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» Masa replied on Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Best Tetris Ever.
Coolness: 159500
You're a god among men.
» Masa replied on Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 10:47am. Posted in fallout 3.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By SHINDY
Bon, j'ai jamais aimer ce type de jeu

Sacrilège! Fallout c'est un jeu mythique baon!

Originally Posted By SHINDY
mais je crois j'aurais pas le choix de l'acheter :P

Parce que la c'est pire que le mautadit hockey! Tout le monde parle juste de sa au bureau!!

gre :(

... Ahhh, peer pressure, c'est au moins ça :)
» Masa replied on Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 10:45am. Posted in Dating.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By V.2.0.MINUS.1
Originally Posted By screwhead
either that or the camera guy plays way too much WOW and wanted to see if his backstabbing skill applied in real life!

WoW. Is "Anal Rod of Backstabbing" a new weapon in the Wrath of The Lich King expansion pack ?

Bwahahahahahhahaha, gold :D

Though, to be fair, shouldn't it be Rod of Anal Backstabbing?
Never mind. I don't think I'd want to be anally backstabbed by a rod OR backstabbed by an anal rod.
And I never wrote anal so many times in a sentence.
» Masa replied on Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 9:02am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
Heh, j'savais pas que ça pouvait référer à un type de singe :)
» Masa replied on Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 8:03am. Posted in fallout 3.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By KUZUTETSU
Originally Posted By el_leader_maximo
sympatico caps my torrents at 30k/s during the day.

you know you can encrypt your data when you download torrents
so your isp w'ont know what you're downloading and w'ont
limit your speed ;)

Option's built in utorrent, afaik. Must be in other bt clients as well...
» Masa replied on Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 7:50am. Posted in Concours de mennquin! Venez votez pour moi svp!.
Coolness: 159500
Done n' bump!
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 11:29pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
Je veux pas jouer avec toi Pierre.

T'as de sérieux problèmes qui se règleront pas en venant ici.

T'as une attitude de merde. Saches que rien n'est dû à personne. Liberté et respect te sont dûs si tu fais de même pour les autres, et toi tu le fais pas. J'me répète, étonnes toi pas de pas être aimé ici.

J'imagine que c'est con d'en appeler à ton intelligence, tu vas juste répondre en postant une merde style 'lastroy'. Bonne nuit, ma copine m'attend.
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 11:21pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
... Obviously.
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 11:18pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
Ouais, ouais, c'est ça.
"I'm feeling popularity: - 0 % right now.."

J'te plains, sérieux, j'ai déjà vécu c'que tu vis, sauf que j'agissais pas en trou de cul avec les gens qui étaient méchants avec moi. Et j'm'en suis sorti.

Anyway, "last" pour 1 minute ou 2...

Update » Masa wrote on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 11:19pm
Alors restes avec ces gens-là.

Tu veux vraiment d'la compassion de gens que tu dénigres? Pffft.
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 11:10pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
Ahhh, si seulement t'étais agréable. Mais non, faut que tu sois méchant en plus.

... Et en plus tu t'étonnes de pas être populaire ici.
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 10:55pm. Posted in fallout 3.
Coolness: 159500
rapidshare? you're kidding, right? Reloaded's version is close to 6GB!
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 4:05pm. Posted in fallout 3.
Coolness: 159500
Alright, so that makes YOU the fucker.
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 3:24pm. Posted in fallout 3.
Coolness: 159500
Bwahahaha, replay value much?
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Lost my keys saturday in Richmond-street's party.
Coolness: 159500
Yeah, try the emails @ [ www.thepoundmontreal.com ] or perhaps contact Kimochi / Charline?
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 12:35pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
And shades of grey afterwards?

Fuck I wanna play. January seems so far away.
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 12:33pm. Posted in smokin weed ?.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Originally Posted By regimental911
if you put tobaco in your joints your a douche.

there is NO valid reason to doit.

no such thing as too dry

if to wet,,DRY THE SHIT

if its too harsh,,USE A VAPORIZER

if your trying to fatten up a stingy spliff,stop smokin.

the herb is meant to be enjoyed by itself.

I for once disagree with yoo dude.

Some roll with tobacco
some roll without.
Some hit a stage with pants on,
And you do without.

It's all good dood!

freedom in enjoyment.

My two cents:)

Bwahahahaha, +1 :)
» Masa replied on Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 12:15pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
Such an ass.

» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 11:07pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 159500
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 10:45pm. Posted in violence dans le sport !!!!.
Coolness: 159500
Okely dokely.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 10:42pm. Posted in violence dans le sport !!!!.
Coolness: 159500
Mets en, y veux jouer tout seul. Booo.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 10:38pm. Posted in violence dans le sport !!!!.
Coolness: 159500
Raaah, même pu le moyen de déconner...
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 10:37pm. Posted in violence dans le sport !!!!.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By LAZER-28
Originally Posted By LAZER-28
Originally Posted By LAZER-28
Host_one ..... Get over it !!! tu m'as mis dans ton " ignore list " donc .... arrête avec tes " STFU " tu m'as jamais vu en personne et jamais tu me verra ....

