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» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 149525
^^ because youre supposed to be gone but youre not
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
(seriously!! what's wrong with you!!!)
Wayne's World
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:59pm. Posted in things that make you laugh.
Coolness: 149525
hahah.. stupid bad voiced people!!
oh and the word "goober"
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:59pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 149525
damn stupid toronto!!
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 149525
you must tell me more of this sample sale!! please i beg yu!
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:39pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 149525
cuz i say so! and cuz i like jelly beans
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:38pm. Posted in moderate drug use?.
Coolness: 149525
well the answer (in my opinion) is different for each drug. Also, when drugs are used as an escape from reality, to muddle your thoughts into forgetting your problems, then they shouldn't be used at all. (the same goes for alcohol, just because its legal doesnt make it right)
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:36pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 149525
cuz ASS is between asterisks in her name
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:13pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 149525
^^ because he recognizes that the bat is the man!
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 8:44pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 149525
^^ because youre a good explainer-ator it seems
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 7:24pm. Posted in did someone say "religion is bad"?.
Coolness: 149525
i understand what youre saying, and in essence, we're saying the same thing. Yes, Islam cannot be dissociated from the September 11 attacks, but it's not because theyre Muslim that they did it. If the Jewish and Muslim situations were reversed, I think the Jews would have done the same, and even if it were Christians. We all have our thresholds for non-violent resistance. But enough's enough. And as for the rape thing, when I say rape i mean the land, not the people. Sorry for the misunderstanding. No slandering intended.
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 7:09pm. Posted in .::.:OUTERSPACE.ENERGY:.:::.:Review:.::..
Coolness: 149525
hey arent you gone forever?
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 6:54pm. Posted in did someone say "religion is bad"?.
Coolness: 149525
first of all: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!
secondly: true.. but according to me "if i believe in a spiritual underpinning to the universe" then that is a religion.. no need to wait centuries... it's a religion as soon as there's a higher meaning to life than that of the aesthetic or even psychological pleasures... when spirituality comes into play...
thats a good point... it all depends on your definition of religion
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 6:48pm. Posted in What turns you on?.
Coolness: 149525
prolly not
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 6:47pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
Don Vito Corleone
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 4:09pm. Posted in What turns you on?.
Coolness: 149525
[ www.. ] brazil? GRODY!!!
Ragazze Italiane
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 4:08pm. Posted in did someone say "religion is bad"?.
Coolness: 149525
and do i have te explain to you again that Islam had NOTHIGN to do with September 11th?? It was just muslim people who did it. I doubt it's written in the Qu'ran "Kill the american pigs"
no... they have a deep rooted hatred for americans because they keep backing the Jews who kill, rape, and pillage muslim territory in Israel. THeyre protecting themselves. It has nothign to do with what their religion told them to do. If i killed you family would you not want to protect them? And, if necessary, kill mine? I think you would. Also, Yes Islam is tolerant. Read the Qu'ran, you'll see. They have their beliefs and as long as you dont try to stop them from living out what they think is right to show their love for Allah, then they will not touch you. And now youre gonna bring up Ji'had because, well just because, who wouldn't. Yes, it's a religious war. For two reasons cana Ji'had be called: A foreign people are trying to bar you from doing your daily religious duties (ie: forcing you to convert or killing you cuz youre muslim) or if someone has taken over Mecca, which is their sacred place. THe Ka'bbah in particular.
As for the Bible saying really horrible things... Firast of all, christianity added a whole second part, the NEW TESTAMENT, in which they refine their thoughts. Chronology, ever hear of it? When things happen in an certain order in time. THe old testament said many stupid things, it was also written by people who very much more ignorant then us, their world was WAY different from ours. The new testament says new things. THey came after and these are what we must listen to. THe old testament is garbage to christians. WHatever it says can be summed up in one sentence: "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Marriage.
