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» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 7:53pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
Euh Max x 2 , je pense pas qu'Axel s'adressait à toi particulièrement? Suscpetible un peu? Ya eu du mega drama autour d'Un événement , Totem sur facebook, pcq ya un petit gars du nom de Simon qui disait qu'il s'était faite voler pcq un festival qui durait 3 jours pour 60$, camping inclus était TROP CHER POUR LUI , pis que le son était a chier pour le prix il s'attendait à de quoi de grandiose etc... Pis les gens lui expliquaient que tous les djs, et tout le monde qui travaillait * porte etc *avaient été payés pour une fois . Quand t'es habitué à avoir tout gratuitement ben c'est ca que ca fait quand des crews comme Cruz Control se donnent à 150% et organisent un party de qualité avec des dj payés : ya des petits kids qui se mettent à bitcher pcq sont habitués d'avoir plus pour leur argent ( Sois 0$ ) pcq de bons samaritains mixent gratuitement pour eux, organisent les party gratuitement pour eux. TK bref, tu te sens concerné, mais je pense pas que tu représentes tous les nouveaux Ravers, mais ouais ya un problème de ce côté la pis faudrait que ca change. Un moment donné ca coûte cher l'Équipement de dj/ les tracks. ON a beau être ben ben gentils pis par amour pour la scène mixer gratuitement, mais si les gens les seules fois qu'on est pour être payés se mettent à chialer et dénigrer les événements les mieux organisés , je pense que cette scène est vraiment dans la bouette jusqu'aux coudes. my 2 cents

AAAHHH, OK! Bah Etant un des seuls nouveaux ici, j'me suis effectivement senti visé. My bad Axel, j'tais po au courant.

Pi là-dessus, j'suis bien d'accord avec toi, l'équipement coute cher, pi jtrouve ça un peu abusif d'aller juste à des free, surtout quand le monde se cassent po la tete pour trouver une poubelle et criss tous leurs déchets à terre (sans-desseins. Mais tu connais probablement l'expression: "donne à manger à un cochon, pi y va chier sur ton perron).

Pi ya effectivement personne qui devrait tjrs travaillé pour pas une cenne, ça aussi j'suis tout á fait d'accord. Simplement que pour les nouveaux, ctune bonne facon de se faire connaître. L'autre Simon, ctun cas isolé. Ya souvent d trucs qui pourraient être amélioré, mais au point de basher de A à Z... Pi criss, un terrain de camping pour une fds c cte prix là anyway, yé juste épais. Faut pas généraliser à cause de lui.

Update » Max_x2 wrote on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 8:00pm
V.2-1, ds ce cas là, l'abus vient des promoteurs, pi le DJ est pas obligé d'accepter, cta lui de se tenir debout et de dénoncer le promoteur en question. Personnellement, j'pense que jle mettrais au bûcher, mais bon.

Pi c vrai kia trop de promoteurs. Même p-e trop de DJs, si ya de koi. Ya plus de chefs que d'indiens de cke j'ai pu voir à date...
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 6:59pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND
Ruined: My mom waking me up in the middle of the night
Made: Slept in a bit
Ruined: Missed my first class
Ruined: Almost missed my exam
Made: I think I did really well but will only find out on Thursday
Ruined: Had to do laundry with dish soap =/ I feel mad ghetto

Bubble fest =). Didn't knew you could do that, btw =P. Hand washed i guess? Or you put the dish soap in the washing machine (which then i would ecpect a bubble fest)?
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 6:54pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 34620
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 6:42pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By A_X_CELL
God are these new ravers stupid!

It seems like this summer is filled with free parties or parties that charges 60$ for the party and NOT PAY the DJs/Producers. Result : greedy little pieces of shit (a.k.a. new ravers) who complains all the time when there's a party where everyone is getting paid LIKE IT SHOULD BE!!!! Did every promoters became cunts or what?

Let's make it clear tbk: j'ai jamais dit que jtais contre que tout le monde sois payé. J'sais po où t allé chercher ça. Pi j'me souviens pas t'avoir insulté, fak au pire, va jouer dans le traffic.

