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» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 10:07am. Posted in Microsoft stoops to new lows.
Coolness: 149520
nothing... romo
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 9:57am. Posted in Microsoft stoops to new lows.
Coolness: 149520
no.. because he invented the phone
you big romo
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 9:55am. Posted in Removal of Israeli Settlers.
Coolness: 149520
hello, if i'm wandering the earth with no place to live and some bully tells me he's gonna give me YOUR house... I'll take it and never give it back either... because I have a book that tells me that your house was mine to begin with anyway
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 9:48am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by ::PIXELIZED::...
And regarding policies, who comes up with them ? Us guys and gals of the people or those in power ?

No... we (and by we, I mean you (and by you, I mean all the people who protest stupidities and cause more problems than they solve)) do.

If there weren't morons protesting everything everywhere ALL THE FUCKING TIME, things would be much better. If the government didn't always give in to 3 shit disturbers yelling real loud, things wouldn't be so easy. If it was harder to get things, people wouldn't complain about it. Fuck this... I'm not gonna explain myself on this one. I don't have the patience.

People are idiots, not the government.
Go, do better. I dare you.
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 9:41am. Posted in Microsoft stoops to new lows.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

then there is a MASSIVE flaw with the law then now isn't there?
it's pretty rediculous that you have to patent an idea for it to belong to you, especially if you really did invent it. :|

happened with the telephone too...
Antonio Meucci invented it, got sick, couldn't pay the patent office, so he sold it to Graham Bell to pay for his medication..
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 7:46am. Posted in Microsoft stoops to new lows.
Coolness: 149520
This sin't over... Apple will get he patent refused and/or voided. Microsoft patented the technology after Apple was already seling the iPod. And in their patent application, the invention date is after iPods went on sale. In such a case, how can Apple begin selling a product prior to its invention?
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 7:42am. Posted in legal prostitution rocks.
Coolness: 149520
thats retarded
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 7:37am. Posted in PWND by mother.
Coolness: 149520
my mom never spied on me.. shes always trusted me
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 7:36am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

oh yeah? silly me, i totally forgot that it's unconstitutional for a province to seperate from canada.... woopsiedoodle!

This matter went to the Supreme Court of Canada. The outcome was that, while it was unconstitutional for Quebec to separate rom the rest of Canada, if they wanted to, Canada should not stop them.
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 7:33am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by @TRIX...

MDC, I usually agree with your posts as they are every insightful.

thanks :)

But in regards to the rest of your post, I agree that everything we have here is also in teh rest of Canada. I have, indeed, not lived outside of Quebec ever in my life, but I have traveled across Canada.

While I agree with you that health care here is a mockery, what I am saying is that it isn't always the government's fault. Emergency room waiting times are high because there is about 900 people who go to the emergency room for a cold every day. These people are stupid and waste time and money. It's probably the government's fault for not implementing some type of better triage system, or informing people that emergency rooms are for emergencies, but still. My point here is that many people in Quebec complain more than they should.

The roads, oh don't talk to me about the roads!! I've worked for the Ministry of Transports of Quebec (and I'm a Civil Engineer). I know all about the roads. Quebec (until the late 90s) had a policy of job creation. They built cheap roads to create jobs and keep jobs (because of raod decay and hence patch ups). Only in the last 8 or 9 years has the QC government begun building roads that will last us more than 3 years. You might have noticed the Trans-Canada Highway (the 40) is now almost entirely built out of cement (and well done for once, they dug 11 feet deep!! YAY).
You are completely right about the roads (thought the extra job creation did help Quebec have one of the highest standars of living in Canada.. a good thing? I don't know).

If you're going to criticize the government, criticize about stupid policies, not ones that actually try to help. They're doing what they can, I'm sure that they're well aware taht we are the future voters, they want to appease us. But our leaders need more minerals. You said it, Quebec has produced many of the best Prime Ministers Canada has ever had. So why can't Quebec Premiers follow suit? Why can't they have balls and say: "Just watch me." No, instead they're pushovers.

I really lost track of where I was going with this since I'm presently at work and can't really focus. But, I guess I'm sticking up for the QC Gov't because no one else will. I still thing they're doing a good enough job.