FOUT moi la paix !!!

» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 4:16pm. Posted in Hail!.
Coolness: 159500
Bwahahahahahahah, j'en ai mal à mon intestin grêle :)
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 4:07pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159500
... Post de Lazer :)
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Hail!.
Coolness: 159500
Yes, but I'm being anti-climactic.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 4:01pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159500
C'est tjrs agréable une douche :)
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:59pm. Posted in Hail!.
Coolness: 159500
Pretty cold, in fact :)
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:52pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
i wrote this while u guys rote something:

i really beleive in donation,

people being cheap too, wich is the problem.

i really beleive getting full out on the web will eventually get at least a 1k for a track, witch is what labels usually sign for. so its killing the industry for sure in a way. im the first on who would consider diging myself an 8 ft hole if vinyl mastering was phased out.

im shure that the excess of useless cd cuts could be prevented , then save the deficit of a switch of medium towards digital. then keep it rolling with the genuins orders

Here here!

Update » Masa wrote on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:54pm
Then again, this is probably the main argument for those smaller labels propping up around the globe, but there's way too much money being spent on shitty marketing, big coke-fueled parties and expense accounts for lame pseudo-producers of big labels :)
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:47pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Well, IMHO, those free collective labels are mainly there to counter big record companies / labels, no?

In the end, I'm hoping for some sort of equalization.

Update » Masa wrote on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:51pm
Ahhh crap Blisss, don't start.

I've already told you I got problems with egos, but my actions are mine and mine alone.

I don't think I'm better than anybody, I simply abhor violence and negativity, and I make it a point to tell those that would be using it so.

If I wanted to start shit, I wouldn't have gone and introduced myself to you that time at Picnik, Blisss. Would've wanted to get a longer chat, but heh, there might be other times.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:41pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Well, I had downtime at work, but hey, sorry if I took so much of your time.

I'm sad you construed my posts as some kind of physical threat though.

And I'm all for collective labels, or rather not behind tied and ass-raped by the RIAA. Too bad the money's still with these guys, but I think the music industry is ripe with alternatives.

"Mainstream" example, but NIN getting their new records available for free download on their own website, as well as in various-yet-affordable formats, is one such commendable alternative.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:34pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By TAMALA
Ruined: Les joie d'etre assis drett a coté de la toilette: ca sent le TABARNACK!!

» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
sorry i wont add stuff , masa will just want to shut me up. ill add later , when hes away. beside his arguments got me off better things...

i want u to know that i think matrices should be alowed to shave in an advent of a break, so make copy, but then again, it take the value off the "piece", but i see no art in serialized overbatched copy like cds being restricted for the proper reasons, vinyl i can understand being limited, but as for cds, ,, i dont get it , u buy u scratch u can replace...

Please don't put words in my mouth. As a matter of fact, I do agree with your last comment.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:29pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Vinnie, don't ask me, I'm Lazer-28.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:22pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Acknowledging differing opinions (not facts, that's something else) is not playing a game, you self-centered prick. It's called living in society, with other conscious human beings.

Update » Masa wrote on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:25pm
bwahahahah you just crack me up.

Tell you what, next time I'm down in my old neighborhood, why don't we meet up face to face? You'll see I'm not a bad guy, and I'm sure I'll find out you're not as stubborn as you come across here.

Hell, I'll even buy the beers / coffees.
Update » Masa wrote on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:27pm
Milton, props for that "rule of thumb" :)
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:16pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Hahahaha, d'ac, c'est le verbe "décider" que t'as (mal) utilisé alors

cutterhead, c'est un forum publique, j'fais comme toi. Si mon profil est public, c'est parce que les gens sont libres de venir le voir ou pas.

A black suit does suit me very well. And yeah, I love playing the devil's advocate 'cuz it just pisses egocentric, close-minded people like you
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 3:07pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Well this is [ rave.ca ] you'd be hard pressed to find a thread that never went OOT.

As for adding to it, you really don't seem the type to enjoy dissenting opinions, so I don't feel like adding to it. Not that it'd be a dissenting opinion in this particular case, but heh.

And look up "deceitful" in a dictionary, I don't think you've got the correct definition.
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 2:58pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
keep busting at the end of a conversation and devils advocate, that helps

Will do

Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
omg i wish gas chambers were legal

Who's the fascist now?
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 2:53pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Then perhaps you could try not referring to him as one either?
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 2:31pm. Posted in Hail!.
Coolness: 159500
» Masa replied on Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 2:27pm. Posted in collective label.
Coolness: 159500
Heh, and you seem to be implying that I'm the one with the ego. Funny.
Masa's Profile - Community Messages