J'comprend juste pas c'est quoi le buzz à basher ceux qui font des free party, où le staff est pas payé. Être DJ, pi j'commencerais, j'en bookerais le plus possible pour éventuellement être payé en mixant ds des events payant, comme c'est supposé l'être la majorité du temps (LA MAJORITÊ du temps). J'serais curieux de jaser avec les gars de Neurotik pour savoir comment ça a commencé leur affaire (ça va venir).

Originally Posted By moloch
Nah, c juste twe qui est cave.

Jtai dit Mark, moé si jtaime hahahaha! (Va chier Moloch.)
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 6:23pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Made: had a nice chat with my old fart while having dinner (he would prolly smack me for saying that HAH!)
Made: Kendrick Lamar's west side chillaxing beats and awesome lyrics
Ruined: insecurity about that sweet little girls feelings, which leads me to over think the situation. And keeping those thoughts to myself ain't easy at all, but i believe it's better off this way ;)
Made: after 2 days without txting her, she txt me asking if i was still alive =)
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 6:11pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34620
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 12:30am. Posted in seriously , what the fuck is wrong with these people.
Coolness: 34620
Stonehenge huh? Maybe we should build one in Mtl =D
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 12:23am. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
C drôle, on est probablement une couple à avoir "miss the point". Ou c'est dans ta façon dle dire.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:13pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
Wow, pas t'as rien compris. Party mieux produit, mieux publicisé, mieux préparé = gagner en popularité ? Ca c'est FAUX quand il y a question d'un party gratuit, car le monde vont y aller peu importe juste parce-que c'est gratuit!

Seriously, what does innovation, new shit, and quality have anything to do with a free party?? What does giving new ppl a chance to play have anything to do with older DJs who have new music? What the fuck are you talking about? Free party movement is old, raves are old, but most promoters try to bring new acts from around the world to the stage, and there is something to be said about respecting the older scene ppl who kept this all alive so that you guys still have a fucking scene ... so: t'es dans l'champ ...

And competition, lol! This is a scene that is supposed to stick together and create the best situations that'll benefit the entirety of rave culture, not a company selling a brand of shoes ...

To your 1st paragraph: Interesting how you say these things when another party comes to mind in which you did after another was already posted. So, you didn't change your date, don't expect others to.

To your 2nd paragraph: That's fine, if you want to take the easy road to build a rep, it seems like you know what to do now in order to profit from the scene later. Like I said, a friendly warning is that whatever you lost already, you'll never make it back. Though if I were you I wouldn't admit that the only way you could get ppl to come out to one of your events is by making it free.

Anyway, do what you want, good luck, but I still think it's insulting to use DJs in order to boost your business plan in the guise of helping them get gigs. A hard working worthwhile DJ will find a way to play, don't worry about them.

écoute, j'veux pas te contredire... Mais j'ai fait Andromeda (40$), Heroes VS. Villains (30$) pi les 2 free ntk / Hard Times à date. C sur ki aura tjrs du moNde qui vont choisir les free plutôt que les payants, mais tbk, anyways, y seraient po allés au party payant.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 8:48pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By MOLOCH

Oh yeah, and disregard whatever that MAX_X2 sez.
I suspect he's a retard.

I love you too Mark (aka extra-old douchebag)
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 8:36pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By KIRE
i guess i am posting again, lol

well honestly people can say what they want, but the perfect example is nova 9 tbh, i posted this event way before anything was going on during that weekend, if a promoter is to think it will interfere with his event before making it he/she could just move it to a different day, before i make any event my first priority is the schedule of the of that month, i would never put a party on the same day as anothother one, but if a promoter wants to put a party on a weekend im throwing mine then go ahead lol. how am IIII fucking over HIIIIM when HEEEE posted on that weekend WAY AFTER i posted mine ? hes on a saturday neway.