Also, about the Crown Corporations in Quebec, if Quebec were to separate, it would take exactly 3.2 seconds for all those to become Quebec owned companies. One word: Nationalization.
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 7:14am. Posted in PWND by mother.
Coolness: 149520
thats fucking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 12:57pm. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 149520
Quebec, by the way, could VERY EASILY, survive on its own. not that im saying tat it should, but it has te capacity to.

also, quebec is not badly run, people here are whiny litle bitches who complain about everything.. we have it better here than any other province in canada...
we get EVERYTHING, and for free to boot.

im sick of everyone complaining about how bad everything is here.. our only problem is that everyone (very much like you) is ultra-critical about everything and our pussyfoot leaders (Charest, Bouchard, Parizeau, all the others before too) just give in to the stupid media... if i were to put a picture of Charest on te front page of my own newspaper that i print in my garage and that only one other person reads, the guy would probably come to my house and give me a grant and blow job...

we have it great here and everyones a whiner...
our government is like our sports teams... everyone is way too critical and can't just be happy we have one
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 12:48pm. Posted in Nintendo Game Boy Micro.
Coolness: 149520
for the record... notice how it says "I'm a big gay homo named dino"!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 11:21am. Posted in Nintendo Game Boy Micro.
Coolness: 149520

Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

they reaaaally need to make my penis bigger.. 2" is too damned small :P

ian... i never knew.. i never knew how much i love you...
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 10:33am. Posted in Nintendo Game Boy Micro.
Coolness: 149520
The Game Boy Micro: What we know
Posted May 17, 2005, 2:28 PM ET by Peter Rojas

Nintendo also unveiled the ">www.engadget.com ] [ Engadet.com ]
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 9:27am. Posted in Removal of Israeli Settlers.
Coolness: 149520
What does everyone think about the removal of Israeli settlers from the Gaza strip?

Is it a step in the right direction?
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 9:20am. Posted in Time for GoogleNet.
Coolness: 149520
Free Wi-Fi? Get Ready for GoogleNet.
By Om Malik, August 12, 2005

What if Google (GOOG) wanted to give Wi-Fi access to everyone in America? And what if it had technology capable of targeting advertising to a user’s precise location? The gatekeeper of the world’s information could become one of the globe’s biggest Internet providers and one of its most powerful ad sellers, basically supplanting telecoms in one fell swoop. Sounds crazy, but how might Google go about it?
First it would build a national broadband network -- let's call it the GoogleNet -- massive enough to rival even the country's biggest Internet service providers. Business 2.0 has learned from telecom insiders that Google is already building such a network, though ostensibly for many reasons. For the past year, it has quietly been shopping for miles and miles of "dark," or unused, fiber-optic cable across the country from wholesalers such as New York’s AboveNet. It's also acquiring superfast connections from Cogent Communications and WilTel, among others, between East Coast cities including Atlanta, Miami, and New York. Such large-scale purchases are unprecedented for an Internet company, but Google's timing is impeccable. The rash of telecom bankruptcies has freed up a ton of bargain-priced capacity, which Google needs as it prepares to unleash a flood of new, bandwidth-hungry applications. These offerings could include everything from a digital-video database to on-demand television programming.

An even more compelling reason for Google to build its own network is that it could save the company millions of dollars a month. Here's why: Every time a user performs a search on Google, the data is transmitted over a network owned by an ISP -- say, Comcast (CMCSK) -- which links up with Google's servers via a wholesaler like AboveNet. When AboveNet bridges that gap between Google and Comcast, Google has to pay as much as $60 per megabit per second per month in IP transit fees. As Google adds bandwidth-intensive services, those costs will increase. Big networks owned by the likes of AT&T (T) get around transit fees by striking "peering" arrangements, in which the networks swap traffic and no money is exchanged. By cutting out middlemen like AboveNet, Google could share traffic directly with ISPs to avoid fees.

So once the GoogleNet is built, how would consumers connect for free access? One of the cheapest ways would be for Google to blanket major cities with Wi-Fi, and evidence gathered by Business 2.0 suggests that the company may be trying to do just that. In April it launched a Google-sponsored Wi-Fi hotspot in San Francisco’s Union Square shopping district, built by a local startup called Feeva. Feeva is reportedly readying more free hotspots in California, Florida, New York, and Washington, and it's possible that Google may be involved. Feeva CEO Nitin Shah confirms that the company is working with Google but won't discuss details. Google's interest in Feeva likely stems from the startup's proprietary technology, which can determine the location of every Wi-Fi user and would allow Google to serve up advertising and maps based on real-time data.

Courtesy of Business 2.0
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 16, 2005 @ 1:19pm. Posted in Aeon Flux.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

inflections cannot always be used as alternates in a given phrase
emaciate would have been much more appropriate.

since you want to get technical on grammar and word use...
phrases have no verbs...
sentences do...
» mdc replied on Mon Aug 15, 2005 @ 1:48am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by ::PIXELIZED::...
Goes without saying that no one in this province will ever be able to provide a feasable budget with Quebec as a country in itself.

Never ceases to amaze me that every time elections come around, some people are convinced the voted party will ACTUALLY do something fruitful with the health care system, roads and other major problems. Which they can't because they don't have any money. Why no money ? Nobody can make a budget and fucking STICK TO IT.

