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» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 3:14pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
... Wow, t'as des jolis cadeaux :D
Congratz :)
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 2:57pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Meh, after buying a Wii, I'd rather get a working DS emulator.
One for the PSP might be too much to ask. yet.
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 2:54pm. Posted in I miss.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, can I has sum of dat too?
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 2:48pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 159495
Eeep, pass on Daf, pis Ariane aussi kin, les huge dildos pleins de clous c'est pas trop mon fort non plus :)

Update » Masa wrote on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 2:49pm
Hehehe, lube on Jojo, ou ben une beer date avec tout le monde de la page 298 :)
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Post if you're horny!.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, just one would suffice for me, kthx.
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 12:53pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Originally Posted By Shindy

je veux pas être pas fine, mais sa ressemble a des tits


Misquoting FTL ;)

J'étais en train de me demander quels genres de tits t'es habitué à regarder, Pat :)
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 12:15pm. Posted in What made/ruined your data?.
Coolness: 159495
... An EMO tribute to Data :(
I don't know what to laugh at first :p

Update » Masa wrote on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 12:16pm
Je blague Lydia, je blague :)

En fait j'écoutais ST:TNG avec mes parents plus jeune. Data y'était cool.
... Et moi j'étais un geek.
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 11:55am. Posted in The prince of Pot.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, dolphin-free cans of tuna FTW!
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 11:46am. Posted in The prince of Pot.
Coolness: 159495
Eat dolphin?
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 10:59am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Hehehehehe I concur, AWWWWWWWW^1000000000 :)

/heart just melted.
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 10:46am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 159495
^^ Yeah that rung a bell...
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 9:59am. Posted in Post if you're horny!.
Coolness: 159495
Yeah /post as well. Grrr.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 11:28pm. Posted in The AOL Age.
Coolness: 159495
And the award for "biggest waste of bandwidth" goes to...

Woah. Timewarp.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 11:27pm. Posted in What made/ruined your data?.
Coolness: 159495
Mmmmmmmm, wasabi peas :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 11:00pm. Posted in What made/ruined your data?.
Coolness: 159495
... That and Patrick Stewart's voice. I love that guy's voice. Probably explains the amount of voice-overs he's done, and I'm only thinking about Miyazaki's movies :)

Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 11:05pm
Heh, I'm wrong, he apparently only did Nausicaa. And Steamboy (not Miyazaki).

And a few eps of Family Guy and American Dad, apparently ;)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 10:29pm. Posted in Who's your fave ravewaver today?.
Coolness: 159495
Yep, I do as well. 62 sumthin MBs of good schtuff :)

(though I would've preferred something along the lines of 192 kbps or higher ;))
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 10:26pm. Posted in Stranded far far away...What's going on in Ottawa this W/E?.
Coolness: 159495
[ xvi.com ] :p
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 10:24pm. Posted in Anti-virus.
Coolness: 159495
Yeah, I guess it's starting to get less and less humble, innit? :)

But in that case, if you want full features and the like, you really should consider [ pussytorrents.org ] while they're still offering sign-ups :)

It's Torrentleech's whore-sister site, and I swear by both :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 10:22pm. Posted in The greatest MSPAINT story ever.
Coolness: 159495
"Creative" storytelling?
Nahh, I had a brain fart, I apologize :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 9:40pm. Posted in The AOL Age.
Coolness: 159495
And the award for "biggest waste of bandwidth" goes to...
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 9:38pm. Posted in The greatest MSPAINT story ever.
Coolness: 159495
Naaah, good point. Something like three lines in, a word filter makes much sense.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 9:36pm. Posted in Anti-virus.
Coolness: 159495
Yeah, but streaming pr0n sites gets us back to poor resolution, which was where this thread derailed, IMHO.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 9:34pm. Posted in The greatest MSPAINT story ever.
Coolness: 159495
What makes you guys think that poo poo and gently caress weren't the writer's choice words in the first place? :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 9:32pm. Posted in Anti-virus.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By NO_COMPLY
[ L2redtube.com ]


Funny how this thread turned from anti-virii to pr0n.
I suggest [ www.pussytorrents.org ] for full length movies, siterips and even the occasional DVD iso.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 7:54pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Doing crack? ;)