i'm assuming you got my pm then - throwing a few free parties to promote your company is a great business move, imo they will remember the promoter and when the paying events come so will they, i don't see how that's fucking over promoters i just think it's smart. had i decided to throw lockdown as our first event, we'd have a shitty turn out, especially in the summer and i'd lose money, it's not about making a living off of it it's about making enough to throw another one and another one etc. right now im losing money throwing these events but i have fun doing it and it'll pay off in the end, if it doesn't then oh well at least i tried.

you really need to stop bringing up the " i have no dj's so im asking [ rave.ca ] " thing, how many times have i said i have a psy line up i was asking for new dj's that play different genre's and if they wanted to play on my stage, but u made me realize i should just stick with what and who i know, psytrance.

yes there are new promoters in the scene, get used to it times change,

every company starts off small, at least they should. do you not remember dark tendancy ? they still owe noah money for that if i'm not mistaken. i'm trying a different slower route with my company.

we'll see where we're at next year after our events this winter. and hey, if it all failed at least i tried and you can feel free to laugh at me. but i am by no means trying to fuck over other promoters.

Good way of posting when you said you wouldn't. I offer you my help, look at your PMs.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 8:10pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
Right, so the point is to fuck over other promoters in order to build your name with free parties, and then make a bunch of cash by then throwing paying events ... ridiculous.

Honestly I'm not even taking a piss at Kire so much as the other people he's associated himself with.

I give mad props to NTK and HardTimes, and what they do is not even part of THIS particular equation.

Pis parle moi pas de bénévolat dude. J'aime bien ton enthousiasme, mais le monde qui pensent que les promoteurs qui charge pour des événements font du cash sont dans le champ en tabarnak. 96% du temps on PERD de l'argent, tandis que certaines personnes qui font des événements gratuits n'investissent rien à part le gaz pour la génératrice, et le système de son déjà payé, alors quand ils vendent d'la bouffe/bière/drogue, c'est que du profit. Encore, les NTk c'est un autre histoire - le monde leur doit du travail bénévole après tout l'effort qu'eux on mis dans notre scène depuis tout ces années.
En plus, moi j'ai du monde qui sont prêt à aider gratos si il y a du cash en question ou non.

Asking for volunteer DJs is like admitting that a) you don't know who to book b) you aren't well connected c) you're disorganized and announced something before it was ready d) are going to have to pick from whoever the fuck wants to play instead of choosing based on talent.

And people can preach 'giving n00bs opportunities' all they want, but it's not only patronizing to those people, it's also insulting to all the amazing and yet underrated DJs that have been playing for years and are given no chances 'cause they aren't 'fresh' enough or popular enough 'cause they're subtle and kind individuals.

I knew I was opening a can of nasty worms by making a statement, but I don't really care anymore.

I'll teach you one lesson right now: After all your best laid plans, fucking over other people in order to get ahead, trying to build a reputation on giving shit away for free - you will never make money from the rave scene. Never. So, get the idea of being one of the cool successful promoters out of your head, 'cause right now for the first time in the history of the scene, there are too many fucking promoters! On top of which, the most respected and hardest working promoters (not including pop-techno) have sacrificed alot, and lost a ton of money and even made enemies due to jealousy.

What can I say? Life is hard.

That's called competition son! Everyone's doing it, and if there's anything, you may be the 1st one to try a product for free before buying. J'imagine que t'as manqué 2-3 notions de marketing ici. Si ton produit est meilleur, mieux publicisé, mieux préparé (ou non, mais que le résultat est meilleur), tu vas gagner en popularité.

Ton discours me fait pensé à celui d'un baby-boomer kia peur de se faire "voler" sa job par un jeune fringuant kié meilleur que lui. Si t'es meilleur qu'un plus vieux ds un domaine x, pourquoi tu devrais rester au fond du puit, prétextant que lui a plus d'ancienneté? Criss de mentalité de syndicaliste ça mon homme!

