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» Masa replied on Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 8:19pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 159495
2-0 Habs with 13 mins left on the second period, wonder if you'd like to change your prediction, KFC?
» Masa replied on Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 8:16pm. Posted in Rewire 5 ??? Friday or Saturday ??.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
A bit late?

A bit early, rather :)

puresexmegs has a valid point, but for an all-nighter, I'd rather it be on a friday... More time to recuperate, but that's just me.
» Masa replied on Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 1:43pm. Posted in It's BACK!.
Coolness: 159495
Even forgot I had an account over there, and it still works too :)
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 11:48pm. Posted in What are you craving?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
I want a magical green miniature wilderbeast that speaks seven languages and can stock up to 250 terrabytes of data when plugged to a computer.

Read gigabyte and thought "that's feasible".

But yeah. Si ça existait, j'le voudrais :)

And Tuezday, sure! ... But make mine a Long island and add sum sun and time off will ya? :p
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 11:43pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 159495
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 11:42pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 159495
Poor Soundwave, keep getting pegged as a girl :p

I hope Tuezdae has a good time in Quebec city this week-end :)
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 11:16pm. Posted in What are you craving?.
Coolness: 159495
Geez, at least you got Bliss coming up.

I want my skoolwork to be done by itself, and end up magically on the 25th.

And money. And tea. And fruits. And sun. And alcohol.

Yep, that's what I want.
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 10:46pm. Posted in Spring is here, let's all go have a beer!.
Coolness: 159495
alcohol on a hangover is always good, roomie!
... I'll make sure you tag along :)
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Montreal Canadians Habs ( road to the Stanley Cup ).
Coolness: 159495

Update » Masa wrote on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 7:17pm

Kostitsyn Bros are on fire :D
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Spring is here, let's all go have a beer!.
Coolness: 159495
I'm in!
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 1:52pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 159495
Errr, thanks for the info, guy!
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 1:44pm. Posted in Why don't nice people send me messages?.
Coolness: 159495
You two haven't seen the last Southpark, apparently ;)
» Masa replied on Thu Apr 10, 2008 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Drinking problems ?!.
Coolness: 159495
^^Yep, but oh so very sad :(
» Masa replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Anybody have 350 000$ for a military aircraft?.
Coolness: 159495
That's... Pretty kewl. Although the realist in me says it's gonna be ages before these are actually sold, and I'm pretty sure it's STILL gonna require a pilot license.

But yeah, me want.
» Masa replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 10:43pm. Posted in This is a test it will be deleted don't reply....
Coolness: 159495
Yeah, "Vive les osties de fuckés dans tëte" (sic) is definitely better.
» Masa replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 10:40pm. Posted in BBB: SuicideGirls gets an F.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, I never found it. She's got talent though, and she's purrdy to boot.
» Masa replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 3:59pm. Posted in Anybody have 350 000$ for a military aircraft?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By RAKOON
Ok ok

Here's a more affordable one ...

But its russian :/

[ www.controller.com ]

If I were you, I'd stay away from Soviet Russia-made aircrafts... Well Russian aircrafts altogether :p

Now Swedish aircrafts... meow :)
» Masa replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Spammer war iz over?.
Coolness: 159495
Hehehe mère Tamala!
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 10:00pm. Posted in RIP Charlton Heston.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, the day they make a gun controller so you can actually practice your aimm.... Shit. Flashbacks of that Duck Hunt dog barking...

No, but seriously, I think there's a world of difference between a flight sim and a war sim. While the former will give you a basic idea of flying an airplane, the latter won't prepare you for the stress of actual combat, weapon recoils, etc.

All in all, I think most people are able to dissociate reality and first-person-shooters.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 9:49pm. Posted in Spammer war iz over?.
Coolness: 159495
^^ What he said :)

Thank you Noah. Just. Thank you.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Am I the last one - The twilight zone.
Coolness: 159495
Nah, you're just being misled by the fact that there's not a new thread a minute anymore :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:53pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 159495
Both were used as religious symbols, swastika and sauwastika. Don't really remember which is clockwise/counter-clockwise.

Isn't Manji the main character in Mugen no jûnin / L'habitant de l'infini manga, who has a swastika on his kimono? :)

Update » Masa wrote on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:55pm
Wow, see what happens when trolls leave us alone? This collective knowledge astounds me :D
Update » Masa wrote on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:57pm
Crap. I should keep my mouth shut.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:26pm. Posted in RIP Charlton Heston.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By RAWALI

whats next, "HEY a nuclear bomb is a representation of my liberty so I should have the right to own one, who are you to tell me i cant own a nuclear bomb!"