I don't know where you've been living the passed, oh I'd say 10 years, but the Quebec Budget is the only budget to have been balanced in all of Canada (besides Alberta which shows a surplus) since 1996.
The balancing of the budget isn't the problem, it's the size of the budget. Sometimes a little debt is a good thing.
» mdc replied on Fri Aug 12, 2005 @ 7:00pm. Posted in The Ultimate Bad Hair Day.
Coolness: 149520
the acid in your stomach will NOT dissolve latex very easily... you would shit out the condoms and their contents relatively cleanly (after washing the shit off of course)
» mdc replied on Fri Aug 12, 2005 @ 12:50am. Posted in Professionnal Basketball.
Coolness: 149520
we've had a team before.. teh Dragon...
failed after 2 years
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Street Fighting Discussion..
Coolness: 149520
no.. its called nobody really likes you
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 12:21pm. Posted in Street Fighting Discussion..
Coolness: 149520
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Street Fighting Discussion..
Coolness: 149520
experience. psh

uhh.. no...
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 11:42am. Posted in Street Fighting Discussion..
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

i know 1/4 men has genital warts, not herpes

from experience
» mdc replied on Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 6:58am. Posted in expresso porn.
Coolness: 149520
no worries :)

a really fucking good machine
that colour is magnificent
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 9:36pm. Posted in Blue Balls.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by little sarah...i dont hate you. i'm just upset. (blech :()
explanations required
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 5:54pm. Posted in expresso porn.
Coolness: 149520
it's eSpresso.... not eXpresso
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 149520
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 2:22pm. Posted in Blue Balls.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

i think women have the right to stop whenever they feel like it. they dont have to wait til YOU finish.
if the girl doesn't feel comfortable for whatever reason it's her right to decide when enough is enough.

look... did i complain? no
did i tell her she had to continue till I was done? no
did i respect her decision and let her leave? yes
was she acting like a stupid little baby trying to get back at my friend by sleeping with me? yes
is it understandable because shes 17? yes
dd she initiate the whole thing? yes

now tell me, how do i deserve anything? least of all something unpleasant?

Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

they dont have to wait til YOU finish. that's disgusting.

How is that disgusting? explain it to me...
It's ok for a man to hang in there till shes pleased, but it doesnt work the other way around?
There's an extent to which it's understandable... but if you're doing just because you
love that women can do that to men

you're just an idiot and it's unacceptable

have i ever done anything wrong to a woman? not in the least...
better yet, have i ever done anything wrong to all of wamankind???? hardly
stop projecting your hate onto me...
i do not deserve it

that's like a black guy hating me because at some point white people owned black people as slaves... how does it concern me? it doesnt that's how.

anyhoo.. i've had enough of this topic
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 2:03pm. Posted in expresso porn.
Coolness: 149520
unless you're being sarcastic.. you obviously aren't a fan of the rich italian coffee brew
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 10:57am. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

dino (still)


actually.. scratch that...
eat me!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 9:46am. Posted in Blue Balls.
Coolness: 149520
damn you ian
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 9:03am. Posted in Blue Balls.
Coolness: 149520
oh it's all been mentioned to my best friend.. it's all over and done with

she's out!
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 7:25am. Posted in NameVoyager.
Coolness: 149520
thats really cool
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 7:13am. Posted in The fun facts thread.
Coolness: 149520
no.. red hair is caused by inbreeding
(notice scottish people)
» mdc replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 7:10am. Posted in Blue Balls.
Coolness: 149520
let me tell you about a litle story of mine...
i'm quite certain this takes the cake...
happened in april... the 23rd of april 2005 to be exact...

I'm home, sick, watching TV, bored out of my mind, when a "friend" of mine calls me up and says she's bored. So I tell her to come over to make me feel better. She drives to my house, we start watching TV. Now, thie girl is 17 years old, nice round ass, has the size tits that melt in your mouth and in your hands, and has the slender physique of a figure skater. So , obviously, before long, I'm touching her in places she probably didn't even know she could be touched in (did I mention she was a virgin?). One thing leads to another, as it usually does, and we end up semi-nude ready to go. Get this... She starts to slowly jerk me off, then grabs me and puts me inside her... one time... just one time... I thrust once before she started feeling "guilty" or something and stormed out of my house.

She called me the next day telling me she had feelings for my best friend and that blah blah blah...

Now if anyone can top that... Damn... That's rough...
» mdc replied on Tue Aug 9, 2005 @ 7:00am. Posted in Mr T and Me.
Coolness: 149520
I have a copy of "For the last time, I'm not Mr. T" by Ving Rhames if anyone is interested
» mdc replied on Sat Aug 6, 2005 @ 8:15pm. Posted in The Census is Coming!.
Coolness: 149520
Originally posted by REPENTTOKYO...

wel how is it relevant? it's a fucking stupid question.

it's a fucking CENSUS!!!!

1. An official, usually periodic enumeration of a population, often including the collection of related demographic information.
2. In ancient Rome, a count of the citizens and an evaluation of their property for taxation purposes.
» mdc replied on Sat Aug 6, 2005 @ 6:05pm. Posted in The Census is Coming!.
Coolness: 149520
what a rebel
mdc's Profile - Community Messages