Tant qu'à ça, fuck la nouveauté, fuck l'innovation, gardons nos vieux Pentium, nos vieilles Corrolas, nos vieilles TV, yont travaillé tellement fort pi longtemps!
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 7:02pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By KIRE
i already have a full psy line up, instead i was asking if anyone knew any new dj's that played different stuff, doesn't matter anymore though, shoulda just gone with my original plan of psytrance, that shit never does me wrong <3

im sure this thread is gonna light up like fire, but im done with it, thanks anyway ^^

And that's kinda bad, because some variety brings n00bs like me to like styles such as psytrance, which, let's be honest, isn't accessible music at all when you're not a hardcore raver (hardcore as in experienced). I mean... I'd never bring a non-raver friend to a psytrance event, they would never want to rave again. (Don't get me wrong, i'm not shitting on psytrance, just giving you my "new to raves" opinion)

And don't tell me you don't want/need new ravers in the movement, or imma bitchslpa you!!!
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 6:49pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By MOLOCH

pukes in mouth a little.

Don't lie extra-old douchebag, you liked it =P (i was called an old douchebag, as a joke indeed, by a 21 y/o chick. So i guess that would make you an extra-old douchebag =P. But hey, extra-old cheddar is the best cheddah evaaa, so don't complain)

And since you liked it, imma tell you that i've been at war with uderwear this weekend, and i'm not wearing any at the moment. Just pyjama pants =D

Update » Max_x2 wrote on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 6:52pm
Popeye's pyjama pants with stars on it, to be more precise =)
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 6:04pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
ZombieNathan, Kire mentionne à plusieurs reprises que ça serait une bonne facon de se faire connaître. Pour qu'un crew t'approche, faut bin que tu te donnes un peu de visibilité! Pi même si tu décides de te partir ton propre crew, t'as encore et tjrs besoin de visibilité. Personne a mis un gun sa tempe à personne pour mixer gratuitement.

Pi au dernier NTK / Hard Times, j'ai aidé les boyz à ramasser quand le party a fini. Ça veut tu dire que quelqu'un a abusé de moi pour autant? Non, je l'ai fait par reconnaissance, pi un peu pour jaser ek les boyz de NTK, que je connaissais pas pantoute avant c't'event là. Why not? Si tout le monde faisait tout seulement quand ya du cash au bout dla ligne, oublie le bénévolat, oublie l'open-source, etc.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:44pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
It's not the wrapper that's important you know

Of course not. But take a natural beauty, dress her in grandma undies and non attractive clothes, and she might not be as appealing =P

Update » Max_x2 wrote on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:51pm
Pi pour ckié de moi, je porte des boxers moulant (fashion) la plupart du temps. Donc je m'attend à cke la fille que je date porte des sous-vêtements sexy aussi. Mais ton point était excellent. Wrap une poubelle dans de la soie comme tu veux, ça va encore sentir mauvais =P
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:38pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 34620
P-e que de mettre une contribution volontaire et séparer les profits pourrait être une bonne alternative. Ou alors se servir des profits pour offrir des goodies aux DJs qui veulent bien offrir leurs services gratuitement (bouffe du lendemain, bière, whatever).

Comme dit Kire, ça fait un bail qui sont là NTK. Hard Times aussi j'imagine, même si les boyz sont plus jeunes. Il ont probablement pas tjrs eux tous les DJs qu'ils ont en ce moment dans leurs équipes pour throw d partys avec leurs propres staff.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:26pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Yeah, it all looks the same when it's crumpled up on the bedroom floor

True that. I much prefer seeing brazilian undies, than the grandma model tho =)
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 5:17pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34620
Truth =P
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 4:27pm. Posted in Ctrl Alt Del.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Fuck yeah.

First off, I'd like to thank Nate, Richard, Kyo and all those involved on the promotionnal level. Way to make the world a friendlier place for us Hardcore lovers. Would also like to extends thanks to everybody else involved, be it Hugo and Jay @ the bar, Lovely smiles and great welcoming skills at the door by Pola and Emilie, and the artists involved in deco (Thinking of Steph and Melissa.)

