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» Masa replied on Fri Jul 4, 2008 @ 12:12pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Hehehe Jojo, on s'en reparlera si tu veux ;)

Mais ouais, facebook dit que je suis un flirt, et facebook a TJRS raison, right? :)

David, ça suck et j'compatis. Entretemps, penses aussi aux prêts et bourses, c'est habituellement pas mal si tu fais un retour aux études :)
» Masa replied on Fri Jul 4, 2008 @ 11:53am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, on se connait pas on dirait. Salut, moi c'est Jo. Pis j'suis un perv :)
» Masa replied on Fri Jul 4, 2008 @ 11:52am. Posted in who needs an apartment?.
Coolness: 159495
Meh, still sounds like a nice cheap rent, so I guess that's a *bump*.
And I like your "take-one-get-the-other-free"-type deal.
» Masa replied on Fri Jul 4, 2008 @ 11:48am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Moi j'suis un junky pervert, mais j'me lave. C't'un made right there. :)
» Masa replied on Fri Jul 4, 2008 @ 10:01am. Posted in Office Conversation.
Coolness: 159495
Now now kids, play nice! let's not turn this thread into another flame war over a comma :)

I make my living off of my writing skills and my mastery of both French and English. But I guess I'm just lucky :)
» Masa replied on Fri Jul 4, 2008 @ 9:21am. Posted in whats wrong whit Mickos...
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Coudonc, on est tu Ravezone là ou ben... ?
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Bloodclot..
Coolness: 159495
For the record, it's Mr. Garrison again. :)
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 3:41pm. Posted in holy fukken douchebag, batman!!.
Coolness: 159495
[ www. ] I miss feeling romantic.

» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 3:31pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
made: ça devrait être illégal d'être de si bonne humeur :D
made: dîner avec Shindy et Lyzzie :D
made: faut pas me laisser remonter une rue commerciale quand j'suis de bonne humeur de même. 1 nouvelle chemise, 1 nouveau Zippo, du Fanta saveur originale, ça va être bon avec d'la vodka...

... En fds faut définitivement que je check Fantasia! :D

Bon après-midi à tous!

Wait for it...
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:33am. Posted in Bloodclot..
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By SHINDY
I'm going to see my doctor soon and ask for "Seasonal"

Birth control pills that gives you only 4 menstrual cycle a years... [ www.yourcontraception.com ]

so only 4 spm :)

I vote for it to be mandatory for all girls age 18 and up.

» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:31am. Posted in Friday Night @ Cleo's.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, j'ai rien de fetish a porter anyway. J'suis pas un fan des skinny leather pants et des chandails filets :p

Oooohh, stereotypes ;)
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:30am. Posted in Looking for someone to rave with.
Coolness: 159495
Bleh, j'préfère penser que ça arrivera pas :)

La grande majorité de ceux qui postent sur les forums sont des gens sympatiques. Genre tous ceux qui ont posté dans ce thread-ci, for one :)
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:26am. Posted in Fantasia Festival 2008.
Coolness: 159495
Crap. Can't make it :(

Guess I'll have to fire up the torrents afterwards, or hit up a répertoire rental place.
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:25am. Posted in Can anybody give me some suggestions?....
Coolness: 159495
Remnants of Joncas Telexperts FTW :)

I second Rakoon, call centers are perfect if you speak both French and English even passably :)
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:21am. Posted in Bloodclot..
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By NEMORAVE

Didn't waste any coffee myself but YEAH NEMO, GOOD ONE :D
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:17am. Posted in Fantasia Festival 2008.
Coolness: 159495
Yup I'm getting a tix for this one. Ohhh, and I wanna see Gordon Liu too! When is it playing? :)

I'm such a lazy bastard when I'm hungover :(
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:10am. Posted in Looking for someone to rave with.
Coolness: 159495
Naahh Shindy t'es adorable :)
Et DrN est la voix de la raison ;)

Ça fait pas "dur" raver seul, du tout. J'ai plus ou moins commencé comme ça, et j'étais foutument antisocial à l'époque. Mais bon, tu partages un joint avec des gens, tu complimentes la fille cute qui danse à côté de toi, etc. tu finiras bien par rencontrer des gens sympatiques, la plupart de ceux qui fréquentent les raves le sont :)

If all else fails, there's [ rave.ca ] keep on raising that coolness rating of yours :p
(and by that I simply mean post sum more, you'll make friends!)
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 3, 2008 @ 11:04am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Awww Meloo, c'est moche ça :(
Soignes-toi bien!

made: soirée hardcore vraiment nice avec des gens que j'aime de tout coeur :)
ruined: j'ai encore bu jusqu'à 3h du mat. Le hangover est justifié :S
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 9:11pm. Posted in July 08.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, I choked last week too, so. In fact I'm pretty sure I choked first :)

But yeah, I've no problems with havin' a beer, though I've never met MolocH formally. I do have an eighth of weed reserved for the occasion though. Guess it's in V2-1's hands :)

Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 9:14pm
But I wouldn't mind hanging out at someone's place either. I'll be going out today and tomorrow, so my wallet might like me more if I didn't drink too much Friday ;)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 8:30pm. Posted in whats wrong whit Mickos...
Coolness: 159495
Aww srsly Dee, there's really nothing to be ashamed here :D
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 8:06pm. Posted in whats wrong whit Mickos...
Coolness: 159495
Heh, with the image date it didn't take me too long to find it.

