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» mdc replied on Wed Nov 26, 2003 @ 12:14am. Posted in Can she be real?.
Coolness: 149525
i would stick it to her
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 2:03pm. Posted in music dedications.
Coolness: 149525
to Sarah: Survivor by Destiny's Child
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 2:02pm. Posted in what's your theme song?.
Coolness: 149525
Fatboy - by that stupid 90s dance group....
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 2:01pm. Posted in break-ups.
Coolness: 149525
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

or carry a golf club around incase i accidently run into him and have the urge to hit him in the nuts

as much as you think this would make you feel better, after hitting said person in the sub-cockal area, youd feel even worse... youd just think to yourself that you hurt the person you love and youll feel worse...
i think that as much as you woudnt want to see the person, you should face him... show him youre fine
and DONT DONT DONT DONT think this is your fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its not!!!
fuck! dont DARE think that if you had acted differently, things would be better.. they wouldnt be
Know that what happened happened and could not have happened any other way
and the blame game, dont play it
Its NOT your fault that this jackass broke your heart... i know thats what youre thinking... but youre wrong
if it seems im lingering on this point, its because its the most relevant and difficult to get into your head... its not your fault he broke up with you

(and yes, what i went through seems to be exactly like what youre going through... but look at me now, Im happy! Im GROOD! you will be too... just wait, youll see)
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 10:40am. Posted in Family Guy Might Make a Comeback!.
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 10:36am. Posted in Famous Last words....
Coolness: 149525
Either the wallpaper goes, or I do.
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 10:33am. Posted in Who's your fave ravewaver today?.
Coolness: 149525
its ian...
hes always my favourite ravewaver...
unless one of you would sleep with me...
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 10:23am. Posted in break-ups.
Coolness: 149525
Take it from a guy who got dumped a week after his 1 year anniversary by a girl, who just a week prior said she would run away with me (for reason i wont elaborate on)

The best thing to realize is that Time really does heal all wounds... Sure, it feels like the end of the world now, but when you think back on it in the future, you'll be able to think fondly of the good times and realize a valuable lesson: that no one person is worth so much pain.
Believe me, I completely ditched ALL my friends when I started going out with my ex (her brother included, who was my bestest best friend at the time), and when we broke up I felt HORRIBLE turning to them just because I was in pain yet for the past year I had barely even spoken to them...
Let me tell you, I learned a lot about my friends, and learned which ones were really my friends...

Just don't do anything drastic, and try to forget about the pain for a second before making any important decisions...
Emotions can be blinding

Good luck.
I wish you all the best, and I know you'll be fine...
Like Ian said.. with a beautiful carebear face like that you can find someone a MILLION times better

(also, yes, you do still love him, you may always still love him, but you know that saying "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" you may not believe it now.. but it is true... I doubt youll ever stop loving someone, love is timeless... but youll realize it just wasnt for you... dont worry and dont despair)
» mdc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 11:42am. Posted in Bowiequiz.
Coolness: 149525
I know at least Amanda will enjoy this

[ kaffee.150m.com ]
» mdc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 9:47am. Posted in Robot Santa Says...
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 9:45am. Posted in sleeping patterns.
Coolness: 149525
i sleep sometimes
than i wakes up alls grumpys and shit
» mdc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 9:44am. Posted in Did you grow up in the 80s or 90s?.
Coolness: 149525
You cant bunch the 80s and 90s together like that!!!
thats blasphemy!!

but that was mad funny..
the best one was the one about Joey from Blossom
» mdc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 9:40am. Posted in the elimidate anonymous thread..
Coolness: 149525
television makes me angry
i stopped watching tv in march
but elimidate was pretty funny ihave to admit
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 9:42am. Posted in Bus strike.
Coolness: 149525
i called the STM and told them to give me a refund on my pass
the guy told me i had called Videotron and hung up...
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 9:11am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149525
so as you can see...
i have plenty of good reason
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 9:09am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149525
no i have never lived there

and as for the reasons for hating it... well, i guess i cant really say, other than all the people who live there are horribly retarded
oh yeah and the busses never pass on time or on a regular basis
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 9:03am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149525
Originally posted by CLOUD9INE...

ya um

thats getting a little old.

no you are...
and i just hate the west island... what can i say
its a horrible horrible place where no one should ever live or visit
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 9:01am. Posted in cures for depression.
Coolness: 149525
Originally posted by SPOOKY...