I had a blast, meeting new peeps made my night, and reconnecting with peeps I haven't seen in ages.
All in all perfect evening from my point of view. Moar like that plz. Excellent line up, excellent sound. Big ups.

I missed that for a half-night of half satisfaction. FACK! Next time, i'll try to make the right decision.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 4:12pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34620
» Max_x2 replied on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 11:53am. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Ok am I the only one who's sick and tired of seeing grown men walk around with their pants down to their knees? Its the most ridiculous trend since Kriss Kross started wearing their pants backwards and it only seems to be getting worse by the day. Its like everywhere you go now, you're subjected to guys in smelly boxers


dude, you are not alone! =P
» Max_x2 replied on Sat Aug 27, 2011 @ 11:48am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Made: Beautiful, sunny saturday to reflect how i feel =D
Made: 3rd date with the sweetest girl mentionned above (didn't happen much for the last 4 years. I would usually evade after the 2nd date)
Made: MUSIC! Building a nice bedroom playlist, question de rajouter à l'ambiance ;)
» Max_x2 replied on Fri Aug 26, 2011 @ 7:01pm. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By VJ_ALBIREO
Drinking beer and vjing, là là

not sure if it's the best combo... Ever tried coke? lolol
» Max_x2 replied on Fri Aug 26, 2011 @ 6:35pm. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By RAWALI
FUCK YOU!! FUCK ALL OF YOU WITH YOUR FUCKING EMOTIONS! I need a beer... it's like a hug but for non vag-bearing grown ups...

» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 9:53pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Made: My boss came back from Seattle to give a Ubisoft presentation at Microsoft Gamefest and told me he'd send me there to do it next year :D

juste comme ça, tu work pas avec un Guillaume B. par hasard?
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 6:01pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 34620

sadly, couldn't find the whole thing (7:50)... But you get a sneak peak =D
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 4:14pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP

lol nice one, buddy =P
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 3:35pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
J'ai de la misère à me figurer comment vous pouvez avoir de la misère à lire mes posts en anglais (P-e parce que j'ai appris l'anglais avec des américains, je présume), ou les comparer avec ceux de cutterhead (j'ai du respect pour ses connaissances, mais il écrit mal, c'est vrai). En français ça devrait être mieux ;)

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
That's what trance music does to one's brain, it appears.

J'écoute pas vraiment de trance buddy. Le hardstyle/hardcore c'est plus dans mes cordes, pi j'aime un peu le dubstep aussi, pour ce qui est du techno. Ahh pi du electro aussi ;)
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 2:53pm. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE
I am lazy, and telling the truth demands less energy, so I am honest.

hahahahaha! Nice one ;)
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 2:52pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
aarrfff... Nevermind lol.
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 2:25pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
bravo! Paulie veut un biscuit?
And if you can,t read what i'm writing... Maybe it's time to A:buy some glasses. Or new ones B:press ctrl and scroll your mouse to zoom in. C:go back to school. D:fuck yourself.
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 1:19pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
It's interesting how you dig yourself deeper with every post :D

1) You claim it's about the douchebag personality and later on you write "qui s'habille en douchebag." Now, let me get this right. If the clothes are douchebag clothes, it's because they have a bad personality? No, it's more than you're back-pedaling. You're just reinforcing the fact that you think douchebags dress/look one way. You're still discriminating based on nothing concrete.
2) "I'm not racist, I have black friends that aren't criminals" Sorry, I meant to quote "J'en connais du monde qui s'habille en douchebag, mais qui ont pas l'attitude qui va avec (mon cousin en est un bon exemple..."
3) I'm not judging anyone here, I'm just debunking YOUR judgement of a whole subculture based on your immature view of the world. ;)

Debunking is not fighting. Je "m'emporte pas". You seem pretty close-minded and I'm trying to enlighten you.