That was sarcasm, right?
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:22pm. Posted in Spring is here, let's all go have a beer!.
Coolness: 159495
Geez, right in the middle of my final exams. Booo, I'll see what I can dooo.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 6:28pm. Posted in Trolls Automatic feeder.
Coolness: 159495
Yay! Thanks, oh fearless leader!
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 3:34pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 159495
Yep we do :)

Hey, I think most of us are like you, we come here to chill and goof around with like-minded people, occasionally debating on subjects, but always all in good fun... I guess I tend to be very protective, not unlike yourself, when someone threatens this wonderful environment, so please don't take my comment as criticism, it certainly wasn't intended that way :)

So yeah, looking forward to that beer soon enough, with Strik_IX and all others willing to join, I'm sure there's a few out there :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 3:26pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 159495
Hehehe, ouais, ça semble marcher, mais ça serait triste de donner un rating négatif à une thread des silly games pour quelque chose de si ponctuel... Me semble que ça va à l'encontre de l'idée de cette section-ci :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 3:10pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Sans blague, I'm in. L'infime possibilité qu'on tombe sur Pierrot rend l'expérience encore plus tentante.

DrN, si tu veux un lift, t'es le bienvenu.

... Sauf qu'en retrospect, considérant le stock nécessaire (tentes, glacière, ALCOOL, etc.) et la taille de l'Elantra, mettons que j'ai 3 places dispo!
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:59pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Non mais sans blague, on y va tous à Woodstock en Beauce, hein?
Pour ceux qui veulent, j'ai 4 places de dispo.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:56pm. Posted in Vive Les Osties De Fuckés Dans Tëte !!!!!!.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Tu pourrais offrir tes services aupres des trisomiques, des aveugles ou des vieux (yon toujours bin d'la jasette)... faut etre proactif. Lache ton ordis et implique toi aupres de ta communauté.

There are laws against cruel and unusual punishment, especially against the disabled or the elderly.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:53pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By THE-ANNOYING

C'est parce que t'es une pauvre plaie impolie qu'on t'ignore. J'te jure, à toi seul tu me donnes l'envie de devenir fasciste. Tsé, un skinhead là? Messemble que j'aurais un malin plaisir à t'étamper une semelle de Doc Martins dans ta face, après avoir détruit toutes tes chances de te reproduire à grand coups de caps d'acier. J'te le redis moi aussi, cesses d'insulter Ariane sans raison.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:44pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 159495
Daf, t'es trop gentille avec lui, bravo pour ta patience :)

Moi j'veux une boss aussi sexy qu'Ariane, pour pouvoir lui faire des faveurs et avoir de l'avancement :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:29pm. Posted in RIP Charlton Heston.
Coolness: 159495
Don't put words in my mouth... Freedom of speech and freedom to use deadly force are two very different things :)

I never implied giving the government more power. I'm saying the right to use force should remain, as it as pretty much always been, with some form of higher authority. Hell, even hardcore anarchists believe in some form of consensus among people in order to dictate right from wrong.
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 1:46pm. Posted in BBB: SuicideGirls gets an F.
Coolness: 159495
Comparing Suicidegirls to crack whores?

Yeah, j'suis avec Tam là-dessus. Simple offre et demande. 'Sides, on vieillit tous, c'est normal que nos goûts nous suivent un peu...
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 1:44pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 159495
Meh, pretty similar replies, but V2-1 had that acrid tone to it that we all love (well me anyway) ;)

So alright, 1 morceau de robot, make it count!

Maintenant, sur un sujet BCP plus important.... Can I has terrasse + beer too? :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:57am. Posted in Vive Les Osties De Fuckés Dans Tëte !!!!!!.
Coolness: 159495
*cough* Griffindweeb *cough*

» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:29am. Posted in Vive Les Osties De Fuckés Dans Tëte !!!!!!.
Coolness: 159495
Thx! Never actually looked at zestuff's t-shirts, but it gives me a reason to order a plush neko from Trigun at the same time :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:24am. Posted in Vive Les Osties De Fuckés Dans Tëte !!!!!!.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, I'll take one too!

Srsly Soundwave, where? :)
» Masa replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:04am. Posted in my dad sent me this, pretty funny....
Coolness: 159495
Having fun resurrecting old threads, Gamos?
» Masa replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 11:51pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 159495
Masa's Profile - Community Messages