Yes, dperession has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that shit happens.

Hey, next time you get dumped after a 3 year relationship, just eat right and take vitamins and you'll be just fine.

yeah i know... hey.. thats was just some dumb essay i had to write for a stupid class...

eat a banana man!
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 8:58am. Posted in P U R G I N G.
Coolness: 149525
Originally posted by -- G --...

remember how it sucked...i do

remember all of those shitty nintendo game remix songs, and how they all sucked, yeah

remember All the Bass

remember the 80's

yes... i DO remember the 80s....
is there anything wrong with them??

didnt think so... if not for the 80s, electronic music wouldnt exist... ever hear of Depeche Mode?
yeha..... thats what i thought
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 8:56am. Posted in Drunken Kill Bill.
Coolness: 149525
it rocked my socks...
and by rocked, i mean it moistened them becuase i pissed my pants out of pure boredom
» mdc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 8:55am. Posted in Big News!!.
Coolness: 149525
thats not big news at all
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 17, 2003 @ 8:34am. Posted in cures for depression.
Coolness: 149525
Clinical depression has become one of the leading chronic conditions plaguing Canadians. It affects nearly 1 million Canadians a year, and the World Health Organization has predicted that within twenty years it will have become the second leading cause of disability in the world. At this point, it seems the only way to control this potentially dilapidating disease is with the use of anti-depressants. Therefore, this has resulted in a lucrative market for pharmaceutical companies. Anti-depressants such as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft are available, but they carry many possible side effects; such as insomnia, agitation, headaches and liver problems. Further research has shown that there may be a more natural way to treat depression; through the use of supplements and healthier eating habits. Therefore, what is the role of diet in fighting depression?
Depression has long been considered a strictly mental or biochemical deficiency. Yet, scientists have started to become more aware of the effect that one’s diet may have on one’s mental state. Studies have shown that there is a link between nutritional deficiencies and depression, though it is still not clear which variable is causing which. Yet, the diet of a depressive person is usually quite inadequate; they may have little or no appetite, skip meals entirely, or desire unhealthy foods. These poor habits wreak havoc on one’s body and brain. As psychiatrist and biochemist Joseph Hibbeln noted, “The brain is all fat- There is no difference between a stick of butter and your brain” (New scientist, page 34). Therefore, dietary supplements may be useful in the treatment of depression.
Historical Background
Over the last few decades, depression rates have increased worldwide. Yet, its prevalence varies from country to country. In some countries, such as Taiwan, about 1.5% of the population suffers from depression, while in Lebanon, that figure jumps up to 19%. According to Meredith F. Small, a professor of Anthropology, in the United States, people born after the Second World War are twice as likely to develop the illness as their parents, and at a younger age.
As the years have gone by, many drugs have become available to treat depression. Yet, this disease is still not completely understood, and drugs aren’t always effective for every patient. Hibbeln believed that once we determined the “root”, or common factor of depression, we can tackle it much more efficiently. He believed that our modern diet may be altering the fats in the human brain.
If we compared what humans eat now to the diets of our ancestors, we would see a dramatic change. The former ate wild game, plenty of seafood and greens; all excellent sources of a polyunsaturated fatty acid known as Omega-3. Once people began to cultivate and manufacture their own food, they decreased the amounts of omega- 3 they took in and replaced it with Omega- 6, a “bad” fat. Omega- 6 is found in such foods as soy, corn, palm and cotton seed oils. These oils make up about 83 percent of the oils people consume. Commercial game also has much higher omega-6 levels, as opposed to their wild counterparts. John Hibblen pointed out that our diets now contain 16 times as much omega-6 as omega-3, while a century ago we would have been eating equal amounts of each.
From an economical perspective, it is important to note that food insecurity has also risen over the years. According to Statistics Canada, food insecurity includes “a lack of food, skimping on food, compromising on the quality of food or worrying that there would not be enough to eat.” Food insecurity has lead to poor health, distress, depression and obesity. About 2.5 million Canadians had problems putting food on the table in 1998-99 (O’neill, Calgary Herald).
Another significant occurrence is the depletion of DHA levels. DHA “is a long-chain omega-3 that is the most abundant fat in the brain, retina and human breast milk” (Biali, Medical Post). DHA levels in U.S breast milk are the lowest in the world, and these low DHA levels are passed on to their babies, who are at their most crucial period of brain development. Women of child bearing age are most prone to depression. Iron deficiency has been known to cause fatigue and depression; almost 1 in 5 women have low iron stores.
Theory relevant to the Major Research Question
It is evident that an insufficient diet is correlated with depression, so it is fair to assume that supplements may prove beneficial.
Fish Oil
In this study, 30 patients were selected with bipolar disorder. 22 of these patients were taking medication, and continued to do so throughout the study. Half of the subjects were given fish oil capsules, and the other half a placebo, which was olive oil. The fish capsules were equivalent to 30 cans of tuna a day. The trial was initially to go on for 9 months, but was stopped after 4 months, since they were getting exceptional results. Yet, some problems had erupted after the first two months; half the placebo group dropped out, and two in the fish oil group.
Tryptophan (TRP) is an essential amino acid. It helps the human brain develop the neurotransmitter serotonin. Low serotonin levels have been associated with insomnia, anxiety and depression. Natural sources of tryptophan include pineapples, turkey, bananas and yogurt.
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 17, 2003 @ 8:32am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149525
in the gay waste island
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 9:23pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 9:21pm. Posted in OMG a new mexican!.
Coolness: 149525
ahuntsic ?
thats wheres i live.......
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 1:49pm. Posted in 94th.
Coolness: 149525
93 = 333 in base 5.