Cheers Dee :p

Originally Posted By DEE, ON SUN MAR 2, 2008

Originally Posted By Horus
Originally Posted By Strik_IX
I wont cook you shit, cuz I dont do that. I am not brainwashed by the system... I am leaving this company that pays me EXTREMELY well because the ethics behind pharmaceuticals dont go with my way of thinking, I'm also pursuing my passion instead of going for the money and teh benefits.

That doesnt take away from the fact that you ARE talking out of your ass, that you know 0 about what REALLY goes on in teh pharmaceutical indusrty, I've been there, done that... for almost 8 years now.

Comparing GHB to Vitamins is just utterly idiotic...

So... What you are basically saying is that anyone who uses anything other than the cleanest of food and water is an utter idiot.

holy SHIT, even on mdma i have no fucking clue what you're on about.

weeeee i got paraphrased !! (PEACE, masa!!) teeheehee, wow logic and common sense actually does seem to get your point across much faster and clearer than riddles.

i don't understand why the fuck people are wasting their time debating this and calling each other stupid.
AU PIRE, KESSE VOUS EN AVEZ A VOUS EN FAIRE DLA CONSOMMATION DES AUTRES?!?!?!? tse, on le connait pas ce gars, y a lair vieux, pis les vieux ca bande pas, sauf en ecoutant la comedie musicale HAIR ou the price is right.

JUSTIFIER VOUS MEME PAS man, moi y a juste une chose qui m'importe dans la vie, c'est les fros, pis savoir que j'ai un ami crevette qui s'appelle Lone Star TVTVTVVTVV
criss jsuis hooooooooooooooooooooot
oh and by the way, i think i'm extremely funny, especially right now. if this post actually offends any of you.. though i'm sure only horus might quote me and to tell me where i've been for the last 10 years, and if i've ever heard of viagra.. i don't need to have heard about viagra, it's for old people with dysfuntional penises and that's wayyyyy too much drama that i completely refuse to accept in my life. If everything is indeed going well, then maybe it's time you stopped debating people with actual arguments AND actual experience in the domain you've probably heard all about in an Enya song. And most scientist that tested drugs were most likely testing the drug on themselves. AND OMGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD they get fucking fan clubs (hippies) just because of thaaaaaaaat, I LOVE MASS CONTROL AND IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE!
not saying that there's anything wrong their research at all, i don't even fucking caaaaaaaaaaaare WHAT TO I KNOW ABOUT PHYSICS, i failed that class 'cause i have more better priorities in life, like the cute guy that was sitting in front me for the whole year and drawing caricatures of the teacher. if i enjoy whatever's in my system then i'll enjoy it all the same in future trips. makes no fucking difference what chemists researched, they had pure shit (blessed be them) and that compared to what sketchy asian people in laval are making... what planet are you on.. i mean shit bought on the street is not bad, i hate being too high on anything so it works for me, but if you get bad shit suck it up, remember the logo or whatnot and just try something different?? i tried ghb something like 4 times (one of those times, completely against my will, who the fuck puts ghb in a random girl's glass, i'd be totally fucked to even acknowledge your fucking existence!) and all of those times totally sucked except for the last one, where i understood why people could enjoy this and spent the few hours i was buzzed dancing, and while warning my friends that if i fall asleep, not to worry, i was given a tiny sip of ghb... only to be asked:"you're gonna fall asleep?... only to realize then that i've been dancing and enjoying myself and i had no idea why i was telling people that i was going to fall asleep.. tunnel vision makes people totally retarded, but holy fuck was a moment i will always remember.. veeeedge hahahaha but i always laugh at my own jokes)... but i'm not going to do it again, why would why, AND WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS THINK YOU WANNA BE TOUCHED ON GHB?!?!?! I don't do massive amounts of drugs, why in the world would that be any different with ghb.. no more than half vial, that shit is completely bollocks to trip out a whole night to, let alone trust what in the liquid about to ravage your taste buds with.

if it smells bad don't do it. remind me of the fucking stank ass da vinci code speeds last year.. tried a half at home with a friend, was nauseated and feeling shitty for a couple of hours, 0 boost, just heart racing waaay too fast = shit. then i gave it another chance a while later, thinking maybe it was just me, 'cause no one else shared the same opinion about it as me. I took a full one that time, and within 45 minutes, i ran to the bathroom and puked my whole dinner out.
and what was going in you people's heads when you were all buying, and stinking up my rave parties with that shit. it smelled from miles away and the air was so infested with the stench, i had to walk out of venues before even making 5 steps further inside and end up spending whole nights next to front door outside 'cause just that was making me feel nauseated and shitty! bad ravers, go back to school and eat your veggies. there's taking whatever you are given regardless of really obvious factors that you should try it out on someone you don't know to see how they react to it the rest of the night (ahahahah that's horrible, but so is doing wayyy too many drugs at parties, acting like an attention seeking faux lesbian child the whole night, probably not even being able to remember the BEGINNING of the party, let alone a whole fucking 10 hours straight of sitting around everywhere on the floors (not even in the music room mind you, would've made slightly more sense what's the point of going raving otherwise, just chill out at friends' and bond talking about hair and drugs).

