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» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 14, 2011 @ 1:55am. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 34615
Sais-tu qu'il y a des endroits où tu peux appeler pour ce genre de trucs? (Genre de trucs o_O )
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 14, 2011 @ 1:52am. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
yeah... 24 - 32 instead of 64, for pc?
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 14, 2011 @ 12:15am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615

Update » Max_x2 wrote on Mon Nov 14, 2011 @ 12:15am
Drogué, definitly.
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 14, 2011 @ 12:14am. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 34615
pauvre de toi... Et tu crois t'en sortir, un jour?
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 9:54pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 9:06pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Well, I may be lucky guy #2 because my I've had my 360 for years and never had anything bad with it. No Red Ring OF Death, no scrapped games and my used games are always super clean. Some gamers, I swear, eat off their games or use it as coasters or something. I always take CDs in and out of the console with the outer edge and the middle hole, my fingers never touch the inside of it.

I do admit my Xbox was never upright though, I guess it accounts for something. In fact, I never set any console I owned upright ( i.e. my old PS2 ) and never had any issues.

As for the X-box controllers, I always have rechargeable batteries in there that last for a few weeks before they get total depleted. Honestly, as much as it sucks to have to change batteries in this thing, I prefer it this way because what happens if your PS3 controller won't charge anymore ? You have to replace the entire thing. That kind of sucks. Plus, I find the 360 controller to be more comfortable than the PS3 one. Guess it's a matter of taste though. But yeah, proprietary IR technology sucks though instead of regular Bluetooth.

As for bilingual games, I still don't understand why people buy games in french. That's like buying a Jay-Z album dubbed in french. WTF.

As for X-Box marketing, well I wouldn't know what's going on with that though so I can't really discuss it.

Jay-z dubbed in french... LMFAO!!! I totally agree, but hey... A lot of kebs don't understand english much. And if you have kids, having a bilingual game is a must... Although i believe if ever i have a/some kids, i'll teach them french and english right from the start (didnt had the chance to be raised this way... I've learned english through the simpsons and music, mostly)

For the controllers... Yeah, i do guess it's a matter of personal taste. I prefer the ps3 controller. But the thing is... i aint no FPS guy. I prefer GTA's, race games and such. I guess that makes a big difference. Plus i love how every single button on a ps3 controller is pressure sensitive. Playing forza2 with the xbox controller... It sucked. I have to mention tho... A ps3 controller is 55. and i believe the 360s controllers are 65 or 70... Can't remember at the moment. And at some point, 360 or ps3... you have to buy a new one.

Also, for someone who likes ps move / kinect... There's much more games available for kinect. But i don't care about that, i love playin with a controller. But racing with a logitech g27... must be the shit (at 350$ +txs... I wouldn't expect less.)

And yes, you're a lucky guy, having the same x-box you originally bought. You shouldnt care much about burns if your box is standing the way it REALLY should (take some notes, 360 users =P )

And often i have to refuse to buy 360's games, because they are scratch to death... which i kinda don't understand either, cuz i never had a game on any console that wasnt working anymore because it was too scratched. I guess you, like me, use common sense on how to handle a cd. But i swear, not everyone does that.

One example of bad microsoft marketing: i have 4GB 360s at 199. the 250GB used to be 299... dropped at 259 this week. How the fuck am i supposed to sell my 4GB now? (without feeling cheap). And what the fuck did they had in their minds, releasing a console with 4GB HDD... When the 250GB Hard drive costs 149... I would honestly spit on them.

BUT: anyways, i don't make a single cent selling a console. i.e, my uncharted 3 ps3 bundle is 299.99. The cost is 299. you would say "hey, you're making a buck a piece... Well... NO! Because the shipping aint included in the cost price (of 299). So everytime i sell an x-box or ps3... i actually lose money. So the profit is in selling new/used games, as well as accessories (hopefully, cuz we would run out of business, and you would have to buy it right from the manufacturer =P )