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
It's interesting how you dig yourself deeper with every post :D

1) You claim it's about the douchebag personality and later on you write "qui s'habille en douchebag." Now, let me get this right. If the clothes are douchebag clothes, it's because they have a bad personality? No, it's more than you're back-pedaling. You're just reinforcing the fact that you think douchebags dress/look one way. You're still discriminating based on nothing concrete.
2) "I'm not racist, I have black friends that aren't criminals" Sorry, I meant to quote "J'en connais du monde qui s'habille en douchebag, mais qui ont pas l'attitude qui va avec (mon cousin en est un bon exemple..."
3) I'm not judging anyone here, I'm just debunking YOUR judgement of a whole subculture based on your immature view of the world. ;)

Debunking is not fighting. Je "m'emporte pas". You seem pretty close-minded and I'm trying to enlighten you.

lol has i see, you'll never get the point buddy, so imma leave it like that, ain't got no more time to waste trying to explain you something you're obviously too dumb to understand.

Update » Max_x2 wrote on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 1:23pm
is that deep enough for you? ;)
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 12:26pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Explain how they are fake. See, by default you brand someone fake. Why? What's fake about them? Say you're from Jersey. You grew up with Italian-Americans. You like clubs, you like sex and you like music. Is that fake? No. Okay so you put hair product in your hair. Is that fake? If it is, the entire world's guilty of it. Is it the Ed Hardy clothes? What if you LIKE those clothes? How is being honest about what you like suddenly fake? It's not.

So what's fake about them? The fact they're going to the gym and tanning? So only fat introverts are not fake, now?

No, I'll tell you why you call them fake. It's because in your perception of the world, you think that any sane person only trains, tans and wears flashy clothes to pretend to be someone they're not. You forget that some people ARE like this. They're at their most honest. They're not fake. The only two people in the Jersey Shore that you COULD call fake are Vinnie and Jwoww, if only because they were not guidos prior to the show. Vinnie was an Italian-American college kid, Jenni was a graphic artist with real breasts. But the rest? They're more honest than you or I :P

Branding someone fake beacuse they're not like you is just generalization. Generalizations is discrimination. Stop hating! :P

Am I overanalyzing things? Sure. It's fun.

The real insult here is that you think that someone with muscles and tan is automatically a douchebag, regardless of their personality and what they bring to the world. Perhaps you have some insecurity issues to deal with? Using your logic, if I'm to only take what I've seen of you so far, without actually getting to know you, you're a troll and a digital thief. How does that feel? :P

As for aging, well, you know what they say... The person who resorts to personal attacks in an argument has already lost the argument. I'm aging pretty well, except for the part where my body's not following my intellect as fast as it used to!

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Explain how they are fake. See, by default you brand someone fake. Why? What's fake about them? Say you're from Jersey. You grew up with Italian-Americans. You like clubs, you like sex and you like music. Is that fake? No. Okay so you put hair product in your hair. Is that fake? If it is, the entire world's guilty of it. Is it the Ed Hardy clothes? What if you LIKE those clothes? How is being honest about what you like suddenly fake? It's not.

So what's fake about them? The fact they're going to the gym and tanning? So only fat introverts are not fake, now?

No, I'll tell you why you call them fake. It's because in your perception of the world, you think that any sane person only trains, tans and wears flashy clothes to pretend to be someone they're not. You forget that some people ARE like this. They're at their most honest. They're not fake. The only two people in the Jersey Shore that you COULD call fake are Vinnie and Jwoww, if only because they were not guidos prior to the show. Vinnie was an Italian-American college kid, Jenni was a graphic artist with real breasts. But the rest? They're more honest than you or I :P

Branding someone fake beacuse they're not like you is just generalization. Generalizations is discrimination. Stop hating! :P

Am I overanalyzing things? Sure. It's fun.