Gratz Pat, I'm happy for you :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 7:52pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 159495
I'm also tired of that old politicians-as-clowns stereotype.
But hey, who wants to try out anarchy? I'm down.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 7:40pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 159495
Considering how much impact American politics have on the world, I fail to see the link, as it's hardly funny :(
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 3:41pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
(c'était ma préférée aussi, sauf qu'on voit quand même DrN, Dave et Wizdumb dans la 1re! ... Et faut pas oublier Anarkoid derrière la caméra ;))

Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 3:43pm
Damn vous postez vite :)

Anaël, je t'avoue que c'était une craque à l'autre bon docteur, mais effectivement, vous méritez tous deux vos titres dans vos champs respectifs :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 3:34pm. Posted in The prince of Pot.
Coolness: 159495
Heheheh, yeah. Looks like the biker wh*re has been busy :p
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495

Kin, deux autres zolies photos :)

» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 3:19pm. Posted in The prince of Pot.
Coolness: 159495
Meh, I hate this post-9/11 collusion between the US and Canada... And it's grown worse with the conservatives in power.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:58pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
It's not being emo. :D

I have my reasons. I'm plagued with having a peculiar mind. I could. Oh, I could. I prefer not to. I'm probably going to change my mind in whenever.

Alright so a brokeback mountain joke it is :p

Naah, srsly, that dost sounded a wee bit emo :)
Chin up Dr, somewhere, girls with a similarly peculiar mind (and hot bodies) are looking for a guy just like you. :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:54pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP

I'm a poor and losesome coyboy, on a long long way to home.

I don't know what to do first, an emo joke or a brokeback mountain one :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:47pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By TAMALA
J'aimerais ca pareil tu saura bon! :P

Meh, moi aussi au fond, mais j'commence à m'emmerder royalement à vivre dans la théorie :)

... And DrN... You sure? That skeletal face would probably be a turn-off for the Baroness Samedi :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:41pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Mwahahahaha Tam, j'suis pas certain que t'as envie d'étudier aussi longtemps :)

Comme mon directeur de programme...
"Wow, t'es certain que tu veux aller à McGill? Tsé, tes notes ont déjà pris un coup, ça pourrait faire baisser tes notes... Pis ta maîtrise?"
-Quelle maîtrise?
-Ben après ton bac, tu vas sûrement...
-... (avec un gros smile) Non :)

Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:42pm
J'laisse les titres formels aux autres :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:36pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Ahhh mais effectivement, c'est comme ça que j'ai appelé Lydia la première fois que j'ai su qu'elle avait une maîtrise :)

Ahh well, I don't mind being a simple undergrad and not having a title. Rien de plus fendant que les préfixes fendants, tels que Dr.... :p
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:26pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, j'allais dire qu'on m'a tjrs appris à vouvoyer/respecter plus âgés que soi et pas l'inverse, mais... T'es plus jeune finalement!

Alors tu peux bien m'appeler Mr. Masa, mais à quelques semaines de différences, je trouve le Mr. quelque peu inutile :p

... Mais le reste change pas, y'a pretty much juste Tam qui peux m'appeler Jonathan ;)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:21pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 159495
Très juste DrN, mais j'ai comme une impression que c'est pas tant les décisions du président sortant ou de son cabinet qui comptent, mais plutôt celles du nouveau, même avant l'assermentation officielle.

Remarquez, j'suis en aucun cas spécialiste du régime présidentiel américain, so I'm pretty much talking out of my ass. Advenant un conflit militaire, une catastrophe géopolitique ou autre, j'imagine que théoriquement, c'est le président sortant qui a le dernier mot...

Bref, I'll look it up :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 2:15pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
... Argh. Les CAPS, c'était une façon de faire comprendre à DrN de m'appeler Masa, pas Monsieur Masa.

Si j'avais été dispo, je serais tellement passé, que j'sois invité ou non!

» Masa replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 1:54pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 159495
Bah la c'est la course à la présidence en tant que tel, Dems vs Reps. Ça se termine le 4 nov. :)
Masa's Profile - Community Messages