Sur une autre ordre d'idée... J'ai bien aimé ton dernier commentaire, je l'ai trouvé objectif, contrairement au 1er (à noter que j'ai fait la même chose dans mes réponses ;). Pckau bout du compte... j'suis po un détaillant exclusif PS3. J'vend aussi des 360, des wii, etc. Alors j'essais, malgré mes croyances (je l'admet... j'suis totalement vendu ps3... autant que tu sembles être vendu x-box 360 =P ), et cke je vois / entend parler, de rester objectif quand j'effectue la vente d'une console. Mais pour être honnête... Et j'en suis moi même surpris... Ya encore bcp de gens qui ont une tvhd... mais pas de bluray. Et ctun gros argument de vente pour la PS3. Une fois que t'as vu un film en full hd bluray (h.264 ou mpeg4 (ou c la même chose?))... Tu veux pu rien savoir d'un film en dvd (mpeg2, si je ne m'abuse). Merci de ton temps et ton comment, j'vais garder ça en note pour vendre des x-box 360 =P

Take care buddy, no hard feelings on my side =)
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 8:28pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
capitaine bonhomme
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 8:28pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Si t'as aimé Oblivion, tu vas y trouver le même genre de bugs mais pas mal moins graves. Un peu plus de temps de QA aurait bien été (mais bon, avec un monde vaste comme ça, c'est techniquement impossible de tout tester).

J'aime aussi peu le fait qu'ils ont nerfé l'alchimie et les enchantements MAIS vu leur nouveau système et les nouvelles choses à faire (smithing, cooking, new spellcasting system), je comprend que il fallait balancer.

J'adore le fait qu'il y a des milliers de quests. J'suis level 23, j'ai pas encore quitté la première grande ville et j'ai déjà fait 50+ side quests. J'aime le dual-wielding (ENFIN!) et well, les dragons.

Les dragons te viole. Ya pas d'autre mot. En ville, c'est correct parce que t'as un paquet de monde pour t'aider mais en campagne, en train de chasser un lapin quand t'entends soundainement la roar d'un dragon, tu cours. Enfin, ça dépend de ce que tu fais comme perso. J'ai un Khajiit voleur qui stealth. Ca fonctionne pas trop contre un dragon, donc j'me fais buter :P

Lol! Merci Drnyarlathotep pour le review =). Ça me semble complet. C cke j'vais dire aux clients, le temps que j'aie ma ps3 (jeudi!!!!) et que je l'essais!

Merci encore! =)
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 6:22pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By KIRE
i never had any problems with my ps3, and when i traded it for my xbox i left it on all the time, actually my xbox is still on lol i never really turn it off no problems yet, been a few years too ^^

Kyle... You are the lucky one on 10? =P
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 5:29pm. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 34615
Fengshui, who are you? I mean... Who are you, really?
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 5:28pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
skyhook xD
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 5:28pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Made: Skyrim. That is all.

ohh yeah mec, ya l'air fou! Le coordonnateur en avait pas commandé assez tho, on doit pu en avoir au moment où on se parle =( Si t'as 2 minutes DrNyarlathotep, j'aimerais que tu me dises cke t'aimes et cke t'aurais amélioré, si amélioration il pourrait y avoir.

S'il-vous-plaît, bien entendu =)
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 5:23pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Ah yes. Yet another fanboy. Let's see. How many times was the Playstation network hacked ? 3 times so far ? How many times was X-Box Live hacked ? Eeeerm, none ? And if you're referring to the Red Ring Of Death, perhaps you might want to ask PS3 owners about their failing Blu-Ray drives and their overheating power modules.

CLEARLY the PS3 is the superior console. It's a fucking console, they both play 96% of video games out there and this discussion is as futile as PCs vs Mac.

I'm a bit saddened by the fact you're playing with your other elitist friends on the PS Network and I can't C4 your ass to bits online.

You definitly would. Haven't been gaming in a while, and i'm actually about to buy my Uncharted 3 PS3 bundle. But V.2-1, may i remind you that i'm a Microplay manager. And 2/3 (if not more) X-box 360 owners have gone through 3-4... even 5 X-boxs. Video card fail, motherboard fail, HDD fail (WTF... HDD fail... In 2011...), CPU fail, dvd drive fail... Pick yours.