Coolness: 149525
ok... overpopulation would not stop if people stopped getting married.. its not in the developped world where overpopulation is a problem, its in the underdevelopped countries. And as the country of Kerala, in the souther indian peninsula has shown, when a country is poor, uneducated and starving, theyre birth rates will be astronomical. Since they dont know how many of their offspring will survive, they have as many as possible to raise the chances of having a healthy one. Once you educate the people, women in particualr, the birth rate drops like a fly. And as for children with regards to marriage. Marriage, the word, the notion, whatever, never existed until recorded time (5000 BCE) as far as we know. People lived together, and had children. Men were not monogamous since they were living in very unsafe conditions, they tried to spread tehir seed as much as possible (ever hear of Darwin? THe theory of Evolution?) so as to ensure the passing of their genes. Marrigae as we know it, was based on a religious theme, since religion is a major proponent to childbearing and the continuation of our species. They just used it, no not to manipulate people, but just to help people have kids. And marriage nowadays, like i said before, isnt really marriage like it was in 1950, where people got married cuz "What else am i gonna do? Im this old and theres nothing to do but marry my girl" But now its selfishness that rules. People wont get married because they see it as a loss of freedom (not me, i think i would be much more free if i were living with the woman i loved, i would be free to love), a loss of wealth. Marriage should be about being with the person you love and (in my opinion) having children with them. But the american dream has slowly crept over our eyes and has blinded us with greed, thus marriage is nothing but a piece of paper and a pre-nup.

Update » Wizdumb wrote on Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 9:24pm
Tickets are also classic Bell Center fare, 50-60$
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 3:42pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 149525
^^ moon... darkside of the moon... because moon is your name and darkside of the moon by pink floyd is a good song and album
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 3:42pm. Posted in What turns you on?.
Coolness: 149525
full frontal nudity on women
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
not Sacco & Vanzetti
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 10:01am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:59am. Posted in did someone say "religion is bad"?.
Coolness: 149525
ian... ill have you know that Islam (along with Hinduism) are the ONLY two religions which CLEARLY STATE nearly word for word that they TOLERATE any other beliefs! They would like for them to convert but TOLERATE if they dont!
(christianity does the same without saying it per se... most religions do) im not gonna say that im some theological expert... but know the facts before you speak (or in this case write) it is the people who are stupid.. They interpret things in their own way... the Bible had stonings, yes. Jesus also said: "Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone" Are you calaiming that the people who were stoning can truly think that they have not sinned... being born nowadays practically constitutes a sin cuz society is so fucked up...
religion isnt bad... people are
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:52am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:51am. Posted in Marriage.
Coolness: 149525
yeah people nowadays are too fucking selfish to have kids.. its has nothing to do with jadedness... only selfishness
"You lose your freedom"??? wtf??
anyways... im extremely bitter so ill shut up
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:48am. Posted in i dont know about you but I FEEL GREAT!!.
Coolness: 149525
that's pretty sick... but tasty with BBQ sauce
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:48am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:48am. Posted in What's up with....
Coolness: 149525
what IS up with that???
» mdc replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 9:47am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:15pm. Posted in Happy Pill.
Coolness: 149525
that was fun!!
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:13pm. Posted in things that make you laugh.
Coolness: 149525
staring at the sky as if something interesting is happening there and waiting for a crowd to gather.. then running away and laughing at all the idiots staring at nothing!!
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:12pm. Posted in Cannabis link to mental illness strength.
Coolness: 149525
never would've seen that one coming!!
*acts shocked and amazed extremely sarcastically*
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:10pm. Posted in did someone say "religion is bad"?.
Coolness: 149525
religion isnt bad... idiots are
just like guns in themselves arent bad... you need a dumbfucker to operate it
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:06pm. Posted in Marriage.
Coolness: 149525
i hate all the women who say theyre never gonna get married...
doesnt the stereotype go that MEN are afraid to commit??
i want to get married... i would get married right now if the right person asked me to or agreed... but alas women think that independence requires being alone... anyways... now im just ranting
i want to get married and have children
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:02pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
baby goat
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:02pm. Posted in Things that leave you unimpressed.
Coolness: 149525
the new Bond movie
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:01pm. Posted in things that make you laugh.
Coolness: 149525
futurama... i figured i should continue the tv theme
» mdc replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 10:01pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 149525
dont worry... youre not a bitch... youre just a woman...
(heh heh heh... im so mean)
» mdc replied on Sat Nov 23, 2002 @ 11:38pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149525
mdc's Profile - Community Messages