The real insult here is that you think that someone with muscles and tan is automatically a douchebag, regardless of their personality and what they bring to the world. Perhaps you have some insecurity issues to deal with? Using your logic, if I'm to only take what I've seen of you so far, without actually getting to know you, you're a troll and a digital thief. How does that feel? :P

As for aging, well, you know what they say... The person who resorts to personal attacks in an argument has already lost the argument. I'm aging pretty well, except for the part where my body's not following my intellect as fast as it used to!

i think you missed the point. They have the douchebag personnality too, from what i saw (couple minutes, couldn't stand it). And i'm not the kind of guy who will judge by the physical appearance. I do judge about attitudes tho. And from my experience, most (MOST, not all) people doing that kind of stuff, change after a short while. Emporte-toi pas, c mon opinion. J'en connais du monde qui s'habille en douchebag, mais qui ont pas l'attitude qui va avec (mon cousin en est un bon exemple... Pourtant c mon meilleur chum), pi moi aussi j'm'habille parfois ek du linge de douche. ya rien là. Fak en gros, tu sembles me juger pour cke j'ai dit (par TON interprétation).
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 11:27am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Say what you will about the Jersey Shore. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it's mind-bogglingly awful. Still, it's probably the most brutally-honest reality TV show, if only for the fact that none of the participants are smart enough to spin anything.

Also, it reminds me WAY TOO MUCH of the rave scene. Know what I'm saying? :P

Sometimes you want to be enlightened. Sometimes you want to watch things explode. Jersey Shore is popcorn-infused drama.

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Say what you will about the Jersey Shore. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it's mind-bogglingly awful. Still, it's probably the most brutally-honest reality TV show, if only for the fact that none of the participants are smart enough to spin anything.

Also, it reminds me WAY TOO MUCH of the rave scene. Know what I'm saying? :P

Sometimes you want to be enlightened. Sometimes you want to watch things explode. Jersey Shore is popcorn-infused drama.

you're not aging well =P (age-ing o_O... anyways)

a real show with fake people (see "douchebag"). How that could be real?
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 11:25am. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
Tact, people. Truth, properly formulated, is the key in (almost) any given situation. Sometimes you might have to attenuate or amplify it a little to adjust to the target, but I think the closest you stick to the truth (or your perception of it actually) the better you'll do. Less problems covering up white lies and patching up for unrealistic statements later on. It also builds confidence in the relationship, and even boosts self-confidence. It also has the advantage of forcing you to face the real situation as often as possible, which in turn, gives realistic results. Based on solid ground called the truth (your perception of the truth, don't get me wrong, no one owns the truth). It also gives discussions a real constructive aspect, since you are not lying, you are talking about true feelings and-or stuff, so the constructivity factor should not be overlooked.

Sometimes you might just not be in a working relationship, and lying only makes it last longer, and the longer it lasts the least available you are to happiness.

there u go.
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 10:30am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
She's the sweetest bitch you'll meet!


AAahhhhh fuck jersey shore man. Douchebags' #1 show. Can't stand such bullshit =/

Anyway, TV is overrated. And boring. And lots of fucking commercials. I much prefer what's on internet, i get more to choose what i want to see, or don't =D

but thx for the explanation =)
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 9:22am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 34620

C du rap du coeur!
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 9:10am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34620
lol dunno who that is...

têteux!!! =P
» Max_x2 replied on Thu Aug 25, 2011 @ 3:33am. Posted in IRC suggestion?.
Coolness: 34620
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
yeah, I has a sugestion: let's nuke it from orbitz!!!
It's old, derelict, useless, and nobody worthwhile uses it anymore.

IRC was usefull for networking. Like peeps from different bbs's I used to hang out on. IRC allowed for a global chat and all.

I think the need for it just went way down. Now, from what I can gather, IRC is a hipster thing. Not very efficient, but vintage, so you look all l33t and stuff. (I was chattin' on a BASH account before the interwebs had images!)

Now it's utterly useless.
it can die for all I care.

Damn douchebag =P Not because you don't use it anymore, that there's nobody worth chatting with. There's some heavyweight hackers (not crackers, hackers) and geeks, as well as some interesting people like everywhere. To me, it's pretty much the same as a forum, but in real time. Used it few times when it was hot, but i've been logging every once in a while for a year now, had some goos times =)
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