and also the number of grey cups that preceede the one being played today...
Montreal had better win
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 1:41pm. Posted in how do i post pictures.
Coolness: 149525
YOU dont
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 1:41pm. Posted in OMG a new mexican!.
Coolness: 149525
yeah... dozer too...
those stooooopids
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 12:10pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 149525
Waiting for my Man - THe Velvet Underground
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 1:26am. Posted in 11 Dead In China.
Coolness: 149525
man has been on tahn 200 000 years
and homo sapiens sapiens (what we are) have only been around for less than 30 000 years
but he said 'humans' and im sure more than 6 billion have died
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 12:53am. Posted in For the geeky math-lovers (Me).
Coolness: 149525
i got a 99 in 436 and 576 math (or whatever that stupid enriched math is)
and cal is my bitch... so is linear and advanced differentail euquations... i love math
» mdc replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 9:16am. Posted in Numbers.
Coolness: 149525
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

i'm kinda wondering if there's any actualy purpose to kaprekar numbers, or is it just the number equivalent of a palindrome?

sooooo... how is that refering to the uselessness of palindromes?
you ask whether kaprekar numbers have a use... but you dont say that palindromes are useless
» mdc replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 9:13am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149525
id rail her anyway
» mdc replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 9:12am. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 149525
Scott is funny
» mdc replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 9:11am. Posted in The "who would you fuck" thread.
Coolness: 149525
any girl who posts on this board...
» mdc replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 9:08am. Posted in For the geeky math-lovers (Me).
Coolness: 149525
cal2 is so easy... what pain?
» mdc replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 11:43pm. Posted in For the geeky math-lovers (Me).
Coolness: 149525
see.. because 2 >1 since 2 has a larger value
and the integral of 1/(1-x)^2 = arctanx
» mdc replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 11:23pm. Posted in Numbers.
Coolness: 149525
lies... and i wont stand for it! go sit in the corner!
» mdc replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 11:21pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 149525
ok.. where did you get the word Breasticles???
i made that up with my friend Jason in Sec 5 (4years ago) and ive never EVER heard anyone else use it until now
» mdc replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 11:20pm. Posted in Favorite Song Quote (of the day).
Coolness: 149525
Now the pictures that you left behind are just memories of a different time some that made us laugh some that made us cry one that made you have to say good bye what id give to run my fingers through your hair touch your lips to hold you near when you say your prayers try to understand ive made mistakes im just a man - bon jovi always
mdc's Profile - Community Messages