the Ai thingy
Ian says:
i wrote a lot. heh
Michael Dino says:
Michael Dino says:
Michael Dino says:
sorry.. i had to poop
Ian says:
Ian says:
Michael Dino says:
Ian says:
Michael Dino says:
i agree.. but you didnt explain it well... i understand cuz i spoke with you about it...
but theyll just see it as an unbased attack cuz theyre stuck on their ideals
Ian says:
how didn't i explain it right?
Michael Dino says:
i dunno... you seemed to have been annoyed when you wrote it
Ian says:
Ian says:
anytime i write a lot it's cause i'm cheesed.
Ian says:
i write fast, so i end up writing a lot
Michael Dino says:
yeah... well it showed
Ian says:
thing i don't get it why voidnull thinks AI is possible.. he actually knows a fiar bit about computers..
Michael Dino says:
i know...
but dude.. just like you think that one day well be able to go faster than the speed of light.. he thinks that one day computers will be smart... who knows what the future holds
Ian says:
but there's a difference..
Ian says:
what i'm talking about is with current computer technology, like, all computers are based on the same idea, and current computer technologies don't allow it.. and i'm basing my faster the light idea on the fact that the whole ideal will someday change.. a long time from now given, but still it will eventually change
Ian says:
sure, in a 100 years we might have AI..
Ian says:
but no time soon
Ian says:
real question is, why would we really want AI?
Ian says:
would you really want a massively superior (compaired with humans) system coexisting with humans? don't you think it might find us irrelivant and want to get rid of us?
Michael Dino says:
Ian says:
like, AI is a nice idea, but completly useless.. if it had it's own will why would it work for us?
Michael Dino says:
Ian says:
it'd say fuck you, i'm gonna go do my own thing
Michael Dino says:
matrix.. hello!
Ian says:
Ian says:
copy this chat into that thread. heh
Michael Dino says:
thats exactly what it would do.... we'd be entirely useless to them...
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 1:26pm. Posted in fastest way to Toronto....
Coolness: 149530
viarail offers daily trips from MTL to TO for 199$ one way for a student and an adult.. tx included
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 1:21pm. Posted in fastest way to Toronto....
Coolness: 149530
greyhound offers bus trips to toronto everyday for as little as 85$ one-way...
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 1:14pm. Posted in Everything is going to shit.
Coolness: 149530
the natural cycle of man...
man creates pong, grows tired of pong, so man creates commodore vic-20, grows tired of it, so he creates commodore 64 a better cVic-20, grows tired of that, so he creates the Atari.. and so on and so forth...
the same goes with music.. you liked it at first and now you grow tired of it....
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 149530
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Artificial Intelligence PROGRAMMING.
Coolness: 149530
oh! and also...

you said youre talking about Artificial Inteligence, not Artificial Humanity... but intelligence, in itself, does not exists... what is "intellgence"... you must be reffering to human intelligence, and as human intelligence is intrinsically related to human emotion, i believe AI and AH to be one and the same... 'intelligence' cannot exist without humanity...
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:50am. Posted in Fifi Towels.
Coolness: 149530
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:49am. Posted in Artificial Intelligence PROGRAMMING.
Coolness: 149530
there we go!
thats it!
thats what i was trying to get at but didnt know it... thats what ian is trying to say... i think
hes arguing against artificial humanity... not AI

(hes just not going about it very well since he feels attacked)
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:09am. Posted in Comments On Nymphland.
Coolness: 149530
MY breath smells like cat food
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 10:07am. Posted in Artificial Intelligence PROGRAMMING.
Coolness: 149530
while im not taking any sides because i dont want to somehow end up as the example for supposedly blindly thinking things that i have ample proof of... cough cough

fred, your whole dealy with the 2+2=4 and the arrow made no sense... yes, a computer can follow rules... but what i think ian is trying to show is that the human brain encompasses more things than logic alone.
much of human thought is rash and illogical... can a computer be creative? but truly creative, not a calculated creativity based on millions of creative processes before it... can a computer feel pain or pleasure without having a mega-memory bank of previous feelings of pain and pleasure... can it learn how to feel them without learning (understandably nonsensical statement)... we are born without any knowledge of anything yet we know that the breast will provide us food... instinct, can a computer have instincts? can it think without thinking?
sure, a robot can learn to walk, but it is being told to do so... its programming gives it a begin (not being able to walk) and a goal (baing able to walk) can a robot without any knowledge of the fact that it cant walk suddenly decide that it wants to learn how? what i believe ian is trying to say is that the programming of that robot has told it what it is going to be doing... the way it goes about it is an entirely different story, but keep in mind that it already has a goal in mind... creativity is lacking, spontaneous and illogical thought... it cant learn to talk also since it has been programmed to learn to walk... sure robots will one day mimic humans to such an extent that they will seem better than human... but i doubt they will ever truly have a human thought capacity...

will an AI robot one day be walking down the street, see a banana and thing of the president of the US ecause his thought process made him think Banana -> Dole -> former US presidential candidate -> US president? i dont think it will... computer ARE nothing ore than huge ultra powerful calculators, and i dont think that the human brain functions are calculable
» mdc replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 10:48am. Posted in Which one doen't belong?.
Coolness: 149530
actually... Playboy, who has done the most comprehensive and extensive research on the human penis, showed that the average penis size is 5 3/4 inches and that ther is no particular race that has a larger average... except for native americans who had a slightly higher average, 5 7/8 inches...
» mdc replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Which one doen't belong?.
Coolness: 149530
oh yeah because genetics show that black people have larger dicks than white people.. yeah... it does... really... im serious... it really really really does... black people and white people have different DNAs... black people have the MONSTERDICK gene... yeah... for real.. i swear its true...
» mdc replied on Sun Aug 24, 2003 @ 10:51am. Posted in Which one doen't belong?.
Coolness: 149530
im gonna go with me... because im OBVIOUSLY the only guy with a penis thats more than 5 1/2 inches long
mdc's Profile - Community Messages