BOYCOTT BAD DRUGS, au pire tu fais d'la e pour kk partys pis tu bois un peu, meme si tu vas un peu trop loin avec l'alcool des fois, au moins t'as des amis assez lucides pour s'occuper de toi pis rire de ta gueule pendant que tu puke en essayant de faire un pacte avec toi-meme de ne plus jamais boire... i'll be honest, i maybe lie to myself about that a lot, but so will you I KNOW CAUSE I'M MORE EXPERIENCED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE WHEN IT COMES TO STUFF LIKE THIS, but i always end up grabbing the first bottle of alcohol i see after the 2 hours it'll take me to sober up.

HAhahahahah tangeeeeeeeeeeents + rannnnnnnnnts MOST AMAZING AND USELESS POST EVER!!!
worst comes to worst, i'm sure you all have a slighty bigger spot in your heart for me nowwwwwwwwwww :D
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 7:36pm. Posted in whats wrong whit Mickos...
Coolness: 159495
Ahh yeah, it was one of those Horus threads we loved to hate so much!
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 6:33pm. Posted in Girls Just Wanna Have Funk.
Coolness: 159495
Yeah gratz AlienZed, heard nothing but good schtuff on your party!
So sad I missed it, you NEED to throw another one, y'hear? :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 6:26pm. Posted in holy fukken douchebag, batman!!.
Coolness: 159495
Alright, I'll say it. Best pun evar :P
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 6:25pm. Posted in help wanted :1.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, I'll be leaving to go to Saphir later tonight and I'm meeting a friend for dinner tomorrow, so I dunno, you might want to consider one of these offers roommie ;)

I'm sure we'll get a chance to share a 6-pack eventually anyway :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 6:23pm. Posted in Friday Night @ Cleo's.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, fetish nights aren't really my thing, but have a wicked b-day bro :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 6:20pm. Posted in White Power!.
Coolness: 159495
Meh, I don't need to feel so humble when I see stupid shit like that. Hope that money was put towards buying pampers for her kid or something :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 6:19pm. Posted in The website is down! (Sales vs. IT).
Coolness: 159495
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
when you can't spell a fuking word properly.

Corrected that for you ;)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 5:38pm. Posted in White Power!.
Coolness: 159495
Aside from actually whoring yourself out, yeah, IMO
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 5:12pm. Posted in July 08.
Coolness: 159495
Nah, I'm pretty sure [ www.rave.ca ] is gonna rock, not be shameful.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 5:08pm. Posted in get your fixes with some mixes.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, welcome to Montreal!
DLed two so far, I'll take a listen later :)
Too bad my mp3 player's fried.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 5:06pm. Posted in July 08.
Coolness: 159495
Isn't there a limit on shameless plugs, K? :)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 5:04pm. Posted in July 08.
Coolness: 159495
Yup. So many events you really need to make sacrifices.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:52pm. Posted in whats wrong whit Mickos...
Coolness: 159495
Yeah I should definitely try that one of these days. I can totally see a Hunter S. Thompson thing going here.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:49pm. Posted in July 08.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, maybe she just wanted to copy Madonna or something. Though she did say she was proud of her heritage.

Yeah Montreal in July's gonna rock.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:46pm. Posted in help wanted :1.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, if we don't manage to find time to do it tonight, I'm sure PaLy will take one of you up on it!

It's like 10 ft from me, but she doesn't want me to do it alone. Boo.

Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:46pm
Though I'm out of compressed air, that blows.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:13pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Tellement une soirée cool ça aussi :)

Mais c'tait pas avant, chez toi à Qc? :P

Meuh. ruined, m'ennuie la.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:07pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Heh, it's possible... Like it's actually the first time we spoke? liek irl? Funny, wasn't meant in a bad way at all, rly :)

But I think we spoke before, though my memory is probably fucked just the same :)

ruined: still haven't looked at the Fantasia schedule, and tix are on sale now. Gotta get my priorities straight :(
ruined: I'll need to get money soon. Argh.
made: it's going to be a great summer :D


Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 4:09pm
What the. A whole other page?
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 3:40pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159495
Awww mais moi j'vous ai pas connus à Hitched. Booooo.

And yeah, that full tray of beers must've been expensive. Wow.

... Now that's bitchy. ;)
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 2, 2008 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Contest For Dj Mix !.
Coolness: 159495
We're really not poking fun at your talent DrN, srsly :)
Masa's Profile - Community Messages