Pi si t'as le malheur de bouger ta Box pendant que le DVD virre... Bye-bye ton jeux de 70$, y va avoir un burn. Conception cheap ek un tiroir... Une PS3, ça fait po ça, le cd est tenu dans le drive (d'ailleurs... On déconseille fortement de mettre la Box debout, à cause de ça). Sans compter que PS3 utilise la technologie bluray... Pi un bluray, c hyper résistant aux égratignures et cie. Pi le milieu du BD fend pas à force de l'enlever / remettre ds son casing. Mes jeux de PS3 préjoués sont tjrs top clean. Pour la Box... J'peux pas en dire autant, faut souvent les resurfacer avant de les vendre (criss de belle perte de temps ça mon homme...)

Puis viens la fabuleuse manette avec laquelle Microsoft est pas capable de fournir un asti battery pack rechargeable =P... L'absence de bluetooth intégré. Les jeux sur plusieurs DVD, pcke ça rentre pas sur un seul. Ce qui fait que ya plusieurs jeux bilingues pour PS3, mais pour la Box, c l'édition française OU anglaise. Pas les deux.

Le marketing de Microsoft, c des vrais m****** de m**de. Ils ont le don de nous mettre les bâtons din roues à essayer de faire la guerre à Sony. J'ai beau être objectif... Ceux qui sont incertains entre les 2 consoles, bin yen a 3/4 qui prennent la PS3. Pi god que j'l'ai comprend!
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 2:56pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 2:35pm. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 34615
I know it's old... But this movie quote is killing me =P

» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 13, 2011 @ 2:33pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34615
Made: Day off to get some rest from this insane week at work.
Made: Insane week means the store made a lot of money. And i made a lot of sales, so my commissions should be very good. Will need to sell more accessories this week tho.
Made: Had a blast last night at BEAT2DEF w/ HELICOPTER SHOWDOWN [US] FABLE [UK] ADVENTURE CLUB , W4R + MORE. Some variety would have been good, but the venue was great, and the djs performances, awesome.

Ruined: lemme see... I think there's nothing really bad for me to put in the ruined section at the moment =]
» Max_x2 replied on Sat Nov 12, 2011 @ 12:36am. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By K-DZO
im ps3

That's because you're a brilliant guy =P X-Box sucks. Too many defects in and around that piece of crap. (refer to microsoft.)
» Max_x2 replied on Sat Nov 12, 2011 @ 12:32am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Wed Nov 9, 2011 @ 9:49pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By KOUNTESS
cell phone

if ever we come to meet... Please remind me never to borrow your cellphone... In any circumstances =P

» Max_x2 replied on Wed Nov 9, 2011 @ 7:21pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
In Iran, they sell COD:MW3 under the title "The Sims".

Dunno if i should laugh... But anyway: LOL
» Max_x2 replied on Wed Nov 9, 2011 @ 5:51pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By KIRE

Yeah, we sold a lot so far. But nothing near as much as we sold COD:MW3. That was just... crazy =P PS3 or x-box Kire?
» Max_x2 replied on Wed Nov 9, 2011 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Nov 8, 2011 @ 9:33pm. Posted in How old?.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
nobody can really say the real age of jebus , cuz

1] its a fucking fairy tale

2] the story cant say for shure if its 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 or 35.

thoses who said 33 with such assurance , i have this question . you saw his driver liscence ? passport , birth cirtificate , certificate of death , or you just assumed from the commercial book, and if so witch one , house of print , isbn number and also , who wrote it and did they profit from it. also does it serve as purpose to know if its really 33 or if it was rounded off.

Man.... i'd believe you suffer from overthinking. Relax buddy =P
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Nov 8, 2011 @ 2:44am. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By M-A-X
So the absolute truth is:

Psytrance is Psytrance

15 pages of bullshit, to come right back to the inevitable truth. or [ rave.ca ] =D
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Nov 8, 2011 @ 2:41am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34615
+: part of the "Call Of Duty: MW3" madness is done. And it went fucking well with sales and stuff =D
» Max_x2 replied on Tue Nov 8, 2011 @ 2:23am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in lest talk about crap.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By DATABOY
... un cri du coeur.

héhé =P
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 4:02pm. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 34615

hahaha! Nice!
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 3:32pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 34615

héhé =P

Update » Max_x2 wrote on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 3:35pm
Sparklz... I think i just got drunk, only by reading your recipe! Buuurrrpp =/
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 2:17am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 12:04am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 12:03am. Posted in How old?.
Coolness: 34615
Kishmay, l'âge du christ, c bin 33. Cutter à l'âge du criss =P
» Max_x2 replied on Mon Nov 7, 2011 @ 12:03am. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 6, 2011 @ 8:05pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 34615

Happy hardcore =P
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 6, 2011 @ 7:40pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Sun Nov 6, 2011 @ 7:39pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
» Max_x2 replied on Fri Nov 4, 2011 @ 1:21am. Posted in work life balance.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By FLO
What's the point of working your ass off to get more money?
This is typically the kind of behavior encouraged by the current economical system... no human values left, only "performance", "benefit", "money", "success"... all revolving about something lurking at the core of every human being: greed.
Personally, this is the main reason I'm currently struggling to change the system: it has lots of advantages, but its major flaw is that it encourages and boosts greed in crazy proportions, instead of controlling it.
I just quit my job for another similar one with 20k$ less per year and no health insurance, the only changing thing being the working environment which will be more human. Goodbye company world, welcome back to academia.

Having enough time to live fully besides your job is very important.
Feeling good at your job and about what you do is maybe what matters most; you spend a third of your life there, another third being asleep, with only one third to split between "what you have to do" (eating, moving in bus/metro/car/bike or walking, family obligations, cleaning, etc.) and "what you are doing of your spare time" (having fun? expressing yourself? loving your family and friends? volunteering? studying? relaxing? etc.).

I realized years ago that the happiest moments of my life were when I had the least money, and yet I naturally go for jobs that pay more. Of course, there's a "future" to think about, which is why a balance has to be found between "having no money" and "working your ass off", depending on how much money you think you actually "need" to live now and in the future.

humans are "programmed" to over-reach. I would believe that's why you / we try to find the job that pays the most.

For me, your post says it all.

Personally, i got a new job, being a Microplay manager. The pay is good (got my 1st paycheck today)... but mostly, i'll be guiding my own team, and that's what i wanted in the 1st place. I believe there's a way to achieve great performances at work, sans être stressé à temps plein par un boss (moi) qui t'harcèle pour atteindre les objectifs (cki bonifie mes propres commissions, soit-dit-en-passant). And i'm about to prove it. yet, i believe someone can achieve great things by keeping some (healtful) stress at work. And that's the idea i'll try to put in my boyz mind.

So bottomline... i believe it's about finding balance between productivity, and happiness (stress and success). I'm a salesman tho, so you got a salesman opinion here, mostly. Still, i worked in a lot of areas so far, and it all comes back to the same thing. I won't say the paycheck isn't important... I just gave a deposit on my Uncharted 3 PS3 bundle... And i have in mind to buy an hdtv next. But thank god, i love my job so far, pi avoir du cash (pi du matériel), c pas tout cki m'importe ds cte vie là. Sinon, j'serais bin malheureux.
» Max_x2 replied on Fri Nov 4, 2011 @ 12:52am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34615
good attitude =D
» Max_x2 replied on Fri Nov 4, 2011 @ 12:51am. Posted in Questions Only.
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By JENNIEPEPSI
do you REALLY think thats all i got ;)

Je sais pas trop quoi penser de tout ça. How could i know anything about you anyway, cybergirl? (beside about 30 posts?)
» Max_x2 replied on Fri Nov 4, 2011 @ 12:49am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 34615
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
Je t'imagine tres bien jouer a la poupee max-x2...d'ailleur je suis sur que c'est toi qui a mise en scene cette photo !

On apprecie l'effort.mais tu sais que tu es un garcon hein,se projeter dans la psyché de barbie va te creer de tres gros problemes de sante mentals...

nyekh nyekh...

T'as besoin de cours de trolling.
Max_x2's Profile - Community Messages